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  • Nicolai Launches The Saturn 14 Full Suspension Belt-Drive Gearbox Trail Bike
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Grumm – part of me wants to agree with you and part is screaming that the liberalism that you seem to be advocating is the root cause of the problem.

    Free Member

    I vote for Yootha Joyce.

    Free Member

    The late Dennis Topley, Bradwell’s answer to Mr Trebus.
    Spent his life tying carrier bags to trees and moving things round the village.
    Had to retrieve a large plantpot of ours from outside the Co-op last year.
    Life will be a little duller without him around.

    Free Member

    Sh*t! T*t! W*nk!

    Ok which page of the manual is this on, can;t seem to locate it?

    Free Member

    Hmmm.. in that case Juan is ok to kill the offspring of his new girlfriend as they are the progeny of another male – problem solved Juan!

    Free Member

    they are only kids, start on the little finger, one knuckle at a time as a progressive punishment, we are civilised FFS!!!

    Free Member

    Finding a way to prevent entry is your best option.

    Confronting them will, as has been said, lead to escalation.

    Reporting them to the proper authorities will eventually do the same when they find out who shopped them, unless all the residents go together, and then it’s not guaranteed.

    Other than that, get yourselves some black ski masks, 12″ of snorkel tube with a 1/2″ stainless bolt screwed into the end, cut the head off and put a wrist strap on it so they can’t take it off you and use it on you. Then visit them in the wee small hours, one at a time. Not that I have ever, or would ever, do or countenance any such thing irrespective of how effective it may/may not be. 😀

    Free Member

    Gotta be one in here – 52 British Women Skydivers:

    Free Member

    Jayzus, where do you start!!!
    This thread could run for years.

    Free Member

    Nice bike Juan.

    Free Member

    davidtaylforth – Member
    Get one of these, it’ll sort the problem for you

    Crikey – that’s an interesting hobby and a nice home movie too!

    Free Member

    Old enough to have lots of friends in this position/
    Juan – huge subject, so many things to consider – is dad still around, age of kids, etc. Can work, have a female friend who has me a chap both have 2 kids, kids get on all seems well. Another friend is widowed but now primary carer for 2 kids that are not his – he wanted it and seems happy as do the kids.
    Tough subject – but go into any relationship with your eyes wide open.

    Free Member

    Just passed over the Hope Valley, but black over Sheff.

    Free Member

    bassspine – Member
    Uphill freeride – it’s the wave of the future!
    (all the bad accidents happen while you go downhill, ride safe, ride up)

    Ben, if that’s you, get off your laptop and get to bed! 😉

    Free Member

    Stoppit, stoppit, stoppit – can’t have one, been told and this is just not fair.

    Free Member

    Quick gender reassignment.
    Get pregnant.
    Leave the father.
    Top of housing list.
    Job done.

    Why do people like to make things hard! 🙄

    Free Member

    CK am in agreement.
    Prefer Mears.

    Free Member

    Humane tippy trap, chocolate one end and when it goes in it tips and the door shuts.
    Then you can go round to that really annoying neighbour and post the mouse through their letterbox 😀

    This saves your soul for not killing it, you don’t release it outside where it will die and you wreak vengeance on an annoying neighbour.

    PS: you don’t live near me though, do you?

    Free Member

    ld – cmon, speak your mind!

    Free Member

    My youngest has a tight chest and is wheezing like an old steam pump. Never had HF but there is a virus doing the rounds, symptoms sound exactly like yours.

    Free Member

    uplink – Member
    Don’t you need to factor in a value depending on whether or not you wear the trousers in your house?

    Sorry thought that “no” was a given. You have to remove the Bollox Factor of a bloke who is sufficiently deluded to think he wears them, but this value is invariably “null”.

    Free Member

    Not wanting to upset anyone on here but the current vogue for all people in business to have an MBA does deter people for taking a risk, especially in breaking new ground. Those identified as entrepreneurial – Branson, Dyson, Stelios, Ryan etc would probably not have done what they had if they conformed to the MBA process/mindset.

