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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • RopeyReignRider
    Free Member

    Thanks stumpyjon – unfortunately I’ve already ordered the timber so am stuck with 2*4 for the frame.

    The concrete pad idea sounds good though, especially as I wouldn’t need more timber/bolts.

    Only issue is the slope – I guess I’d have to dig out the higher end of the ground so I can get all pads at the same level?

    How deep should the pad be? Presumably something ready mixed like postcrete would be ok?


    Free Member

    Also, would I just use 2*4” for the supports?
    What bolt size would I need? 🤔

    This has suddenly got more complicated than I’d hoped it would!

    Free Member

    Ok, so can somebody help me work out what I need? I iz confused.

    I’ve ordered enough framing timber for 9 internal joists at 40mm centres.

    As there’s an odd number of internal joists I can’t get supports at 1.2m intervals or 1.5m.

    I could have corner support, 1.2m across then first support, then 1.6m until the next support then 1.2m until the final corner support. It feels like that that middle gap is too big?

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, so the deck is supposed to be at ground level really hence why I thought breeze blocks rather than posts.

    So, 3.6m square would require at least 16 supports by my reckoning? Eek. That’s a lot of wood, concrete and skill I’d not considered!

    Free Member

    I’ve just poked about the garden and it seems my plot is on more than a slope than I’d really thought it to be.

    I know in theory I should probably use the posts in concrete , level then chop posts off method but I’d not accounted for that in my timber order and it’s also a fair size decking so would need extra supports?

    Wondering whether I can just stuff the weed membrane down and hope I can get things level with breeze blocks?

    Free Member

    Anyone else?

    I’ve quite a lot of timber being delivered soon :-S

    Free Member

    Yeah I guess so 🤔

    Stumpyjon – I’ve accounted for 4*2” timber for the frame and decent thickness decks. My local supplier (who also install) have been very helpful indeed in that respect.

    The plastic things look very handy but I’ve no idea if they’re up to the job?

    Free Member

    Olly2097 – is there any way of working out what chemicals you should be adding and how often?!

    Free Member

    That’s a good point re waste water. Is the treated water so chlorinated it’ll damage plants / baby robins?

    Olly2097 – good info, thanks. Does the kingspan not get entirely squished under the weight of the tub?

    For anyone looking to buy an inflatable filth pond – I’ve spent about 27 days online searching for somewhere that either has them in stock or on order.

    The only place I can find is the Canadian spa company who are getting a shipment in mid June (you can pre order online).

    Using the code maple10 will get you 10% off too .. I have no affiliation with the company, rather ordered my own filth tub recently 🙂

    Free Member

    (It does turn into a moat when it rains heavily!)

    So, I could jet wash the sandstone but was wondering whether the rocks would look ok if I dumped them in the gap and stuffed a load of soil / ferns in them.


    Free Member

    Stumpyjon – excuse my complete ignorance but what would I attached the uprights to? There’s no space in the concreted gap to stick something in and not sure I’d trust myself to attach anything to the paving? I don’t have a feel for these things! 😃

    Free Member


    For a bit of context – the odd shape with stones around it also needs something doing with it – it’s almost always in the shade and now virtually empty after I moved a very unhappy acer…

    Free Member

    Hmmm, some interesting ideas!

    I’m not blessed with carpentry skills…

    I do have about half a ton of sandstone – wondering if I could create a sort of rockery edge and plant some er rock loving plants?!

    Free Member

    Oh, and how noisy are the inflatable tubs?

    Better or worse than a “proper” hot tub?


    Free Member

    Looks great fossy and thanks for the info all.

    So, re electrics – has anyone used an outdoor extension lead with one?

    We’re reliant on stuffing a cable through the conservatory window and the preferred spot for the hot tub is at the far end of the garden. I don’t really want to have to get proper electrics installed at the bottom of the garden (seems a faff for what’s a temporary thing)

    Free Member

    Thanks for sorting image Bruneep!

    Timber – thanks, interesting idea but I guess the only issue is that that’s the only route to the lawn from the house (ie stepping over the gap) so could make planting anything tricky?

    Free Member

    Right, I think the link above works

    Free Member

    <img src="<img src=”; alt=”59-D4-AD64-E294-433-A-B43-E-54-F4-F708-B774″ border=”0″ />” alt=”Garden” />

    Free Member

    Gah. Somehow the image is showing for me.

    Does anyone know how to link from google images?!

    Free Member

    That’s really helpful. Thanks! :-)

    Free Member

    Oh and re amazon mechanical turk – seemed like a good idea but after applying i was told I wasn’t allowed to work for them (no reason given) :-(

    Free Member

    Hello, just a bit of an update – I spent aaaages trawling through stuff and for anyone interested there seems to be a couple of sites offering free lance work to people across the world. I’m currently doing some work for a guy in the US I found on Freelancer (you can upload your skill set info and filter on what you want to do).

    Also, Clickworker is good for micro-jobs (15 mins here and there), surprising how much it adds up.

    Free Member

    Want me to take a look Nick? 😉

    Free Member

    Our six year old is just getting into Roald dahl – pretty much anything of his would be a good place to start perhaps?

    Free Member

    This would be a very bad idea.

    😬 oops.

    Well, despite the above it seems to have bled ok and the post is going up and down fine now.

    It does have a bit of “give” when it’s locked out but I expect that’s something else?!

    Thanks for the help

    Free Member

    Thanks, the speed adjuster makes no difference.

