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  • Classic Ride 136 – Rivington Pike
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Listening now – not even cracked a smile – the best bit are the musical stings.

    Where is “Clare in the Community” when you need her?

    Free Member

    +1 for Big Bang Theory

    Free Member

    I’ll ask the next guy who goes through the windscreen at the next RTC

    What did I do? 😯

    Free Member

    thats a good question. i was planning on selling them the buckets to be honest.

    Bad plan. For that to work they’d have to come up here, we’d be awash with southerners. 😀

    Better idea – we have a lot of large postal bags, reckon we could get a couple of litres in each one – cheaper than buckets so better margin, postal charges might sting a bit.

    Free Member

    The original post was a little tongue in cheek but I couldn’t find the appropriate emoticon!

    Just crossed the Pennines twice this morning in torrential rain, reservoirs on both sides brimming so am guessing the folks of Manchester and Sheffield will have plenty of water. No need to water their gardens though, they’ll have floated off down the road.


    Free Member

    that’s almost the problem, if rainwater finds it’s way into the rivers, it hasn’t really helped very much…

    As they flow into reservoirs round here, and they feed the towns and cities, I think they will help the urban dweller – if you mean crops, flowers and lawns you have a good point. Would also be helped if people didn’t block pave every inch of spare ground! (that may be a slight exaggeration for effect!!)

    Free Member

    haha jacob rees-mogg (could they have found a more upper class torry) just said you cant trust the evidence at levenson because it came from a pr man and you cant trust them……..

    as a “pr man” I object to that comment, in fact I object to Jacob Rees-Mogg completely and utterly.

    Free Member

    Cycle trails that follow many of the disused urban and rural railways would be a start. I would prefer to see cycle routes being separate from the roads – CPO of various strips of land to provide interconnecting routes. Better to make cycling safer and encourage the young to take to two wheels in safety and engender a culture shift than try and re-educate those committed to using cars.

    Free Member

    The list of possible recipients of money from Murdoch sounds like a who’s who.
    Ironically the Levison enquiry reports to Hunt as he’s the Minister in charge – better than a Carry on Film!

    Free Member

    Molgrips – if that’s all you’ve got you don’t want to let kids make it all muddy!!

    Free Member

    How’s the water table doing?

    You have a table just for water – how posh are you?!?

    Cant be too bad round here, all brooks and rivers seem to be flowing well

    Free Member

    Cougar – if you do go to church remember to video the boiling font and spinning crucifix. (oh and remember what happened to Dr Who in the Omen – go on a sunny day)

    Free Member

    If say, you are colour blind, and I tell you a green ball and a red ball are different colours, is there any way I can conclusively prove it to you?

    Oi, lay of the colourblind – you’ll picking on the meek next!

    Free Member

    Much as I loathe him, George Galloway refutes this.

    True, but what cabinet post do you think he will be offered?

    Gorgeous George is, at least, not (to quote Ben Elton c1983) “a grey suit full of **** all”.

    Free Member

    Paddy Ashdown wasn’t exactly lacking in “life” was he?

    And the press destroyed him, your point is? 😀

    Free Member

    Why are our currant crop of politicians of all parties so unbelievably bland and dull – and such political nonentities?

    Easy one to answer – because if they have one ounce of personality/charisma the media will rip them apart in no time. Would love to see am MP who’s experienced more of life’s rich tapestry but they would never get past the starting gate.

    Free Member

    Ignore the naysayers – if it’s good enough for the best surfers and windsurfers in the world then it’s pretty good.

    Suggest you pop over here and sign up– they are a great bunch and will help you out, loads of boards to choose from – has a Starboard 12’2″ for about 5 years and it’s just like bikes – unless you can afford/carry one for every eventuality, it is a good, all round compromise.

    Free Member

    In the benign dictatorship I rule in my head, everyone would have to ride a bike for 6 months, then a moped for 6 months and pass a proficiency test before they ever get anywhere near a car.

    It would teach them roadcraft, awareness, appreciation of road conditions and surfaces, observation – if they don’t learn this in 12 months Darwin is more likely to take over which means fewer richardheads behind a wheel.

    Agree with co-ordinated approach by some organisation – perhaps it’s time to badger the CTC to grow some testicles?

    Free Member

    Interesting – charity funding linked to population control – you may have the germ of an idea there. One to pass on to Cameroon.

    Free Member

    I’d be very careful of giving any money to someone called a Wealth advisor, aside from that if it goes breasts uppermost and you lose money that will not help family relations.

