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  • Singletrack Magazine Issue 137: Join us now or miss out!
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    If budget is a concern, I would suggest you look at something like a hosted Joomla option – it has an in built content management system (gives you a lot of control and ability to change content etc) it has a bunch of add in components that extend functionality rather than having to start again. Best of all it’s OpenSource so the code is free to use/adapt etc you would probably need some budget to make it look how you want, set it up, a bit of training and some support. I can also integrate with remote learning packages such as Moodle, CRm systems such as Sugar CRM (both of which are also OpenSource). As with MFL happy to explain what our web suppliers did for us using Joomla – am pretty impressed so far and we have a website, project management tool, blog, gallery, CRM, emarketing all built in with plans to extend over the next 12 months – nice and bite size so it doesn’t kill cashflow. Email in profile.

    Free Member

    This monster has been a tripping hazard in my youngest boys room for a few years. Never been the same since it fell of his chest of drawers.

    Lego is the devil’s caltrop if you have patterned carpets!!

    Free Member

    You could go the Yorkshireman’s route and grab some old Kitchen units and three scaffolding planks – worked for me. 😀

    Free Member

    This lot:

    Kayaks now swapped for Sit on Kayak

    And this:

    And a ’69 Karmann Ghia project

    Free Member

    How on earth do they do this?

    Someone please write a “How to”.

    We had a consultant working with us for 6 months and at the end of that period HMRC began to ask questions. They clearly stated that if the consultant worked for us over a period of time they would, from HMRC’s perspective, become an employee and therefore subject to the same tax implications as out full time employees. The consultant worked part time but just for us on a 3 month contract that we renewed once. Some of that lot on Newsnight have been in post for years.

    What will be interesting is to see the balance of tax take vs the cost to the state in PAYE & NI.

    Free Member

    16 here.
    I need to go for longer rides!!

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they are all from HMRC. 😀

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Another fabulous example ….

    More revelations concerning an old story doesn’t quite measure up to what I was expecting from ‘another example’.

    Damn, nabbed by the Pedant Police, hairshirt already on and will head out into the carpark to beat myself with birch switches as soon as I post this. Please accept this redraft as partial penance:

    Another example of the complacency shown in self regulation in an already existing story, which has been updated and one that the BBC thought sufficiently newsworthy to re issue on all broadcast media and online.

    I have notified them of their error and asked that they consult Ernesto before they make their stories measure up in future!

    To complete my penance I shall be saying several Hail Mary’s and a few How’s Your Fathers and make my self available for the next passing priest. (bit past my best so they may pass on this, I have been shaving for some years.) 😀

    Free Member

    Not wearing full body armour?
    The it’s all your own fault!!

    Now get back out there, find the dog and bite it back.

    Free Member

    10/10 Daily Mash

    Free Member

    You have the option to spoil your ballot paper if you don’t like any candidate. Maybe a day of spoiled ballot papers would send the appropriate message to the hard of thinking.

    Free Member

    Wow that was some read!
    Good to hear you are on the mend.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    But why do people buy vanity SUVs? Vanity has to be a factor in idiocy, doesn’t it?

    Think I agree with the sentiment if not the way it’s phrased. From SUV owners I know and have met it there also seems to be quite a bit of arrogance and ego mixed in there as well – automotive willy waving perhaps.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    If you weren’t, I dunno why you posted that – kind of obvious.

    In the same way that your post may have been misunderstood as a bit of sanctimonious willy waving due to how insufferably smug driving a Prius can make people? 😀

    Rogerthecat bet you’ve got a ‘one life live it’ sticker on your monster truck

    Hell no – they are for LandRovers and “proper” Off Roaders – usually stuck on upside down in the event that you might like something else to laugh at over and above watching them try to get out through the windows.

    Free Member

    Am I saying you should drive one?

    No, am I saying you did?

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Hah.. we went over the Beacons in 4″ snow on the road this year in our Prius this year, drove pretty much normally. We did have the right tyres on mind.

    As I usually have 8 people to lug about I’d need a roofrack on a Pious.

    Free Member

    FunkyDunc – Member

    But hang on couldnt any car have got through that if you had fitted wet waether kit to it?

    Suggest the height of the vehicle may also be a consideration, they are not airtight.

    Free Member

    When this is your route home in winter they can be very handy :

    A 90 & I backed off this road in the heavy snow in 2010 as we decided it was too dangerous – RangeRover Vogue driver called us a pair of cocks and slithered into the blizzard. Hope he’s still out there somehwere.

    Don’t see the appeal of taking it offroad for ‘fun’ TBH – too expensive to break.
    Suspect the Defenders in the vid are having fun whilst “doing good work”!!

