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    Free Member

    Not been here for ages. Hope everyone well and still getting out there.

    I completed the Lakeland 100 2 weeks ago. 39 hours and 15 minutes. No sleep, two sunsets and two dawns. It was an incredible experience and I’m still in orbit. I didn’t think I could do it but people had belief in me and I did. Believe in yourself and anything is possible. Keep at it.

    Free Member

    @mogrim – amazing effort on the TdG. I can’t quite comprehend the distance.

    all others – great going, and I think we are all glad it’s bit cooler.

    Anyone doing the Vitality 10k tomorrow in London? I got an offer through parkrun to enter for a tenner so going along for the experience, even though 10ks are against my

    religion. Horrible, hurty things. I put down my pb from a couple of years ago and I’m in wave 1. I’ll need to watch my mirrors!

    headtorches: I bought a nice black diamonds but it has this stupid function when you touch the side it switches to main beam. I always seem to trigger it, unless I want to, and keep having to check if it’s on or off. I’ve tried taping the side but to no avail.

    Bought an Alpkit Qark and although it’s a bit rougher around the edges, it’s functional,

    comfy enough and easy to use.

    Free Member

    @doom_mountain. That’s a stunning time for the 100. A friend of mine who I consider to be much stronger and faster than me did it in 33 and that is a strong finish. I did the 50 in 14:26 which qualified me for the 100 so I probably didn’t catch you. Came in around 2:15AM I think.

    What an event though! The goose-bumpage at the start of the 100 is massive and it’s like the UTMB! What a feeling. The 50 start was quite good but not quite the same. If people are worried about the numbers, I get it, but there is quite a lot of Lake District to spread people out. Some sections are on your own, others with groups. It does make navigation easier though as there is usually a light or someone to follow.

    I’m very daunted by the 100, but I know my weaknesses after doing the 50. It’s mainly the hills! I’m just not used to climbing for an hour – coming out of Howtown up Fuesdale, my legs were destroyed and I thought my race was run after 10 miles. But, a minute over the top and I was running again. It’s those climbing muscles I need to work on to power me up the mountains. Nutrition too – I ate too much at the banquets and the stomach had a few issues. Felt very nauseous when I went into Chapel Style but got over it.

    Usually average at most things, I discovered I was quite good downhill! Happily flying past people who were plodding down. It helps my cousin is a fell runner (who incidentally was one of the three people that designed the 100 course) and I’ve followed him on some runs – brakes off, brain off. Short, skippy steps, minimise ground contact, glide down. Love it. The last descent into Coniston is evil though – super sharp rocks and very steep on tired legs.

    I need to get me some big hills.

    Free Member

    Evening all. It’s been ages since I posted here. Well done on all the running people.

    I have been busy and doing a fair bit of running. I did the Lakeland 50 in July. I loved it and have just heard I have got into the Lakeland 100 for next year. Terrified. Anyone elsE doing it?

    Free Member

    Is the company trying to get a certification such as Cyber Essentials? Personal devices are now in scope if they touch personal data. Just having an decent AUP signed by users is not enough, and technical controls need to be in place to ensure compliance. The main reason for this is the old CIA triangle –
    Confidentiality, integrity and availability of data belonging to the company. The controls state that all devices must be fully patched, only have authorised apps, not be jail broken, have 6 digit PIN codes and be supported models. Unpatched systems, including phones, are in the top 3 attack vectors for malicious access to data (social engineering and weak passwords the others). It’s a massive problem. If a hacker compromises a phone with access to company data that is an easy way in to the inner sanctum and you better hope the company has good security and detection methods inside. Ransomware, Exfiltration and publishing of confidential data, manipulating data are all possible. CIA goes to pot, GDPR police get involved and it’s not good. The cost of recovery can be huge.
    The problem with Cyber Essentials is that it is a tick box exercise and many companies tick the boxes but don’t apply the controls. It drives me mad and I tell customers that is not the point – it is meant to make you more secure and try to stop data breaches. Often it falls on deaf ears.
    Separating personal devices from company data is a problem that isn’t going away and sometimes it’s a case of being draconian. The company says you aren’t coming in unless we have controls. You can say no as personal data can be compromised, so you don’t come in. As mentioned, they should provide devices for this access. Many places just ban personal devices now.
    I’m ranting a bit, but user awareness training is also massively important. Educate your staff in why these controls are in place and get them on side. All the tech controls in the world don’t protect against an effective phishing attack.
    Sorry, you can go back to your daily lives now. But watch out, and update that phone!

