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  • Singletrack Podcast | The why do we not stick to talking about bikes episode
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    You are the third Mac equipped office I have heard of being cleaned out.
    Mates design agency in Truro was done a few years back and they only took things with an Apple logo, they left some really tasty kit.
    Posed as office cleaners, no one batted an eyelid!
    Hope you manage to get sorted and your bike turns up.
    Do a lot of work with the plod and the workload argument, although shite to hear, is mainly piles and piles of paperwork forced upon them by the various rantings of tub thumpers like Hora and RudeBoy.

    Free Member

    Hope Valley – Peak District – thunderstorms still rumbling around but had hail like marrofat peas for 20 mins at 5.30. Looking at the sky we are in for another dosing.

    Free Member

    If they can be trusted with an expense account they can be trusted with this enquiry, after all it only concerns and illegal war and the deaths of thousands.

    Free Member

    They would be worth close to £1k each – no small loss.

    Free Member

    It’s got one gear so it’s a slow bike. Then pedal faster
    It’s got a white saddle, so it’s a summer rides only bike. You are allowed to wipe it.
    It’s rigid, so it’s as comfortable as the bikes I used to ride in the early 90’s. True.
    It’s got a bottle cage so it’s harder to carry. Don’t carry it, ride it (this could also explain the speed thing too)

    Free Member

    our lives are too easy these days as most of us, despite how it feels some time, have much more free time and time to do something other than just surviving. this gives you the time and space to ask yourself such questions as “what is the point?” etc.

    Speak for yourself!!

    Try this – get made redundant just after buying a new house, getting wed and having the first sprog, take the leap to start your own business and then find that you are to be a dad again. Certainly sharpens your survival instincts.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry the Yanks’ll fix it, them or their mates – the Israelis.

    Free Member

    Been and went and read it.
    What a bunch of poo – are we paying for this imbecilic nonsense.
    Why not just make the pointy bit round?
    Like a butter knife!
    It doesn’t have to have a pointy bit.
    Suggest we also round of the sharp ends of screwdrivers, chisels and knitting needles whilst we are at it.

    Free Member

    enfht – Member
    Will they be demonstrating them on volunteers like they did for pepper spray?

    If so can we nominate.

    (sorry, didn’t read the article too busy laughing and mocking – will do so now, sorry again!)

    Free Member

    The beef farmer said: “It is a shocking thing to see. I felt numbness, it was unbelievable.


    Just sprayed tea over my keyboard!!

    Free Member

    There is a team also working on an anti shoot gun for Americans.

    Free Member

    Used to ride in Cornwall with a bike mechanic called Andy Holmes (Andy if you read this get in touch!) who had drops on the bike he used for the Polaris, I just put it down to him being from Manchester, seems it’s contagious.

    Nice bike though, BP.

    Free Member

    I was “disconnected from the mains” by a consultant called Mr Hasty at the Hallamshire.

    Free Member

    Arrived home to be greeted by my wife who announced that she had been calling me all day to tell me I had left my mobile at home! When I turned it on there were about 10 messages and 10 missed calls from my home number. And they let her bring new babies into the world!

    Free Member

    Went to Uni with Geoffrey Jeffrey – he said it was great at school because the teaches only ever used surnames – provided him with 5 years amusement.

    Free Member

    They are amazing – they evacuated my 12 year old after he fell 30ft out of a tree by Ladybower res last summer. We stopped riding and he decided it would be fun.
    The pilot landed between hills/trees and the trail – amazing stuff.
    They chose the Helicopter because he had suspected spinal trauma and the track was rough, the Sunday Peak traffic was in full flow so they had him in the Children’s in Sheff in about 15 mins.

    Hope this chap is ok and remembers to drop them something to keep them flying.

