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  • Les Gets World Cup DH results, report and highlights vids
  • Rona
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    I was in San Diego many years ago, and was cycling out to the coast when I came across a man playing his bagpipes beside his parked car in a layby on a busy road. I always imagined his wife wouldn’t let him practise near the house. 😆

    Full Member

    Great pics all – looks like some proper fun was had over the weekend.

    Loved the vid @rOcKeTdOg – and fantastic [edit: oops, sorry, posted a spoiler]. Yes, nothing like a bit of dry singletrack. 😃

    Full Member

    stevenmenmuir – I’m so sorry to hear this news. Whatever you found to say will have been gratefully received, and will have helped to make them feel, even a little, less alone in their grief and shock I’m sure.

    CountZero – I’m desperately sorry to hear this – it’s heartbreaking. I’m wishing you strength.

    Full Member

    🤩 The sun is out, the birds are shouting, and I’m leaping out of bed in excitement to get outside. Probably my favourite time of year.

    Full Member

    I felt absolutely fine afterwards, not even a sore arm and thought i’d got away with it.

    ^ Me too. Spent a most unpleasant night after being vaccinated yesterday morning (52, AZ, for those interested). Got out of bed in the night to find my legs as wobbly as a new-born lamb’s. A bit like mild flu in super fast-forward. However, somehow I found myself smiling and feeling positive and hopeful. Bonkers. 😃

    Feeling somewhat better today, despite the lack of sleep, but still decidedly ropey. Have postponed the day’s activities in favour of a day on the couch. 🙂

    Full Member

    We studied My Family and Other Animals in early secondary school and I loved it. (Incidentally, there’s a scene in this book which has to be one of the funniest passages in any book I’ve read – involving a matchbox IIRC, for those who know the book. I’m not sure it would stand up to a reread all these years later, but has stayed with me all this time.)

    Anyway, the tv adaptation was not a disappointment – a wonderful cast of gloriously eccentric characters – particularly Margo, and Lugaretzia for some priceless facial expressions. The beautiful setting, and lack of technology and modern convenience, also made for a soothing watch. Thumbs up from me. 🙂

    Full Member

    Oh my goodness – all of the above dogs are adorable in different ways. 😃

    Full Member

    Brilliant – thanks for the alert. 😃

    Full Member

    Gorgeous pics spekkie. Lovely to see the high mountains rising up in the background behind Ainsa. And the last pic is made for me by that sliver of low-lying mist.

    Full Member

    Earthed – the first film – specifically the section with Nathan Rennie descending at Whistler with a soundtrack of The Seeker. Any fast, swoopy descent has me searching for that feeling, and striving to ride more smoothly. I’ve been unable to ride for the past few years, and what that short section of film represents for me is what keeps me moving towards the day I can get back on the trails again. One of my nicknames is related to this piece of film!

    +1 Jaws – it terrified me as a youngster – and not only in open water … I had visions of the shark bursting out of the plughole in the bath.

    Otherwise, I’m out of my depth in this thread. 🙂

    Full Member

    but the sort of writing where each line can be a treat by itself.

    Love this, and I do find this with both Austen and Wodehouse. Almost tempted to try Moby Dick … even having read the other thread.

    I’ve been pondering my top books since this thread began – still no closer to an answer!

    If it truly was for a desert island, then it would have to be something philosophical to keep my spirits up, something practical to minimise the risks of starving or being eaten by some monstrous creature, and something comforting – Five on a Treasure Island from the distant past would seem suitable. 🙂

    Full Member

    Labyrinth by Kate Mosse

    I used to browse the local charity shops for reading material, and the common theme was that every one of them had at least one copy of this. 🙂

    Thanks martinhutch. Probably quite telling. 🙂

    Full Member

    Elizabeth Bennet – intelligent, sincere, and:

    ‘… for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous.’

    Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice.

    Full Member

    It’s not often I don’t finish a book, but two I haven’t managed to get past the first 50 pages or so are:

    Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernières

    Labyrinth by Kate Mosse

    Should I try again?

