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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • rosscopeco
    Free Member

    Maxtorque: The ditches / troughs I’m taking about can’t be cycled over any faster or in the way you describe. The photo above gives you a flavour of what I’m referring to.

    As above…I agree, installing a dropper seat post has revolutionised my riding simply becuase I can alter my weight distribution without having to think about a fat saddle being in the way.

    Specific coaching wouldn’t go amiss.

    Free Member

    The best one I heard was in one of Glasgows finest A&E’s waiting rooms…

    The Doc appeared and called for a ‘Pocahontase McGinty’….the whole place nearly died laughing!

    I cant watch the Disney movie now without wetting myself laughing.

    Free Member

    Messiah: For me the Rohloff is the best part of the rig…always in the best gear regardless of the speed or terrain…no peddling required when a quick change gear is required…no time consuming maintenance…I’d better stop before I offend the ‘bash the rohloff crowd’…anyway…given the colossal weight shift of my arse the Rohloff is a minor thing!

    They’re Reba’s on the front but your point on not braking is probably correct.

    Free Member

    Incidentally the ‘sheet of plastic’ causing so much offence is, from memory, a sheet of rather expensive geotextile which theoretically floats on top of the sludge.

    We initially tried filling the said trough with a dead sheep but it quickly disappeared into the myre!

    But you are all correct it’s basically a sheet of expensive plastic!

    Free Member

    Tomd…fair point but I have to say ‘no’! These bits of trails are the bits I really love and as such I’ll ride them over and over again. If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try, try again!

    Free Member

    If your front wheel is diving into gaps I’d suggest that you may be running too much sag and your rebound damping may be too fast

    I do run a lot of sag which I’ll fettle with but as for my rebound damping being too fast…how would this help? On reflection maybe I’ve described this issue incorrectly…

    If you look at the photo and consider the direction of travel being 90Deg to what’s in the photo…the front wheel obviously goes from a crest to a ditch…then up onto a crest and then into another ditch. If my weight distribution isn’t spot on then the front wheel pitches into these troughs and pitches me over the bars…pardon the pun!

    Free Member

    To answer Messiah:

    Yes: KS LEV..the best ‘upgrade’ yet.
    No: Just changed from Schwalbe 2.25 Racing Ralphs at circa 20psi to Rocket Rons…the jury is still out. In fairness the tyres slipping is rarely the cause of an off.
    No / Yes: 685mm with Ergon GP2
    No…Fair point but I like my shins as they are.
    99% No: I’m 5′ 11″ and it’s a medium frame size.

    Free Member

    That trail doesn’t look like it’d be much fun on any bike!

    On the contrary…they are the best kind of trail IMHO!

    I wholeheartedly agree, the ability of the rider is where it’s at on this type of trail. When I first tried them out, on a Cotic Soul, they were proper hard. But over the piece, you defiantly get more proficient and faster.

    We all pretty much run long-fork HT’s.

    Impressive…I was just thinking last night that I’d give them a go on full lockout to see if this is any easier or controllable. The front wheel often ‘dives’ into the ditches and if you’re not switched on…the above happens!

    Free Member

    Your ‘suggestion’ is humbly acknowledged and duly noted 🙂

    Free Member

    I explained to my wife that I needed a winter bike to prolong the life of my full-sus – thus saving us money.
    I’ve since bought a second winter bike saving us even more money.

    Times are hard and we all need to do our bit.

    Tremendous…that lad deserves a medal.

    HT all year round for me…it requires more skillful riding 😉

    Free Member

    So sorry for you both. We’ve been there before over 6 years ago and we were both totally devastated. Looking back now we learned so much about our own characters but at the time we couldn’t see the wood for the trees.

    Keep strong, its these things that bind your relationship together. I know it’s so easy for me to say this but if we look back now on our own experience it was really tough time but we came through the other end stronger.

    Free Member

    OP. Don’t give up. I’ve just turned 40 and after 25 years of trouble free sports (Semi Pro Rugby, Climbing, Canoeing, running, cycling) my childhood asthma can back in late September. I ‘thought’ a wee chesty cold was basically taking it’s time in clearing, but after 3 doses of AB’s it was still lingering away.

    I eventually cashed in on my employers private medical cover and am now on a powder steroid inhaler 4 x times a day. I gave loads of blood samples and the results came back saying that my tolerance to dust mites is basically zero. (Mrs Rossco loved that one…the letter from the clinic is now framed in my man cave :lol:)

    I was getting really down about how long I was taking to get over things but after seeing the private medical Doc it’s all about ‘controlling’ the triggers. The above advice is all good and worth considering and at the very least gives you some options. I’d go with the above suggestion from wwaswas and enquire if the NHS Doc does private work.

    As for lung capacity…mine was also in the lower 400 when the Doc tested it, I don’t know what it was before this all happened so I can’t benchmark it. Regardless and TBH, I’d just get the head down and give it your all. Despite my ‘condition’ I’m making steady incremental improvements on all my PB times.

    Free Member

    I installed mine…why wouldn’t you want to? In fairness, I’ve not needed to use it…but at least it’s there if required.

