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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • rollindoughnut
    Free Member

    My point is that it’s a missed chance to get some quality things into your body if you just reach for a shake.
    It’s splitting hairs though. Each to their own.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t have any fibre though or micronutrients and is often sweetened with aspartame which I hate the taste of.
    I think the next big trend will be away from these big doses of macros and more to overall gut health. It’s already happening now to be honest but it can appear overwhelmingly complicated.

    Free Member

    The other thing often overlooked is what is already in your digestive system.
    I really like Cliff bars whilst training and will eat at least one an hour. They have 10 grams of protein in each bar. This doesn’t just instantly dissolve into your bloodstream, it trickles in over a number of hours.
    Coupled with a varied and healthy diet there should be a steady stream of different proteins travelling around your body at all times and I doubt it’s ever deficient.

    As for carbs however, I think it’s really important to understand the requirements of your life and training. For me, getting my carb intake right is the key to handling lots of training.

    Free Member

    I had a look at the analysis on my pack of M&S fruit and seed museli.
    Roughly 10 grams of protein per my serving size and all from oats, nuts and seeds. Add half a pint of milk and you’ve got another 10 grams of protein.
    50 grams of carbs too so glycogen replenishment is covered.
    Lots of fibre and micro nutrients as well plus no artificial sweetners.
    In that way it’s better than a recovery/protein shake. Costs about 80 pence a serving and is readily available.

    Free Member

    I’ve found if I fuel the workout sufficiently then I don’t particularly need much afterwards. A bowl of muesli is a good as anything.
    Eat well, eat regularly, fuel the work, don’t diet on the bike.
    Credit: Trainerroad’s Amber Pierce

    Free Member

    Thought I’d chip in. Apologies if it’s been mentioned.
    Everyone was so keen to make signs thanking the key workers back in the first lockdown but now there’s a chance of actually thanking them with an early vaccine then people not so keen?

    Free Member

    Christ! You guys argue about everything!
    This place does my head in. It’s no fun anymore.

    Free Member

    I’ve not scheduled anything above Z2 until April and nothing over threshold until May.
    Playing the long game regardless of covid as I’m targeting the cx season next Autumn.
    For the rest of this month I’ll just bimble around in Z1. Quite happy to do this, just thankfull to be in a position where I can to be honest.

    Free Member

    I’m trying to gauge my return to health. On day 17 since first symptoms now.
    Have made steady progress since my acute phase lasting the first 7 days. I’m at a point now where I can work 8hr days outside (keeping effort levels low), ride a bike for 90mins at very low intensity and feel better during and after it.
    I have an occasional cough but it’s just from my lungs overproducing fluid a bit, headache pretty well gone, but still feel a bit unwell, sort of a mild hangover feeling.
    I’m resting a lot more than usual, working a 4 day week this week, and only planning on doing rides when I feel like it, keeping the effort levels very low.
    Energy levels feel fine.
    Would you agree it’s looking good for me? If I hope to start doing base training, so lots of zone 2 riding from the beginning of Feb, would you think that’s a sensible expectation?

    Free Member

    I like the idea of getting to feeling unfit rather than unwell. I’ll celebrate that one!
    Anyway, enough thread derailment, back to arguing about what constitutes local. I’ll say anywhere you can get home from under your own steam in 40mins. That’d suit me fine.😉

    Free Member

    Thanks Kelvin. Going from riding 15hrs/wk to nothing has very much pulled the rug out from under my feet. I’ve always scoffed at people talking about needing to ride for their mental health, but I must admit to suffering from some pretty wild mood swings now I’m deprived of my routine.

    Free Member

    Just had a play with that calcmap.
    I’d need a 15 mile radius to cover what I’d consider local riding from my door. 5 miles would be terrible. Takes about 7 to get to the nearest decent hill.
    It’s all academic anyway for the moment as I’m recovering from Covid.

    Free Member

    48hrs after posting back a home test for me.

    Free Member

    Also Saxonrider. How are you doing?

    Free Member

    I just spent an hour on the computer ordering supplies for work. Am shaking now!
    Guess not fully over it eh?

    Free Member

    Just checking in from the closed thread. My apologies DezB, I didn’t search for this thread as I hadn’t seen it for a while and presumed it’d sunk into the usual format of a few super contributors hurling abuse at each other. Turns out it’s still a nice, sensible place.

    I’ve woken up today after 10hrs sleep feeling like it’s gone. However, in light of all the experience laid out before me, I’ll work on the assumption that it’s not.

    Free Member

    Oh well! It made it to page two before someone was an arse.🤣

    Free Member

    We should just shove the Senior Leadership Team from a school into Number 10 for a week. They’d sort everything out whilst still finding a way to provide a full academic program to the incumbents.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Don’t worry I’m going to be well cautious. In my mind I’ve blocked out the next month as gentle rehab. I’m using the time to try quit alcohol. Seeing as I’ve not had a drink for a week, it seems like a good opportunity. At least I feel I’m doing something positive towards my training whilst lolling round the house.

