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  • Tweedlove ends: Management of world enduro partly to blame says organiser
  • rossendalelemming
    Free Member

    all wireless or USB wii peripherals work on the wiiu.

    There’s no gamecube sockets on the wiiu, so you can’t use those peripherals.

    Free Member

    could be explorer.exe

    do CTRL/ALT/DEL and choose task manager. on the processes tab find explorer.exe, highlight and choose end task.
    the click on FILE / New Task and type EXPLORER and hit ok.

    Free Member

    worked in a kitchen company many years ago.

    the basic door sizes height wise are:
    890 – Tall unit door size or tall appliance (fridge freezer)
    720 – Standard door size
    570 – Standard door size – drawer line (drawer above it)
    140 – drawer
    285 – Pan drawer

    your standard widths are:
    300 (295mm)
    400 (395mm)
    500 (495mm)
    600 (595mm)

    A door manufacturer will do all door heights in all widths.
    but each manufacturer also makes them slightly different, some make them 715 high, some 720. some are 560, some are 570. you might not think 10mm makes a difference, but your wife will notice 😉

    Free Member

    I bought the Scan Value G30i in the summer, took off all GPU’s and used the built in one. Upped the CPU to i5 3.4GHz. Then added a R9 280x (plus upgraded PSU) 6 months later.

    The built in video handled older games surprisingly well. The R9 plays everything on Ultra.

    The first part was <£600 including a 22″ monitor

    Free Member

    We have 2 in the house, they talk to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My daughter left one in my bedroom and it somehow got triggered in the middle of the night (could be snoring based). I nearly had a heart attack, I hate them with a passion.

    Free Member

    Old (school’s) iron railings after the rain.
    freshly creosoted fence, I used to walk past a couple of times.

    Free Member

    Used Asterisk and then moved on to Trixbox (Asterisk with a pretty front end the CE edition). Various Voip handsets and softphone into the PBX, one was a wifi phone in France. It started off breaking out onto POTS, then ISDN Bri then ISDN Pri as we expanded. Never had an issue with it and it’s been running 6 years ish. If your internet connect is rubbish, stick to real phone lines.

    Free Member

    so they are going to block tumblr?

    Free Member

    I Bought my 9 yr old daughter a wii U last November. Lego City is brilliant but there is a lack of games for the system. The Wii back catalogue should keep a 5 yr old (and 5 yr old at heart) going.

    Free Member

    Northern Italy, Lakes, Mountains, Coffee, Food, Ice cream, Coffee, Food, Ice cream.

    Then move back to the UK so the NHS can be burdened with my Obesity related illnesses 🙂

    I can put a stone on in two weeks with my Italian friends cooking. Living there would kill me.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed Lee Sharpe’s “My idea of Fun”

    Free Member

    If you put a USA open DNS server into your network settings, you can access the US Netflix.

    Works on Xbox, not on PC with this method.

    Free Member

    Whitewell Bottom, only because my house should be going up for sale next week 🙂 The MTL is the other side of the road, Lee Quarry is a 3 mile pootle away. I’ll even leave the Dog Eggs in the garden for you 😉

    Free Member

    Austinburner – I was ousted, see other threads. The kids are 9 & 11 and sort of get what’s going on. I did like the fact they reported back “Dad’s a lot happier now” where as their mum is turning into the grumpy parent.

    Free Member

    Going through it now. Don’t want to, but there’s no reasoning with her. She’s even kicked off when the paperwork arrived and is still trying to contest it. My kids now have access to me, and we’re getting into a routine but it’s not the same. It’s better, but worse. I get to be fun Dad, just have them for the fun things in life. Go for days out, teach them to swim etc. but that’s not fair on anyone. Unlike the Yellow pages, I want to be there for the nasty things in life.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Free Member

    Check with the Job Centre, there used to be funding available for more or less any training up to 6 months from your start date of claiming JSA. I used to deal with people 12 months+ unemployed and we had to do some creative thinking to access funding for training at that point. The reasoning goes, if you’ve not bothered before 6 months then you obviously aren’t interested. Most of the people we dealt with were never informed that training funds were available.

    It may have all changed with “The Work Programme” starting, I got out just before they rolled it out.

    Free Member

    ^^ Swapshop

    Free Member

    look at

    or just edit the Hosts file on his machine to add
    remove the http:// bit from above – STW is auto adding it
    I use opendns to block the social media sites during the week.

    Free Member

    Tom B – I’m withholding my advice 🙂

    Thurman Merman – Are you the guy having an affair with my wife, you’ve definitely got my stepdaughter. Blocking the internet, taking mobile phone off her (that one lead to the head standing), don’t give her money. I’ve done all of the above as punishment for bad behaviour. All it lead to was: Stealing her sisters ipod and using that to access the internet, using her brothers phone to txt, stealing money off her brother. Which then leads to other arguments and punishment.

    Yesterday’s was laughing in my face that her mother had had an affair “you deserve it” and then saying “mum told me you’ve been having an affair for years” – no I haven’t. So I cut short my visit with my kids and went back to dads.

    Anyone else want to start a campaign to raise the age of abortions to 19years 😉

    P.S. You will never, ever win. Your girlfriend will defend her to the death.

    Free Member

    30! wtf

    Free Member

    Have a look at SugarCRM, there’s a free “community Edition”

    or there’s vtiger crm.[/url%5D again there’s an open source edition.