    Free Member

    @turboferret. Best of luck. Will be interesting to see how you get on.

    . Wouldn’t be a proper day before an ultra if you didn’t have a niggle. Hope it goes well!

    Free Member

    Hello all,
    Some good running and come backs happening which is good to see. @lunge, sounds like a sensible option to do the half.
    You should get well under 7 hours for the ultra, as I got 7:30 for a 40 miler but only 750m climbing. Enjoy the day and your feet will follow.

    I did North Dorset Village Marathon on Sunday. Prep involved an ultra 1 month ago, new job, holiday, university exams and coursework, and riding up snowdon the week before. Also had body aches and general crap feeling on the days leading up to it.
    Put all that to the back of my mind and started off dead slow on this hilly course – 300m climbing but always up or down. Ran to heart rate, keeping it in zone 2 for as long as possible, which lasted to about half distance. I was surprised as I didn’t think I had the fitness. Kept going and at 20 miles I still had some legs and pushed on. Managed negative splits and a pb of 6 mins to come in at 3:41. My last 5k in the race was a sub-25 min, which was a 5k target only two and a half years ago!
    I was very happy with that and I think I’ve found my way of cracking the 26 miler. I know loads in the club who have done marathons lately, gone off too fast and blown up in the last 6 miles. Start slow, save the legs and push at the end. It’s easier to make back time at the end. I must have passed 35 people in the last 6 miles, and it was a field of only 250.
    Legs feel it now, though.
    Keep at it guys and gals.

    Free Member

    PSA: garmin Fenix 6x pro on Amazon for £340

    – looks amazing. Top work.

    – top effort! Still super fast and it’s all about enjoying it IMHO.

    I completed my 2nd 62km Fox Ultra on Saturday. A fantastic event starting and finishing in Godalming and looping around Guildford. Ant-clockwise this time with the bigger hills in the first third. 15 minute pb in 7:30 for what it’s worth.
    Took it easy, kept the heart rate low, walked the hills, enjoyed it so much I was laughing audibly at times.
    Only entered 4 days before with nonspecific training and 30-40km weeeks. Only started really hurting at 55km but that could have been psychological. Legs a bit shredded on Sunday but coming back today.
    Great event and great people. A gateway ultra. I want to do a 50 miler now.

    Keep at it people!

    Free Member

    @lunge. Some great running there!

    I’ve been off-thread for a bit so just catching up. Keep at it all.

    Nothing major here but came third out of 261 at market harborough parkrun. 4 seconds off my pb with a 19:19. I shot off the start like a rocket, like you have to at Nonsuch or you get trampled. Looked around and nobody was there! Great feeling leading for a bit.

    Did 21 minute pacing at Nonsuch last Saturday. Brilliant fun. Sutton runners had pacers from 19 minutes all way up to 40 mins. Great turnout.

    I did the Fox Ultra 62km last September. Really wanted to do the spring edition this Saturday the 2nd April, but thought I’d be busy. Turns out I’ve got a free day and I am massively tempted to push the button despite having no long runs in my legs. Wife has offered to scoop me if a collapse and I can walk the hills. What could go wrong????

    Free Member

    Brave move by Finland. It has been said there is no such country as Finland from certain sources. Finlandization is a well known term relating to their history.
    When I was there they were a proud independent people who just happen to border Russia.
    Good luck to them.

    Free Member

    I’ve not commented on this thread yet, but have been following it and other sources and I’m as concerned as everyone else. Terrible situation.

    However, answer me this. How can idiots like Truss et al, be let anywhere near this world-changing situation? They probably truly believe they are qualified but one slip of the tongue and this sort of nightmare happens. Of course, he was looking to blame someone, but diplomacy skills are subtle and avoid mistakes like this. The muppets in our government don’t know the meaning of subtlety.

    This is truly terrifying and the likes of Truss need to have everything they say scripted by skilled, intelligent people.

    Free Member

    I’ve got two. One is vintage and a lovely bit of kit but very heavy and not great at tight spaces.
    The other is a basic Bosch thing which feels quite flimsy when assembling but is in reality is solid and gives a great cut. It’s light and manoeuvrable too.
    Neither are good with long grass so regular cutting is a must.