    P.S. I love The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings – some great characters along with the adventure (also IMO).

    Full Member


    +1 nice shirt.

    Full Member

    Hello sisterofsoulrider, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. I didn’t know him (other than recognising his forum name), but if he was highly regarded by the folk on here then I’m confident he was a good man. Like you, I lost a loved one to a road cycling accident, and I still sometimes look up the thread which was on here at the time (12 years ago rather than 2!) and take comfort from hearing that others were inspired by him and enjoyed his company on the bike. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. I’m wishing you all the best.

    locking his bike in his wardrobe at uni


    Full Member

    Thanks CountZero – I didn’t know about this. I’m a long-time admirer of Peter Gabriel’s work, and I do love a good collaboration. Good to see Yo-Yo Ma.

    This is one of a few songs (from any artist) that always stops me in my tracks and makes my hair stand on end. Very powerful. I loved this new arrangement.

    Full Member

    Thanks slowoldman – looks right up my street. Have added it to my watch list. 🙂

    Full Member

    I’d like to be able to speak the languages I find beautiful – French and Gaelic. My French is okay, but Gaelic has remained a mystery despite a couple of attempts.

    I’d like to play the violin better. I took it up again a few years ago after not playing since school, and it has been a joy to play with others in an orchestra. It’s a work in progress.

    Skills which would be useful but which I lack entirely: navigating and diy of any kind. I went on a navigation course, I know how to read a map, I know how to use a compass – but still I have an uncanny knack for getting lost!

    Full Member

    Lovely story! 😃

    Have a great ride.

    Full Member

    Don’t be put off that those blank periods will be short, just keep coming back to them. It takes years of practise for most people to get long periods of allowing the thoughts/clouds continually drift away and dwell in the blank space.

    My experience with the process of TM has been that the ‘blank space’ between thoughts can be easily accessed even in the first meditation, and in most meditations thereafter – perhaps not if I’m especially tired or agitated, for example. But I find that even short periods can be extremely refreshing and, of course, enjoyable too.

    jameso – sounds great 😃

    Full Member

    I’m reading Matt Haig’s The Midnight Library and Matthieu Ricard’s Happiness.

    Recently finished Andrew Cotter’s Olive, Mabel and Me – love his understated humour. Enjoyable reading for any dog-lover or mountain-lover.

    Probably not so different from usual reading – tend to always have one fiction and one non-fiction on the go at a time, and do tend to cover a range of styles from serious to light-hearted. Currently enjoying the more fun end of the spectrum.

    Full Member

    Biggest barrier when I’ve tried is with four of us permanently working/studying at home, finding somewhere quiet to sit for half an hour is actually really bloody hard!

    Been there MCTD! When I initially learnt to meditate I was still living in the parental home with a noisy family. Like kaiser, I’ve found earplugs, and meditating in the car while sat in the driveway (although maybe not so much at this time of year!) to be useful. Also, I found fitting it into the day early on when people weren’t up and about yet – or at least not yet at full volume – was helpful. Also, even a shorter time – maybe 10 minutes – may be more doable, or doing it even before getting out of bed in the morning. Once my family could see how important it was for me to have that time to myself, and could see the benefits, that really helped.

    bonzodog – Like you, the period immediately after I learned TM was superb, and since then I’ve had periods of obvious benefit and other periods where the benefit was not so obvious. I suspect any process of self-discovery or self-improvement doesn’t follow a linear path. Anyhow, my understanding is that introducing any element of ‘trying’ into the process of TM can mean you don’t get the full benefits. It might be helpful to contact your local TM Centre to arrange to get your meditation checked (although whether that’s possible at the moment I don’t know) – in case you are inadvertently interfering with the process. I’ve done this and have found it helpful – like a wee refresher – especially if you learned so long ago.

    kaiser – hope all goes well for you with the result. Sounds like you are in a good place to deal with whatever comes.

