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  • Christmas Countdown Day 6 | Bell Super Air R Helmet
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Seems unjust that the guard suffers physical and psycological trauma and eventually dies as a result when Mr Biggs in enjoying himself in Rio. And then comes back to receive free health care at the point of delivery – pah, pull the plug.

    Free Member

    Digimap – Member
    Roger – Is this her?

    Nope, boots are the wrong colour!

    Free Member

    uplink – Member
    she’s not called cat is she?

    Ok, nose bleed now under control and can still type with the three remaining fingers, may be tricky to reach the phone without anesthetic though!

    Laughed out loud at that Uplink, which caused her to look at what caused it and then triggered the ensuing violence. Fortunately I came to work in the VW camper which will be my home for the next few night at least! 😆

    Never could see the rationale for dress codes, as long as people are comfortable and they do not cause offence to others in the office I do not see a problem. You are correct re upper temp limit, it can get as hot as it wants and there is no statutory obligation to do anything. Did some work for a large welfare to work company in Sheff a few years ago and they had people working in double stacked portacabins with no aircon and one water cooler between dozens of them. Needless to say we worked in our offices as much as possible.

    Free Member

    Re Pics, Ok I asked, my face will be stinging for week and she’s threatening to divorce me if I pic up the camera. Hang on whilst I get my phone…

    Free Member

    errr no, was 3st heavier back then and just about to discover MTBs!!

    Free Member

    If going bald is your problem, this may work!

    Free Member

    It’s not a bad place, pretty chilled, helpful and for the most part not too precious.
    If you would like a more challenging forum experience try VZi or the VW T4 Forum.
    Have yet to meet anyone from on here in person, which is a pity as I pass dozens of MTBers every day – perhaps a secret wave/handshake may help.

    Free Member

    New one on the insurance.
    Just replaces our high level cistern after one of the kids mates swung on the chain…

    Free Member

    We have a smallish village junior school (55 children), parents take children into school and into class if circumstances require.

    The teachers are usually rushing around preparing for the day and dealing with issues caused by the children who have been waiting outside – “he said, she said…”.

    When you say “the teacher is actually paying more attention to her own child than the children that are under her supervision” have you seen examples of an incident that supports this? In the morning mayhem having a teacher who is in place and ready to receive children before they may be required to, puts you in a fortunate position. Unless you have firm evidence you may be about to make an enemy of a lot of parents who may appreciate what is being done for them. I don’t suppose you have mentioned this to the teacher? Offered any help? Before you complain to the head.

    At our school, allowing parents into the school has encouraged more parents to engage with the school, get to know the teachers (which helps if a difficult situation arises. as they already have a relationship with the parents, often these incident are caused by the children of those who do not engage with the school)

    The teachers at the school are friendly and welcoming, the relationship between them and parents is, on the whole, very good and the children do very well.

    Our children are the most precious things we have, but you need to get some perspective because when they get older and start to test themselves in all sorts of ways you are going to need some very heavy medication if this fires you up!!

    Free Member

    unless someone has a very low boredom/thrill threshold I just had a long conversation with someone from Russia!

    Free Member

    I can’t leave this alone, really must go home for tea but when someone uses the word “maudlin” you just have to keep going!

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: do you like blades i like blades there clean and quiet guns for show blades for a pro, so how are you doin today?
    Stranger: hello, I am well, but I never had the nerve to make the final cut
    You: the final cut is the sweetest but the first cut is the deepest
    Stranger: indeed, but what about themess?
    You: let mother clean it up
    Stranger: wow, that is some deep shit
    You: Im not some freaky old guy who lost his job and sits on his computer trying to flirt with little girls while eating cheese and holding a sick puppy.
    Stranger: lol, then what are you
    You: A freaky young guy with a job and sits on his computer trying to flirt with little girls while eating cheese and holding a sick puppy.
    You: you?
    Stranger: well, although you may be the most maudlin person ive come into contact with, I am an ancient guy trying to find my own sick puppy to tend to
    You: lol
    You: do you singletrack perchance?
    Stranger: how do you mean?
    You: dirty rubber, lycra and mud
    You: all sweaty and breathless after a long ride
    Stranger: lol, well no dirty rubbers
    You: no fun if they aren’t knobbly and full of dirt
    You: what do you ride?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Stole the old guy/cheese/puppy thing just to see if it would work. For some reason they all disappear when you get close to mentioning a bike, hmmm…

    Free Member

    Have surfed short boards, but now have a 9ft Stewart.
    Recently bought a SUP – the difference in volume is incredible, but as previous posters have said they are great in the small stuff.
    Mine has a mast foot option so I can sail it as well.
    It surfs/sails/paddles ok, an all rounder – will never be better than a specialist board but it’s less to log about and, the biggest advantage is that you get much more water time, if it’s flat go paddling.

