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  • RockShox Pike Ultimate review
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Coyote – Member

    I drive lots of miles.

    There is never “no one on the road”. Ever.

    I drive lots of miles.

    It’s probably me, I’ll wave next time.

    Free Member

    Feeling slightly inadequate.

    Free Member

    Towel – t’ bird that ‘oots

    Free Member

    ransos – Member

    Mao was right – benign dictatorship FTW

    I wonder if there’s ever been one? Genuine question…

    Guess Cuba is pretty close – good education, good healthcare, low personal wealth, seemingly happy people.

    Free Member

    @nedrapier – it was a bit, errr bright! 😀
    They are On One Mungos, had to swap back to risers because of a wrist injury (no sniggering at the back please)

    Free Member

    Yep, email me and I’ll send you his details – think he’s back at work, the dozy plank broke his collarbone falling off his bike a couple of months ago so should be mended by now but he is from darn sarf so may need a year off!! paul at vividink dot info

    Free Member

    aa – Member
    green singlespeeds are teh awsumist.

    Very true – two of mine, an old one and the latest.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    What comrade roger said
    Welcome to the club wilderness

    Great joy!

    Free Member

    South Yorkshire is so full of holes if they shove compressed gas into it, the whole county will whistle like a church organ.

    Free Member

    Rotherham, the place where the pipe will be pushed when the world is given an enema.

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    So it’s hackneyed jingoistic regional stereotype day for tightfisted northerners with a historical superiority complex over their neighbours?
    How do you celebrate that? Stand around in a circle drinking mediocre beer and slapping each other on the back?

    Yep, and you’re not invited. 😀

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it be an idea for the national cycling groups to encourage other cyclists, who see an incident, to stand together – offer to be a witness, physically stand next to someone being threatened so the people involved can clearly see that their actions will be witnessed. If this is a problem for one of us then it’s a problem for us all, collective action folks (bloody heck, am starting to sound like Ernie & JY 8O)

    Free Member

    @binners – hardly, Mandy managed years of devious, backroom manipulating before he was flushed out. Hunt is a tit out there for all to see, what intrigues me is what kind of pics of CMD he must have to be this bulletproof.

    Free Member

    If black is the absence of colour does that mean MrsCat is naked when she wears her little black number? This is beginning to trouble me now.

    Evil seems to be a convenient word to lump actions under that could, and should, be stopped by others. (29″ is a perfect example)

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    Is black a colour, or an absence of colour?
    (And if the latter, why is printer ink so expensive?)

    According to the Viking delivery chap, it costs a fortune to remove all the other colours from the white ink, which should mean colour cartridges should be cheaper as they are just a by-product of making black ink.

    Free Member

    A Yorkshirewoman walked into a Police Station and the desk Sergeant said “Can I elp you?”

    “Yes” she said, “A fella’s just dragged me int’bushes and had his way wi’ mee.

    “Can you describe ‘im?” Asked the Sergeant

    “Yes, he wa’ wearin’ white shoes, long white trousers, a white shirt and he had these two reet big pads from ‘is feet up to and ower his knees, one on each leg”.

    “Sounds t’me like he wor a cricketer, most probably a batsman”, said the Sergeant.

    “Eye, I reckon”, said the lady, “He were likely an Australian Cricketer”.

    “That’s very observant”, said the Sergeant, “You worked that aat from his accent?”

    “No”, she replied. “I worked it aat ‘cause he weren’t in for very long”.


    Free Member

    Envy is a terrible thing.

    Free Member

    Found it. After reading this i now turn off my mobile whenever I’m driving.
    Its the white paper link.

    Free Member

    Up North?

    Free Member

    We seem to have plenty of cameras filming all sorts of things on the roads and around town etc, why can’t they be employed to catch phone users?

    Will try and find a link to an article I read ages ago about the level of distraction a conversation caused to the user of a mobile is far higher than in car conversations/music etc because your mind has to recreate the person you are conversing with, which takes up more processing power…or somesuch.

    Off to find the ref.

    Free Member

    We set off at 8pm and the sunsets have been spectacular. Insects can be a pain if there’s no breeze but not being told we are too muddy at the local pub is nice.

