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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • rossendalelemming
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    My Dad did it, doubled the size of the house. The extension is probably 5mx10m. Never laid a brick in his life, was an electrical engineer and enjoyed working with wood. Home made wardrobes/tables etc. He bought a load of books on the subject, signed up for a monthly magazine (Golden Homes if I remember) and then built the garage as a test run. He did the foundations, brickwork, roof, plumbing, drains and electrics.
    He then started on the house extension. Every night he’d come home from work at 6pm. Mum would have a mix on for him (he bought a cement mixer) and he’d lay about two rows of bricks per night. Weekends he could do more. From start to completion took about 6 years. That includes fitting a kitchen and a bathroom, floorboards downstairs and upstairs. Plastering, painting and decorating the finished building.
    How quickly do you want it done?

    Free Member

    We usually stay here Monvalle Family run place. Depending on how much rain they’ve had in the run up to summer, there’s either a nice beach or the water is lapping at the wall. The lake is shallow for about 100m so safe for younger kids to play in. By 5pm it’s at bath water temperature. Milan is about an hour away, lots of nice places to visit closer than that.

    Kids are bugging me to go back this year.

    Free Member

    I’ve got this one, used it for about 2 years.


    As others have stated you get better clearance for two bikes. I’ve had three mountain bikes on there but it’s fiddley.

    I had to heat gun the wheel holders to accept the 2.8″ tyres. Also watch the weight, two e-bikes are close to the limit. I normally put one in the boot and one on the rack if we’re e-biking.

    Free Member

    Sharkbait, that’s why he wants to flatten it.
    I believe the plan is to turn that drive into a garage.

    I’ve no problem with his plan. Just wanted to know how much to ask?

    Free Member

    This photo explains it. He wants to continue the wall down through “my” garden. Make the driveway level.

    Google Street view

    Free Member

    The below is from an email message with the solicitor from when I was buying my Sister out of her half:

    As you are no doubt aware part of the property is registered and part is unregistered. Having checked the unregistered deeds there appears to be a conflict on the area of land remaining unregistered and that part that has been registered. The title needs to be rectified before we can proceed.

    It appears from what we can see that the title was part freehold and part leasehold but when the title was initially sent to the Land Registry in 1968 only the freehold papers were submitted to them which covers a much smaller area of land than is actually owned.

    To enable us to rectify the title, we firstly need to prepare a full list of the un-registered documents we hold for the Leasehold title and submit that to the Land Registry for their consideration and request them to register the leasehold title documents. We also need to submit to the Land Registry the Grant of Probate to amend the legal owner of the property into your name.

    Freehold bit Freehold

    Leasehold used to extend by the same amount into the close.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the input everyone.
    I’ll take some pictures tonight.

    The yellow blob has been part of the garden since day one. The original deeds etc show the outline including the yellow bit and also extending into the close, to the halfway point. My Dad had to pay for half the close to be tarmac. the rest paid for the sliver that extended out from their gardens.

    I’ve got pictures of me aged about 4 standing on that plot with the fence visible, wearing a lovely 70’s jumper and holding my prized Lone Ranger figure 🙂

    The freehold piece cost my Dad a fortune, back in the day. £2k including the solicitors fees. The whole house only cost £3.5k. I did a brief check regarding who owns the road for repair etc and it’s not me. I explain it as, I own the land under the road.

    The way I originally found out is that he told another neighbour that he’d found out the land wasn’t registered and had put a claim in for the yellow blob.

    FYI I’ve no problem with him as a neighbour, never have.

    Free Member

    Just to clear a few questions up.
    It’s the Yellow bit he grabbed, which is 2 foot higher than the pavement and fenced in. It’s always been like that. The notch into his driveway is a brick retaining wall, again about 2 foot high.
    So to actually use the drive way, he has to remove the wall and drop the land 2 foot. The driveway is at a 35 degree angle, you can’t actually get a car up it. So his plan is to flatten it and make a car port.

