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  • Trackside: Steve Peat’s Evolution in the Santa Cruz Syndicate
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Just a thought – check you route – it’s the Skyline Fell race around Edale on the Sunday this weekend and there’s the BFH tralquest out of Hope Valley College on the saturday – you may want to check your timimgs on either route.




    Free Member

    Cut Gate will be good if the weather’s nice, more cafe’s and pubs on the JL circuit, both great routes.

    Free Member

    Up Smalldale out of Bradwell and up over Dirtlow Rake then past Rowter Farm, left down the road and then right and up over Rushup Edge to Mam Nick round the back of Mam To to Hollins Cross, drop down to the Edale Road, up Jaggers Clough to Hope Cross, drop down the steep bridleway to Ladybower Res, follow the trail to the dam wall, drop down the RHS and cut right onto the old railway, hit the main road then left to Shatton through the ford and up the track to Brough Lane, drop into Brough, turn left and into Bradda, back up Smalldale and home.

    Great on a sunny winter’s day midweek and youll have most of it to yourself.

    Or several others come very close behind.

    Free Member

    About to tuck into a home made curry after a 15mile ride around the Dark Peak in the most sublime evening sun, a bit far to bring you a bowl and it may be a bit cold by the time it reaches you!
    Good luck getting sorted.

    Free Member

    In the Beetle there is:
    A sewing machine
    A hockey stick
    A book – The Cobra in the Barn
    A CD – The Joshua Tree
    A tin of shortbread

    I am not even going to look in the Syncro!

    Free Member

    Find them and burn them.
    That’s a decent ding and they must have felt it.
    Some people don’t recognise the emotional attachment to old VWs and just see it as an old banger.
    So find them and burn them.

    Free Member

    Mustn’t laugh at others misfortunes…

    …oh go on then. 😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    The world’s greatest waterman:

    Free Member

    Here’s a few taken whilst out on the bike on the local hills.

    Looking towards Bradwell Edge and Bamford:

    You’re on here somewhere:

    Ladybower Res:

    Higger Tor:


    Free Member

    Bet it’s St Elmos fire or Flashdance or, heaven forbid, Dirty Dancing – Nobody puts Brakes in the corner…

    Free Member

    glupton1976 – Member

    Ended up being a marathon each time we cleaned the kitchen and I’d rather be riding.

    Utter filth.

    Dirtier than you can imagine! 😉

    Free Member

    You work with Kaesae?

    Free Member

    Quite disturbing, repeating history’s mistakes would seem a likely result of being oblivious to major historical events such as the Holocaust. My lads have done the WWI Battlefields trip and the youngest is off to Poland in Feb to see the camps.

    It’s not hard to be informed, the BBC History mag is a good, if not in depth, source of history which should be required reading for secondary school kids IMO.

    Free Member

    Wafer of course you bastards, it’s my 2 day of a 5:2 regime and there’s a pack in the cupboard. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng must resist. 😈

    Free Member

    Now I’m depressed, we are being told what to do by the thick bully in the playground, who’d a thunk it?

    Free Member

    Ours is out of the Ark (bought for me when I graduated in 86) but with this book it works a treat:

    Free Member

    3.5L and it makes loads, all veggie stuff, but the output feeds 4 inc 2 teenage lads. If we could get a 6L in the kitchen I’d go for that and stock the freezer with the surplus.

    Free Member

    @BWD – no, well not in any way that I’ll admit to on a public forum. 😳

    I was thinking of the Shoe Event Horizon – just replace shoe with bike 😀

    The Shoe Event Horizon is an economic theory that draws a correlation between the level of economic (and emotional) depression of a society and the number of shoe shops the society has.

    The theory is summarized as such: as a society sinks into depression, the people of the society need to cheer themselves up by buying themselves gifts. This is usually done through the purchase of shoes. As more money is spent on shoes, more shoe shops are built, and the quality of the shoes begins to diminish as the demand for different types of shoes increases. This makes people buy more shoes.

    The above turns into a vicious cycle, the end result being that other industries begin to falter.

    Eventually the titular Shoe Event Horizon is reached, where the only type of store economically viable to build is a shoe shop. At this point, society ceases to function, and the economy collapses, sending a world into ruin. In the case of Brontitall and Frogstar World B, the population forsook shoes and evolved into birds.


    EDIT: this theory is supported by Pook’s announcement of yet another bike shop in Sheffield – it’s started already!

    Free Member

    Ah, it’s STW equivalent of Douglas Adams shoes.