    Free Member

    Many thanks. I’ll look into it.

    Free Member

    I do like the look of these. I’ve got a question, deep from the mists of time, when wheels were wheels and they dropped out when you flicked the lever.

    I’ve got a set of wheels with DT Swiss hubs currently set up as qr, but have been known to have a thru-axle in their history. I take it these wouldn’t fit in the frame, even with an adapter?


    Free Member

    Top work @turboferret.

    I’ve come to the same conclusion about shorter races – hit it hard from the start and try to hang on. All my best times have been when I haven’t had much sprint at the end as it’s been a consistent effort from gun to tape. It’s fun having a big finish in the legs but not sure it’s the fastest.

    I took turbo’s advice over the last year and had a (slower) breakthrough in 5k and 10k in the autumn by making easy runs really easy. After ultra and marathon training the shorter distances just got faster. Not easier, just faster. I’m just an average runner so if it works
    For me it should work for most.

    Free Member

    Well done on your achievements everyone. That was my first proper full year of running as I had Covid in December last year and had a month off. Reached my 1000 mile target on 30th so could rest on NYE.

    Distance: 1000 miles – PB
    Parkrun: 19:15 – PB
    5k: 19:35 – PB
    10k: 39:33 – PB (never again)
    Marathon: 3:47 – PB
    Ultra: 63km – PB
    Ascent: About 12000m – PB

    Free Member

    I’ve just discovered this thread. Quite a few games entered the household this Christmas:

    Ride the Rails
    Elf (snakes and ladders engine so youngest happy)

    Ticket to Ride arriving tomorrow after reading the above.

    Finding one the kids don’t get upset with is a challenge and the easier to play the better.

    Thanks for the interesting suggestions.

    Free Member

    The family watched this with great excitement. Having lived through the eighties triumphs and disasters in space flight, there are always a few nervous moments. Amazing achievement so far.

    I still find it hard to fathom how such precision can be adhered to from strapping a highly sensitive and fragile piece of equipment to a massive explosion and pointing it upwards. That’s a lot of maths. Looking forward to the snaps.

    Free Member

    Whichever way the decision goes, it’s ruined F1 for me. What an utterly crap way to end a season like that. Masi must go. They need a strong hand that applies the rules and does not bend and make “deals”. It’s the rules, they don’t bend, that is that. Other sports seem to run ok. The ball was either out or in, it can’t be changed.
    Sometimes a match is a 0-0 draw in the rain. It happens. Not every race can be a classic.
    Very disappointed with the whole thing.

    Free Member

    I incredibly disappointed how that all finished, regardless of who won. It felt rushed, contrived and designed to provide a spectacle, regardless of the rules. Lewis had won that race, Max gave it a good go, RB rolled the dice, but it was literally handed to them in the end. No contest, just there for TV. If it had been the other way around I’d like to think I’d feel the same, as it makes the sport look ridiculous.

    All those people that tuned into F1 to see what the fuss was about – nice to have met you, have a good life. They won’t be back.

    I really don’t want to watch it any more. I probably will, but not sure how much I can take. Masi comes across as very weak and easily swayed, the last thing you need in that position. There are many people who would do a much better job.

    Free Member

    Cheers! I hate 10k. @turboferret – The last PB was when you paced me at Nonsuch in 2020. That was a harder course, and this was the first proper flat, road 10K race I’ve done, but it’s a good improvement.

    Good luck on the January endeavour. The current record is the following pace I think. Just under sub 3 marathon pace. Should be a walk in down the canal for someone of your talents!

    6 minutes 51.63 seconds per mile
    4 minutes 15.77 seconds per kilometer

    Free Member

    Fair enough. There’s always another week.

    A very contrasting 3 weeks of running for me.

    3 weeks ago: Club XC event at Denbies vineyard. Really looking forward to it as I missed the first match. On the warm up my heart rate hit the roof at an easy pace and I knew it was all over. tried to run but had to stop up the hills. I’m getting it checked out as it happens every couple of months. Could be a post-Covid thing. I don’t think it’s anything too serious but it feels like my fitness has been instantly halved. Very annoyed to miss that race.I honestly thought I would not be ever running again. That was it. Game over, man, game over. Not a nice feeling.

