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  • Making Up The Numbers | MTB Training with Richie Rude and Todd Schumlick
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    BD – interesting point bearing in mind the broohaha going off on R5 this morning about how the BNP should not be allowed to sit on QT because the IRA were not allowed to do so during their bombing and shooting campaigns – but I am struggling to see the parallel in that argument.

    I think your proposition works equally as well with organisations such as the BNP bringing them inside and and reforming reduces their impact – where is Militant now?

    Free Member

    Thoughts are with them all.
    Good lads doing a hard job in the wrong place.

    Free Member

    Had that phase, mine are 10 & 12 they move on, hang in there.

    I am now being woken at 7am by the theme tune to one of these:
    Red Dwarf, Goodies, Some Mother's do Av Em, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Dr Who.

    You may be able to spot the influence of mum & dad in there if you look carefully.

    (BTW SMDAE – is absolutely and positively nothing to do with me, at all, in any way.)

    Free Member

    Wow just read this thread all the way through.
    After a nanoseconds consideration I would suggest that you are in dire need of a corporate arse raping, redundancy, 1 year old, pregnant wife and mortgage to fund.
    That, I found, realigns your perspective on life and relative values.
    Until then I am finding it somewhat challenging to warm to you.

    Free Member

    Weird, the adrenaline and fear of getting jumped in the late 70's was about getting a kicking – never, ever dreamed of anyone with a knife, let alone a gun.
    All that aggro and pent up frustration with today's easy access arsenals would make going to a gig like going into a war zone!

    Free Member

    Angelic Upstarts
    Anti-Nowhere League
    Eddie and the Hot Rods
    Generation X
    Ian Dury & the Blockheads
    The Members
    X Ray Spex

    Gonna get the vinyl out when I get home, time for a bit of nostalgia.

    Free Member

    Oh yes – re Bomber Harris and the dropping of the Atom Bomb – my father's strongly held view was that if it stopped one allied soldier, sailor or airman from being killed it was worthwhile.
    He had lost a lot of friends fighting both the Germans and the Japanese.

    Free Member

    Very moving how ordinary men & women did extraordinary things and then returned to relative normality to live out their lives without any fuss.

    2 Grandfathers served in WW1 – Ypres, Passiondale and Mons between them.
    One won the DCM for rescuing his mates and an officer from no-man's land under machine gun fire – he never mentioned it and went back to working in the steelworks of Sheffield to bring up 4 kids alone (Gran died of cancer at 30).

    Father flew Hurricanes in WW2 in Africa, went back to work as a draughtsman in a foundry.

    Wife's grandfather was in the 8th Army, went from D Day right through North Africa, Italy and into Germany – immediately after the war they posted him to Aden – did not see Janes's grandma for 4 years. He only ever moaned about losing the first 4 years of married life, all else he just sucked up and go on with it.

    The allotment over the lane is worked by an ex Polish pilot, he was saved from Stalin's purge by being married to a local girl. On remembrance day he and a Lancaster pilot go to the memorial loaded down with campaign and gallantry medals.

    All of them were (and still is in my father's case) very modest men – have always been immensely proud of my family's part.

    I wish I could be confident that I would do likewise.

    Free Member

    nice, brightened up my rainy Friday afternoon, thanks.

    Free Member

    Yup painless – and Skyliner – I had the nurse and doctor (a certain Dr Hasty of the Hallamshire!!) discussing car parking spaces whilst they did the deed.

    Free Member

    We live in the Peak Park, about halfway between Sheffield and Manchester – A57 takes you into both or there is the – 40 mins to Manchester, 30 mins to Sheff.
    The village is big, friendly and I can ride out of my garage and onto the junction of 5 bridleways in 5 mins, so don't discount village life – London is 3 hours away in a car and the train links from Sheff & Manc are ok.
    If Mrs P can work from home it's an ideal place to live.

    Free Member

    That's quite cheap if you are a lonely farmer in the remote wilds of Banffshire!!!

    Free Member

    These people are all postmen trying to justify a pay rise by loading the mailbags!

    Free Member

    Good to hear you are ok, good to get the first one out of the way.
    You will fall off/crash again so just try to be ready and remember when you are on your motorbike everyone else on the road is trying to kill you, all the time, always – then you'll be ok!!
    Welcome to the wonderful world of motorcycling giddiness.

    Free Member

    Hey Julian, ignore the nay sayers. I am a bit older than you and still go out on mine, saving for a kitewing.
    Now doing this on roller blades rather than ice skates would be brill.

    click here

    Free Member

    My eldest is at secondary school and about to start his 2nd year.
    As a rough rule of thumb I would say that his form are a good example of a bell curve – a small number who are flying, the majority who are more or less there and those who need watering.
    The bit that gasted my flabber was the number of kids in my youngest school with a Statement of Special Needs, if that is a true assessment of them, all bar 3 will need potting out before they go up to secondary school

    Free Member

    Our postie is fantastic, he has my full support if he strikes.
    If you saw the hills he runs up and down to deliver post in our village you'd support him too.
    Always smiling, always polite nothing too much trouble.

    Good luck Rich and all posties everywhere.