    Portland in October 08, some fat bloke paddling my eldest around – bloody freezing!

    Pigface, if the SUPer was in the break with other boards he’s in the wrong place. The whole point of SUP is that you can get to breaks and surf bits of breaks others can’t reach or don’t want.

    Good site:

    Re the OP – yes a big board is fun, more chilled and less frenetic.

    Free Member

    The land of the free!!

    Free Member

    “There is a very unattractive pattern of behaviour that is starting to emerge with George Osborne, of innuendo in pursuit of a smear,” Lord Mandelson said.

    OMG, can’t breathe for laughing!! You just couldn’t make it up!!

    Free Member

    An iPod Shuffle – in budget and, if you get some nice audio books, peace and quiet.
    Plus you can then play your stuff as loud as you like whilst dancing round the house like a loon.

    Free Member

    I don’t.

    I keep being interrupted by the whooshing sound made as another deadline flies by.

    Free Member

    OK CK, have it your way, I must be a died in the wool racist bigot with neo-facist tendencies. Off to put on my hairshirt. My sincerest apologies for my friends remarks which may have offended your colleague, however mildly. 🙄

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    rogerthecat in there with a mildly racist one already!

    Jeezus you are precious, get a life!

    Free Member

    Emailed by a friend from last night’s fun and games:

    Stranger: my name is parth
    You: ah. you like to do the wild thing?
    Stranger: wer u from
    You: Holland
    Stranger: im from india
    You: Ah. I think I spoke to you. Do you work in a call centre?
    Stranger: no
    You: I rang you about my Broadband
    Stranger: im 16
    Stranger: im studyin
    You: but you couldnt fix it
    You: you told me to reboot the modem.
    You: I did that but it still disconnects me
    You: can you fix it?
    Stranger: n i dont work>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    You: I need a new modem then?
    You: can you send one?
    Stranger: i dont work we arent allowed to work below the age of 18
    You: are you studying to work in a call centre?
    Stranger: noooooooooooooooooo
    You: It could have been someone else with the same name as you?
    Stranger: im in the 10th grade
    You: Do you know Petre Patel?
    Stranger: nope
    You: He is from India
    Stranger: no!
    You: He works in the hotel I work in
    You: Are you sure you dont know him?
    You: Hes from India too.
    Stranger: yes i dont no him
    You: And he doesnt work in a call centre either!
    You: Too much coincidence I think?
    You: So. What is wrong with my modem?
    Stranger: we have a population of a billion here
    You: yeah, but how many of you dont work in call centres?
    Stranger: 89 percent
    You: Are you sure about that?
    Stranger: nothin wrong with ur modem
    You: How do you know? I thought you said you didnt work in a call centre????
    Stranger: I dont!
    You: but how did you check my modem????
    Stranger: I didnt?
    You: you said there was nothing wrong with it?
    You: now, can you fix my broadband it keeps diconnecting me…..
    You have disconnected.

    Free Member

    Auntie Bessies are only good as a very last resort if you can’t find a rubber swimming cap first.

    Mr Poddy is correct – make em from scratch and they come before the meal – old Tyke trick to fill you up so you need less of the expensive meat & veg.

    Have roast every Sunday in winter, well veggie version.

    Free Member

    unless it was one of you lot, just had a nice chat to a bloke in Brazil after making him jump with the Dinosaur. At least he had a sense of humour. Hours of merriment!

