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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • rossendalelemming
    Free Member

    SFB,"I think it's mostly fibre and water" does that make it a fruit 😉

    from wikipedia "Its brown coloration comes from a combination of bile and bilirubin, which comes from dead red blood cells."

    Free Member

    is picolax a Carb or a fruit and do i have to wait till my day off? 🙂

    Free Member

    I've been doing this since Friday and have an interesting issue….

    Normally Greenwich set their clock by my twice daily bowel movements. Since embarking on this eating pattern i'm down to a poor one per day. Now i beleive that most poo is largly dead cells, so i must be producing less dead cells. Which means more of me is living = iDave has discovered the secret of imortality. Or i'm egg bound 🙂

    Now, where is that picolax thread…..

    Free Member

    Started at the weekend, everything is going ok just miss my orange juice in the mornings. Went to ASDA yesterday and bough a load of nuts, carefully checking the contents and the Alergy advice of "May contain nuts). After throwing a handful of the peanut/cashew mix (with Sea Salt and Black Pepper) down my neck my wife pointed out i can't have them! At the bottom of the ingrediants "Dried Milk Powder" WTF is that doing in there?

    Free Member

    thanks alexxx

    Free Member

    Can i have the pack please, forgot to put my email address in last time 🙂

    m_ottley hotmail com

    Free Member

    can someone send me the plan please?

    Free Member

    We originally planned a big hoohar, but couldn't justify spending thousands on one day when the money would be better spent elsewhere – new boiler/car/carpets/bathroom/kitchen/nursary etc.

    Seeing as we were skint (still are) and the future Mrs was 7 months gone, we had a fast cheap do.
    £60 for the registry office wedding, £30 for the wedding dress, £20 for flowers. Asked a local Resturant to open at Saturday Lunch time (gave them rough numbers) and then told everyone when and where. Explained we were going to the resturant for lunch and if they wanted to join us it was every man for himself.
    £80 for a room in a hotel in York for the night, that was the honeymoon.

    After we'd left for York everyone else went to my sister's house and partied all night.

    9 years on, i'd still do it the same way, afterall it's still me she's marrying and no amount of money spent on the wedding is going to fix that 🙂

    Free Member

    I Live in Rossendale and usually go down hill like one, sans bike!

    Free Member

    fogliettaz – you must read them in order as the story runs over three books. I got mine from ASDA's 2 for £8 i think.

    Free Member

    I've just finished all three. For those of you who don't like book 2 stick with it, it's setting everything up for the final book.

    Free Member

    My Boy bum shuffled until he was 19 months, my girl was walking at 13 months (she crawled). I put it down to the wood flooring we had down when my boy was born, so it was easy to shuffle and the carpet we had down when my girl was born which is harder to shuffle on.

    Free Member

    we use both. we had a couple of issues with protx/sage in the past and so installed worldpay as our backup option.

    We now use Worldpay for people who are paying in full, and Sage for installments. The sage installment system means we don't store any credit card information just a code that sage give us when we set the installments up.

    Worldpay do seem to hang onto alot of our money each month, we get about half paid into our account and they keep the rest till next month to cover refunds.

    You might want to ask your bank which one they prefer, or which they are affiliated with, as you may get a better rate.

    Free Member

    You could try Joomla. Most ISP's offer it as an install option. There's lots of plugins to over complicate the issue, but for basic use you just pick a theme you like and type the articles.

    Free Member

    t®ibal©hief – <newbie mode on> SORRY!,d@mn! 😉

    kevonakona – if they will take the 8 and 6 year old great, i could try and think up some free to do to/with the wife 🙂 But i do intend to find out what the merit of this trip is.

    Free Member

    I had mine done on the NHS about 3 years ago, the first needle going in has to be the worst and the fact the room was very cold and made "him" shrink to an 1/8th his normal size, honest!

