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  • RopeyReignRider
    Free Member


    😃 I like it. Although I can only assume it’s a slow day at work?

    Normally I’d agree that it’s my hamfistedness that’s the likely cause but the RAC guy spent a good hour taking apart the filter, putting it back together , trying to prime with his squeezy hand pump thing. As such, anything I could have done would have been resolved presumably?!

    Free Member

    ^^ nope he didn’t plug in diagnostics at all which seemed odd.

    Car is now at the garage thinking about what it’s done.

    I await the inevitable sharp intake of breath and “ooh, well you see.. it’s going to cost …”

    Free Member

    Gah. Just got home, 12+ hours after calling the RAC.

    RAC guy admitted defeat and it got shamefully hoiked onto a recovery truck.

    RAC guy didn’t even suggest anything. He shrugged a lot and moaned about how he was at the end of his shift and was told it was a flat battery..

    Free Member

    Yep, I’ve checked all connectors/ pipes/ fangleflanges

    No fuel leaks or anything either.

    Still waiting for the RAC… 5 hrs and counting

    Free Member

    It was a Bosch filter so I assumed it was reasonable.

    I guess it could be faulty? 🤔

    Free Member

    Thanks. I’m loathed to take the fuel filter cap off as it was such a wotsit to prime. I’m also at my parents with no diesel available to re prime.

    I discovered some easy start type stuff my brother had left here . Squirted down the air intake and sure enough it revs it’s nuts off before dying so does indeed look like fuel issue.

    I’ve admitted defeat and have rung the RAC – only an advised 5 hr wait …

    Free Member

    It is parked slightly facing up hill and I did wonder about that.

    I’m no mechanic so am not sure re a primer but I don’t think so

    Free Member

    Thanks, it just seems odd that it’s done so many miles without issue – surely any air would have been displaced?

    Free Member

    I thought I’d break the fast with Lidl’s Barolo (on offer) and a couple of ales.

    I’m a little disconcerted about how easily I’ve consumed alcohol tonight. It feels like the ability to resist is higher but once I’ve started I’m back to old habits 🤔

    Free Member

    Good work all those that made it through!

    I don’t have an overwhelming sense of achievement, fitness nor inner peace.

    I kind of half fancy a beer tonight but am not as bothered as I expected to be (despite my wine cravings the other night).

    Hmmm, it feels odd but I hope the routine has at least been disrupted a bit.

    Wot about you lot?

    Free Member

    Stick with it RRR, that first drink Friday will taste all the sweeter for waiting

    I’m wondering whether it really is desperate to stay up until midnight to have a beer?

    It’s not helped by the fact that we’re currently “on holiday” with wife’s parents and brother and sister (and their offspring) and literally everyone has been drinking pretty much all the time. Mrs RRRs dad has been helpfully wafting beer across my nose 🙄.

    I don’t think I’d be that fussed if I was at home tbh.

    I’ve learnt erm, that some of the alcohol want is actually fizzy habitual something to drink want and alcohol free stuff is usually fine. That’s it. Oh , and I miss wine more than beer.

    Free Member

    Not long now.
    Must stay strong

    So, I can drink at 00:01 Friday morning?🧐

    I know it shouldn’t be such an issue blah blah give me all the lovely booze now want booze now booze now please 2016 Christian patat montepulciano in my face now booze lovely booze literally anything booze please

    Free Member

    Home alone (very unusually) and wondering how the PlayStation knows that I should be revising (it’s refusing to load GTA V after repeated attempts)


    Free Member

    So..who’s hanging on in there with me?!

    Not too long to go. It would have been nice if I’d lost some weight but I think I’ve been snacking in the evening to compensate for lack of lovely booze 😐

    Free Member

    Half way through Nursing Associate training at 50.

    Ooh, a fellow NHS mid life crisis-er! 🙂

    Free Member

    Erm. Kind of..

    One exhausting career to another. Worked for a global mega evil bank of evil for 12 yrs, gave it up to be at uni for 4 years studying medicine. I’ll then (hopefully) become a very very junior doc at 42, earning almost half what I earned at the evil bank of evil.

    Hmm, when I write it down it does make me wonder whhhyyyyyyyy?! 🤔

    Free Member

    And re your post p-jay, yep we’re not looking to borrow a huge amount more tbh and our current total monthly payment is 20% of my wife’s net monthly income.

    It just all seems unnecessarily complicated. Our current deal is up for renewal in feb, so I could make enquiries then.

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    Yes the affordability thing seems to be a bit of a blunt tool given my income is mostly from bursaries and pays my own expenses (so I’m not dependent on mrs RRR), yet it can’t be included in income (despite my outgoings being included).

    Hmmm, I must admit I remain a little confused about it all.

    Free Member

    “Do you trust your wife?”

    Nope. She’s as dodgy as f3ck.😀

    She was however, the sole buyer of the house originally using my deposit (I got added later). She’s probably trust worthy 🤔

    Free Member

    For example, if you were thinking of possibly going bankrupt in the future and wanted to ensure your home was not used as equity, then just removing you from the mortgage doesn’t remove your ownership of the house.

    Yep, thankfully it’s not bankruptcy but this is the bit I’m very confused about.

    I wasn’t going to go into details but..

    After my midlife crisis I’m back at uni and will be for a good for years. Having talked to the bank about remortgaging in order to expand or move home, it transpires that they will use my expenditure but not my income (as I’m a stoodent) in the calculations. If I’m used in the calculations then it’s very unlikely we could do anything.

    If however, the calculations are based solely on mrs RRR then it’s far more likely we can borrow what we need based on her income alone.