    Free Member

    Pah! Anyone can limbo under a bar if you set it sufficiently high.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh how I love a bash the NHS thread.
    My burst appendix – in and fixed in a flash.
    Wifes almost fatal asthma attack – ambulance in and sorted bloody quick
    Son's 30ft fall from a tree – helicopter in and sorted in a moment
    Wifes back problem, taken 6 months to get sorted – painful but not potentially life threatening.
    My dicky shoulder – round the houses several times and still going, it hurts but I can still ride/surf/work – they will solve it sometime but it is unlikely to kill me.

    Never had to show a credit card, insurance policy or get my wallet out.

    Get some ferking perspective.

    Free Member

    epicyclo – Member
    plus its greatest resource is its people.

    Who's left? They are all down here moaning how much better it is back up there. Parliament is full of them.

    Free Member

    it's a tough call.
    In our market clients can expect to have a full, multi agency pitch which can take days of work to prepare and the work can still go elsewhere. This means everyone puts prices up to cover the pitches they lose.
    If you can explain to clients that the cost of the estimate is redeemable against the final invoice should you get the work it may soften the blow a little.
    Re charging for time wasted by a third party – again warn the client up front, it is not unreasonable if you have kept a day free to do work for someone and through the fault of someone else that they have contracted with and you cannot perform your work, they pay for the wasted time.
    It may make the customer a little more demanding/careful when ordering.
    Just be straight and up front with people, explain why and most will understand, those that don't may not have been ideal customers anyway.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – bad, bad, man – I laughed out loud and felt very guilty at the same time.

    Free Member

    London Eye in the morning,
    grab lunch and catch a boat to Greenwich
    Round the maritime museum & observatory
    tea in Greenwich and boat back in time to leave London

    Or go up Tower Bridge
    Or take out a bank loan and go to Hamleys

    Free Member

    As an aside – how many hours of lessons did you lot have before sitting your first test?

    Passed in 8.
    Only had lessons as had no car to practice in.
    However, I had been riding motorbikes for 4 years beforehand, which was brilliant help except for:
    1. Road position too close to the white line.
    2. trying to "lean" the car into corners
    3. just relying on the wing mirrors
    The examiner was impressed with the lifesavers though.

    Free Member

    If you need to occupy the youngster whilst "hunting", you could offer the bugs up to be squashed by them each time you find one, the do go with a satisfying crunch!

    Free Member

    This worked for us:

    Wash hair in teetrea shampoo and rub in lots of conditioner (again teetrea if poss) then get a good nit comb – long metal tines like this one:

    Then sit and comb through the hair over and over, you will see the lice in the conditioner – you'll be surprised how big some of them can get!!

    We did this every day for just over a week by which time we had cleared out all of the lice and eggs.

    Good Luck!!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    Seriously though, if people find this sort of thing offensive, they really mustn't have enough going on in their lives.

    Who are you and what have you done with the real CoffeeKing?

    From the thread re Omegele website

    coffeeking – Member

    rogerthecat – member
    Jeezus you are precious, get a life!

    Not at all, I'm sat next to an Indian chap who found it mildly offensive to suggest that his countrys entire population are just call centre operatives! [/quote][/quote]

    Pots and Kettles 😯

    Free Member

    Take the kid with you, if it gets into shopping mode it will cost you a fortune. 😆

    Free Member

    If people are entering the ugly bloke on a bike competition then I want 50% of the proceeds please, it took a lot of time, money, beer and accidents to get this face.

    Otherwise snap away. The only time I would get annoyed is if they took pics of the kids in an unsuitable moment (getting changed on the beach etc) where the motives may be more questionable, but otherwise I have no problem with them being snapped either.

    Free Member

    Bloody brilliant – where can I get an economy pack of pythons. 😆

    Free Member

    Tend to do something for a few years and then get bored and try a new sport.
    Past sports include – rugby, jui sitsu, judo, volleyball, swimming
    Now – hockey, stand up paddleboard(summer), windsurf(summer), snowbaord(winter) and MTB of course.
    Also very into VWs so spend time tinkering in the garage too.

    Free Member

    Just glad I've got 2 lads, would hate to have daughters with blokes like me about.

    Free Member

    Munqe-chick – Member
    OOO all the reasons here to not want children …. still far to selfish! Oh well have some years before I have to worry

    If I had known they would be this much fun I would have had them 10 years earlier.

    Free Member

    Thanks, will be meeting a couple of mates who live/surf in the area so they should be bale to sort the best breaks. But ta for the heads up.
    Thanks again all.

    Free Member

    kitebikeski – how very true, for all their sports/activities!!!

    Free Member

    Would sooner stick thistles in my old man's eye than ride on the road – too many nutters in cars for either me or the kids.
    The lads are, however, pretty hardcore – one running a junior fell race tonight and the other going for Ju Jitsu brown belt tomorrow morning – so a few hills no probs, just cars.
    Like the sound of the Bitches – will investigate further – thanks again.

    Free Member

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but they will and do impact your riding.
    Have two boys, before them we were regulars on the Polaris and out nights and weekends.
    Managed to cycle with the first in a back seat but only on more sedate routes.
    Jane is a midwife so worked shifts so never had the option to leave them with her and go for a ride.
    Set up my own business about 7 years ago and cycle the short distance to work.
    Am just about getting back into riding now the boys both ride full size bikes.
    Still nothing desperate but it is getting better.
    As a Dad you have just gotta suck it up (or MTFU as used on here!)

    Free Member

    Was trying to see if it was worth hauling 3 bikes down.
    If the trails are boggy and a bit thin on the ground we may just take the boards and spend a week surfing.
    Cheers all, Paul.

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