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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • rosscopeco
    Free Member

    just found that site myself but haven’t fettled with it yet….thanks for the recommendation….much fun to be had!

    Free Member

    when both are at sag

    Interesting – how did you calculate the sag details?

    Free Member

    Sorry, what fork travel I meant?

    Currently set at 150mm

    Free Member

    What year is your Hightower and what fork do you have on it?

    It’s the latest 2022 V3 model and I’m running it on MRP Ribbon coil forks

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies thus far, I really appreciate the questions and comments as they highlight things I need to consider or revisit ie Cotic BFe max.

    To clarify, I’ve spent a fair bit of time speaking to many of the manufactures clarifying their published geo’s so all my comparisons are based on static geo numbers thus ensuring (within reason) that I’m comparing like for like.

    I’m rightly or wrongly working on the basis that if I can get something that’s close to the SC Hightower geo (taking into account the hardtail format) then it’ll work for me. I fully expect to go through some adjustment in riding style in the same way I do when going from my FS to my fully rigid Jeff Jones but getting something that’s close to the handling characteristics as my FS is the goal.

    Free Member

    Big ask to replace such a special bike! My MK4 is about as close to a forever bike as I’ve ever had.

    Yup….I’d agree that I’m swallowing a brave pill in moving it on but my ‘other’ bike is a Jeff Jones…..the Mk3 is very very similar and I just found that the Stooge was getting left in the garage more and more as the Jones does everything that little bit better.

    Free Member

    “Chromag Rootdown.”

    Nice – like the Rå it’s now on the geo comparison spreadsheet.


    Free Member

    Thanks gents

    i somewhat agree with you both. LLS bikes can certainly be adapted to make them more poppy. It took a little adjustment (mostly in my riding style) to get used to my SC Hightower V3 in terms of it not being naturally as ‘poppy’ as my Stooge or Jeff Jones. I’m happy with how it handles now so hence my search for something similar in terms of geo but in a hard tail offering

    Free Member

    Nice….duly added to the geo comparison spreadsheet table!

    Free Member

    As a previous Cotic owner I briefly looked at their current offerings. I never got on with my previous Solaris and still find their geo fairly conservative compared to other marquee so decided to look elsewhere.

    Thanks for the suggestion though.

    Free Member

    Woolroom purchased one here.

    Never looked back….warm in the winter and cool in the summer. No heating in our Glasgow bedroom.

    The big upside for me is that it’s naturally dust mite resistant so great for my asthma.

    Free Member

    vaude moab

    For those with these Vaude shoes, how do they size up compared to say Shimano shoes? Are they true to size or should I go a size up to get some decent merino / gore socks on?

    Free Member

    Don’t disagree with any of the advice above and will check out those vaude boots, it’s more or less what I’ve been doing for years with varying levels of success.

    My point is: why on earth don’t shoe / bike apparel companies make more specific ‘wet weather’ gear (especially for flat pedals) as opposed to focussing on dry / hot weather…surely it’s not just us in Blighty (or here sunny Glasgow) where it rains a lot!

    I did start of this thread by saying I was being a grumpy old git!

    Free Member

    ….ah….I’ll give that one a check out.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the feedback all. As usually, some sage advice from the collective.

    I chatted to my LBS today so will be swinging by him tomorrow for a butchers inc a shoes try on session.

    I’ve a pair of Gore Gore-Tex socks which I’ll probably be digging out. I can’t find them now in the UK so will try and source some from the states or ex-army ones. I never got on with any of the sealskin socks….water just oozes down the neck and you end up with wet and cold feet before long.

    Free Member

    Nah….don’t buy that I’m afraid. I’ve had all my helmets fitted by my reputable LBS and they all fit properly. I can do the whole upside thing and they stay on properly without the chin strap.

    Let’s all try this…..grab your heads with both your hands….grasp it as hard as you can…now move your hands….oh your hands move….all helmets will move with your scalp skin.

    Anyways and back on track…it’s these small movements that bug me as the glasses twitch around.

    I’ll give the Tifosi ones a wee try and see what I think….thanks for all the input.