    Go for the MIL bit, we did – luckily my ILs are brilliant but 6 months was about as much as was safe, start to trip over each other after that. It’s usually the little things – leaving the milk out, moving things – trivial but they become an itch you can’t scratch.

    Free Member

    I am not sorry that I consider those with faith to be stupid, it is stupid to believe in something that has no evidence that it exists. It is a signal that they cannot reason or think logically. It it strong evidence of stupidity.

    There I’ve said it, thats what I think. I can’t apologise for it.

    Oooooh! You’re going straight to hell for that one!!

    Free Member

    If people can make themselves truly happy and content by choosing to believe in God, why does that make them stupid? Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    It becomes unreasonable when it impinges upon others who do not believe.

    Free Member

    Atheism is the easy answer as it doesn’t involve the question of being judged for your actions here on earth in an afterlife.

    “Well done son, you killed several thousand non-believers with swords/guns/bombs/planes* welcome to paradise,” says God!

    Well it is another form of belief in judgment to the one you may be suggesting but equally applicable to many!! Or is it the wrong type of judgmental God? If it is which one should I choose?

    *(delete as appropriate to millennium)

    Free Member

    Well from this thread he seems to be gathering his sheep a little more closely to him!
    Probably too busy watching the match.

    Free Member

    Nice vid, does smooth it all out.
    Clearly you have some sort of shock absorbing neck!

    Free Member

    Should be like Jury service – c800 randomly chosen people selected for a 2 year term. Build some halls of residence to house them and pay for temp staff at their place of employment. Whitehall’s finest can advise on the finer points of what can and cannot be done. Got to be better than half the senile old fossils and palm greasers in there now.

    Free Member

    Mucho ta for the award, I’d like to thank my parents, my teachers, my family, STW Forum and the Third Reich for making it all possible, and above all, God for his unseen and unnoticed hand in all things for making this happen. 😀

    Free Member

    Can’t really think of a much crueller way to “humanely” kill animals

    Better than using warfarin which is an anticoagulant and used in such strength that it causes them to hemorrhage internally and die far more slowly. It’s just not as visceral because it goes away, out of sight, to die.

    Not really keen on killing anything unless it poses a risk.

    Free Member

    Camping’s great, especially if you can fasten a nice, warm campervan to the tent 😀

    Free Member

    We had a rat problem when they relaid a huge stretch of drains and soakaways in the village. The local ratcatcher dispelled any myths re humane traps – his advice was that unless you are going to release mice caught into someone elses house you may as well kill it, because when released out in the fields they will die very quickly. Did consider donating them to a irritating neighbour via their letterbox.

    Mr ratter’s choice for catching rats was adhesive pads, the rat gets stuck and then he despatched them with a spade. Poison just leaves a rotting rat corpse somewhere nearby.

    Free Member

    Halfway up a hill, Hope Valley, Peak District.

    Free Member

    What is wrong with live and let live. He has his beliefs as many do. He is doing no harm.

    Wow! You need to read a little more. Belief and religion have been used as control mechanisms to predicate a war against other religions/faiths/belief systems throughout history – does the Holocaust ring any bells?

    Free Member

    Atheism is no different to religion. They’re both about a person holding beliefs. Only atheists seem to bang their drum that little bit louder.

    As an atheist, I beg to differ – it is actually an absence of belief. I think many atheists would be quite disturbed to be lumped into the same group as those with “faith”.

    To quote the most eloquent Hitch, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” and “that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence”- I would propose both of these apply to God.

    Free Member

    And if you think I’m trolling, this guy already lives under my bridge.

    Hitch is god!

    Free Member

    The speed of light.
    And the nagging feeling that everyone else is having more fun than me.

    Free Member

    ^^^ whs ^^^

    Free Member

    Single speeds are always in the wrong gear anyway…

    Not a problem, I’ve been wearing cheesecloth shirts and flares since 1985.

    Cheers for the info chaps.

    Free Member

    More pimped up than pimped out:

    Free Member

    Dropped our from a well paid plc position to set up in ’97 had one son not quite 2 and another newborn. Cash income dropped quite a lot but I have never missed anything they have wanted me to see – school/sports/trips/birthdays – compared to mates who stayed in the rat raceI would say that I have a better relationship with my boys.

    Comments have been made here re time – 2 years is a business still in start up mode, 3-4 years is the key point.

    Would suggest getting the help of a good external business adviser, but be careful, we went through 3 before we found someone brilliant who helped me focus the business and drive it forward in 2004 – now employ 5 people and am v happy.

    Good luck with your decision, it’s a tough call to make.

    Free Member

    Post them on Retrobikes as “classic” and you’ll be loaded in no time!!

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