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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • RopeyReignRider
    Free Member

    Sooo….. Oxygen owners, how warm are they?

    The extreme is super chunky and I’m now wondering whether I’d ever wear in anything apart from freezing conditions and it’s so warm.

    Is the oxygen still fairly well insulated?

    And the sizing is on the small side?

    Free Member

    Re sizing – I’m 6’2” and 3/4 , 15st 5, 46” chest and my Large extreme arrived… the large is definitely big enough but a slightly strange shape (snug on my back, arms perfect but the jacket is quite long). The XL would have been mahoosive.

    It’s a heavy jacket and doesn’t pack down very small but looks pretty decent although it does make me look like I’m wearing a duvet (not the curries or owt)

    I’ve yet to test it outside the living room…

    Free Member


    Thanks, I’m about the same weight ish , but a bit shorter so have ordered the extreme in Large.

    We shall see tomorrow…

    Free Member


    That’s very good of you – PM sent (I think?!)

    Free Member

    lolz. Depends how hard you’re shopping.

    I mean, I really do want to wear something up a mountain occasionally but have to acknowledge that most of it’s use will be taking sprogs to school, trips to the shop, walks etc

    Has anyone found their extreme too hot for normal use?

    Free Member

    Has the car got an upper and lower sump

    It looks like it might have. It also appears* fairly simple to remove the lower sump


    What I still don’t really understand is whether I can use any “gasket” gasket with any sump, as opposed to slime gasket?

    The whole process looks pretty simple ish… ish

    Free Member

    I’m 6’2” and 3/4 and 14.5 to 15.5 st (subject to curry intake).

    I’m wondering what size oxygen I would need? XL seems sensible but the sizing issues are confusing me…

    Also, extreme too er extreme for sprog walking / school run etc?

    Free Member

    Got mine today. Being 6’5″ I ordered an XL but as per the above comments comes up pretty big.

    Is that the extreme?

    Also; those that have bought recently – is the extreme too warm to just wear to the shops etc? I’ve read mixed things about it..


    Free Member

    And AFAIK there won’t be an option of either silicone or rigid for a specific fit, it’ll be one ot the other.

    Well, when I put the car details into Autodoc for example, it comes up with both gunky gasket paste and rigid gaskets, hence why I’m a bit confused..

    It’s a 1.8TDCI 125PS if that makes any odds to anything?!

    Free Member

    So just to add to my confusion – it seems some “gasket kits” are liquid gunge and some are proper gaskets?

    Presumably not all sumps/gaskets will be interchangeable?

    Free Member

    Yeah I need to have another proper look really. It looked ok ish on first glance.

    I have ramps so access should be ok. I’m just wondering if there’s much difference in sumps given they range from £20 to £100?! I mean it’s an 11 yr old car with 134k miles on it…

    Free Member

    The sump certainly has some suspicious looking gouges in it. I think it might be leaking from the gasket though as it looks like it’s been bent and then presumably no longer sits flat against the gasket.

    Free Member

    * although not from the linked supplier as delivery is £80 on a £40 order 😳

    Free Member


    Ahhh, much better thanks!😃

    Yeah, I’m also wondering whether I should attempt the cement board thing in the spring / summer. It might actually be a bit quicker although I’d have to force myself to grapple with a circular saw….

    Free Member

    Does it matter? You haven’t taken any of our very varied advice yet so just do what you are gonna / not gonna do.

    U OK Hun?

    I’ll have you know that I still have a tab open on my phone for Zinsser all coat..

    I should have sorted it by now yes but mini RRR V3.0 is due next week so Mrs RRR thought I should have other “priorities” 😐

    Free Member

    Good plan muggo..

    ^^ re above, I’m pretty sure AF beers are safe 🙂

    Yeah, I think my problem is that it’s a reward so even though I’ve been slurping AF beer it’s reinforced the whole needing something to relax after a hard day / work / stress thing..

    Free Member


    I *may* have not got round to this yet. The weather seems to have turned a bit…

    Have I any chance at all of getting it sanded back, painted and dried or shall I wait until the spring?!

    Many thanks

    Free Member

    ^^ 10kg? Wow, good work!

    Well done everyone, I know it should be easy and all that but it’s not!

    Muggo – I know what you mean re going back to old habits. I think the associations need to be broken I.e. had a bad day – beer, knackered – beer, weekend – deserve a beer, night out – beer etc etc

    The problem is (I think) that during this month I’ve merely changed the association to a less harmful thing (AF drinks) rather than challenge the association. That means when I do start drinking again the link will still be there..

    Free Member

    Hmmm, nearly done.

    I am trying VERY hard to resist the urge to open the garage door at 00:01 and liberate the gran reserve Rioja my bro and sister in law bought me for my birthday.

    I’ve done this for 3 years in a row now and I always get to the end contemplating the benefits…

    Sleep – still rubbish but perhaps ever so slightly less rubbish?

    Mood – meh, standard not ecstatic, not sad, just stressed

    Weight – a bit lighter I think. Someone said I’d lost weight and the scales suggest maybe 3 or 4lbs gone.