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: frank?
    You: yes
    Stranger: YES
    You: blunt even
    Stranger: haha
    You: sometimes positively rude
    Stranger: nice.
    Stranger: you are clever also
    You: well top end of the evolutionary ladder
    You: you?
    Stranger: so you must be a woman?
    You: of course
    Stranger: i knew it. me too.
    You: so why are you one here?
    Stranger: because i am bored and i need to stimulate my brain by entertaining myself with others idiocracies
    You: I am looking for people who Singletrack
    Stranger: what is that?
    You: do you?
    You: involves rubber, lycra and mud – kinda fun
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hello random stranger – weird name tho
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    seems I need to hone my social skills a little more

    Free Member

    Joe, am in the Hope Valley and been trying to find access to water. Swam Ullswater at the weekend and it was fantastic, but struggled to find water that was either permissible or accessible – would love to do more locally, would be great to join you on a swim some time – email in profile.

    Free Member

    hell yes, did it from China – bloody lifeline!

    Free Member

    Talk to strangers!
    2973 users online
    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: do you singletrack?
    Stranger: Pardon?
    You: Singletrack?
    Stranger: Is this some sex thing?
    You: nooooo but it does involve rubber hoops
    Stranger: Hmm.
    You: tight lycra
    You: and
    You: helmets
    Stranger: You can’t lick me wearing a helmet.
    You: could give it a try
    Stranger: Bet you can’t make me wet with no pics
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    or save this log or send us feedback.

    It’s a no to that one then!

    Free Member

    You bast**d this site is going to eat my life

    Free Member

    not read the entire thread, so forgive me if I missed this in an earlier post.

    But Sharia Courts have some legal status in arbitration if I remember correctly. They do this is the same manner as other faith based arbitration services such as the Jewish Beth Din courts.

    We have had Beth Din courts in the UK for hundreds of years and they are definitely recognised as arbitration services under the 1996 Arbitration Act.

    As with the Sharia requiriring participants to be Muslim, each party in the dispute brought before a Beth Din court has to be a Jew (Orthodox IIRC) and both must agree to the court hearing by the case.

    I am sure that other faiths provide mediation and arbitration in a formal and informal manner.

    I would venture to suggest that a precedent has been set.

    Free Member

    Watch out for Asus battery life – we have a couple and they have the older battery type and have short lives – think this may have been resolved or you can get better ones aftermarket. Otherwise they are brilliant esp with a mobile broadband dongle thingy.

    Free Member

    about sums Reading up micely!

    Free Member

    lanesra – there are no BUPA Midwives fella, in fact there are very few private sector midwives – insurance companies will not even consider the risk. Married to a midwife and we did look at setting something up but the numbers involved were laughable.

    She will get a good pension but is currently paid buttons and treated very badly IMO. I run 2 small businesses and no employee would accept her conditions for the money. Her mums are lucky, she is committed to mother focused and midwife led care so sticks with it.

    I suggest that you engage your brain before instructing your fingers to go anywhere near a keyboard in future.

    Free Member

    or try here – bit more chilled

    Free Member

    Wouldn;t want to be his cellmate for the latter half of his sentence!! 😯

    Free Member

    All blonde bar 2 – check your postie!!
    Congratulations on your latest – has the doc got any idea what’s causing it?

    Free Member

    “let’s not go there, tis a silly place”

    Free Member

    Had an old bay – RB is bang on – slow cold and a money pit.
    Moved on to a T3 (pics below) brilliant!
    More space inside than later vans because the engine is in the back (puts tin hat on – but it’s true – we’ve measured and VW confirmed it)
    Pop or high top is essential unless you are seriously short or want to develop a pronounced stoop.
    If you get a late Westfalia conversion it comes with all the bits including a nice Eberspacher heater – 365 days camping in comfort.

    Go away in ours a lot – carries 4 plus bikes and boards, an awning makes it very practical.

    Free Member

    police say m j’s death is suspicious.they are currently looking for a smooth criminal, he could be black or white but he’s definatly bad and dangerous. they got fingerprints off the wall and they say there was a man in the mirror. they would like to talk to billy jean but they dont wanna be starting something.the police dont stop till they get enough as they found blood on the dance floor. its going to be a tough case but they will beat it, and that as far as cases go its a real thriller.

    Sorry, had to be done – got me coat and off to the lakes.

    Free Member

    Lanesra – Who’s the black guy?

    Free Member

    Funny eh? Jacko and Fawcett dying at the same time

    One played with Majors……………the other played with Minors!

    Free Member

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