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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
  • root-n-5th
    Free Member

    See them over New Malden quite a lot. I’ve been told they are transporting troops into central London, but not sure if they ever land there.

    Free Member

    Good progress ta11pau1 and very colourful, lunge.

    Club 800m session tonight, feeling fine, keeping pace with the faster guys then, bang, felt like cack. Jelly legs, dizzy, difficulty breathing, just ground to halt and had to stop – a proper mechanical breakdown. Quite shocked really but have been fighting a cold and the air was very bitter. Frustrated.

    Free Member


    Very similar to my day, apart the 20k run home. Parkrun on the morn, eggs at home, swimming with the nipper. Then a nice kip! Not a bad day.

    Weird thing this morning as I was expecting my knee to flare up half way through the parkrun, but not a niggle, not the slightest twinge. But of massage yesterday, 12 hours rest, 2.2km warm up and all’s well in the lower bendy bit. Happy I am. Managed a 20:49 but I wasn’t really feeling 100% due to Thursday track, etc. I’ll take it.

    Hope everyone on here had an equally pleasant day.

    Free Member

    It’s great seeing how good the professionals are. Impressive performance. She’s still very young in my book though!

    Free Member

    Wookie and Paul – good stuff, stick with it and it will get better. It was constant pain for me at the start but after a few months it feels better, although…

    A bit of track action last night – timed pyramid session 7 to 2 minutes with 2 minutes recovery. Trying to run at faster-than-5k pace ( around 4:00/km but think I was a bit slower) and it was ok.

    The good thing about track is that the faster guys are on the same bit of rubber, so when two of the quicker guys lapped me on my 4 minute interval, I tagged on the back of them and tried to hang on until the hooter. Must have been running at 3:40/km and I managed a lap and a half until the hooter and was pretty dead, but after a bit of recovery picked it up again for a final 1 minute push. I wouldn’t have pushed myself that fast if I was on my own, but having those guys to try to keep hold of gave me an incentive. I know what sort speed I have to go to break 19 minutes in the parkrun now! Ha ha, steady on there.

    Hip extender things hurt like hell today and I got a bad case of ITB anterior knee pain when running last night and walking this morning. The joys.

    I’ve volunteered to do bar code scanning at parkrun tomorrow and they said I could run as long as I get around in under 21 minutes. Hope the knee holds up!

    Free Member

    Got one of these for the family at Christmas. Amazingly well done and loving it. Full size working keyboard and basic mode so you can properly program it, just like back in 1984. Part of my childhood, but now with all the games and instant loading.

    The C64

    Also got a retro arcade compendium for the Xbox 360 with gauntlet, joust and defender, etc. Perfect arcade clones and great games.

    Ready Player One.

    Free Member
    Free Member


    Thanks for asking. I did run and it was a beautiful morning and a good trip to a new parkrun, the first one outside Nonsuch. In a large field of about 250 I started quite near the front after a too short warm up, and we went off pretty fast, probably too fast for me. I pegged it back a bit and tried to hold the pace, dipped at 3km but picked it up again to the end. Course knowledge is a great asset I now know, as I started the dash for home thinking I was almost there, but had to run another 200m after doubling back. Held on to the end with a 20:27 on my watch, officially 20:29 so a Pb by 5 seconds. Not what I was hoping for but I found it quite tough on the monotonous flat pavement and think I prefer the variety of an XC style run. Also, it was measured at 5.01km whereas Nonsuch always comes out at about 4.9km. My pace was 5 seconds a km faster. An improvement.

    It’s going to be a tough nut to crack this sub 20:00 but I’m determined to do it.

    Free Member

    Blokeuptheroad – great stuff, keep it up.

    – that’s the best way to do it I reckon – don’t push them as that will put them off.

    Took the 4 and 10 year olds out on their bikes today with mrs. Missed a Richmond Park run but it was a great day out. Mud, ice and a beer.

    Free Member

    I suppose a link would help:

    Niksa Mens Compression Shorts Base Layer Tights 3 Pack,Sport Gym Fitness Training Workout Pants Leggings Cool Dry for Running Jogging Exercise,L

    Free Member

    I personally think that the inserts in shoes should be steel, quick release and 26”. Sorted. Carbon is the work of the devil I tell you.