    Free Member

    We’ve had a Vango Diablo since 2005. I managed to tear the fabric on one of the peg hoops when putting it up one dark / wet night but Vango customer service did a great repair on it. It’s just a pity they never came out that night to effect a quick repair!!

    Actually heading of the Henley on Thames in late March for a wee 5 day trip. Anybody know of some good trails there?

    Tenting doesnt have to be a hardship…+1 for a wee fan heater and it’s ‘almost’ home from home.

    I even took it to Le Mans last year and parked my car ‘inside it’ on the last day….those frenchie tinkers will steal anything!

    To answer the question…yes, water will pour over the ground sheet but you can avoid this if you choose your location properly AND take your time in putting it up.

    Free Member

    +1 for the Ergon BX3. I bought one 3 months ago after 5 years with a camelbak HAWG. The Ergon is so much better…especially with the adjustable back/ fit system.

    Free Member

    In truth…I fancy a wee build project and this is a ‘no / little cost’ option.

    In terms of selling the whole thing and buying her something Off the Peg, other than the frame, it’s all my own bits and pieces and I’m emotionally connected with them….not-with-standing that I may need to ‘borrow’ some of them now and again 😉

    Once the weather improves (!!!)….the kids are all at school now so she says she’ll be more inclined to use it….

    I already have a 29er HT with my own Rohloff so that itch is scratched!

    Free Member

    ‘Shrek’…thought I was going to see a film to keep the kids happy…ended up seeing a film that entertained me at the same time.

    ‘Matrix’…so good on so many levels….it’s just a shame the Wachowski’s couldn’t keep the dream going.

    Free Member

    I’ve resisited posting on this but I cant hold back anymore…

    “World Class Performance leader!”

    Basically I led a small team of process engineers in making more wiggets with less people / plant bla bla

    I’ve had a career change since then…

    Free Member

    Wee, sleekit, cow’rin, tim’rous beastie,
    O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
    Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
    Wi’ bickering brattle!
    I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee,
    Wi’ murd’ring pattle!

    I’m truly sorry man’s dominion,
    Has broken nature’s social union,
    An’ justifies that ill opinion,
    Which makes thee startle
    At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
    An’ fellow-mortal!

    I doubt na, whiles, but thou may thieve;
    What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
    A daimen icker in a thrave
    ‘S a sma’ request;
    I’ll get a blessin wi’ the lave,
    An’ never miss’t!

    Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
    It’s silly wa’s the win’s are strewin!
    An’ naething, now, to big a new ane,
    O’ foggage green!
    An’ bleak December’s winds ensuin,
    Baith snell an’ keen!

    Thou saw the fields laid bare an’ waste,
    An’ weary winter comin fast,
    An’ cozie here, beneath the blast,
    Thou thought to dwell-
    Till crash! the cruel coulter past
    Out thro’ thy cell.

    That wee bit heap o’ leaves an’ stibble,
    Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
    Now thou’s turn’d out, for a’ thy trouble,
    But house or hald,
    To thole the winter’s sleety dribble,
    An’ cranreuch cauld!

    But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
    In proving foresight may be vain;
    The best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men
    Gang aft agley,
    An’lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
    For promis’d joy!

    Still thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me
    The present only toucheth thee:
    But, Och! I backward cast my e’e.
    On prospects drear!
    An’ forward, tho’ I canna see,
    I guess an’ fear!

    Haggis, mashed neeps / carrots, mashed tatties with cream and butter and finally with a wee dribble of whisky over the haggis. Have that with a pint of cold milk…cannie wait for ma tea.

    Free Member

    Fair point fee foo. I’ve always applied the ratio of following the % volume of water. Currently sipping 2 examples: first up is a wee dram of Bowmore Darkest at 43%. Very nice. However, it’s nudged out by a cast strength Talisker 57deg north. Its totally blown any cobwebs away that have lingered. A great way to spend my 40th! Had dramming to you all. 🙂

    Free Member

    “That’ll do pig”

    Cheers mucho!

    Free Member

    Sorry, meant to say its a threaded hub.

    Free Member

    I’ve basically got an old genesis IO hub which is now laced with 700cc rims on my commute bike. I fancy giving this fixed gear thingy a wee try!

    Free Member

    Yes please…I’m in. I reach the age where life begins later this month and this would make a nice pressie (note to self….suggest to wife that she logs into STW more often) 😀

    Free Member

    OP: we had the same issue when we kept the top vent open but fixed it by installing a simple butterfly valve on the flue pipe. It basically restricts the draw from the chinmey but still pulls air in through the top vent thus keeping your glass clean. There’s always a happy medium…we can shut our top vent down by about 2 thirds and it still keeps the glass clean.

    Free Member

    Trust me…wire wool will work a treat…the glass is heat proofed and therefore it’s VERY hard. Try it on a small corner bit first if youre scared about scratching it.

    Free Member

    oh…and another cleaning tip is to use wire wool…does away with chemicals / wet rags etc. The glass is super hardened anyway and shouldnt scratch.

