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  • Q: How much to start mountain biking? A: £605.00
  • RopeyReignRider
    Free Member

    So.. who’s still got goods/cash outstanding then?

    My spring is supposed to be here by the weekend…

    Free Member

    Who gives a flying **** if RRR got his stuff??

    On an ebay style feedback system IWH would still be about -100 FFS.

    So GTFO with your constant fellating.

    Charming, my guess is that you’ve probably not had sex for a very long time, have you?

    Free Member

    I’m not saying anything on RRR = IWH


    Anyone with a modicum of intelligence could probably work out that I’m not IWH from my 3 years of posting on BikeMagic…

    I guess the only reason I’m being patient with IWH is that I’ve dealt with him previously and received my frame on time and in amazing condition…

    Free Member

    pk-ripper – the air shock didn’t come from the states – it came from one of IWH’s bikes..

    I’m prepared to wait and see what happens tbh…

    Free Member

    pk-ripper – IWH has been in contact with my via text.

    I’ve asked him to get his mate in the states to post the ti coil out to him or me (IWH had to rush back from US at short notice and left ti coil with rest of his luggage).

    tbh I’d prefer to get the spring rather than a refund as they’re so hard to get hold of :-(

    I shall update as soon as anything changes.

    How much or what goods are you owed btw? (sorry haven’t the energy to read through last 25 odd pages!)


    Free Member

    Hmmm, well I guess I could also post the spring when I send the shock to Balfa to be serviced / re-valved.

    I was just wondering if there was a way of figuring it out from the thickness/number of coils… and hence saving myself the postage cost (tis a heavy old lump of steel).

    cheers peeps

    Free Member

    If you promise to send me a cheque I’ll post it today .. ;-)


    Free Member

    Pedalon do a fine line of spare Giant bits should you wish to go down that route.

    Having said that, the Trances are tough little b*ggers so I think you’ll be OK ( I know of a DHer who’s used his Trance (4” one) with Pikes fitted for the Megavalanceh … he must think they’re pretty tough).

    Free Member

    RopeyReignRider – you want me to post you the hat now?

    I’m giving him a bit of time to sort it out before I merrily start chewing on a Trilby …. I shall keep ye updated!

    (Anyway, as I’m supposedly IWH himself I should be saying that the shock fits perfectly and has increased the value of my bike thee-fold… :D )

    Free Member

    Anyone want to a buy an Air Curnutt shock? One previous owner.. doesn’t fit an FXR…


    Free Member

    How so? You’re going to have to spunk another £100 getting the thing set up. That’s assuming you want to run an air shock at all. It’s probably a weirdy Foes-specific one, so it’ll be difficult to sell. And IWH’s insurance company may be interested in it too.

    Well I ain’t terribly happy either – I really wanted a nice Ti coil. re the service charge I was going to have to pay to service the coil shock anyways unfortunately..

    Free Member

    …however, like some other people (and despite the fibs) I still don’t believe IWH ever started out with the intention of scamming people….

    Free Member

    UPDATE on the shock:

    I’ve just had half an hour on the phone with Balfa. … turns out that going on the air can’s serial number it is indeed most likely about 18 months old, not new.

    Also it turns out that the coil shock with Ti spring would be better suited to my kind of riding and is approx the same weight as the air can.

    As such I’m not really any better off, although I’m not worse off either.

    It also turns out that the air can on a FOES 4X is tuned totally different to that on the FXR (despite being same size) so I’ve still got to stump up £100 to get it working properly… and also have a spare steel coil shock tuned for someone at 240lbs that despite being worth £400 will be virtually impossible to sell…

    So.. no, I’ve still been fibbed too haven’t I, despite not being ripped off as such..

    Free Member

    Oh and I’ll post a piccy up tonight of me with my air shock… and believe me I don’t look anything like IWH.

