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  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Because of the memories they evoke:

    Born to run
    The River
    Streets of Philadelphia

    Free Member

    Does this thread indicate a relationship hitting rocky times or someone’s in law coming to stay permanently? 😀

    Free Member

    Milton Jones, Jamie Cullem, Ed Byrne in October.

    Free Member

    Re earphones & iPods – they are now driving the ‘Whispering Death’ or Prius, nearly been taken out by these silent demons twice now, they just purr rounds the corner at speed – no warning engine noise at all.

    Free Member

    Been on two of Pook’s exercises in how many STWers you can string out across the Peaks, everyone was very friendly and cake happened too!! 😀

    Also bumped in to RichPips and his lad in the Woodbine one afternoon, again cake happened. 😀

    Free Member

    It’s brilliant fun isn’t it – the boring trails become much more entertaining, also lots of wildlife seem to pop out too.

    Free Member

    Nicola @ High Peak First Aid is on the same site as us, always seems to be very busy and has a good rep locally afaik. Good excuse to get some Peak riding in whilst in the area too.

    Free Member

    Surely Audi drivers would cry “hören, hören,”?

    Free Member

    Only ride Mtb no interest in fighting with traffic so would go back to other hill / climbing type stuff and do more,windsurfing.

    Free Member

    Did you sauté it in butter or oil?
    Or, poach it a nice Chenin Blanc?

    Free Member

    No riding this weekend.
    Sat – cleaning the house followed by a 5-0 victory in the opening league hockey match of the season. 😀
    Sun – cleaning the rest of the house. It now sparkles.

    Sneaky ride planned for tonight.

    Free Member

    depends on your idea of hassle, clamp booms and decent downhauls are pretty quick.
    You still have to slide the mast in and then clamp the boom on but it’s all pretty simple really, no lines to tangle and you get to keep a full set of ears

    Free Member

    We are dining on home made pizza followed by apple and plum crumble, all fruits sourced from local trees, with permission of course 😀

    Free Member

    I must be well outside the demographic – struggle to watch Citizen Khan, Mrs Brow’s Boys, Miranda and Count Arthur Strong was desperate on the radio, it’s even less funny on TV.

    Get John Finnimore writing for TV – Cabin Pressure and Souvenir Programme are impeccable.

    Free Member

    On the other hand… How influential is the Mail, really?

    From personal experience, it seems depressingly influential and not only in the shires.

    From various facebook posts by people I would have expected to have been centre/centre left, the more rabid the headlines the more they seem to lap it up and propagate the Mail’s hateful stories.

    Free Member

    Do people read the OP anymore?
    Where did he say the current speed limit?
    It said “the speed limit”, that could be 80mph or 10mph, whatever was deemed correct.
    And, it also stated that the speed limit would vary as you moved onto other roads using something such as the sat nav to identify the limit, which already identifies the speed for you now.
    The arguments made about being a super driver who can judge the ideal speed on a road is just plain bollocks, it’s the other people on the road who pull out, are stopped around the corner, the blow out, the pack of roadies riding 2 or 3 abreast just over the brow of the hill, etc.

    Free Member

    Yep, like the +15% for emergencies idea.
    Happy with doing the speed limit, why not other than a bit of willy waving.
    It will upset a lot of Audi drivers though. 😀

    Free Member

    Be more dog? 😯

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear the news.
    Could he look at something in civilian services – Paramedic?

    I know this will not be a lot of comfort but I have shown this to my 16 yr old who is obsessively heading towards fast jets, we have had long discussions re the attrition rate but he is single minded about it. Hope fully your lads story may just help him to realise getting qualified before joining up may be a good idea.

    Hope both your lads mend fast and sufficiently to carry on.

    Free Member

    Either the winter swell scene from Big Wednesday when Jack goes out alone just before he is drafted into the Marines or Rawhide from the Blues Brothers, no bikes but both brilliant.

    Free Member

    Just changed a wheel on MrsCat’s car and was plenty warm enough in just a T-shirt, no sign of needing the heating on yet. Fire and stove will go on first.

    Free Member

    He was great on R4 the other day, met him at a corporate event a few years ago and he seems a good bloke, his enthusiasm was infectious.

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    Wallop I said most. Not all.

    I’d love to meet my match

    You’d be able to sell tickets for that meeting!! 😀

    Free Member

    From one of my heroes:

    A Silly Poem

    Said Hamlet to Ophelia,
    I’ll draw a sketch of thee,
    What kind of pencil shall I use?
    2B or not 2B?

    I Must Go Down To The Sea Again

    I must go down to the sea again,
    to the lonely sea and the sky;
    I left my shoes and socks there –
    I wonder if they’re dry?

    There Are Holes In The Sky

    There are holes in the sky
    Where the rain gets in
    But they’re ever so small
    That’s why the rain is thin.

    Spike Milligan

    Free Member

    Hell yes, a Polo will be fine.

    My 1500cc Beetle lugged the mother of all HiFly square tails about in the 80s and that was made of polyindestructium, weighed almost as much as the car. Only travelled at 50mph but it got me all over the place, single piece masts too – rags on either end.