    Free Member

    chakaping – Member
    Started one and sold it.
    Started another, then another and now starting a third.
    You don’t do your own accounts do you Roger?
    I make that four, not three.

    Sorry, I didn’t count the one I sold as it’s not mine anymore. And, no I don’t numbers are not my forte, that’s why God created accountants 😉

    Free Member

    Bassetts Liquorice Alsorts – made in Sheffield

    Free Member

    Wow! Wierd, was just browsing for Missy last week after a conversation with a friend about her, all over the mags in the early 90s then went into gay rights and then vanished. Seems she has been getting into hydroponics in the attic (or at least that’s how I am told they grow it!!)

    Free Member

    Started one and sold it.
    Started another, then another and now starting a third.
    Scary as a scary thing, wake up in a panic some nights, unless you cross a critical size threshold a 2 week holiday is impossible and if you go away you keep in touch so never really relax. You do spend a lot of time on HR issues – more than I ever imagined, red tape is enough to make you give up on many occasions.

    But, I am still at the kitchen table at 8.50am with a coffee and have been working since 7am in a quite relaxed manner, will walk to the office a mile away sometime soon. Been to all my kids school events/shows etc, make them breakfast every day and send them off to school – it’s a good life if you can cope with the ups and downs.

    Luck, yes a large part of it is luck. Right place, right time but the “entrepreneurial bit” is seizing and capitalising on the moment of luck. Can list lots of business people I have met and I cannot think of one for whom luck has not been the critical factor.

    Free Member

    Go get a face tattoo – you’ll sleep through anything. 😀

    Free Member

    miketually – Member
    1. You can see the red rear light switched on in one shot.
    2. It’s a music video, not an instructional film.

    1: where? – timecode please
    2: No but innocent you children could be influenced by watchingthis and make the same serious, life changing mistakes – choosing the road bike over the MTB for one!! 😉

    Free Member

    I just think it’s funny!

    Free Member

    Amazed by your doc’s reaction. Usually tell you to get them into other groups of kids so they catch it early.
    Had them at 28 – bloody nightmare, get them over with as a kid much easier.
    Usually past contagion when scabbed over and no new blisters appearing.

    Free Member

    Sorry talking bollocks ^^^ please ignore!!

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member
    To think I pay for these muppetts to take these complaints seriously enough to investigate – a few more the dole queue, in my opinion.
    You don’t. The ASA isn’t government funded.

    And the government is funded by whom?

    Free Member

    Miketually – no lights and her brain will rot from the Aspatame.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a 9 year old with laryngitis – after 10 mins I feel an urge to tear my ears off.

    Looks ok and if you think her bum looks big you need to get out more!!

    Free Member

    My religion prevents me turning hallway and stairwell lights off during hours of darkness when I wish to move about. If I disobey and they are turned off, my god punishes me with stubbed toes, grazed knees and if I am really bad a tumble down the stairs.

    Free Member

    yeah, we need to hate her just a little bit longer.

    I support the funeral idea, but only if the 21 gun salute is pointing at the box with live rounds to make sure the old witch is really dead. After which they should drop a Kansas bungalow on it as belt & braces.

    Free Member

    Yosemite, stay at Housekeeping Camp – basic but great atmosphere, if you go down the Merced in a rubber boat it is a gentle drift so take a picnic and swimming gear and stop off a few times – amazing place.

    Good route is LA – PCH1 up the coast – Morrow Bay, Monterray (aquarium is good), Big Sur, SF (could spend 2 weeks here alone), over to Yosemite, down to Joshua Tree and back to LA.

    Could add Big Bear – Skiing in winter, beautiful lake in summer.

    LA is as soulless as you can get – best bit IMO is Santa Monica both the centre and the beach.

    Free Member

    car spotted on a volleyball tour of Holland:

    Free Member

    You’d never have seen George Dixon behaving like that!!

    Free Member

    Got a promising youngster in our village – hit a pensioner on the head form a good 40 yards, knocked him out! Judging by his exist he’d be a shoe in for the 100m and the hide n seek.

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