    At the point where they "sizzle" the ends i shouted out,
    The doctor replied "you can't feel that". "I don't normally shout Ouch randomly" i replied. Cue multiple needles being stuck into me.

    I then spent two days in bed, watching the Lord of the Rings Triolgy whilst wearing a vegatable bag for support.

    I can't believe nobody has posted – What tyres for a vasectomy 🙂

    Free Member

    I thought The Dining Room had shut down / moved.

    +1 for Mario's (he's my neighbour so i better support him)

    Free Member

    My glow in the dark one from 1978 is still going strong. I spent the summer 09 teaching my kids how to do it.

    I was probably the reason for all the UFO reports in Cornwall that year, run into Caravan, hold Frisbee over a light, run back out and throw.

    Free Member

    I forgot the best bit, you get to create your own "error message"

    my personal favorite

    "You're not allowed to view this site – I bet it was a really good one as well :-)"

    Do be warned they will try to get around anything you put in place. The current one is to arrange to do homework at a friends house. When you go to pick her up, her friend is downstairs watching TV with her family (or even out with other friends) and ours is in her friends bedroom accessing all the crap she's banned from at home.

    Free Member

    i use it's free.
    create an account, put their dns details (ip address) in the network settings on the childs computer, i even installed the app so that it updates opendns with your external IP address everytime the computer starts. Then from your computer / or theirs, you can set up what type of site they can get access to. If you use the defaults then the maximum protection knocks out all Social networking, so no MSN no facebook etc. The next one down allows social networking, so we flick between the two. One setting for school nights (homework to be done) and one for the weekend.

    You can also see what domains they have been going on, check them out and then create your own blacklist if you don't like them ( anyone!)

    if you want to completely ban them and they are on a wireless network, use mac address filtering on the router. That way they can still use the computer to write their homework, just not get distracted.

    Free Member

    jimmy – no

    Free Member

    The current PM is my boss, it's his hair brained idea and it's not going down well with the customers. It's a crap product (software), but slightly better than the others currently out there. But the boss has gone so far with it, that he needs it to suceed or else he's the muppet for spending thousands of pounds on a product no one wants/needs. Better yet, pass it on to someone else and tell them "that's yours, if it suceeds I get the glory, you keep a job" if it fails "it's your own fault and you now have no job"

    Free Member

    Document the systems, i knew there was something i forgot to do.

    i got rid of all the "difficult" ones, there's just a windows server left which my trained monkey assistant can sort out. The Asterisk VOIP system the whole company runs on…..

    Thats what "man asterisk" is for, isn't it?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the posts people, you never fail to cheer up my day.

    Free Member

    i think the world would be a better place if more people attended work wearing a giant spider outfit. Unless people at work are arachnophobic.

    I will leave with all the dignity a balding IT professional, with a God complex, can (whilst wearing a spider suit)

    Making a spider suit will fill the next six weeks up.

    Free Member

    they are doing everything correct, they've even dumped a new IT project on me this morning!

    I think the best option is to leave, with a bit of money in my pocket.

    Free Member

    tthew – sound like you have the measure of this forum already!

    first thread, long time lurker.

    Free Member

    a Call to the CAB will be done this afternoon.

    Free Member

    i'm thinking of suggesting Reverse Cowboy as the position i'd like, just to see their faces 🙂

    it's not two days and then i'm redundent, it's two days and then i'll get my "your job is under threat" letter and then 6 weeks later i'll be out the door, one week before my 40th Birthday.

    Free Member

    to quote Doddy "You don't have to laugh, but i'll add 10 minutes on to the end every time you don't"

    Free Member

    I got some for manchester, when it didn't tour.

    Got a link to the 8am early bid booking from Peter Kays website. Kept refreshing the page until the buy it button appeared, chose seating in the floor section and didn't get a ticket – sold out. went back to the beginning and all tickets had gone. The wife took over because "I obviously don't know what i'm doing" she managed to get some (that were released later) but at a cost of £100/ticket. Champagne reception etc – it'll be our wedding anniversary, so why not.