    Free Member

    Yes – when trail obstacles cause significant body movement, trees/bushes/thing get in the way ie you hit things, you wiggle your helmet to scratch an itch…..

    Free Member

    Yup…I get that but when my helmet moves then the glasses wobble around as they’re sitting on the cradle (I admit this is a 1st world problem!!

    Good point re Oakley helmet….just loving my Laser at the moment. Oh, and I’m picky on the helmet front too…..anyone sensing an awkward fellow here?!

    Free Member

    I’m all for buying UK designed and made stuff…even when it costs more than buying from the larger retailers. As a small business owner myself, I know how hard it is to make ends meet.

    I’ve 4 pairs of HebTro troos and one Garison belt.

    All three molskins have worn well with no fabric or manufacturing issues.

    My first pair of GVNR canvas trousers developed a flaw in the fabric and to their credit HebTro changed them for their newer fabric version, despite the original pair being almost a year old. The new fabric is better than the original fabric but they’ve not held their colour as well as I’d have liked. I’ve only washed them twice as per the directions but IMO they’ve faded considerably more than I;d have expected. They therefore do not seem as hard wearing as the moleskins. Both pairs of GVNR’s also had the button fly separate, but again and to their credit HebTro repaired them without any issues.

    The garison belt is worn almost everyday and will outlast my grandkids.

    You get what you pay for. To also have confidence in an engaged and contactable customer service department is something few other retailers can boast about…IMO

    Free Member

    I can get pins and needles and numb feet in the height of summer if my cleats aren’t set up absolutely perfectly – if my feet are twisted even slightly relative to the shoes they don’t last 20 mins before numbness sets in.

    Oh…this is worth more thought…I’ve been using Time Atac pedals for ever as they offer me the most float.

    Free Member

    My body / hands and legs have never been an issue. I’d call myself a ‘warm’ cyclist in that 99% of me seems to ‘heat’ up very nicely regardless of the external temps, its just me feet!

    Pre warming boots and shoes prior to departure obviously works but it just delays the inevitable.

    As per my opening post…I’m now at the end point, its almost probably a bio-mechanical thing. I recall even having cold feet once in May after 10+ hrs on the bike.

    I’ll give the whole ‘flat’ thing a go but I fear its just the way it is…

    Free Member


    Mmmm…it’s the only thing I’ve not tried to be fair…and it kind of makes sense. That being said, I’ve not cycled with ‘flats’ since I was a kid…I sense some unintended off trail excursions coming!

    Free Member

    For the record…

    Shoes are a couple of sizes bigger to allow ‘space’ for thicker socks.
    Legs are covered…I’ve even used uber long woollen kilt socks which admittedly kept my lower legs warm but still froze my toes.

    Now looking at heated insoles….£20 will buy me a pari with a small lithium battery that’ll ‘allegedly’ give me 4hrs of warmth. Worth a stab I recon!

    Free Member

    Interesting & timely thread…

    I’ve got a Fenix 3 for everyday wear (which works great) and have just bought a SH 810 (which won’t sync with Garmin Connect!). I was fed up of taking my Fenix off my wrist and attaching it to my bars (1st world problems!) so I got a cheap SH 810 for all the basic functions.

    All I really want is something that’ll track my route, let me know the time and most importantly my HR. I’ve got a bit of a dodgy ticker at the moment so have been advised to keep my HR at MAF levels…hence the need to see my HR. I prefer having something on my bars (hence the 810) as opposed to glancing at my wrist with all the usual hilarious falls and spills that ensue.

    To answer the OPs query and suggest an alternative. For navigation, I’ve always relied on my iPhone with the OS app and a yearly licence for both 1:50 & 1:25. It’s maybe a little excessive in terms of cost but it comes in very handy for all the stuff we get up to as a family. You can ‘save’ huge areas of map to the phone too which allows you to access the maps without having to have a signal. Couple the phone with a quad-lock phone case and bike mount and Bob’s your auntie Fannys uncle.

    Free Member

    Not just the 1:50k level of detail, the lack of pixles.

    Fair point. I’ve got full OS access via my iPhone for both 1:50 & 1:25…I was just thinking it would be nice to have this on my 810 on the bars as opposed to having to stop and dig it out of my pocket when in unfamiliar territory.

