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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • rossi46
    Free Member

    While the world has been watching Gaza, ISIS have taken much of Eastern Syria, reports The Independant

    Looks like Obama (military supply) care has worked wonders for them then :lol:

    Free Member

    I have to ask though, why would an airliner fly over a warzone? Or even a potential warzone?

    Free Member

    Reuters: Russia shoots down Ukranian warplane this morning.

    “In the latest escalation of the conflict on the Ukrainian-Russian frontier, Kiev said a Russian jet had shot down one of its warplanes, its strongest accusation yet of direct Russian military involvement in the war. A Ukrainian military spokesman said the pilot of the SU-25 fighter ejected to safety.”

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Ok, so far the BBC are saying ‘it crashed’, but Sky and CNN are saying it was ‘shot down’.

    Free Member

    Basically Marquez can take the absolute p*** on a bike AND get away with it. Moreso than just about any other rider. Rossi is also old school in the fact that he learnt the trade on a two stroke- Marquez i believe is the first ‘god’ of the total 4 stroke era.

    Free Member

    Sad news :(

    Are Malaysian Airlines jinxed then at the moment?

    Free Member

    Malaysian Airliner Shot Down over Ukraine 8O


    Free Member

    Will he win every race?

    Funny you should say that, i’ve been down the bookies with my £20 :wink:

    why do the bikes sound quite so naff now?

    At least they don’t sound as pants as this years crop of (12″ rubber dildo adorned) F1 cars :lol:

    Like F1 i suspect it’s to do with the regulations requiring engines to last ages, instead of the old hand grenades that could be replaced every race weekend. They have to operate to a rev limit which is lower than before (?)

    Free Member

    Nein! Nein! Nine in a row for boy wonder!
    Far from finding it boring, im actually in awe of this amazing sporting feat.
    But I do think they are going to have to chop his legs off or something to stop him winning!
    Ever seen so many bikes start a race from pitlane? Mad!

    Free Member

    rossi46 you would be fine though cos you could tell you agree with them…

    Erm how do i agree with them then? :|

    Anything is possible in the world that we live in, just think what a well placed rocket aimed at an Israeli Nuclear facility could do- oh hang on, good job they are a crap shot at the moment.
    Im sure Israel would kick their Islamic arses, but then think of the hornets nest that would stir.

    Free Member

    Speaking personally , i always give a cheery hello or nod or smile or whatever. But the only time i haven’t is when i was totally and utterly shagged and was in survival mode just to get home.
    I guess that’s forgivable in such circumstances :lol:

    Free Member

    Just wondering, now that it’s all kicked off again in Israel- how long before ISIS and Hamas join forces to kick Israels arse?
    Those Hamas rockets seem to be getting more and more range, do you suppose they are being armed with the weapons our governments gave to the Syrian rebels?
    Oooooh, the irony if that were true 8O

    Free Member

    FP1 Sachsenring:

    Oops :lol:

    (He’s allright, just a pain in the neck according to #93)

    Free Member

    It’s not really about the ’30 seconds and it’s over’ though is it? It’s about being there, the atmosphere and the being in a crowd of like minded and curiously interested people.
    Isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Yep waste of time:

    Nice- the cycling equivalent of the Isle Of Man TT :wink:

    Free Member

    Well here is the man of the moment (well in Iraq at least)

    Its a war cry allright, i wonder if the CIA are feeling pleased with their latest project :wink:

    Free Member

    how long before a Marquez one two in motogp?

    Just what i was thinking- or to be precise can Marquez JR one day whip his big bros beeeehind?

    Great ride from Dovi- proving the Ducati isn’t completely useless and Mr Crutchlow not too bad either. I suppose :wink:

    Imagine if Rossi had picked the correct tyre and hadnt needed to start from pit lane, i reckon he might have stopped the Marquez charge :lol:

    Free Member

    wonder who helped finance their PR campaign

    good ole USA

    Well them and i’d guess Saudi Arabia.

    Free Member

    So according to the news, the artist formally known as ISIS (or as they would now like to be known- The Islamic State) have a 5 year plan- and it’s World Domination! :|

    Or at least to ‘take back a bit of Europe’.