    He grabbed it about 2 years ago now. I called him on it when he did it. Claimed his solicitor must have done it when getting his house valued ready for sale. But as I didn’t want to dispute, because I was about to complete, I just decided sod it.

    The freehold bit at the front gives me half the head of the close and half the road in front of my house.

    Free Member

    I woke up on Monday, went to the bathroom to find a drowned rat stuck in the u-bend. I thought my Son had left a “double flusher” but on closer inspection it had teeth.

    Free Member

    I started doing “tea with Daddy” on a Wednesday. Just visit which ever fast food joint they chose. Then if they didn’t want to visit at the weekend it didn’t feel as bad (it does). It’s a 30 mile round trip to pick them up so we got a little creative. If they wanted to hang out with their friends that was ok, but they went to bed at my house. This required me picking them up at 10pm+ but at least I got to spend some time with them the day after.

    I used to tell them it was ok not to visit. “I didn’t hang out with my Dad at your age” speech.
    Since the Pandemic they moved in with me and I spend even less time with them! They appear for meals and disappear back into their rooms to chat/play online with their mates.

    Free Member

    You could always live in Haslingden. My kids went to Haslingden Primary (great school, kids loved it). Our son went to Haslingden High, enjoyed it and did well. Daughter has just finished her GCSE year at BRGS, really likes it. The only issue with that school is kids from miles away apply so you can be doing a two hour round trip to drop them off at their friends house 🙂
    I lived in Whitewell Bottom for 10 years, apart from your house there’s nothing else there. Kids and Ex live in Haslingden and seem to like it.
    House price wise you can go from a £60k 3 bedroom back to back, up to multi-million pound homes within walking distance of a Greggs!

    Free Member

    My 2p worth. I tend to ride around the hills rather than trail centres.
    After spending 18 months chasing my e-bike riding mate up hills on my hardtail I treated myself to one in May. I’d not been riding since New years eve and have put the lockdown weight on so my fitness is/was off.
    The difference is staggering.
    Fitness wise, at the start if he was unassisted I’d be in Eco, him in eco I’d be in trail and so on. The ride over to his house used to cost me 5% battery. Now I can get over there unassisted and we’re more evenly matched as to when we use the assistance.
    Ride dynamics. A local loop used to take me 5 hours, one climb alone is a mile long and took me about 45 minutes to complete. That loop now takes just over two hours and the climb takes 6 minutes in Turbo and really going for it. You actually go looking for hills. Steep technical climbs become enjoyable as you can power over obstacles. Some of the inclines we now turbo up would trouble a mountain goat!
    Biggest ride, up to now, is 56 miles, 4475ft of climb done in 5hr 49 min. home with 9% battery 🙂
    That included going up Jumble holes.
    You will get fitter as you will go out midweek more often. A 2hr loop is doable on a Wednesday night where as a 5hr one might not be.

    Free Member

    I have an issue with the gym reopening, they get to start charging me £50/month and I won’t be stepping foot inside it. Once the WHO confirm it’s air born, there’s no way these places can open up safely.
    I’m checking my contract to see if there’s a Pandemic clause to get me out of it. I was going 4 times a week before lockdown but there’s no chance I’m risking it. I’ll stick to riding my bike more.

    Free Member

    I have a SEAT EXEO 2011. I bought it on 124,000 it’s now got 167,000 in two years. take the front wheel off and throw the bike in the boot. My 26″ wheel bike I could get in complete.
    It is basically an Audi A4 without the price. I would buy another, when this one dies, but they stopped making them.

    Free Member

    I used this company: Reglaze Glasses Direct

    Free Member

    So did I, it’s now at £385 on Amazon

    Free Member

    I got the frames off ebay – £10 and got the lens online from for £22.

    They work and I’m happy with them.

    Free Member

    I’ve used for the past two years, it came to £50 for two weeks cover for the car + trailer.

    As others have said, no one provides cover for the French motorways. You pay locally and claim it back.
    I had to claim last year and it was a doddle, so I can’t fault them.