    2 weeks ago: Nonsuch park run. Fuelled by anger and wanting to prove a point to myself the plan was to give it everything from the start. This I did, hit a 3:46 first km and got a PB of 19:15 and 76% age grading to boot. Happier.

    This Sunday: Ranelagh Harriers Richmond 10k. I had a feeling I could do it, so I set off with a 3:48km to get some time in the bank. Backed off a bit and sat at 3:56-3:59km, got a Garmin 5Km PB of 19:33, and held on for a 39:33 to get my sub 40 target. Absolutely stoked by that. It was incredibly tough after 7km, my vision went blurry at 9km, but that’s a PB of about 4 mins. I’m not doing it again.

    Now I can relax. Until the next park run when my next goal is to go 16 seconds faster…

    Keep at it. You have good days and bad days. Remember the good days!

    Free Member

    One mk4 here.

    Free Member

    How did parkrun re-entry go?

    Free Member

    I have some speedgoats. I think they run very well on dry trails. It are terrible in mud and just clag up quickly, increasing the stack height even more. I never noticed them being unstable due to height.
    However, my toes run on the outside even on the wide fit. They are not foot shape so I have moved to Altra, which are and no more rubbing.

    As for speed, I got a parkrun PB of 15 seconds wearing my inov-8 claw things in mild mud. They are light, but just shows you that the right footwear for the conditions can give you speeeed.

    Free Member

    Sometimes it is good to set massively optimistic goals!

    Free Member

    I’ll admit I’m a bit of a slave to pace. On easy runs I like to know I’m running easy but usually go on heart rate and feel, the latter of which I have got much better at.
    However, XC apart, as that is dictated to by conditions and the course, I like to see my pace on 5k/10k road races. It motivates me and gives me a kick if I am backing off.
    XC was a disaster last week due to heart rate issues, but I have the Richmond 10k next week so I’m going for a fast parkrun tomorrow to see where I am. I will be checking pace throughout. I have a target, which is massively optimistic, but it will be interesting to see how far off I am, and whether the old ticker can take the pressure.
    Nice photos of the Lake District – stunning place, must go, well done.

    Free Member

    The minimalist thing is interesting. I started running just over two years ago properly and started with minimalist shoes, got a bit injured, switched to normal shoes and still got injured.
    I think I slowly improved my form and built up muscles and have now found Altra zero drop with cushioning brilliant, and inov-8 zero drip for mud equally impressive.
    I guess I’ve got used to it, but I have Hokas with 4mm drop and they don’t feel any different, just far too narrow.
    I’ve always spent a lot of time walking around in socks at home and try to avoid big heels in shoes.
    A recent endorsement of Altra is my recent marathon where I had zero foot and lower leg issues – just my usual glute and adductor soreness which is because I don’t do any strength work. Comfortable feet all the way. Lovely.
    I would probably recommend normal shoes. Most people wear them.

    XC at Denbies today. The inov-8 Terra law will be used. 9km so a bit longer than the usual XC, but looking forward to it.

    Free Member

    Well done all!

    My first marathon was on Sunday in Newport. I’ve done longer runs but knew this would hurt – constant running on tarmac is brutal.

    Ran with a friend who couldn’t walk a year ago due to chemotherapy in aid of his hospital. We were doing well and on for a 3:40 when it got tough 10k out. He was a bit broken but we stuck together and got it done in 3:47. A fantastic effort from the man.

    I think I could have kept on for a 3:40, that’s not to say it wasn’t hurting. That’s wasn’t the point and teamwork won the day. I had to dig deep and it was mind over body, but we didn’t stop and didn’t walk any of it, constant running.

    Really enjoyed the experience, but it’s a relentless run that just goes on and on and on.

    Glutes and adductors sore but apart from that all is good in this old body.

    Free Member

    What a glorious weekend!
    Took my youngest up to my home town of Market Harborough this weekend, and did the local parkrun at an easy pace. Couldn’t resist a cheeky sprint and took fastest of the day on that!

    Brilliant trail half today, Sunday, called the Clipston trail half. Rolling hills, no flat, involved running across ploughed fields. Planned to run on heart rate, but the uphill 3k stopped that plan so I just ran and enjoyed it. And I really did enjoy it, apart from maybe the last 2k of ploughed fields, but a brilliant local event. Came 21/86 with a 1:47:44. I was 9th in age 40-50, and the strange thing is the first 35-39 runner came in at 26, slower than me! There’s a lot of us older blokes doing this stuff, and doing it well. What a weekend!