    Free Member

    Gotta be Quo!!

    Free Member

    One of the non-white elephants in the city – had some great times there with friends and family.

    Feel sorry for the people working there, always seemed to be a nice bunch.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Had a blazing row with Tesco online.
    Tied back a rampaging Pyrocantha that was excited by the weather.
    Went for a long, wet, muddy ride.
    Cooked and ate tea.
    Now waiting to see if Tesco are as good as their word.

    Free Member

    It’ll never fill up the aquifers if it keeps going sideways at that speed!!!

    Free Member

    16-18″ depending on the frame config – I’m 5’10 with inside leg of 32″.
    Have a 16″ Cindercone which fits perfectly.
    How much would you want for the frame?
    Drop me a pm or email me

    Free Member

    Will pop over to on one’s site straight away!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Still raining!!

    Free Member

    IIRC from our planning permission squabbles with the Peak Park Authority – there is no entitlement to a view. It has to block light entering an existing window.

    OP you may like to enlist the help of your local Parish Council, whilst not a planning authority in their own right they can be a bloody nuisance when mobilised.

    Free Member

    SinL and her partner are both teachers.
    Her opinion is that if you are ok with no evenings during the week and a one day weekend, then the pay, holidays and relative security are the flips side.
    They go overseas for 4 weeks each summer – you’ll not get that in many other jobs.

    Interestingly, more time with family is why I left big plcs to set up my own business. Salary plummeted alarmingly but never missed anything my kids have done.

    I would try rethinking what you do now before jumping ship – teaching is a vocation, most teachers I know either love it or hate it, not many in between.

    Free Member

    best use of 15 mins of my lunch break for ages – top vid, thanks.

    Free Member

    Unequivocal evidence of the non-existence of God as an early Xmas present for Cougar.

    Free Member

    How old are you? thirty eighteen
    How much would you spend on a bike? Don’t, they are built from bits – so c£250 for the SS (my only bike BTW)
    How much would you spend on a jacket? £80 or less
    How much would you spend on a set of front lights? £50 from Ebay.

    But, I’m a tight Yorkshireman whose teenage kids are bleeding him dry.

    Free Member

    Stuck working on a glacier in Arolla – 3 of us for 12 weeks.
    Soil depth aroundabouts non existant.
    Only plan was to pick up a rock, take a dump and replace rock.
    After 6 weeks it was a challenge to find fresh rocks.
    Also developed the sport of turd splatting.
    Pick up rock, deposit load, hold rock above turd, drop and jump at same time.
    Winner is the one with clean legs.

    Free Member

    i should probably state that i am an inexperienced paddler, further hampered by a lack of a boaty type vessel.

    Get down Lidl and buy a LiLo – about as much fun as a Kayak and a fraction of the price – suggest wearing a helmet of some sort, what with all the trees and other assorted cr4p that will be joining you.

    Will pick up a copy of the Star tonight to see the pics as they drag your limp, lifeless body out of a huge stopper. 😀

    Free Member

    Water access is a real pain, it’s all about who owns various rights – riparian rights, fishing, landownders of the banks, etc it goes on ad nauseum. If you think it’s safe and you are a good enough paddler I’d be inclined to go for it. We really need a Kinder styleee mass trespass on our nations waterways.

    Free Member

    Ooh, look! Rain.

    Free Member

    Why not build it out in the countryside somewhere…. Oh wait….

    You can b****r off with that idea!

    We’ve enough inbred, shotgun toting landowners, and associated knuckle draggers out here already.

    Topped up with a liberal sprinkling of egomaniac welfare to work company owners, lawyers, consultants and other assorted ne’er do wells.

    Don’t you think we have enough to cope with and deserve a break? 😀

    Free Member

    Is the proposition from those suggesting enforcement of helmet law that it should include all riders?

    I only ask because this weekend our village was full of young kids on scooters, bmx, balance bikes and mountain bikes, all in large group of varying ages and none wearing helmets as they rode around the local park. The were also riding on the lanes around the park as whatever game they were playing necessitated. If this becomes law will it follow seatbelt legislation and apply to all ages of rider. Would there be a bike size and type stipulation – frames over 16″, wheels over 24″, age over 18yrs, must have pedals, etc.

    If so, I cannot see how it could be either policed or enforced. There are insufficient police on the streets to deal with quite serious offences, adding this to their workload is unlikely to be popular with anyone. And how they structure the punishment for a violation of this law would be equally challenging.

    Irrespective of its merits and problems regarding protection from injury, a practical application seems disproportionately complex to implement.

    Free Member


    If we get rid of Paris as well, sign me up!

    Free Member

    Love the comment – “Looks like John Pertwee”

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