    Free Member

    We did, now half and half with free standing cupboards and dresser – the biggest problem is keeping the things on open shelves clean. Ended up being a marathon each time we cleaned the kitchen and I’d rather be riding.

    Free Member

    Excellent, another person heading for the nirvana of one bike zen cycling.
    all you need to do now is get rid of all those fiddly gears and bouncy stuff and you will have reached enlightenment.
    It’s cycling monogomy, a true love with just one.



    What will you do when it’s broken though?

    – fix it?

    Free Member

    Someone pooed in your shoes, boy did you piss someone off!! 😯

    Free Member

    Always been a fan of the sheep, reminds me of happy carefree days riding in hideous fluorescent clothing. This is my FB cover image:

    Free Member

    Bloody heatwave here chap!
    Moff for a ride as soon as I get home.

    Free Member

    The Sanity Assassin – Member

    I genuinely think that in most cases passing a moving cyclist doesn’t actually register as an overtaking manoeuvre to motorists.

    This seems to nail it for me in much the same way as cars overtake parked cars irrespective of whether there is room without hitting oncoming traffic.

    Free Member

    This, an amazing individual, they don;t seem to make them like this any more:

    Edit – oops – sorry for the mahoosive picture.

    Free Member

    Uncle has it, as does a client and it’s manifesting itself in very different ways in each of them.

    Definitely seek out the Parkinsons Assoc – brilliant people and meeting others in the same position has worked wonders for my Uncle. They can provide a wealth of information & support.

    Free Member

    This weekend was beautiful.
    Cue packs of roadies prowling the lanes or rogue rides on their own.
    Also cue the arrival of knobs in tin boxes.
    The insane overtaking antics were legion:

    Overtaking a cyclist because he/she is in front and slower
    Overtaking irrespective of oncoming traffic
    Overtaking regardless of visibility ahead or road width
    Accelerating to overtake and then braking hard to tuck back in behind the cyclist in front of the one overtaken

    Unfortunately quite a bit of this was done by cars with MTBs on the back/roof!

    If I’m in the car I take perverse delight in waiting until I have room, visibility and the opportunity to overtake safely for the cyclist and for me, but sometimes those behind have tried to overtake me and the pack of riders in one go, or they get all sweary and cross over a 5 min delay.

    Free Member

    Wow! This thread is starting to read like a transcript of a day in the office. 😀

    Free Member

    There are lots and lot of self taught web developers around, when we recruit we get gazillions of CVs of armchair experts. Some form of recognised qualification does at least mean you will (hopefully!!!) have fewer bad habits and should have a structured approach to how you tackle the work. We have had self taughts and they are more often than not a proper pain in the arm for our tech director as they have their ‘own way’ of doing things.

    So, if you can find a resolution and stick with it you should benefit in the long run. Leaning at home in any free time (MiniFatt permitting) would also be good.

    As was said earlier – design or developer – bit like oil and water, someone who can do both to a good standard is a rare commodity.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Inspirational stuff.
    Great that there are still people around who are prepared to take on the really big challenges most of us just dream about.
    Chapeau Sarah you have my undying admiration.

    @warton – that was a hard film to watch, it was shown at HVAFF a couple of years ago and there were very few dry eyes – a case of singular obsession winning over his life with his wife and young son – heartbreaking stuff, esp the last radio messages to the NZ Coastguards.

    Free Member

    Domestic undertakings on Sat.
    Sun walked the Skyline route around Edale with MrsCat – lots of fell runners out practising.
    Disappointed to see 3 riders on the footpaths at the top of Grindsbrook.

    Free Member

    Ride my bike with lights on. 😀

    Free Member

    Car left on drive, hood down, keys in. 😳
    The thought of having to explaining that to the plod was far more worrying that MrsCat who would probably have just rolled her eyes. (and yes, I would have rolled them back)

    Free Member

    Anyone gone blind yet?

    Free Member

    Right handed, hold jar in right hand and lid in left. You are ok, it’s them.

    Free Member

    Walked Edale Skyline with MrsCat in glorious sunshine.
    Just made and consumed 50% of a huge blackberry & apple pie.
    Top day.

    Free Member

    Blimey, just seen this. Thoughts with SFB & family and great job done by the team keeping him going until the paramedics arrived. Fingers crossed for a full recovery.

    Free Member

    Brilliant link Stoner, thanks.
    Off now to find his book for my Xmas pressie list.

    Free Member

    Kids curtailed my drinking.
    Hangover + crying kid at 4am + sick/poo = not good.
    Now just a couple of pints or half a bottle of red is my limit.
    I just realised how much time was wasted feeling wasted.

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