    I got a pack of 3 “compression” under shorts that are a bit like thin cycling shorts. Quite cheap from amazon, wasn’t expecting much but I find them, well it’s hard to describe, but I just don’t notice them at all. Keeps the bits in place but don’t squeeze too much. Medium was compression, but I went large for a gentle caress.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t dream of starting an argument!

    Yes the one’s with the carbon spring in the sole. All good fun.

    Free Member

    Looks like the Vaporfly shoes might be banned anyway – unfair advantage. Silly move as they will go straight to number 1 and all the kids will be wanting them.

    Aren’t shoes an unfair advantage over hobbling around in bare feet?

    Free Member

    I would go for green, but I’m a shy and retiring type.

    Free Member

    @turboferret and @shortbread_fanylion

    Thanks, I’ll see how it goes. No excuses on the course – flat, wide, tarmac and quiet. Not sure about natural ability, just a stubborn attitude towards making myself suffer and keep on running. I’ll probably go out too fast and blow up on 4km, but we’ll see. It’s not really important but I do find that I enjoy going for targets and goals – adds motivation for me but I realise it’s not for everyone. I just feel that I need to get a few achievements when I still can and before I get too old. Also, it would be nice to eventually beat Chris Boardman’s time…

    I’m trying to get the family to do the parkrun. I volunteered last week as a marshall and took my 15 year old daughter with me and she seemed to enjoy it. Was great cheering people on and it made me think that the people suffering for 45 minutes out there have a much tougher morning than the guys breezing home in 17 minutes, although the guy in second was giving it everything. Hopefully the parkrun karma will be with me tomorrow, about which I am already nervous, embarrassingly.

    Free Member

    I often get very tired and get “diagnosed” with Vit D deficiency, but I’m not convinced. Just think it’s my age and a hectic life – work, kids, work, kids, other stuff…

    Lunge: Great victory, I’m sure it was quite a spectacle.

    What’s everyone up to at the weekend? If anyone fancies it I’m going to Victoria Dock Parkrun on Saturday in the old East End of Landan. The course is flat, pavement, wide and with not that many runners, so I’m going for a PB. Not exciting like a mountain run, but it keeps me entertained.

    I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, as 4 months ago I would have laughed at someone who suggested it, but I’m going for a sub 20 minute run. Currently on 20:34 at a muddy Nonsuch on New Year’s Day after 4 hours sleep, so who knows? But, as we all know with running/sport you just never know when you’re going to have a good or bad day. It might be a failure, but I’m going to bury myself and see what happens. Did 25 minutes of fast-up, slow-down hill reps last night to prepare me, and hopefully my legs should recover in time.

    Free Member

    Just done the Surrey League div 3 at Oxshott. I love XC races!

    Free Member

    Incredible achievements by Joss Naylor. I really can’t comprehend how anybody does such things as it’s so far beyond my capability.

    Having said that someone I know moved to Devon a few years back and when he lived near me he was relatively unfit, just picked up a folding bike and was starting to potter around slowly on it. I caught up with last year and he showed my his running certificates – 5K, 10K, 10 miles, Half, Marathon, Ultra and then the 100 mile coast run of some sort. Atounding. Well done all!

    Free Member


    Just seen your Strava for the Denbies. Great time considering one of our faster runners came in at 50 minutes – the speed of the top runners astounds me. You beat Ollie Garrod too who wins the Nonsuch parkrun most weeks. You should come along to that and go for a win, although you mentioned family commitments.

    Free Member

    Any good trail races around the Surrey Hills? Most of the Sutton lot did the T10 – 39 of us.

    Free Member

    Some Sutton runners did Denbies. Quite tough apparently.

    Free Member

    Would like to do a fell race some time. Not many down south.

    My Tadworth 10:

    Can’t get GIF to embed.

    Free Member

    Thanks lunge, will look at the Kiger.

    Made a decision and ran in road shoes. Fine for about 99.9% of course apart from one muddy 20 Foot stretch that we crossed twice. First time around I leapt across a deep bit, no grip on landing, slipped out and fell, did barrel roll in the mud and carried on. Shoes filthy, me filthy. Almost did it second lap too. Apart from that they were the correct choice.