    Long term drinking habits – hmmm, tricky . I think sobertober adjusts them
    For a little while but I worry that
    Come Xmas I’ll be back into it.

    I think the biggest challenge has not been reaching for something when I’ve had a particularly bad day (and there’s been a few) and also dealing with events, nights out etc

    Free Member

    Who’s still clinging on?

    I must admit that I feel a bit short changed that the 1st is on Monday. That wouldn’t be a great day to crack open a bottle on?

    I might just try to push this thing a bit longer but my willpower is pretty rubbish without a firm goal ..

    Free Member

    Very much this ^^

    A friend of a friend was a keen runner, had a bit of “stabbing pain” whilst running, it occurred a few times and he ignored it. It’s now too late for a doctor 😞.

    Your pain is probably something innocuous but it’s certainly not worth the risk of ignoring it, surely?


    BIWBODH (but i will be one day hopefully)

    Free Member

    flick the diagonal board off and nail this stuff on top.

    If I was a bit better at these things I’d consider that. The issue I have is that the wood continues round the gutter above the garage door at the front of the house and I’m not confident I wouldn’t entirely flip the whole thing up..

    Free Member

    and I was recommended Zinsser All Coat by my local decorators’ supplies shop

    Hmmm, that looks like it could be thing worth looking at…..

    Free Member

    ah ok, I’d be weeing literally every second of the night if I did that.

    My problem was/is wine – a stressful day and I’d buy a bottle which would go within a couple of hours. If you do that a few times a week it’s 30-40 units without trying and that’s entering proper systemic damage levels rather than just increased risk of X levels :-/

    Free Member

    re costsaving, would it be better to use a primer or undercoat (if not using both)?

    Free Member

    Hmm, re jetwashing – it would be easier certainly but yeah I’m a bit worried about filling the void above the porch ceiling with water, I don’t think there’s anything behind the wood at all..

    Free Member

    Yep, they do vary a lot (AF beers) – I’m a real fan of the AF Leffe Blonde but appreciate it’s not to everyone’s taste. Erdinger Blue also not bad, and the Brewdog thingies ok too.

    How long would 4*660ml beers last you, if you don’t mind my asking?

    It’s quite shocking how easily the units stack up, for a “moderate” drinker like myself..

    Free Member

    ^^ Good work

    I’m only 21 days in but likewise (excepting previous sober octobers) it’s probably the longest I’ve ever gone without it.

    I do find it **much** easier if I have something alcohol free and fizzy to hand. If I have nothing at all in the house I find it harder not to give in and drive to Ye Olde Booze Shoppe

    Free Member

    (I should probably point out that I don’t want to spend a fortune as we hope to move within 18 months)

    Free Member

    ^^ Thanks

    Ummm, I was thinking (hoping) for a quick Saturday morning slosh about with two tins max :-)

    Hypothetically, if someone was say a “mature” student , skint and very short of time…. what would be a good compromise, hypothetically?

    Free Member

    ^^ Yep, I think that’s the biggerest challenge; not drinking when there’s an “event”.

    Who’s in still?

    Free Member

    ^^ good work on the not smoking though; I imagine that’s much much harder than avoiding alcohol.

    Who else is in still? Just over half way… I still feel a bit hard done by, not being able to have a weekend glass of wine but it never was one glass so that’s why I need to do it I guess?

    Free Member

    ^^ good work all.

    I’m finding having alcohol free beers has really helped.

    Yeah, this makes quite a surprising different for me actually. I’ve come to realise that a big part of my habit was having something cold and fizzy as a reward at the end of the day.
    I’ve been pleasantly surprised as to how a half decent AF beer still feels like a reward (the leffe blonde one in particular).

    There’s probably lots of psychology around reward that I should probably address but I figure one step at a time …

    Free Member

    How are we doing?

    Who’s still in?

    FYI I was very pleasantly surprised by AF Leffe Blonde – really does actually taste quite a lot like the real thing.

    Free Member

    Once I get started, I’ll probably do till Christmas, hence not being overly fussed about a late start

    Fairy muff. Sounds good!

    Has anyone else tried the AF Guiness? I was pleasantly surprised …

    Free Member

    ^^ yeah just crack on with it now I reckon. Any 30 odd days off the booze is going to be Good Thing so I don’t suppose it matters which 30 odd days?

    Free Member

    Purely incidentally, in my experience of taking medical histories it seems that “hardly drinking at all” actually involves a range of between 2 and 60 units a week…

    Just saying🍺 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m in.

    I had a thread about it, somewhere over ———> there

    But I’ll hop on this one.

    I think having something cold and fizzy on hand is half the battle for me.

    Free Member


    So yes I know I shouldn’t need to do it, and yes some people haven’t touched a drop since they were 6 but I’m doing this for the 3rd year.

    I feel like it’s good to break my habits and hopefully be less fat.

    Anyone else in?

    Free Member

    So.. I’ve acquired an Iwatch SE (sounds creepy) .

    As my current provider (Virgin) don’t support it I’ve ordered an EE sim for my phone. Does anyone know if I’ll get charged additionally for adding the watch to the plan? It’s not clear at all..

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