    (unless I can gain 5 years, lose 40lbs and grow a full head of hair before this evening)

    Free Member

    knew RRR was IVH in wig, glasses and hiding under a hat. FFS this has turned into a major charade. A said above RRR ends up with goods worth more 4 times his order. Everyone ends up with jack shi.t and fake PO proof of posting.

    RRR will no doubt stop posting on this thread as stated he was going to do. Spread a bit of propaganda and all the peple will think IVH is a good guy after all.

    Nice Try RRR. I do hope your mother has not had any more visits from any heavys LOL

    flippin eck guys… you lot don’t give up do you. Anyone who doesn’t believe that I’m not IWH please message me.. I’ll then respond from my work email account if it helps (I work for quite a large company so please no accusations of fake email accounts etc).

    As for the picture I’ll try to get one up tonight..


    Free Member

    Sorry RRR but i’m going on my gut feeling here that what you have said is complete noodles!

    I can totally understand why you’d think that tbh – no-one is more surprised than me!

    I will post a piccie up when I can (and as someone else said, I suppose there is a chance that IWH already had this shock on one of his FOES’s if he didn’t get it from the otter)

    Free Member

    (that was going to be my last post)

    I can put a piccy up tonight if you like?

    I’m confused, just confused :-S

    Free Member


    erm… OK so a parcel was indeed waiting at the sorting office for me.

    ..however instead of the Ti coil (£105) I have been posted a complete new AIR shock (worth about £500 as it’s for the FXR).

    When IWH contacted me from the Sea Otter we discussed the possibility of me getting the Air shock for about £280 but I declined as I couldn’t really afford it at the time….even though I really wanted one.

    He’s enclosed a polite note explaining that he managed to negotiate an end-of-sea otter price.

    I’m hugely confused, especially at getting £280 worth of goods for £105!

    Thought I’d update you all since you asked me about the spring..

    : edited the value of spring as it’s a lot cheaper out there like

    Free Member

    Is that what happens when you did it RRR?

    Nope, I get the “it’s being processed” message… oh well I’ll see what happens..

    Free Member

    RRR…. he gave me 2 royal mail next day special delivery tracking numbers for my Pikes and M4’s and guess what? after 24hrs they still showed no details, after 48hrs still no details, after 3 weeks guess what??? yep your right no details for those tracking numbers.

    But when I stick the code in the Royal Mail website it does say that it’s being processed / on the way… due for delivery on 13th etc

    Free Member

    lordy, that sounded very very wrong indeed….

    Free Member

    Thanks for the kind offer – I was thinking I could just offer to eat my helmet instead?

    Free Member

    hmmm, think it was a good 3 weeks ago…. towards the end of April ish

    And yes if it doesn’t turn up I shall indeed

    a) look like a n0bber

    b) get my money back

    c) eat my hat(s) as appropriate

    Free Member

    RRR, according to that BM thread you’ve already sent money to IWH for a Ti spring that you know he doesn’t have! Your sense of loyalty is touching but really you owe this guy nothing… and he still owes you some goods that he may or may not have, or £105.

    I don’t know that he hasn’t got it – he texted me from Sea Otter to ask me which one I wanted – seems a bit elaborate for a scammer, to me anyway.

    Free Member

    Surely if you sent it recorded you also had to fill out a separate slip of which you kept half which had the tracking number on. Recorded is just 1st class post but with tracking.

    Nope I didn’t… recorded just gives you a normal receipt but with the destination postcode and a barcode code on it (and a line under the postage cost saying “recorded”

    I think special delivery is where you have another slip although I could be wrong..

    Free Member

    Yeah I am waiting for a spring from IWH.

    Yesterday he texted me a valid tracking code for it – due to be delivered today. As I’m not home to receive it I should be able to collect it from the sorting office tomorrow.

    I shall let ye know how it goes…

    Free Member

    RRR could be IVH, it is plausible. The guy has no defence, so why would anyone try to defend or justify his actions? RRR I would give up as you are starting to come accross as a shyster to me!

    ooh ta, nice of you!! I am indeed Dan : / from BikeMagic.