    As for race, oh hell. Second lap was fairly agonising, legs screaming, massive hunger, hills that never end. Dragged myself to the end and got 1:18:45, 142 out of 629. Happy with that.

    It was only 10 miles but felt like an epic to me.

    Free Member

    Probably the best way.

    Free Member

    Thanks Lotto. They are aggressive and a little slippery on wet tarmac but are surprisingly compliant so I should be ok. Just need to go on that infuriating hunt for shoes again now. I could wear my Merrell 0mm drop shoes but I’m scared my calves won’t thank me for it.

    Here we go: What shoes are good on and off road, have a drop of about 4-6mm, a fairly wide toe box and don’t cost the earth. Oh, and are in stock! Don’t you just love it.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit late to bring it up as race is tomorrow. It’s a 10 miler with a mixture of trail and road. Was going to try to get some trail shoes that are good on road and off, but didn’t so will be wearing my inov-8 x-talon. I’m concerned the rubber lugs will wear down after 4 miles of tarmac. What do you think?

    Free Member

    Celebrated clubmate’s 300th parkrun today. Took it easy for 10 mile XC tomorrow and blimey, it’s busy in the middle of the pack! Nonsuch was packed today and a good time was had by all.

    Ps I’m on 11 now, so a loooooong way to go.

    Free Member

    Anyone do the parkrun double today? I didn’t but know many who did. Great idea.

    I did Nonsuch and managed a PB 20:34. Going for a sub 20 soon which is something I never even dreamed of saying only 4 months ago, when a 25:00 seemed a long way off. Merry New Year!

    Free Member

    I’ve entered the Tadworth 10 Onntheb5th January which is a daunting prospect for me – 10 miles trail race. Found out there is quite a lot of road so.not sure what shoes to wear now.

    Been building up to it with a couple of 7k last week and my first 10 mile run yesterday. Wasn’t sure how is feel but got through it and felt quite spritely at the end. Legs a little tired today.

    Parkrun on New Year’s Day and tempted to go for a sub 21, depending how tired I feel. Slow parkrun to celebrate a friends 300th on Saturday, then the big event on Sunday.

    All that and the kids I think I’ll need to go back to work for a rest.

    Keep up the good work people – the stories are good to read.

    Free Member

    Had to turn off when Patel smarmed her way into my tv. Vile, vile and evil woman. Bring me more booze!

    Free Member

    Stop the world, I’m getting off.

    Free Member

    I give up.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I really, really hope it’s tight. I’ve been here so many times before and it’s been complete devastation.

    Free Member

    Some on here maintaining hope, some predicting a large Tory majority. Could it really go either way? I always seem to get my hopes up and then they are dashed to ground and trampled into dust. I’ve voted at last, but don’t feel at all optimistic.

    Free Member

    Well done Mum. Hard thing to do.

    Free Member

    Please can I have some hope. I fear that the tiny bit I have left will be extinguished by midnight.

    Free Member

    I like to have a balanced view and see all the arguments for their worth. Everyone has a fair point. This guy sums up my view really eloquently, and he only mentions half of it.

    I’m hoping that humanity sees sense today, and people aren’t stupid enough to believe what the vile right-wing press are vomiting everyday, and that some balance can be restored to the force. I don’t know why I get so worked up or hopeful about these things – I just end up utterly depressed, and then apologise to all the homeless people I meet in London, freezing on the streets. I shouldn’t have to donate to food banks or Shelter in 2019, no-one should. It’s sickening. As someone said above, see you on the other side.

    Free Member

    Not bad, but nothing compared to some of you. Only really started running in August and now do a week night session with the local club and a run at the weekend. Have done XC races, run 10k and improved my parkrun time from 26 minutes to just over 21 minutes. I quite like the shorter, faster runs to be honest – the pain doesn’t last as long.

    Happy to be staying injury free –
    There’s always a niggle but I’ve come to accept it hurts.

    Looking at doing slightly longer races and getting below 20 minutes on parkrun. I realise getting the pace down from about 4:16/km to just over 4:00/km is going to be really tough, as my improvement is a typical beginner curve and I will plateau soon. One thing I do quite well is suffer so who knows? Would like to do it before my muscles decay completely.

    Free Member

    Turbo: I started coughing badly when running. Two puffs on the inhaler sort me out before a run. You might have fractured a rib or something.

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