    Free Member

    Fingers crossed indeed. Like you I’ve got an active job so my major concern is how that’ll be affected. Still, it’s my quietest time of year so I’ve timed it well.

    Free Member

    So like I mentioned earlier I tested positive a couple of days ago.
    Day 1-3 sore throat and chills, slight cough.
    Day 2-5 really achy, sore body
    Day 5-7 feeling better as days went on but a bit phlegmy. Morning always the worst.
    Day 7 (today) bit spaced out in morning plus headache but now after a nap I’m really starting to feel like I’m getting back to normal. Breathing feels clear and I wish I could go out for a walk. Have still got a bit of a ringy head though.

    Sounds promising doesn’t it? I mean that’s about the normal run time I’d expect from an illness.

    Free Member

    Anyone want to chip in with a story of how they felt rubbish for a week then went back to normal within two weeks?
    That’s the story I’d like to hear right now.

    Free Member

    I remember having flu one Christmas about 6 years ago. I didn’t fully recover until the sun properly came out in April and warmed my bones. I work outside so remember things by seasons more than anything. Point to remember is that whilst at the time it was really frustrating as I was/am a keen xc racer, it was just a tiny blip in my life. Best to play it really safe with this one as it sounds a bit of a beastie.

    Free Member

    I’m currently on day 7. Tested positive. I feel it’s peaked as I’ve gone from an aching mess to just a slight headache and sense of the surreal. However I’m continuing to maintain bed rest and good nutrition as I know it’s not gone yet.
    Bit unnerving isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Yay, I was right. Have I won something?

    Free Member

    Bet it’s a typo. Should read 4 HOOK bungee set.
    So 2 bungees is my answer.

    Free Member

    Yeah I really enjoyed Enders Game and Oblivion. I thought Pacific Ring was ok too.

    Free Member

    Thanks TiRed. I ask this from my bed where I’m suffering from headache, aches and chills but have a normal temperature and just a slight cough.
    Way back in February/March my teacher wife was pretty ill and lost her sense of smell for about 6 months. The whole family was ill as well but less severely. Of course there was no testing back then.
    Two weeks ago it swept through my wife’s department with 4 cases in 18 staff then last week my daughter was told to self isolate after cases in her year. She was a bit ill for two days. Now 7 days later I’m feeling rubbish but am confident it’s peaked after 24rs. Am awaiting test results.
    More curious than anything although it’s of course a teeny tiny bit worrying.

    Free Member

    I watched Annihilation this afternoon. It was ok but won’t make it onto my top ten list.

    Free Member

    Serious question time.
    If you’d had covid earlier in the year and were subjected to a reinfection around now, would you expect to get mild symptoms for a day or two as your body identified and dealt with the virus, or would it all happen without you noticing it?

    Free Member

    Forgot about Moon. Loved that film.

    Free Member

    And then out of the blue my Dad who’s been utterly absent (maybe spoken once a year) for my whole life rings me up to tell me how much we’ll thank his lot in the future and that Boris is a true visionary. FFS he used to be the director of a bank and read the Times, now he reads the Mail. I just wanted to tell him to eff off. It’s been the hardest moment of Brexit for me.

    Free Member

    24hrs of following the Green Party and Greenpeace on Facebook has been interesting 😆
    My what a wonderful variety of people there are in this world 😯

    Free Member

    Well I spoke for over an hour with a local bicycle users group chairman. It was really interesting to hear about various active transport initiatives and a few success stories. I’ve asked to be included in their monthly meetings so I can continue to learn the ropes.

    Free Member

    What is heartening to see here is how many people have a strong understanding of the subject. I bet 30 years ago that wouldn’t have been the case. It shows that all the thousands of campaigns and news stories do have a purpose. People are thinking and arguing about the issues.

    Free Member

    I’ve reached out to a few people today. I think the best place for me to start is my local cycle users group, local friends of the earth and I’ll also try contact the closest Green party group.
    Nationally I’ll follow Greenpeace and ER.
    See where life takes me.

    Free Member

    Where I worked was low intensity farming. It seemed pretty in harmony with nature. Unfortunately it only survived because the farmers dad needed to lose income from his business wealth. They were all lovely people and it was a real pleasure to work there. So much space to breathe.

    Free Member

    The cattle and sheep farm I worked on in Devon was a beautiful example of high quality welfare and land management. Sadly it was not making money. I agree meat should be twice as expensive at least. The fact that you can buy a whole chicken for a fiver is vulgar really isn’t it?

    Free Member

    My job is probably pretty green. I must have planted over 1000 trees, 5000 shrubs and about 20 hectares of wild flower meadow. I’m even learning how to scythe so I don’t have to use petrol machinery on the meadows. Use electric machinery for other tasks. Just need to find a way to ditch the van.

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