    I have got a quad-lock case but always feel very nervous with my phone sitting on the bars…especially when on rougher trails.

    Free Member

    Thread resurrection!

    Well I bought a ‘standard’ steel diamond Jones with a Ti truss fork not long after starting this thread.

    I have to say I’m really glad I scratched the Jones itch. It’s such a capable bike. I’ve used it in all conditions and trails inc a long haul tour of the Cairngorms doing the loop fully loaded with all my gear.

    I’ve ran the rear in 29×2.4 SS mode, 27.5×2.8 (just!) and now its got the Rohloff and 29×2.4 on the rear. I’ve also tried everything in the front from 26×4.8 to 27.5×3 to 29×3.

    I’m now going to pull the trigger and go for the Jones SWB. Being able to dabble with a full 27.5×3 or more in the rear is very appealing whilst the slightly longer wheelbase will theoretically be more stable at speed / provide better clearance with front toe overlap.

    Now trying to decide whether to go for a wider A12 Rohloff or the new Kindernay hub…

    Free Member

    I use Automek for my Audi. Based in E.Kilbride and 5mins from the train station to get back to the city.

    Free Member

    To add a little context, I am a ‘car guy’ so this is the realisation of a life-long ambition to own.

    Its been ages since I’ve been on here. I’ve been frequenting various car forums (true story)

    I bought a really old car (over 20 years) for circa 10% gross and then spent another 33% rebuilding it with new OEM or upgraded bits myself. Its still only worth maybe 10% but the satisfaction and enjoyment it’s brought me is immeasurable.

    I fly a desk for a living…messing about with anything (but preferably cars) is a total release for me.

    OP…my point being: if it gives you a nice warm feeling and you know you’ll enjoy it…crack on, when you die you can’t bring it with you.

    Free Member

    OP, I feel your pain and would be bugged off myself if that happened. It’s one of the reasons why I eventually opted for a steel jones.

    I did however get a Ti custom Stooge frame made which takes 120mm bouncy forks in 650B+ format as I wanted something for ragging about the place as opposed to being left behind on the Jones when things got too rough. If I get 8 years out of it I’ll be happy. My logic is…how far has bike design moved in the last 8? I suspect geo and design will have moved on and I’ll be hankering after whatever the latest ‘snake oil’ is.

    I’ll keep the Jones though as it’s just good at everything. In saying that I wanted to try it in ‘plus’ format so I bought an old battered SH steel jones diamond and had the stays flattened / widened / crimped with a specific stay crimping tool to accept 650bx3 tyres. It’s lasted a couple of years now and I’ve taken it everywhere on some very rough & long fully laden bike packing routes…AND I use it everyday as a single speed commute bike.

    My logic is simple, if the steel stays crack I’ll get new stays made.

    On a slight aside, I’m not 100% convinced bikes which are 2-3lbs lighter than the rest, result in a significant advantage unless you’re Sir Brad or Sir Hoy. Sure…Ti is nice to look at and own and you don’t really have to think about protecting paint chips etc but as a way of loosing weight….if I really thought it mattered, I’d lose some of the excess weight around my midriff…it’s free too!

    Free Member

    will check in tomorrow

    So this morning isn’t as cold as yesterday…maybe -1 or -2 with wind chill. Feet definitely felt warmer with smartwool heavyweight socks and that’s with just my summer shoes on but only my usual 45min commute through the city. The socks come well up over my lower legs and felt lovely! Over a 2hr ride might change that. Now going for reflective / insulated insoles in my winter boots…every little helps.

    2 x tesco poly bags, and 2 pairs of socks

    That’s what one of my pals does and swears by it (as does Sir Bradely Wiggins) if the above fails, then Tesco bags will be getting a go!

    Free Member

    smartwool heavyweight wool

    …now ordered…will pick them up on the way home…will check in tomorrow…@ £24 they better be good!

    Free Member

    your boots won’t warm your feet up, all they can do is maintain what’s in them

    Now that’s something I’ve never considered before and worth acting on. I guess it’s the same as a sleeping bag, it doesn’t warm you up, you warm it up. Why didn’t I think of that before now?!