    Free Member

    @crankboy- he’s right, you can’t sit at 90 up the exhaust of any car in front, you need an Audi for that. 😀

    Free Member

    MrsCat has one.
    Super little car.
    Search YouTube for the Panda vs Range Rover test, sold it to us.

    Free Member

    So where did you take her in the end?

    Free Member

    17yrs old.
    Two mates whose parents were, shall we say- not short of a bob or two.
    Both a bit fond of waving the wad at the rest of us and it was starting to irritate the rest of our crowd of friends.
    So one day I called a double glazing firm and asked for a survey for replacement UPVC window for one of their houses
    The day after the survey I sent cavity wall guys to other house.
    Confided in first guys girlfriend the the second had fessed up to sending the double glazing company round.
    Did likewise to the second guys older brother.
    Each then tried to out do the other.
    A cessation to hostilities was called when in revenge for a delivery of 2500 toilet rolls one sent 10 tons of sand as a beach to go with the other guy’s dad’s new outdoor pool.
    They only worked out who started it about 20 years after.

    Free Member

    Stupendous effort – well done that man!

    Free Member

    oops wrong forum – Mods can you move pls, ta!

    Free Member

    They are great fun, so much better than the circles of marine ply we had as kids.
    My lads have one each and the spent ages learning when there were no waves to play in.
    You will fall off, you will get wet, your ego will take a bit of a dint, them’s the rules. Have fun.

    Free Member

    As soon as it effects the ability of a few large corporates to sell online, particularly in the financial services sectors, there may be some hasty U-turns.

    That is assuming they can get it to work in the first place!

    Free Member

    I had a nice ping-ping bell for ages and it was fine until I encountered some old fossil who was as deaf as a post.
    After I had pinged away merrily to no effect, eventually I caught his eye and he shouted at me that I should have a bell.
    I pointed to the aforementioned pinger and he yelled that it was insufficient to be heard over the birdsong!
    Now I have this – works a treat and it’s hard for anyone to get cross when hear it, just need a 29er to complete the clown costume:

    Free Member

    A colleague runs this Single Social[/url] for anyone in Sheff or surrounding area who fancies trying the single dating scene.

    If I were ever to find myself single again and with two teenage boys I have no idea how I would find the time/energy/enthusiasm to even get ready to go on a date, let alone be anyone’s idea of even adequate company – I’m guessing being face down, snoring in the entrée is frowned upon.

    Free Member

    That’s lovely, think I’d go for a red tank though.

    Free Member

    @CaptainFlashypants – Great Game again for the 4th time, such a pity none of today’s politicians take the time to read it, they may have saved a lot of lives.
    Read LOTR 7 or 8 times and the Silmarillion more (much better book IMO)
    Plus the Calvin & Hobbs anthologies, over & over.
    Thhgttg a few times and plenty of Pratchett”s books.

    Free Member

    A bit niche. Largest number of packets of prawn cocktail crisps eaten in an hour without a drink a 26, set in 1984 and it still stands.

    Free Member

    Join the club80-90 and Brick-yard forums.
    Read, search and ask lots of questions.
    Both are full of good folks with a lot of knowledge.
    And take someone with you who knows about these vans.
    I have 2 and there are plenty of things to know before you go shopping.

    Free Member

    My missus, a doctor, would probably have said the same thing and she doesn’t understand why you don’t fly backwards when you jump in a moving train

    Deepends which way you are facing.

    Free Member

    @GrahamS – I’d rather take his advice than that of a bunch of IT managers!! 😉

    Free Member

    Riding along a flat road to reach a bridleway and my mate cut across in front of me taking my front wheel away, I landed head first onto the road.

    Bit shaken I rode on but after 2 hours I passed out and slid under a cafe table.

    Woke up in hospital and the A&E consultant said, “Good job you were wearing a helmet otherwise you’d be clogging up an ITU bed.”

    All the evidence I need.

    Free Member

    My firstborn was riding back from Eyam in that lot, now got wall to wall blue skies.
    May head out for a ride!!

    Free Member

    kilo – Member
    No, it’s still none of their business

    Yes it is.

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