    Feel free to go over there and check the many hundreds of threads I’ve started. For info I frequent the “The Peaks Again” thread over there, used to ride a Giant Reign, now ride an FXR and ride in the dark Peak / Wharncliffe woods. The last thread I started on BM was about a long travel hardtail for a grand on the C2W scheme.

    I’m also d****apman on the southerndownhill forum, Dan : / on descent-world forum

    Free Member

    I suppose tbh I’m only clinging to the hope that this was a massive b@lls-up on the part of IWH and not a full-on scam because as I mentioned before he has given me a HUGE amount of help in the past and had the opportunity to rip me off when I bought my FXR from him.

    … if it turns out that he really has “sold” the same items to many people and that no-one gets things resolved then yep I will be hugely disappointed….and a mug!

    Free Member

    Might have misunderstood you here but it’s not up to the buying to claim from the post office he would have to but mean time should be reimbursing those who bought from him.

    nooo… I meant that if things have genuinely got lost then IWH should be able to recover them from the PO, if they haven’t then he’s still probably got the goods lying about… so it could be easier for him to supply goods rather than refund the cash.

    Free Member

    Re the receipts –

    I have one here from posting a chainring t’other day.

    It’s sent recorded delivery, has the postcode near the bottom yet still says ” 1st Class Packet”

    It just has the line ” Recorded £0.75 ” below it

    Do the receipts IWH sent show the recorded line below the “1st Class Packet” ???

    Free Member

    [/i]But what if he never bought the goods in the US because he ran out of cash.

    How would non-existant goods be recovered from the PO?

    I’m fairly sure that the goods were from his bikes that he broke down and not from the US.

    Free Member

    [/i]But what if he never bought the goods in the US because he ran out of cash.

    I’m fairly certain thst the goods were not purchased in the US – I think they were from his bikes that he broke down before going…

    Free Member

    So the receipts he scanned as proof of postage were fakes then?

    Out of interest how do we know this… did someone find out?

    Also (and I’m not defending IWH here)..

    IF for example people’s money was taken and for the sake of arguement spent, with IWH hoping to send out goods upon his return from the US, it might be easier for those owed to request the goods (that could be recovered from Post Office etc) rather than cash that might not exist any more..

    just a thought..

    Free Member

    Hmmmm interesting sootyandjim… thanks

    Free Member

    Does anyone happen to know of any shops that sell the Alpine as a complete bike?

    I know it’s unlikely but I was kind of hoping I could get one on the C2W scheme!!


    Free Member

    Admit it Mike.. you’re a crook!! :D

    Free Member

    Well you must at least know that he is still waiting for a frame that he paid for 8 months ago.

    I’d venture it’s not quite as simple as that, if it were then why has Paul taken 8 months to contact him and via a forum of all things.

    It takes 3 weeks to process a claim in the local Courts..

    Free Member

    Anyhoo, as usual coming over to the dark side has been a pleasure… you guys sure know how to make people feel welcome!

    gizzardman – feel free to message me, email or I’ll give you my number and you can give me a call if you’d like to discuss further “what sort of type of person” I am.

    It’d be nice to think that I could express my opinions on here (as you lot all have) without being subject to personal insult.

    Free Member

    It’s obvious? Sorry what’s obvious?

    I’m defending the guy because I personally believe him to be genuine.

    Would it not also be a Bad Idea as a scammer to disclose your bank account details to someone rather than insisting on paypal?

    RRR / Dan what about your fellow BM forum member ‘Paul’ that seems to have been ripped off by IWH as well?

    I don’t know what’s happened with that one I’m afraid… no idea.

    Free Member

    RopeyReignRIder – I think you need to come crawling out IWH’s a*hole now. It seems very clear to me what your intentions/friendship lies. Please don’t come back with any more crap defending him. I’ve met your sort and his sort plenty of times – you’re laughable.

    Pathetic, aren’t you?

    You’ve met my type have you? Please explain in detail what sort of “type” I am?

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