    Well done @bazz, top running. Keep at it peoples, it’s a great thing we do and long may it last. For me, I feel very honoured to be able to run and take part in these events and I just go out and enjoy it now. I’m getting older and it won’t last forever.

    Free Member

    On the subject of strength training, it probably is important as you get older as your muscles waste away from about 40 years old. Not a nice thought as I’m nearly 9 years in. I too find it dull but do a few leg, backside and core things when I really can’t think of anything else to do.

    Funny thing is with running in general is that I don’t think it builds muscles massively. I read that book, the lost art of running, and the author mentions that we diverged from chimpanzees and left them with the strength (they are massively stronger than us but can’t run far), but we got the bounce. Running uses the fascia to return energy. If we just relied on muscles we would tire very quickly. I found it intersting anyway. Take from it what you will. It does sort of make sense as if you do one leg squats the leg tires very quickly.

    Obviously, muscles are used, and when running or hiking up hills, that burn certainly feels like a muscle on fire.

    That bounce is interesting too. I’ve been trying to stop bouncing when running, but apparently the best runners bounce really high, but also forward. Kipchoge for example. Unlearn, you must…

    Free Member

    I can highly recommend the Fox Ultra if anyone wants an autumn race from Godalming in Surrey. 63km, 750m climbing. Tough for me in the heat, but not super tough as I finished it and I’m no ultra machine.
    It took me 7:45 which is a little over target, but the weather turned hot so I’m happy with that. 40/80 starters, with 3 DNF. Took it slow and still had some legs at the end so it went well. That’s not to say it wasn’t hard as all the hills came in the last 20km, but I kept at it and ignored the feet and legs.
    Some people I was chatting to for the first half finished over an hour down so it’s easy to blow up.
    Great support, friendly people, lovely scenery and a nice mix of ultra, relay, marathon and half.
    I’m looking forward to doing it next year.

    Free Member

    Stunning running @turboferret. Who knows how this training business and the human body work? Amazing time.

    I’ve just checked the pace guides and I feel a bit better as I have run a 400m quicker than that pace! How on earth you do that for 5k is astonishing.

    Interestingly, it’s still a bit slower than WR marathon pace. Which, again, is mind blowing.

    Free Member


    Great idea on the ultra. I did 50km last year and have 62km on Saturday. I’m a little apprehensive but really looking forward to it, and I’m far more scared of the marathon at the end of October.

    You aim to finish an ultra (most of us do, not race it), so walking, chatting, crying in bushes is all prt of it, but marathons are full on going for a time. You can walk 30 miles and probably still do well.

    Have fun and it’s something to aim for

    Free Member

    Sounds like a busy time @lunge. Good luck with it all.

    I’ve got a 62km trail run on Saturday, a trail half the week after then Newport marathon on 24th October. Taking it easy this week and trying to taper.

    I know quite a few who did the Brighton marathon and really struggled after about mile 16. Might have been the heat.

    Parkrun is great isn’t it? I’ve got my ideal routine now. Run 4km there which is slightly uphill so I take it easy. Warm up is 1 min at race pace – about 3:55-4:00/km, recover, 2 x 100m at 3:00/km. Doing it that way makes the last bit of running fast and when then race starts it doesn’t feel too quick and I can settle quickly into a rhythm. Run home after to cool down.

    I usually approach the 5k as an ordeal of pain to be endured. This week, after reading some books and wanting to progress, I relaxed, smiled, concentrated on form, head up, shoulders relaxed, 180 steps per minute, breathing properly and just went out and enjoyed it as it’s such a great thing to be able to do. I’m sure it hurt, but I really didn’t feel it that much which is a revelation. Got a Pb of 19:30, consistent splits and 28 out of 662, which is a 34 second improvement from a few weeks back. Well chuffed.

    I feel like I am getting the hang of this, a bit. Still lots to learn.

    Free Member

    I didn’t like the Apple Watch for running – the touch screen isn’t tactile enough so you can’t do laps and start/stop without looking which is terrible in races or intervals. I’ve had a garmin 245 for 2 years now and it is superb, including the battery. Looking at a 945 for some extra features and applaud Garmin for sticking with buttons.

