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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    I just love the simplicity – mines a rigid SS with cable discs – minimum faff maximum ride time. I’m sure I’d enjoy a full bouncer but they do seem a lot of bother to set up & maintain.

    Free Member

    Thought MrsCat would be a blubbering wreck as my eldest and I visit Universities.
    Seems I’m not as emotionally sterile as she often suggests.
    Is it wrong to want him to have to resit his A levels?
    He’s been my best mate for nearly 18 years!

    Free Member

    DaRC_L – Member
    Roger is far too exciting a name for a dull Swiss Man.

    Bloody right it is!!

    Free Member

    May be being a bit thick but he was convicted of raping a 12 year old, which makes him a rapist but with a very young victim – a crime for which he has served the sentence handed down to him.

    Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger. (wikipedia for quick ref)

    I can’t seem to find if he falls into the latter category or the former, neither particularly pleasant but there seems to be a desire to conflate the two.

    Do I agree with what JO has done – yes in principle, as long as the victim is receiving support to come to terms with the crime he committed against her.

    Free Member

    In a car(ish)?

    Free Member

    Just downloaded ^^^ absolutely brilliant, now if London Underground would print the corresponding maps on some of the posters in their stations that would be terrific.

    Free Member

    plumber – Member
    I would think an education is gained through life and the most important thing for a parent to instil is an enjoyment of learning and an amount of tenacity to keep going when the subject gets tougher.

    Yup, and we have brough ours up to believe that they need not to accept everything at face value, they should ask questions until satisfied, and to know that not all adults/people of import/etc are right just because of the position they hold. (Obvs the only exceptions to this are me and MrsCat who should be obeyed instantly without question and to the full and exact extent of any instruction). 😀

    IMO it’s important to instil an insatiable curiosity in them, loving to learn new things and experiences.

    Sadly, last night we heard a few too many parents berating teachers for not instilling discipline in their kids!!!

    stilltortoise – Member
    I was incredibly bright though

    You seem to be using the past tense there chap, explains much. 😀

    Free Member

    miketually – Member

    Sample size is important. At our parents’ evenings, parents see one teacher per subject and students only take 3 or 4 subjects. That means anyone meeting me will assume between 25% and 33% of teachers are uninspiring, boring and incompetent, but their sample is just very small.

    Not a secondary school I assume? MiniCat is taking 11 GCSEs so that’s 11 subjects, it’s just that science was covered by one teacher at the parents evening rather than three. I would estimate that there were circa 40 teachers last night, or XL for the pilus prior.

    Free Member

    stilltortoise – Member

    I’m fairly confident we will make the time

    Sadly you can’t make time if you’re on the road before the kids are even awake and getting back when it’s time for them to go to bed. I get this impression this is a genuine problem many families face.

    It can be tough, but if you can get home to read them a bedtime story it helps, bathtime, then as much of the weekend as you possibly can. I found spending time with the boys to be the single most rewarding thing in life. Even better than getting down The Beast on by rigid singlespeed.

    Free Member

    Yup, could not agree more with that sentiment. We brought them into the world and I would suggest that, and at risk of another statistical flaming from the Maths & Roman History Depts) that we should shoulder the larger proportion of the responsibility, even as much as 90%.

    Free Member

    @theotherjonv – bugger off!! 😀

    Free Member

    There is no reason working parents cannot input positively into their children’s lives. It will probably mean sacrificing some of their social life or free time but it can be done.

    MrsCat and I worked full time, me long hours and MrsCat on shifts but we put the boys front and centre. I cannot remember when they didn’t have time with us for help with schoolwork, reading, doing stuff and going places.

    We were (and to some degree we still are) a 4 person unit.

    Free Member

    The mathematical accuracy of the original post goes some way to explain why I work with words for a living rather than numbers. Although the mods didn’t like one of them because they replaced it with xxxx, knobwits! 😀

    So, there was a touch of poetic licence in the 95%, it was there mainly for literary effect and I didn’t know so many maths teachers had concurrent free periods this morning, otherwise I may have asked MiniCat to do the calculations for me! (the maths teacher was one of the good ones)

    For correctness, we saw 9 teachers 7 of whom were brilliant, 2 of whom I would have happily used as foundations for my new patio.

    So, ERRATUM NOTICE: “I sat in front of 95% of the teachers in the room…” should have “I sat in front of 77.77 recurring percent of the teachers in the room…”

    Free Member

    Why compare? They are two different social issues with different consequences .

    As i tried to post^^^ there is no passive consumption of another persons’ alcohol (IME it is usually far from passive).