    I used to run them on a basic hosting package from Zen Internet, or you can install them on your own server.

    Free Member

    Turns out I was born under a “Wand’rin’ Star” – Lee Marvin

    Free Member

    I’ve got the BT router, connected to Infinity. if you log onto the router you can restrict Internet access on a per device basis. So the daughter’s PC is cut of from the Internet at 10pm, but she can still access the home network – access the networked printer for example. ipod and xbox are similarly done.

    Free Member

    Re: Duane

    Blocked during the week (Sunday night to Friday day) all social networking, Facebook, virtualbark, messenger, Vampirefreaks (don’t ask). that was all done using

    The router we got with BT Infinity allows me to set times when each device can get onto the Internet, so school nights all the kids devices, xbox, ipods, computers get cut off at 10pm.

    The reason for her return, “I’ve got an exam on Thursday and I won’t study for it if I’m not at home”

    Free Member

    Ours, aged 17, packed her bags and left to stay with her friends family 7 weeks ago. The final straw for her was being told to sort herself out, she hadn’t washed for a week and hadn’t brushed her teeth for a month! She was sick of me controlling her internet access, what sites she could and couldn’t get on -IT bod’s make the best parents 🙂 making her go to bed, do her homework and general parenting.

    Today she’s phoned up and asked can she come home, no problem no-one threw you out. Her college attendance is at 80% as she’s struggling to get there for 8:50 as she’s staying up all night on Facebook. She’s failing English, she wants to be an English teacher, because she’s not submitting coursework as she’s to busy enjoying her freedom.

    I think you have to let the penny drop for them.

    Free Member

    Went to see him about 18months ago. started at 8pm finished about 1am. My cousins went to the same show and left after 2 hours. He’s ok, but I wish I’d seen him in his prime. A couple of times I thought he’d lost his thread and could have done with a prompter.

    He does seem to like to go for quantity over quality.

    Free Member

    Yes, but how many of the packets can you put in the oven and shrink to make a novelty badge?

    Yes, I used to watch “Why Don’t You?” in my defence there was only 3 channels.

    Free Member

    Aren’t they currently filming “Game of Thrones” there? Enlist as an extra 🙂

    Free Member

    Always wanted to join in this thread, I even took this picture on holiday just to join in 🙂

    I give you a Lamborghini!

    Free Member

    I Thought the Grand Slam was Winning the 4 Majors, Austrialian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and US Open.

    So he’s won a Major

    Free Member

    An Imperial Spanner in a metric workshop

    Free Member

    I can’t stand Pets!

    We have two dogs which cause no end of arguments.The wife bought them because she believes that kids should grow up with pets in their lives. however she does chuff all with them, it’s always “Go see if the dogs want to go out, go see if the dogs want to come in, go see why the dogs are barking” I couldn’t care less. They crap all over the garden and no body cleans it up, which was my only demand when they were bought. So mowing the lawn is a great experience.

    I bought a house with a large garden for the kids, put a huge wooden playhouse and swings etc in it for the kid to play on. Because of the dogs they’ve grown up unable to use any of it because the garden is full of crap.

    The only people who should be allowed to keep dogs are Koreans 🙂

    Does anybody know how I can get one of those animal owner ASBO’s so we’re banned from having pets. Daughter wants a Lizard for her birthday in November and I’m running out of time.

    Free Member

    Spy v’s Spy is being remade for the iOS

    Free Member

    Atari 2600
    Space Invaders

    Way of the Exploding Fist
    Summer Games (Epyx)
    Daley Thomsons Decathalon
    Thing on a Spring
    The Hobbit
    Forbidden Forest
    Aztec Challenge
    Monty on the Run

    ZX Spectrum
    Anything by Ultimate

    Sensible Soccer
    F29 Retaliator
    David Ledbetters Golf
    John Madden’s Football

    Falcon 3

    Zelda – A Link to the Past
    Super Mario World
    Mario Kart
    Street Fighter 2

    Super Mario 64
    Mario Kart
    Zeldo – Ocarina of Time
    Zelda – Majoras Mask

    Free Member

    The mission was going to be complicated by the Armed Police guarding someone who was shot in Manchester on Friday.

    Free Member

    Bloody typical, they’ve just scanned him – The power of Single Track Forum.

    I can collect at 6pm if all’s well.

    Free Member

    I did complain and they moved him from a “holding ward” to the Urology ward. Which ment he lost his Patientline TV/Phone and we have to use a communal phone to reach him. I joked that my complaint resulted in the loss of TV priveledges 🙂 and If I complain again, he may lose his bedding 😉

    Free Member

    The scan is to see where else the cancer is (he had skin cancer for about 2 years on one of his ears), which his Dr kept just giving him cream for. He went for a hearing test and the person performing that told him is was skin cancer and needed to be treated. That looks to be back aswell. So yes the scan is needed before his Op, so why aren’t they doing it?

    I don’t want to discharge him, I want to do an inverse visiting time. He goes home for it, mum’s bed ridden, and goes back at the end. every time I go to visit him in the evening (6pm-8pm visiting time) they tell me “he won’t be scanned now”, so there’s no harm in taking him out of there.

    Free Member

    I had the “benefit” of the wife being in when the engineer called, so he placed the box where WE wanted it. He just blanked the original BT socket and ran the cable from it. 60mb download, A bit of a difference from the 1.5mb I used to get.

    Free Member

    Independance Da – Irish farmer’s son’s struggle to move to the big city

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