    Heart rate straps are much better than wrist, although you do need to wet them on the contact point or the readings are erratic until you sweat. More important in winter.

    I use heart rate zones a lot but can do a lot by feel now. Zone 2 will feel really slow until your body adjusts, and then you can run at a faster pace for a given effort.

    Always wear a cap – keeps out the sweat, keeps the sun off my exposed scalp and keeps my head up as I can’t see forward if I look at the floor. Bonus.

    250km is incredible! Well done. I’ve got a 62km in two weeks and did a 44km warm up yesterday around Headley Heath. 750m of climbing so my legs feel it, but they aren’t too bad, which is a nice surprise. Altra Timp 3 trail shoes are simple awesome! They feel as they are designed for my feet. Kept the heart rate as low as I could and averaged 148, top of zone 2, for the whole run/walk so happy with that. 6:40/km moving, around 7:00/km with rest stops.

    Did my first mile race the other week. I said 6:10 but someone put me in the “faster” race and I came in third with a 5:50. Started at the back and picked them off one by one and managed to out sprint someone at the end. A nice feeling. Did a relay after that and got a 1:07 400m which is a Pb. The fast stuff is really good fun, but…

    I was away at a festival for 4 days and came back straight into a 7k warm up then 30 mins of long hill reps. By ‘eck my legs were shredded and thought I’d done myself a mischief with some quite painful calf muscles and ankles. I managed a recovery on the Wednesday but they hadn’t recovered until the long run on Saturday. Luckily, no lasting damage and I think that is down to running for a couple of years and being more resilient. I broke my own rule of maxing out at 25 min hard intervals. You’ve got to look after an old body. I shall learn from the experience.

    Keep at it all! I feel a parkrun PB is in me but I do a hard 5k exactly a week before a 62km ultra?

    Free Member

    Cheers, mate! The thing is I know I’ve been there or there abouts since spring and was building up for parkrun to return. Of course, it was delayed and delayed so I’ve had to try to keep that specific goal in mind, which was quite hard. Feels a relief I can move on to other things now.

    Free Member

    It’s been a while. Glad to see most are doing well, and those that aren’t due to various reasons, don’t despair. Some very impressive runs above – long, fast, etc. Well done all.

    Can’t remember where I left it last. I’ve been running quite a lot and loving it. Managed to get my sub 20 parkrun on the board with a 19:58 at market Harborough a couple of week’s back. Course was torturous and twisty, with loads of back markers but flat and managed to get it done. 11th out of 308 and second in age so happy with that. Feel I could go faster on an open course like Battersea Park.

    Parkrun has been good. Got 20:04 at Nonsuch too and didn’t push 100%. Volunteering this weekend to pay back the karma.

    Nothing was booked until a friend of mine who has recently recovered from cancer asked for runners at the Newport marathon. Seemed rude not to do that us booked at end of October. He said he was slow now and going for a 3:45! Gulp. Trail half in clipston at end of September and seriously considering a 60km in godalming the week before. I did an65km week last week for the first time in ages, up from a 30km target, so I can feel it today. No real niggles which is encouraging, just fatigue.

    Had a strange heart rate thing where it shot up to max rpm on an easy run and wouldn’t come down. Not out of breath but running up hill felt like hell. I walked. I have run longer since and it’s been fine but I’m getting it checked out.

    Keep at it all.

    Free Member

    Well driven – good observation and reaction to incident. We all make mistakes and you were able to stop in time which shows you were alert.
    I always move my head around after a similar incident. Motorbikes disappear too which is terrifying. It is all these passive safety features and strengthening in cars that make them unsafe in many ways, although a mk4 golf probably isn’t as bad as some. Drive an eighties tin box with thin pillars and the visibility is immense. We have electronics nowadays to think and look for us. We’ve just got rid of a new Seat that kept slamming on the brakes coming off the drive as it thought it was going to hit a wall due to the crown in the road. Really slammed them on, not even progressive braking. Dangerous.

    Free Member

    As far as I saw the final, it was Southgate against Mancini, the young prodigy against the grand master. The teams were both good, in different ways.

    The grand master won. Southgate can learn to think on the fly and react better.

    Enjoyed the whole tournament, apart from the animals, but people have had enough and change needs to come from the top.

Viewing 40 posts - 1 through 40 (of 675 total)