    Sooooooooooooo- good luck with that :lol:

    Free Member

    Soooo- Marquez to win again? Surely he’s only a couple of races away from wrapping the title up? Assuming he keeps the 100% race record?

    Free Member

    Or wait until a few hours after the race and someone will upload it onto BitTorrent :wink:

    Free Member

    Apparently there are over 300 British nationals who have joined ISIS. Is that 300 KNOWN or are M16 just giving a rough guesstimation :|

    Bristol Jihadis

    That’s 300 potential terrorist atrocities than could happen on British soil. Worse is that they have openly admitted that they can’t keep track of them!
    And that’s just those who are or have been to Syria and Iraq- what about all the nutters lurking on our streets who are ‘under the radar’ ?

    To be honest it’s a bloody concern at the very least 8O

    Free Member

    Funny how ISIS has for years been operating in Syria taking large swathes of the country and committing horrifying atrocities

    I think the Russians are being quite restrained in not standing up and saying “Why the **** do you think we were arming Assad? Who the **** did you think these ‘freedom fighters’ were he was involved in a civil war with, you ****-wits?!!”

    I was about to ask why the hell did the Western world label Assad as a lunatic genocidal leader and arm the “resistance”. What a total F*** up!

    Free Member

    Also just had the chance to watch it- race of the year and no mistake :wink:

    I was thinking that Dani could have won that if he’d not ridden into Marquez on the last lap, he was right on it!
    Nice to see Rossi stay at the front for so long but i think Yamaha need to find some more speed. If they do that, they could (both) trouble the Honda’s a bit more.
    Well ridden Stefan Bradl, he hung on to the back of that group for quite some time.

    Free Member

    It soon became clear that in less than three years, Isis had grown from a ragtag band of extremists to perhaps the most cash-rich and capable terror group in the world.

    Armed by us and the US and funded by Saudi Arabia – i think they could well do some damage for years to come.
    Oh the Irony

    Free Member

    Nothing there about 9/11 Squirrel??
    Is it the correct link?

    Free Member

    I just saw the photos of the massacre that is all over the news- scenes reminiscent of Nazi Germany and DR Congo a few years ago.
    I guess it’s been happening in Syria these past couple of years that it’s perhaps become acceptable to these jihadists. Even Al Qaeda disowned them.
    Barbaric animals.

    Free Member

    And today Tony Bliar has that “What’s going on here” look slapped all over his Chevy Chase.
    “Weren’t me Guv” he insists.


    Free Member

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Shoulder down! Good lord!

    And that was good enough for 4th for Bradl.

    Free Member

    Handily, as ever Wikipedia will tell you all you need to know about the history of this group.

    And don’t forget we in the West armed them when Mr Assad was the enemy in Syria :roll:

    Free Member

    America has seemed powerless for a while now- Mr Putin has made them look weak recently aswell. And i suspect China also will have a pop at them soon :wink:

    Free Member

    George W Bush. What a guy. What a plan.

    He had a plan??? :lol:

    Free Member

    Iran for one won’t let Baghdad fall

    I had wondered what their motivations were: helping the Shiites, or gaining some territory to get themselves closer to Israel. Maybe a bit of both?
    Maybe this is also why the Americans (and us) -who lets face it partially created this mess by getting rid of Saddam- are seeming a bit cold on the idea of helping out.

    EDIT: Not that Saddam was an angel, but he seemed to keep all the neighbours under control.

    Free Member

    grab the biggest one, hold him upside down and dunk him in a dog turd

    :lol: This!!!! :lol:

    Free Member

    The Irony!!!!!

    Marquez JR takes his first ever pole position :lol:

    Free Member

    COUGH!!!! SPLUTTER!!!!!!

    Did i read this right?
    Marc Marquez NOT on pole????

    Free Member

    Well it’s good to have J-Lo back! He’s the only one who can properly challenge Marquez right now, maybe Rossi if he can find some speed.
    Just for a moment I thought someone other than Marquez might win! Just for a moment!

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