    Free Member

    I did one about 3 years ago.

    Bought the MDF case and buttons off ebay. Used a RaspberryPi3 and the RetroPi image.

    It still needs finishing.




    Free Member

    Hi Dr P

    try this tool

    One of you will still be “parent with care” even if you’re sharing 50/50.

    Stick to what the tool tells you to pay and you’re covered. everything over and above that – paying for uniforms etc, is up to you.

    Free Member

    I got a solicitor involved from the start. I told my ex that I would pay for the divorce and for my solicitor to prepare everything. All she had to do was sign. Cost me £1700. She got herself a solicitor who did nothing but cost me an extra £1000 in fees. The part of the divorce process that some people above may have missed out is get the Full and Final Financial Settlement. That stops either of you turning up in the future and claiming more money. It’s the only reason I got a solicitor involved.

    Free Member

    If I can help Caravangler, If it’s St James Vicarage my Ex Wife used to rent it up to 18 months ago when the Church decided to sell it.

    The only issues she ever had were old dears knocking on/letting themselves in, if unlocked, looking for the vicar.

    Kids hanging around the carpark briefly as the church is a Pokemon Gym, My son taking great delight in winning the gym back the second they left.

    Apart from that, they really liked the place.

    Parking is a pain for visitors on a Sunday 😉

    Free Member

    Having gone through this, here’s your starting point. decide if you are going to have the kids overnight on a regular basis.

    As for the house, can she afford it without you contributing extra money?

    Brace yourself for being financially blackmailed “it’s for the children” as she adjusts to losing your money. They don’t seem to realise splitting up with you means splitting up with your wallet.

    Bike maintenance in the kitchen is awsome, especially in the winter 😉

    Free Member

    Cougar, no they’re not average speed camera’s. But once the average ones switch off, the ones behind the speed sign, these stay on. In case anyone fancied flooring it.

    Free Member

    On the M6 and coming soon to the M60 smart section. They have a camera mounted to the side of the pole that is perminately on and set at 70.

    Free Member

    I’m doing it the first weekend in August. I prefer to get the 6:30am ferry and pootle down to Mulhouse and stay overnight there, but i couldn’t get in the Dover Premiere Inn this time so it’s a 12:00 ferry. Push on the next day through Basel and St Gothard tunnel. But I’m heading to Lake Maggorie.

    For the return I stop at Reims, about a 2.5hr drive to the port from there.

    Free Member

    I’ve just gone on the Child Maintenance Calculator and changed it from me having the kids 1 night a week to 3+. My payments would go from £91/wk to £41/wk.

    50/50 split doesn’t stop you paying, as one parent (usually the mother) will still be primary carer.

    Free Member

    Hi Pandabear

    After spiltting with my wife we settled on me having the kids alternate Friday/Saturday. So for example this weekend I had the kids from 5pm Saturday to 5pm Sunday. This weekend I get them 5pm Friday to 5pm Saturday. In reality My daughter went to a sleepover and my Son left at 8:30am to go out with his mate. But my kids are now 16&14, we’ve ben doing this for 5 years. While the kids were at primary school I was also helping with pickup and drop off at Breakfast club/afterschool club as my job was in the same town. So I did see them every day. Once they started highschool that obviously stopped so we introduced “Tea with Daddy” on a Wednesday night. They pick a fast food joint to go to for a catchup. There is some flexibility with this, my Ex is working away today and won’t be home till 9pm. So I’ve switched Tea to tonight instead of tomorrow. She’s also mentioned taking a training course on Thursday nights, so I’ve offered to switch Tea out from Wednesday to Thursday. I’m flexible and can plan my days accordingly.

    We also came to an arrangement regarding holiday’s etc. I’ve to let her know by 31st March what weeks I want the kids in the summer. We alternate Christmas Eve/Day.

    It’s only ever fallen down when she met her current husband and he wanted to impose his rules, communication bacame via letter and lots of last minute changes to plans to screw me around.

