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  • The Legend of Paul Buchanan and The Church Gap
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    not been in here for ages and this was the first thread I read – thanks guys, cried laughing.

    Free Member

    Crikey, if that's a big arse there are a lot of people with a serious problem!!
    Not sure about sprinters thighs though, can make your ears a bit sore.

    Free Member

    Good luck fella.
    Despite doing exactly what has been suggested here our was 8 when we finally got him to stay in his own bed.
    Needless to say, I now look about 60 and have a hair trigger temper. 😆
    Hope you have better success.

    Free Member

    Brill, got a clear sky and can see it beautifully – thanks for the heads up.

    Free Member

    Will be on top of Mam Tor in the Peak District at midnight.
    Happy New Year to all.

    Free Member

    Just got back from Avatar 3D – the visual spectacle is truly awesome.
    Story has very strong overtones of the treatment of native tribes in the US and Oz when minerals and resources of value were discovered, but the ending was a bit too Disney.
    Would have been much better with a much darker Ridley Scott type ending.
    But for all that I could go see it again without hesitation.

    Free Member

    Didn't care about the characters and the story was all over the place, wish I had gone to bed.

    Free Member

    The op was the last resort, done pilates etc but little relief.
    Not tried AT so will ad that and acupuncture to the list, should have thought of TENS as she is a midwife (which is how the injury happened, why do women insists on being comfortable in childbirth – bring back stirrups I say)
    The most scary thing is the depression that is creeping up on her, now 9.10 and she is still in bed and not very communicative, just trying to find a route to get her motivated to face the day again.

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Robert Wyatt – shipbuilding.

    Old Grey Whistle Test with whispering Bob – early 80s – top chap.

    Free Member

    Ah found it, the one that turned my head in the 80s – Visage:

    Free Member

    Excellent thread.
    Bombadillo – great shout, saw them at Retford Porterhouse at a warm up gig, was a place where lots of bands did pre tour shows including one of may all time faves:

    Free Member

    Muke, I have just sat here crying laughing at that – thanks for rounding off the weekend perfectly!

    Free Member

    Big John – the base of the Beetle seat is fixed to the floor, via the runners, by 4 bolts. The flip forward happened at a hinge at the base of the backrest, not by tilting the entire seat forward on a hinge at the front.

    Free Member

    Barnsleymitch – what happened in the Barnsley by election last week? Saw the counting but never saw the result?

    Free Member

    Z11 – thought that may be the case.
    This raises the question of timing – when did he "change his mind" and was it prior to any laws being passed that would have rendered him liable to criminal prosecution? And, can you be retrospectively charged with something that was not an offence at the time it was done?

    Free Member

    If they had not all been so wrapped up in proving he was a racist and anti-semitic they could have asked him about BNP policy on Transport, Education, Environment, law & Order, etc, etc all of which would have left his little flabby jaw wobbling in the breeze without a clue what to say, but no. Still seething half way through the following day – grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Free Member

    bombadillo – junkyard, he will not be the 1st of last politician to be a lying fecker then will he. the most famous one being mrs thatcher.

    Think Blair & New Labour would give her a good run for her money.

    Free Member

    At last a coffee break and a chance to read this thread.

    Watched QT last night and have to agree with Coyote – a ridiculous spectacle of the mob picking on the class idiot.

    +1 for Goan – Jack Straw was embarrassing, and the others not far behind – needed someone with a sharper mind to lever open the debate about other policies to show Griffin up as a one trick pony. Showing him up as a racist bigot is like shooting fish in a barrel, the panel and audience went for the easy option – lazy politics. Ian Hislop would have been a good choice, although Bonnie Greer was amusing.

    Ernie-Lynch – And he wasn't 'trying to avoid expressing the illegal ones' as you claim. It was made very clear to him that he could deny that the Holocaust had occurred, if he so wished – he was told that it was not illegal to do so in Britain. But he obviously realised that it would be a PR disaster to do so.

    I think you may be incorrect here Ernie, as an MEP he will have to travel within Europe to countries where Holocaust denial is an offence and which, if I understand correctly, would then leave him open to prosecution.

    Free Member

    Late to this thread but yes I would and do challenge.
    My parents are 86 and 82 and refuse to park in a disabled space or use the badge because as my Mum says – there are people worse off than me who need that space, I can walk 100 yards – this is depsite hobbling along with severe arthritis.

    I have 2 kids, they can walk so we park away from the mellee of Chelsea tractors and walk – always have! That said the sliding door on the van is great when some knobcheese in an X5 has abandoned their tank too close to open the door properly.