    Full Member

    Great thread kaiser, thanks.

    I learnt to meditate 30 years ago and have continued to meditate twice a day for most of that time. I will never stop. It’s the single most important thing I do every day to maintain and improve my well-being.

    I practise TM – which is not a mindfulness meditation. I learnt mindfulness too, some years ago when going through a really rough patch, and I try to make room for both.

    As I understand it, TM allows me to transcend thought and gives my body and mind a period of profound rest – and that has certainly been my experience – which brings subtle and not so subtle benefits. Mindfulness is something I try to practise amidst daily life to train myself to react better to challenges and difficult thoughts, and to generally be happier and a better person (as I see it).

    It’s all good. 🙂

    Full Member

    Muke – I would say let it out if you can. I cried every single day for 3 months after my OH died. I know it’s hard. It will get easier. Take as much time as you need to grieve, and look after yourself. Same goes for everyone here who has lost someone. I’m wishing you all well.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the reminder. Just catching up now. The first 10 minutes of episode 1 had me in tears as I felt my shoulders relaxing back down from my ears. Nature is such a tonic.

    Full Member

    shooterman – I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.

    I’ve experienced similar and hope this helps … I had open heart surgery for a congenital heart abnormality which had been completely undetected until then (at age nearly 40). It was a shock, and the hospital experiences were extremely stressful. I was still recovering emotionally from that when, two years later, my OH died in a road accident. I soldiered on for a few years thinking I was very strong only to find myself unable to function normally due to severe anxiety. When it was first suggested to me that I may be suffering post-traumatic stress, I initially thought this was unlikely; however, after much reading, and the help of good trauma therapist, I now have a lot more insight. Along similar lines to The Body Keeps the Score, I think (I’m aware of it but have not read it), I have found Peter Levine’s books extremely helpful. The body-oriented approach to trauma recovery has really helped me. I’m wishing you well.

    stripeysocks – sounds like my experience entirely! Thanks for that – it’s always good to understand why we react the way we do, and reassuring to know we’re not alone.

    Muke – I’m so sorry to hear you lost your wife yesterday. I’m wishing you strength.

    Full Member

    Winter walks on BBC4 iPlayer?

    Oh my goodness, I loved this. Thanks StuE. 🙂

    Full Member

    This thread 😂

    Full Member

    Started riding round the woods on my Raleigh when I was wee. Bought something more suitable in 1997 – a Kona Hahanna – took it to Aberfoyle … got lost, fell off, loved it, hooked. 😃

    Full Member

    Thanks for the update bearnecessities – much appreciated.

    Full Member

    gnusmas – I’m glad it went well, thanks for letting us know. Hope you can be gentle with yourself as you grieve.

    [Sandwich – have PM’d you.]

    Full Member

    gnusmas – I’m thinking about you and hoping you can find inside you what you need to get through this desperately challenging time. I’m sure it’s in there. I’ll stop tomorrow at 11 and wish you and your family all the best.

    [Sandwich – sorry to hear your news. Wishing you and yours all the best.]

    Full Member

    Congratulations. Fantastic photos. 😃

    Full Member

    gnusmas – I’m thinking about you today and wishing you as much peace as you can find.

    Full Member

    Merry Christmas Everyone. Wishing you all as much peace and contentment as you can find in whatever circumstances you find yourself in this Christmas. 🙂

    Full Member

    I’m so sorry. Wishing you strength.

    Full Member

    Ha, wait til next weekend if the planned Christmas ride to steamhouse bakery goes ahead!

    I look forward to it. 😃

    Full Member

    Great pics and stories all. Always enjoy this thread.

    Happy Birthday Eldest_OAB.

    rOcKeTdOg – that’s a fine looking doughnut. I like how you always show us what you had to eat.

    Full Member

    solarider – I’d have given you a big smile – here’s one now 😃 – and gone home and said: what a great ride … this bloke gave me a wave and said hello … how nice.

    Sorry to hear about your losses this year.

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