    A friend of mine split from her husband (Police officer). She has a copy of his shift pattern for the next 12 months and they do a 50/50 split based on that.

    My advice would be to get a set routine going to begin with so the children know what they are doing as well. Once the parents can communicate, then flexibity about odd days here and there are feasable.

    Free Member

    I got one done as part of the divorce 2 years ago. The ex is getting divorced again. She’s now in a massive financial mess (both of them are) and Step Change haven’t rulled out bankruptcy as the best option. Her solution seems to be start dating a wealthy man and ignore it.

    So I could be testing how good this paperwork is :-O

    Free Member

    geetee1972 Trust me, posting on here helps even if it’s just to get it off your chest. I could have forwarded you onto my on posts on here but I had to get Cougar to remove them because the abusers next victim was using them.

    Have a read about narcassist relationships, you may have just survived one. My ex has split from her current husband, after bankrupting/destroying him, and has moved on to the next guy. The speed at which she opperates is staggering while telling everyone she’s the victim.

    I don’t know whether I’ve a duty of care to warn this guy as I didn’t for the last one and feel a bit sorry for him now his life is in tatters. But then again I don’t think he’d have believed me if I had. Unfortunately because of our children I still have to maintain a functioning relationship with her. Which is really, really hard to do.

    Free Member

    You’re setting up a multihomed system.

    Give your wifi adapter a static ip from the range the homehub is using. for example with a subnet Don’t give it a gateway.

    As long as your wired connection is on a different ip range you should be ok.

    You may have to connect to the shared drive via its ip address \\192.168.1.*
    *=whatever ip address the hub has.

    Free Member

    My Mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer 6 years ago come February. she died 6 months later. Between us, my Sister, Brother and I managed to keep her at home until the final two weeks; looking after her in shifts. There’s nothing like bed bathing your own mother to get you talking and seeing the funny side of things. I felt better that I had helped my Mum when she needed us. As others have said, talk to her tell her everything now while she can hear you. We also bought a book, from me to you type thing. It had lots of Questions for Grandma to answer, things the kids wouldn’t be able to ask her later in life “What was your favourite childhood game” etc.
    The grief will hit you at the weirdest times. For example my daughter, who was 9 at the time, decided to host a MacMillan Coffee morning to raise money for them as they’d looked after her Grandma. The thing that hit me was the person who’d be most excited to attend would have been my Mum!

    +1 for video’s, you forget what they sound like 🙁

    How I got through it, Wife decided to have an affair at the same time so I was preoccupied dealing with that. I don’t recommend that as a solution.

    Free Member

    I’ve used this company Vaconsoleil[/url]

    Driving from North Manchester, leaving at 5am, getting the Tunnel at 12 and then stopping over in Mulhouse (7pm ish) on the way down and Reims on the way back.
    We got there about 5pm on the second day.
    I’ve been driving over to Italy for years with the kids and they are just used to it. Never had a “are we nearly there yet”.

    Alternatively stop over at the Premiere Inn at Dover and book an early ferry, have your breakfast on board and then tackle France. Doing it that way you can reach Northen Italy by about 8pm.

    Free Member

    I’ll add PunkRockDad’s site Cloversoul[/url] drag him out for a ride to get a discount.

    *That last bit may not be true 😉

    Free Member

    we used Signum Solutions to migrate us over the SAP B1 at a previous job.

    I’d use them again.

    Free Member

    I used this summer for the trip over to Italy. £34.90 for a 9 year old land rover for 12 days

    Check the small print as none of them cover you for the motorways in France, it’s all done by one company who will charge you. Your cover will state something like they will contribute X amount to the cost of getting you off the motorway and to the local garage. I think i read something similar for main A roads as well.

    Free Member

    mattyfez – it was Bruce Willis wanting to leave it to his daughters

    Free Member

    Spin my tongue 360 degrees

    you’re all trying it now 😉

    Free Member

    Third from last! Does that mean I’m ready for the Monday night pub rides 🙂

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