    Free Member

    Gweek Seal Sactuary – cute and furry for a 20mth old.
    Cross the county and there’s the Wooley Monkey centre at Looe – everyone loves monkeys

    Free Member

    RB, you are like a dog with a bone, all the grown ups are able to understand that on occasions we may make slight faux pas and say something inappropriate, that’s life, it happens, tough shit. Now stop bleating, if your fingers need that much frantic and speedy exercise I am sure there may be a desperate woman somewhere who may welcome your attention, just keep your mouth shut or even she will develop the inclination to shove them up your arse. Oh, and if I have cause anyone any offence by this comment – tough titties :D!

    swadey – top self control sir, wish I could always do likewise.

    Free Member

    Picketing coal miner.
    Riot police.
    Argentine soldier with a white flag.

    Free Member

    Poles suggest that Labour has no chance of retaining control at next year’s election, so I think a general election should happen now.

    Who are these well informed Eastern Europeans and where do they live? Sorry, cheap shot.

    An economy predicated upon the infinite increase in the value of capital assets such as houses was bound to fail – costs exceed income, increased borrowing, debt reaches all time high, banks panic, POP!

    My old fella is 86, he’s coming over for tea tomorrow. I’ll show him this thread and see if he prefers today or the 30’s.

    Free Member

    Ah nostalgia – not what it used to be, eh?

    Free Member

    Scotsmans Pack on School Lane – has varied a lot over the years, not been in for a long time so can’t comment. But your directions are spot on.

    Free Member

    You aren’t the Robidoo from another forum for vans and regular camper at Crow’s Nest are you?

    There’s lots Rob – try the Plough – into Hath turn left towards Grindleford, under the railway bridge and it’s on your left – nice pub, nice food.
    If you are being truly Tyke then the Robing Hood used to be cheap for food but not been in for a while, if you are feeling posh the George does brilliant food.
    Oh and the Millstone on the hill down into Hath is ok.

    Free Member

    She’s just bitter because lots of garden gnomes got sneaked into Chelsea and she didn’t.

    Free Member

    Sorry Hora, you are very blinkered and you present an over simplistic argument much vaunted since the 80’s.

    British industry was abandoned to its fate, aided by stupid acts from workers and Unions alike. And we have not learned, a case in point – the insane decision not to support LDV (a typical Thatcherite response – not profitable so leave it to its fate).

    So LDV closes for the want of £45M, a decision supported by the economist on Question Time on Thursday evening based upon its inability to return to profit within the year and so it may require additional support in the following years.
    All LDV personnel are now or will be on unemployment benefit with skills that are not required elsewhere. Suppliers are folding and will continue to do so – more unemployment and strain on the system. Knock on effects – local retail and consumer services businesses either reduce or fail – more unemployment. And so the cycle progresses. No income, no spending, no tax revenues from PAYE, VAT, etc just cost.

    Intervention is not a dirty word in mainland Europe, just here after years of Thatcherite propaganda from both her regime, that of Major and of the Blair/Brown years. Even that greta bastion of capitalism and the free market, the US, is intervening to save large manufacturing.

    In Italy they regularly prop up industries by large scale government intervention. This keeps the main manufacturing industries running, their suppliers and all of the dependent businesses. This reduces the state burden, allows a much smaller state machine to manage the bureaucracy and maintains social cohesion. This can be done because Italy never went through the “Me first and the devil take the hindmost” era of Thatcher and her policies. Italy is a country where the real values of life – family, friends, quality time and a zest for life still exist. The continued employment also allows people to spend their wages, pay taxes directly and on good sold and therefore returns funds to government coffers. It works in many European countries and could have worked here if, at the time, we had leaders on either side such as Joe Gormley leading the NUM instead of Scargill and a Conservative Whet rather than Thatcher. I am from Rotherham, I go back infrequently and my memories of a vibrant town with fantastic people do not match the reality of today. The shops are closed or charity shops, the people look defeated – many of my peers left and would not consider going back.

    One of our customers asked me to accompany them on a 10 day trip to China. They were going to switch their manufacturing rather than manufacture or source in the UK. I went to look at how we could manage the messages to staff and suppliers in the UK. I was appalled at the working conditions, wages, etc. Men lifting white hot castings and forgings with tongs, wearing nothing but all I can describe as pyjamas and flip flops. They earn less than £5 per day, the reason my client was switching to China. (we resigned the account when they decided to switch).