    Free Member

    What kind of stove do you have?

    Most come with a ‘air wash’ system which simply directs an airflow to pass down the front of the glass. It’s usually a vent at the top of the door or fire.

    Basically keep the vent fully open and it’ll keep your glass more or less clean.

    Free Member

    Anyone suggested this yet?

    They could peel of at whatever point they want.

    Fancy doing this myself….would make for a cracking little adventure.

    Free Member

    I can vouch for fforbes…bought my current new 40D from them…waiting on the rumoured 70D or maybe stretch to the new 7D mk2…if they ever get released.

    Free Member

    +1 for Durano Plus

    Free Member

    Wood burner – yes
    Audi – yes, but thinking of a move to Volvo…it comes with a smoking jacket and slippers.
    Rolex/Omega/Breitling etc – yes
    Coffee fanatic – yes
    Orange Five – not any more
    Dog – my kids behave like animals, does that count?
    Works in IT – what does IT stand for?
    Can’t use Google – didnt know there was a right and wrong way to search for stuff.
    Is indecisive about tyres etc – no, same make / model of tyers used for 4 years.
    Fancy razor – yes, is there anything better than a Merkur slant bar safety razor?
    HT – yes
    29er – yes
    Fat – ish
    Commute – SS road bike.

    …and here was me happily thinking I was just being me and sod the rest of the world.

    Free Member

    IMO yes! After a concerted 2 year 4k mile stint with Chris King BBs I’ve gone back to Hope. Never let me down yet. With the CK you had to give it lots of hugs and kisses and if you didn’t, or you weren’t VERY careful when using the propriety grease injection tool, you could screw up the BBs a bit too easily. With Hope just swap out the cartridge when the old one is goosed….simples!

    Free Member

    At work…dont think I’ll last long though. Commuted in on the MTB rather than the road bike…planning on a early escape and get a wee sneeky loop in before the mandatory evening xmas carol service and gastronomic explosion of food!

    The kids are already at 50,000 feet…not helped by Gramps winding them up further. I suggested this morning we set ourselves a ‘wee’ challenge for tonight…can we get one of the kids to pee themselves with excitment! Mrs Rossco isnt amused 😆

    Have a good one!

    Free Member

    Overpriced hybrid to appeal to MTB sensibilities, Definately not a road bike.

    MrSmith: I don’t and wouldn’t for a minute dispute your point, the bike bit anyway, the marketing hype worked for me and I’m happy….simple and easily convinced….but happy. Incidentally I shelled out less than £200 for the whole thing 😉

    Free Member

    OP: I’ve just come through this traumatic phase myself, I share your pain. For the last 10 + years I’ve commuted every day on my big fat MTB…from FS to HT, from Alu to Steel frames. Had lots of fun, especially once I’d sussed out where all the wee jumps and bits of dirt track where enroute…..however…..I obviously went through multiple components AND I was always having to fettle with this and that when going proper MTBing. Forks, brakes, chain, seat, tyre pressures etc etc. Much fettling also seemed to got on Mrs Rosscopeco’s nerves 😕

    After much painful thought, sweat and tears I took the plunge last month and bought a Cotic Road rat….and (whispering) I’m surprised just how much I like it 😯 It’ll never replace the MTB, it’s just designed to go fast on the road…and being a steel frame is amazingly compliant.

    I opted for a Single Speed set up…I guarantee my fitness is improving! Another + side is almost zero maintenance and….much to Mrs R’s likings I don’t spend half as much time fettling in the garage 😉

    Jumping onto the MTB now genuinely seems to be even better fun. Can’t explain why, but it is.

    Go on…what can possibly go wrong! 😆

    Free Member

    So…should I take my 11 year old son to watch it ‘before’ we watch TLOTR trilogy?

    Free Member

    Untitled[/url] by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    A frozen Loch Ardinning on the West Highland Way. Not technically the weekend…it was Friday but I had the day off. 4″ of ice everywhere…no super fast times but great fun just trying to stay upright.

    Free Member

    I’m finding my tastes for a tipple are changing to the more subtle side of malt. Don’t get me wrong I love a good peaty / smoky malt but as I ‘experiment’ I’m beginning to really enjoy some of the more subtle flavors that the some so called bland malts have. IMHO if I’m just having a couple then a good Talisker / Lagavulin / Bowmore hits the spot…if it’s going to be more than a couple then a peaty & smoky one can be a bit over powering. I’ve just had a bottle of Bruichladdich Rocks which is unpeated…VERY yummy. I’m getting thirsty… 😉

    Free Member

    Solaris here running a Rohloff with a tensioner. Agreed…its not the most aesthetically pleasing set up (…you dont look at the mantlepiece when you’re poking the fire!) but I decided on the Solaris as I figured it’d be easier to sell the frame if I ever decided to change. I’ve owned 2 x 26″ simples and they eventually sold but the market was obviously smaller so it took some time.

    Incidentally, I spoke with Cy re the road rat hanger and from memory it’s a non starter.

    Untitled[/url] by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

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