    Free Member

    This happened to my wife's cousin 2 weeks ago!! clickety

    Free Member

    This seems to me like having a guide take you up to the top of a mountain th ewrong way and being avalanched but surviving only to find the same guide and say take me back up that mountain.

    Free Member

    Brilliant wife, 2 wonderful kids who are brighter than I ever imagined.
    Back playing Hockey at a serious level after 15 years and getting fitter.
    Live and work in the Peak District so ride in and out of work by various routes.
    Just bought my first full susser via cycle to work scheme and loving it.
    Love older VWs and have one camper and one 4wd VW van – ongoing project.
    Run a small pr firm with great clients and staff.
    Earn far, far less than when I was in big plcs but could not care less.
    Catch up with some great friends of old on FaceBook on a regular basis.
    Desk and office is still like a bombsite, first grey pube discovered, realised I am not the fastest any more and am truly not at all bothered.
    Life is good. 😀

    Free Member

    All this from a bunch of people who will probably ingest a lifetimes mug/cup rim contaminant in the first ten minutes of a muddy ride.

    Free Member

    BB – Having worked in several international plcs and travelled for my job, the views you heard are not only confined to SA. There are equally abhorrent views held in Aus, US, and, more on a national basis than race, in a lot of Europe.

    We are not perfect by a long way, but we are better than many.

    Free Member

    Wonder if they will extend it to the entire criminal justice system – may go some way to paying the loan for the banks.

    Free Member

    Ours hang on a mug tree! 😯

    Free Member

    Ernie – this question has no hidden agenda nor is it from any political standpoint, it is a genuine question:

    Why, in your opinion, is it immediately racist to question the success of multiculturalism?

    Free Member

    She shouts at everyone, all the time, at every opportunity-one bullet is all it needs, just one.

    Free Member

    Another interesting thread!

    Given sufficient rope the irksome little toad will hang himself.

    Griffin did just this a few weeks ago on a radio interview, he was sounding very plausible right up to the point when he said, and I am paraphrasing "and what is all this with a black Friar Tuck in Robin Hood" with such vitriol the listener was left in no doubt about the meaning. He just does not handle robust, intelligent questioning at all well.

    Free Member

    Or rhythm

    Free Member

    They can be forgiven anything for the gift that is Rhod Gilbert – comic genius.

    Free Member

    She is not ugly, she has an interesting face.

    Free Member

    Shandy – Lets face it lads you have all done much worse

    Yes, but has she?

    Free Member

    Find someone else pdq for a quick, meaningless, but very obvious and visible shagfest, if the other one does not seem bothered he has proven it to himself, moved on and had some fun whilst doing so.

    Free Member

    That is where buying online has major benefits – there is far less temptation to impulse buy or be seduced by the aromas pumped into the aisles.
    You can also leave a "staples" list on the site and adjust as required.
    Tescos, deliver so more time to go for a ride and no 15 mile drive to a supermarket 😀

    Free Member

    Yup – we are doing this, week's plan, then onto Tescos Online, job done.
    First home cooks.
    Agree, slow cooker is brilliant as is a breadmaker.
    Kids love to get involved too.
    Last night – Mixed Veg Frittata – new one for me but brilliant.

    Free Member

    MF – sorry not intended as a poke at you directly.
    I just get a bit wound up I see some people spending a fortune on the baby gear but no time with them.
    You have twins so it's a whole different ball game, we had an 18 month gap so went from front carrier, to backpack to feet.

    Free Member

    oddjob – The backpack option is good, but they seem to flop about quite a bit and I don't want to carry them everywhere all the time, you have enough crap to carry with change bags etc without the kid as well!

    Not in a good one, you can get wings to support their heads when they are small or nod off. Nothing made me smile as much as listening to my 2 snoring in my ear on a long walk.

    Re bags – how much stuff do you take? The MacPac had a large compartment under the sprog which took all of our (very basic) kit. Married to a Midwife so everything was function over form – saved a fortune by not buying aspirational rubbish – sorry MF but a quick trip down Ecclesall Rd in Sheff of a morning and it is all there plain to see, mums who do coffee and a gazillion pounds worth of kit most of which is just used to keep up with the solicitors next door!! The kids usually have a dummy inserted so as not to disturb the conversation.

    Second hand is not a bad thing! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    Free Member

    MountainCarrot – man after my own heart, absolutely spot on.
    We used a Karrimor front carrier then MacPac backpack, then they walked.
    Had a very cheap foldy thing just in case the grandparents took them anywhere.
    Ours were 18 months apart and with the hills around here a buggy was pointless anyway.

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