    All i an suggest, is keep plugging away.
    Or Ebay!

    Free Member

    Just to really panic you 🙂
    is it a Burning sensation, or a sharp pain when you move the joint a certain way.
    Mine started as a massive pain if i opened the joint, i could cycle no problem, but then i started to notice a burning sensation in my hip after walking less than a mile. I now can't go on my bike, i did a 3 mile round trip to the postoffice on the flat and was in agony (burning hip) for 4 days. Doctor sent me for an x-ray = Arthritis! "Here's some diclofenac, Goodday!"

    Free Member

    I live in Whitewell Bottom, Rossendale. I moved here from Tottington, and was born and raised in Heywood (town between Rochdale and Bury). If you can stand using the Bus instead of the train then Rossendale is good. plenty of good riding (Mary Townley Loop is the other side of the road from me). I wake up to find Ducks / Sheep / Foxes on the lawn, Deer in the hills. My kids attend a Primary school with 58 other kids in the whole school! And it’s quiet, my friends come to stay from all over the UK and just love sitting outside and enjoying the peace. My wife loves the area and the locals (i explain we’re here to expand the gene pool) and my kids love the freedom of running around the hills. I can honestly say we feel safe here, i don’t panic if i forget to lock the car/house when i go out. I can’t comment on the Job front as i work in St Helens.

    Free Member

    Doh – the education has to go both ways, some FAS children will never learn to do even simple tasks, ride a bike for example. But they are stuck in mainstream schools and treated as “thick” by their peers and difficult by their teachers.

    The FAS aware NZ or Aus site has stories from the FAS kids themselves and it doesn’t make nice reading

    Free Member

    I’ll just throw this in…..
    we’ve been dealing with to produce this course

    When you realise it’s totally preventable, it’s down to educating the masses.

    Free Member

    i re read what you’d posted and you are after the holy grail (we seem to have a religous theme today). BT were developing the “blue phone” i think it was called. It was to supposed to be an all in one phone that would be your home phone that would allow you to walk out of the house and automatically switch over to a mobile network or wifi network to continue with your call.

    Free Member

    i’ve got the two seater version, my then 6 yr old and 3 yr old loved it and the dog sat in the boot bit behind the seats. You hardly notice you’re pulling anything. I also use it for the school run on my days off :-).
    My sister and husband used it as a trailer for a biking holiday around Croatia and gave it the thumbs up.
    I also have a tag a long bike which my older child likes to use, so my only issue is they now want me to connect the tag a long to my bike and the trailer to the tag a long. i’ll have the turning circle of an oil tanker.

    Free Member

    you can set up a “follow me”, so if you don’t answer your desk phone after x number of rings it will dial your mobile or any other phone you’d like.

    This solution uses up two of your phone lines, one for the incoming call and one for the outgoing call to your mobile. We use this for certain extensions within the business and it works well.

    edit – you could transfer the call to your mobile and then get in the car.

    Free Member

    I’ve been running Asterisk for about 4 years now, 20+ users. Some based in the office some based at home and one (chairman) based in France. I even use it to link offices together for “Free” inter office calls.

    I switched over to Trixbox a couple of years ago just to simplify the setup process, FreePBX is great.

    The handsets can make a big difference to the call quality, but i’m using the Grandstream GXP2000 (£60) and they’ve been fine.

    Also they work far better with ISDN than with POTS.

    If you’ve got a specific question, i’ll try and answer.

    Free Member

    I’ve had mine 3 weeks, 1.9tdi S (base model). I previously had A Renault Grand Scenic, 1.6 petrol, which started dying when it reached 125000 miles. I prefer the size/shape of the seats in the back of the VW, less hugging style so perfect for adults. The two extra seats in the boot will fit adults aswell. My only niggle todate is the front passenger seat doesn’t fold flat, but that might be just my model. The senic one did and came in handy for trips to B&Q for decking.

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