    Longer socks now being invested in…all mine are just a shade above the ankle.

    Free Member

    Sorry…just noticed the ‘other’ thread started earlier today re winter socks…that being said the suggested solutions don’t work for me!

    Free Member

    I had several items on my ‘ride to work’ voucher that kept getting pushed back in terms of delivery…I suspect things are getting tighter at head office and suppliers are possibly ‘delaying’ sending them stock until the future is certain.

    Decided today to change them all for ‘In Stock’ items on the premise that when (if) things get sorted out and they come back in stock I’ll just get them exchanged.

    Didn’t want to end up loosing out on my new winter Northwave boots because they potentially go into administration. Worst case scenario I’ll be cycling around on bright yellow winter boots as opposed to black ones…at least I’ll not go missing in a snow drift. 😉

    Really hope someone bails them out….having been there myself with a historic employer, it’s crap for the staff. Hope it all ends well.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replys.

    I don’t think the current Scottish schooling system is best set up to accommodate or cater for those who are less academically inclined…or maybe for boys in general for that matter!

    We’re based in Glasgow and the School he’s at is one of the top state schools in the country. Whilst he’s circulating with some of the highest achievers around (several destined for Oxbridge entry) the school clearly focus and indeed heavily invest in these high academic achievers as opposed to those who maybe learn a different way.

    At the end of the day the lad has to work himself and make his own decisions so it’s not the schools fault.

    Free Member

    I put one on my SS commute bike.

    I certainly noticed an improvement in terms of the effort required up steep hills. On a round ring I’d be out of the saddle, on the oval I could do them without getting out of the saddle…might be because I’m getting fitter and stronger and lighter (ahem) but hey, any advantage, be it mental or physical is good

    Free Member

    I’ve got the same issue with DHB ones but found that plenty of assos chamois creme sorted out all the chaffing. Looking forward to hear what others think are good.

    The newish Enduro ones look handy especially with the different chamois sizes now….why hasn’t someone offered this before?!

    Free Member

    Wow…that is surprising. I’m just 5min from there myself and (when I finish this coffee) will be heading to those woods for my morning spin. Have seen loads more stoats and weasels around Rosies of late but will keep an eye for that.

    Must remember to start locking up the hens at night…it won’t take long for that thing to munch it’s way through them!

    Free Member

    For those who aren’t top flight rally drivers it makes a good noise, exhaust flames and reduces the life of your exhaust and turbo significantly.

    It also tends to melt spark plugs if you’re not very careful with it. I’ve a pal who just blew up his RS4 B5 650+bhp engine all because he missed a gear change whilst he was using the ‘flat shift’ feature….which works like anti-lag. Basically you can keep your foot hard on the accelerator pedal and then change gears as normal…the ECU recognises that you’ve hit the clutch so it kills the spark ignition but keeps fuelling the cylinders. If you don’t get a snappy gear change…there’s a huge amount of unburnt fuel in the system and it can all go horribly wrong.

    Anti-lag…well the clue is in the name…it keeps turbo engines from dumping the boost between gear changes. Some like the sound of the piisstt between gear changes (that’s the boost being released) and some just like that continual flow of power between gear changes.

    My motorbike can shoot flames a good 5 feet out of the exhaust. But if anyone else does it, they’re dicks

    Like Northwind…my mid-life crisis S4 B5 also has anti-lag & flat shift tuned into the ECU so if you give it a bit of stick it makes lots of bangs, pops & flames. If you drive the car normally, it sounds like any other car.

    When I’m driving it with all those noises it makes me feel like a real man…everyone else who does it, well they’re just tools.

    Free Member

    Missing it myself this year…would have been my 7th year. Didn’t plan it this way but kind of glad I’m not going as the LMP1 field is really disappointing.

    The whole weekend is just great though…the journey there and back, the camping, the fans cars, the doughnut competitions, the beer, the town, the pits, the Friday night party, the laughs, the race, the sleepless nights, the burger / fast food stands at 4 in the morning, and the post race BBQ food!

    Tickets for next year already booked (in my head / the wife doesn’t know yet…)

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