    Smoking kills, it kills the user and can kill those who inhale due to the proximity of smokers.

    Free Member

    Awesome Chewkw, everyone knows of passive , you sir are a pioneer in your field.

    Edit: bloody tablet!

    Free Member

    Excellent news.
    Ban it in all public places.
    Summer sitting outside a pub is grim as all the addicts are out there getting their fix

    Free Member

    A tank top you say?
    It has a certain following!

    I think I’d rather freeze!!

    Free Member

    If the limit is 30 but you chose to drive at just under 35 that does qualify as driving over the speed limit. Can’t understand why you’d assume they would be ok with it. Suck it up chap!

    Free Member

    @CF – still a big part of my wardrobe & wearing well (the clothes, not me!).

    Free Member

    Huge cloud formations over the Peak this afternoon during my ride – big views big skies.

    Free Member

    @jamie – recon I could afford one of those!

    Free Member

    Reminds me a bit of this, saw loads in California and wanted one, AFIK only special imports here.

    Free Member

    I like it, it’s different.

    Free Member

    My response to my unwelcome telephone caller tonight was :
    “who is this? What’s your name and place of work, this is a Police crime scene, did you know the victim?”
    About twelve sorrys and he hung up.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Wow! The comments on that site are a bit scary.

    Wonder when the US will realise that sending the military may give the wrong impression, sending medics would be a lot better.

    Free Member

    @jambalaya – it’s currently stripped completely and in crates in my garage, the body and floorpan are under tarps on a trailed outside the office. Should be all tucked up warm and tidy by the end of September, then we will have a view on how big the job is going to be. Ghias are notorious for having water traps that rust out.

    Free Member

    @Jambalaya – it’s a 1969 Karmann Ghia Coupe. It’s my winter project and will run a 2.5 Subaru engine and coil over front beam and a few other trick bits to make it go as well as it looks. The idea came from the Bader Racing Ghia but on a smaller budget!

    Free Member

    Galloway making perfect sense on This Week, last night, with Jacqui Smith and Michael Portillo…great to watch them both squirm when he presents their own complicity in the situation.

    Free Member

    These 2 have been at the top of my car list as long as I can remembers:

    Building one of these at the moment:

    Free Member

    Doubted it as an idea
    Loved it when complete.
    We need more interesting buildings.

    Free Member

    If they are good enough for Keith…and he’s 20 years older than me.
    Been wearing them since I was 15 don’t see a reason to stop now, they fit my long skinny feet perfectly.

    Free Member

    When our kids were babies I was very aware that I could not determine if they were going an odd colour – red, green, yellow or blue – fever, sick, jaundiced or oxygen starved – probably explains heaps about my two lads!! 😯

    Free Member

    This ^^^ I experienced just that effect when I swapped, running a 34 Onekey and a 19 on the back on my SS.

    Free Member

    Got Taz’s wonky rings on my bike – Goldtech variety – they are great on SS bikes, so much better than Biopace ever were.

    Free Member

    Just had a small shout at the parking ticket machine in the Waitrose car park in Buxton – green button for print ticket, red to reject coins, kerchink kerchink as the 20p pieces came back to me – not life ending but another frustration as they had put a tick and a cross on the instructions but not the buttons.

    Free Member

    OP we must have been about 10 yards to your left!

    Took Biggles and Mum up to see the Hurricane as he flew one, and then the Lancs.
    Parked at the bottom of the Dam wall and pushed Mum’s wheelchair up the hill, nearly killed me!

    Also, said hello to Adjustablewench at the bottom of the lane as she turned up the hill with her lads – don’t think she recognised me in civvies and with the ‘Olds’.

    Free Member

    Wonder if this will change the opinion of some of the wannabe Joey Dunlops from the last dead biker thread – this time someone else paid the price for their heroics.

    I’m amazed it doesn’t happen round here (Peak), yesterday was barking mad for the Lanc flypast, all sorts of mayhem on the roads.

    Free Member

    Ah! If it was missing a ‘u’ then my grammar & spelling disorder would have kicked in & prevented me from seeing it in an attempt to stop the impending stroke I would suffer as I exploded in righteous indignation at the screen.

    I can’t berate people for their colour sense in fashion, so I overcompensate in the written form. 😀

    Free Member

    @GrahamS – maybe me being thick but how, if I am already colourblind, can colour shifting and image show me colours that I cannot see anyway. It’s all about the physical make up on my eyes so if they are unable to detect the colour I can’t see how this may help – off to download the app anyhoo. I’ll report back.

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