    Would it be a bad idea to just let all the air out and suspend the bike by the saddle so the post is extended?

    Free Member

    So, as it’s Christmas I thought I’d share some of my most epic procrastinations/distractions ..

    Trying to revise for critical exams at home… notice a massive bag of socks…
    1hr 15 mins spent pairing socks. Exam failed

    Working from home, thinking about procrastination- 1hr Googling procrastination, 1.5hrs reading an academic paper on inattentive type ADHD. Ohhh the irony. Ended up failing that exam too :-/

    Driving home from dropping kids off at school/nursery – desperately needed to study but my brain said “noooo going on a tour of Derbyshire scrapyards for a new rear boot lid badge for car is more important”

    Washing machine died whilst working from home. Instead of paying AO to deliver one and take old one I decided it was best to spend 4 hrs removing old machine, finding a scrap yard I could take it to, then wandering around currys until I found a new machine I could squeeze into my car to take home and install… course work ended up being done 10 mins before deadline.

    At uni – spent four weeks trying to make appointments with multiple tutors (6+) in order to figure out how to study, rather than actually do any studying.

    I’m now sat on the bed half dressed, typing this when Mrs RRR took the kids out so I can do some work :-/ no work has been done.

    My brain will try to find ANYTHING to do to avoid work and it’s so odd how it’s only afterwards I see how ridiculous it is…

    Free Member

    I also suffer hugely with this. I managed to fudge a couple of degrees and a reasonable career without doing much work at all.

    However, when I had my mid life crisis and went back to uni (med school) it became apparent that something wasn’t quite right.

    I’d also echo the adhd assessment but have a think about what you want from it. Also be aware that an educational assessment is very different to a medical assessment. I’ve had both… feel free to PM me if you want any more info.

    I’m not sure there are any easy answers – it affects my studies massively and I literally don’t ride or do any exercise unless I know I’ve got to meet someone at a specific time.

    Planning your day the night before (In detail) and using the pomodoro technique can be useful. Also, just being aware that you can be distracted can help in the midst of an “episode”.
    I’ve had started reflecting on things I’ve done and asked whether it was the right use of my time – I’ve tried to start to identify when I have that feeling of the “dark playground” as per the links above.

    My most impressive procrastination has been deciding that the drive needed jet washing urgently on the day of an assessment :-/

    Free Member

    ^^ but you don’t *have* to make a claim.

    Update: so this morning Mrs RRR has received an email / letter saying that the other party accept full liability.

    They’re offering to sort stuff out directly but I imagine they’d want to keep their costs down. Is there any advantage to letting our insurance company deal with them instead (I’m mostly concerned about the potential write off)?


    Free Member

    Morning all.

    The car is still drivable – it got hit on a rear sill/ wheel arch. To my completely untrained eye it looks fairly cosmetic but then I’m also aware that certain points on a car or more vulnerable to the “chassis” getting bent.

    Mrs RRR is going to have to call her insurance back I think as she’s not sure if she’s actually submitted a claim against the other person!

    Free Member

    It’s not a ahem.. *whispers* screw on lid, is it?

    No, no need to thank me…

    Free Member

    How are you all not familiar with “Are Cuntry” on Facebook eh?

    The page used to be prolific but it’s only the occasional gem now

    Free Member

    A walk up kinder scout (and to kinder downfall) from edale is always fun..

    Other than that, endless biking..

    Free Member

    (And I think they’re properly snow rated despite being all season as opposed to winter specicic)

    Free Member

    I’ve just ordered some Maxxis AP2 on recommendation of two colleagues – having them fitted to my spare wheels tomorrow.

    I fitted some of these a few weeks back and they seem pretty darn good for the money – mine were about £60 a corner and much cheaper than posher all season tyres yet get good reviews / aren’t ditch finders.

    They’ve coped admirably with the flood/slime fest round here and we’re good in the dry.

    Free Member

    RRR, I think your split link had come undone.

    Hmm, do I know you? 🤔

    Free Member

    Doh. 😃

    Free Member

    Well, if you’re the chap in my recent clinical reasoning exam it’s kidney stones but only present on one side as you had previously donated a kidney to a sister. You’re also suffering acute kidney injury and might have autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 🤔 . I *may* have got carried away on that particular paper.

    Have you checked you’ve got two kidneys? Have you? Have you a sister? Have you donated a kidney and forgotten?

    (Yep, ask a real doctor but Gaul stones sounds a good shout)

    Free Member

    ^^ I’ve no idea about most of the above 😃

    The car did start this morning but I still have the niggling worry that air might be getting sucked backed into the fuel line very slowly. It took 300 odd miles for it to happen last time.

    Starting to feel a little annoyed that I had to pay for a new filter when I had a new one already!

    Free Member

    Sooo… those that said fuel pump, go sit in the corner.

    Those that said fuel filter, raise your hand and you’ll get a fun prize (possibly).

    It’s a bit odd – asked the garage if my old (new) Bosch filter was faulty and they said no. I then asked why they fitted a brand new one and they shrugged and mumbled about a better seal.

    But they also said they thought the fault could just be how the filter was screwed together , yet the last person to play with that was the RAC man.

    It also doesn’t explain why Mr RAC couldn’t get fuel to the filter unless he’s a bit of an eejit and wouldn’t admit he didn’t know it works (apparently there’s not an additional lift up pump).

    Either way, £85 and it’s working again but I can’t help worry that I don’t actually know what was up with it 🤔

    Thanks for the help (and Venn diagrams) everyone..

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