    I was just wondering where that’d leave us from a legal stand point re ownership

    Free Member


    It’s not quite that simple. I paid the deposit on the house and will still contribute to the mortgage. It’s just that for future plans it may be best if I’m not on the mortgage.

    Just to clarify, this isn’t a separation / divorce scenario.

    I guess I’m really asking – if I get removed from the mortgage, will I also no longer be a co-owner despite having co-bought the house?

    Free Member

    Leffeboy – maybe change your name to tonicwaterboy?

    Yep, I find Fridays hardest too. Still, if you’ve drunk a lot less over the last few weeks then that’s good innit.

    I’ve survived two pub visits, and a couple of weekend social events where everyone else was drinking.

    However, I’ll be at a family Halloween gathering where I know two brothers in law will try to get me to crumble.. it’ll be soo close to the end though 🤔

    Free Member

    I’ve been drinking my body weight in erdinger blue which probably explains why I’ve lost no weight whatsoever.

    I managed a second pub visit last night without caving in, despite my mate slurping multiple many and varied lovely ales.

    I’m not finding it as hard as I imagined but I do still really fancy some lovely booze…

    Free Member

    We’re over the hump, woot (i.e. just over half way).

    Free Member

    remember to save some cash for your local come November!

    You’ve not been to my local.
    I live two doors away and I’m still not “local” enough to go in without being stared at / openly talked about 😐

    Free Member

    Nearly half way..

    I’ve found the last week a bit easier than the first but still irritate myself by finding it hard at all!

    ^^ the non alcoholic gin intrigues me – it seems expensive though and being non alcoholic I imagine I’d drink it much quicker than the real stuff..

    Free Member

    Jimster01 – well, Macmillan let people have a “pass” for one day if they donate £15 … I guess they figure that a month (minus a day) off the booze is still far more beneficial than a complete collapse and giving in entirely.

    Don’t give yourself too hard a time and crack on :-) (abstaining that is, not drinking .. )

    Free Member

    So, who’ still clinging to sobriety?

    It’s the second Friday night and I must admit that after a hard week, I reeeeallly want a proper beer.

    I shall continue to be sober (and a bit grumpy) though.

    I really can’t say I feel much benefit after what 10 days off the sauce. Maybe I wasn’t drinking enough to notice?

    Free Member

    Huge respect to those that have managed to kick the habit completely.

    I have a friend who was always the one asleep on the kitchen floor with a bottle Of rum long after everyone else had gone to bed. It gave up for a month and is now two years in.

    Personally, a week in and I don’t feel much better as such. There’s no warm glow or feeling amazing! Still, a quarter of the way in and it’s not so bad..

    Free Member

    I have drunk Hebden CoOp out of Eisberg alcohol free red wine this week.

    Is it actually, you know drinkable? Or is it like Ribena?

    Free Member

    Well we’ve cleared the first Friday night curry nights sans alcohol (for me at least, mrs RRR had gin).

    Having just been for my first ride in six months we stopped at a micro pub on the way back and I successfully had alcy free lager whilst my mate glugged a 7% craft ale.

    I didn’t experience a glow of self satisfaction or anything though? 🤔

    Free Member

    Geomickb – stay strong my friend 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t worry you’ll soon forget about it.


    Free Member

    Good work all.

    Yep, tonight will be a particular challenge when we get our usual Friday night curry etc..

    It sounds perverse but I actually found Tesco’s tonic water with elderflower surprisingly pleasant last night – very nearly almost tasted a little bit like a G&T 😃

    Free Member

    Cheers, got myself 3 Erdingers earlier.

    Cool, I got 21 mixed bottles – basically so I can’t pretend it’s the cold bubbles I need and raid the elicit stash of lovely booze ..

    Free Member

    Did you spill it on your fingers and savour liking the pure spirit off? Does seem a bit harsh that she couldn’t get her own though.

    I nearly went to the work beer fridge earlier (Yep, we have one), then opted not to in solidarity with you, for now!

    Yes, I sniffed it longingly with a sad face.

    Beer fridge at work – how does this not involve one sat inside ones beer fridge consuming endlessly until it’s empty?!

    But thanks for your commitment!

    Free Member

    I had to make mrs RRR a G&T last night – outrageous.

    I consoled myself with a shipyard low tide IPA which really does take like a “proper” ale (within reason).

    3 for £3 at Tesco’s ..

    Free Member

    Sober October begs the question why are people drinking so much in the first place, everything in moderation is the key, having a couple of beers now and then with friends is a good thing, and then the odd session once a month.

    Hmm, that’s quite an assumption, that people are drinking “so much”.

    It could be that people don’t like the habit of it or feeling reliant on it. Personally, although I don’t drink a huge amount (maybe 20 units a week, so more than I should) I don’t like feeling like it’s not a proper Friday evening unless I can crack open something. It’s a form of dependency I guess.

    As for others slightly shirty comments about those doing this being attention seekers – I’m not really sure one thread on a mountain bike forum where you’re pseudo-anonymous is attention seeking (or if it is, it’s a poor attempt)?

    I posted because I think I need some motivation and strange as it is, knowing that some other stranger is also doing it helps. Odd innit?

    Free Member

    Sort of PSA: 3 for £3 on half decent alcohol free beer at Tesco’s at the moment. I’ve just stocked up.

    ^^ I may well do can’t remember November 😃

    Free Member

    I have done well. Eighteen hours. Wife just asked if I wanted a g&t. Said yes without even thinking. Ah well.

    Proud of you man, that’s a lot of hours 🙂

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