    The MD of the Chinese company and I had a frank chat one evening and he was very candid – the most telling comment was: “Why do you come here to buy my products? You can make them in England so why buy from me, I know I am cheap for you at the moment but if you keep buying from me your own factories will close and you will lose all of the skills you have.”
    I explained that this was the price of global business.
    His reply: “But when my country begins to develop towards a western economy, I will not be able to supply the demand in my own local market I certainly will not want to ship products around the world unless I can command a very high price. When this happens you will have to pay the high price because you will have no one left to make it in England or you will have to use something else.”

    We are in sad state in the UK, we are a shining example of a society that know the price of everything and the value of nothing. I have no solutions to offer, just that I am convinced none of the liars, cheats and charlatans currently in Westminster are any more inspired than I.

    Free Member

    G – not sure I agree, but in the meantime could you lend Hora your special “Brown” rose tinted spectacles so at least he can get a better perspective on things.

    Let’s not forget that Brown was the Chancellor for 10 years and the architect of the financial system that led to our current predicament – he is now industriously papering over the cracks of his own making.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the reminder, I am now rogering cats in Facebook too!

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    the employees did that job almost singlehandedly

    One hand between so many, poor souls no wonder their industries were doomed!

    Your views are so narrow I bet you have a bad squint! Both sides destroyed British industry – power crazy Unions and a Leader who had no compassion nor the slightest idea of compromise.

    Free Member

    Echo & The Bunneymen – The Cutter

    Free Member

    If it’s pics now – how about Ansell Adams?

    Free Member

    If you can remember before Thatcher, back to the 3 day week, lightening strikes, flying pickets, power cuts, etc, it was a truly awful. However, the upside was reasonable high employment and a relatively strong social fabric.

    Thatcher solved one and destroyed the other – bit broad brush but close enough.

    IMO she is living proof that 2 terms is all a leader should be allowed to serve – too much power for too long. Blair was no different.

    Free Member

    Joe Scarborough, a modern day Lowrey from Sheffield. First saw him and his paintings in Rotherham Arts Centre when I was about 10 and they made a huge impression for their charm, warmth and relevance. Not sure if it will ever be great art but seems to shout “home” to me:
    EDIT: better image.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    She was and remains unspeakably awful and did such damage to this country it still hasn’t recovered. Blair was all her fault! She killed John Smith

    What! You’ve found found the smoking gun?

    Free Member

    Well I did ask!!
    Fascinating life story fella.
    Hope the work keeps coming in.

    Free Member

    hilldodger – Member
    ….if the thread would stay within remit then it’s not too bad, but it took what, 4 posts, to revert to the usual spaff-a-thon

    In deference to the above accusation that pics are becoming too FHM, I apologise for posting a pic of the delightful Ms Hollywood in a shot, which she has sanctioned for press and pr use, where she is exiting a swimming pool. I shall endeavour to find a much less flattering one of her all hot and bothered on the Hockey field. I am sure I would much prefer a nice pic of me red faced, sweating and out of breath “60 minutes in” rather than one that makes me look nice.

    Off to find my hairshirt.

    Free Member

    mrsflash – thanks! After seeing TH half in the buff I shall be keeping my shirt on whilst mowing the lawn this weekend! Even though I am happily hetro I can appreciate and admire the honed perfection of male athletes (perhaps I spent too long in Greece recently!!), the only thing I would complain vociferously about is someone posting my pasty and flabby pic next to them to reveal my inadequacies.

    Free Member

    Oi Brainflex – is that supposed to be revelatory?
    Thought it was clearly understood by all.
    No idea it needed to be pointed out!
    Education today, sheesh!

    Free Member

    He’s going to be sliding down learner slopes not freeriding the blind side of Mt Cook!
    Not surprised you skiiers wear helmets the way you get in the path of snowboarders, bloody menace 😀

    Free Member

    Kate Hollywood, Aussie national hockey team player. Key player in Beijing games.

    Free Member

    Here ya go Pigface – I also love this one, in fact most of Turners work:

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