    So, yes, your Polo will be fine just invest in a bloody good rack.

    Free Member

    Epimetheus – Titan of afterthought and the father of excuses.

    Blimey, it’s me!! 😯

    Free Member

    Thanks Trail Rat – that cheered me up during my VAT quarter misery. 😀
    No deep meaning just a bit of good fun, there are some real joy sinks in today!

    Free Member

    Sorry to have found such amusement in another’s predicament but my uncontrollable giggling in the office has caused this thread to be the best lunchtime entertainment in ages. 😀

    Seems like a shit or bust moment, you’ll either both laugh about it or you may need that new account on

    Free Member

    @stilltortoise – it doesn’t stop, it just changes – at 14 & 16 I don’t expect them to shout “Daddy” when I come home, it may feel a bit weird for all of us. But they do still come through/down to say hi and we chat about each other’s days, bikes, sport, music, etc. I guess that it depends upon the relationship you have developed with them over the years, we still eat together almost daily and round the table not in front of the TV – IMO this really matters.

    @Iolo – no magic beans, just a long hard think about how we wanted our family to develop, accepting what that means (bye bye flashy BMW hello 1972 beetle) and then sticking to it. MrsCat has grafted bloody hard when some some of the other mums were ‘doing coffee’ and I have been riding an antique MTB.

    Free Member

    I sacked in a very well paid job with a big plc as the 2 hour commute meant I saw too little of him (then his brother).

    Set up on my own and had years of eating breakfast with them, popping home for lunch and eating our evening meal together/bath/bed (read 90% of the bedtime stories to our two for 10 years) and missed very few of their school stuff – concerts/sports/etc.

    We took a big cash hit but prioritised the family above all else (hols in static caravan & tents, no new bikes or cars, dropping the need for expensive things/lifestyle).

    Businesses are now running ok, still not flush but I have a brilliant relationship with my lads and (as far as I can judge) a good one with MrsCat too!

    Sounds like your partner is doing a great job, perhaps a chat with her about how you feel once junior has gone to bed may open up some options.

    But bear in mind, whatever you earn it cannot buy back the time that is passing now and they grow so much in the early years.

    Free Member

    @maxnormal – yes. It just seemed predestined, never considered that not having a family was an option, just the timing.

    16 years in and still brilliant fun/experience, to be honest we should have them earlier (I was 32) and we should have had more. 😀

    Free Member

    I listened to the irritating little twonk on the radio today and whilst I find plenty to dislike about him, he did not

    come out in support of the Mail’s clobbering of the Ed Miller Band’s dad

    His response was flat and he suggested he would also defend his father but also defended the right of the free press, even if they are as odious as the Mail.
    Sorry if that upsets the angry mob, but if we are to hang him, let’s at least do so for something he has actually done. There should be no shortage of examples.

    Free Member

    There was an episode in our village, of guys in their mid 50s who were either separated or never married, heading over to Thailand for ‘extended vacations’ seeking a ‘soulmate’!

    Worked for two of them and their wives have been around for a long time, both of them are great people, charming, friendly and seemingly happy with their chaps. Their kids went to school with ours and are great, happy to have them round here rather than some of the other local horrors.

    One did let on to me that she was seen as lucky to have a successful, western husband especially as he took on her son to a previous and rough husband. They are usign his earning to build a huge house back in Thailand for her extended family and they will head back there when he retires.

    So, it does work for some and good luck to them. A little more disturbed by some of the antics of older, less charming Europeans I saw when we were over there.

    Free Member

    That’s made my evening, thanks. 😀

    Free Member

    Was big with a cohort at school who seemed go head off to mysterious ‘all nighters’ at weekends – not a chance of me being allowed to go, liked the music but was diverted by the electronic/industrial scene in Sheff.
    Robert Peston came across well in the Culture Show film, seems like a good crowd to be around.

    Free Member

    Back in the day (c88/89) iding about on this very early Townsend from Mellor Cycles in Shrewsbury – it was soooooooo basic, still did everything the Wreking/Long Myndd/Peaks/Dales/Lakes had to offer. Does make me shudder to think how crap the brakes must have been and 12 speeds from which to choose. 😯

    Free Member

    Schweet van. It transforms weekends away if you are coming from a tent, enjoy.
    Had our T3 7 years and done 40K in it, bit slower than yours but love the whole experience.

    EDIT: am sure someone at Busfest mentioned a double swivel seat for a T5, it was one of the Brick-Yard mob (Dogsbreath IIRC) nip over and ask there’s loads of help on there. Brick Yard

    Free Member

    They are worse on really narrow lanes, instead of staying on one side they split onto groups on either side making it almost impossible to pass, if they have dogs they usually leave them in the middle of the road, maybe they don;t like their dogs.

    I had a bell and got some real ear bendings for ringing it, I now have a nice loud comedy horn,

    Free Member

    It was a very different era – here’s the great man wearing his fireproof racing suit!

    Free Member

    No power at the moment, that’s all pedal power.
    He is thinking of putting either a 40cc motor in or a small electric motor, but as soon as he powers it all of the regs apply – reg plates, insurance, etc.
    He had fabricated loads of missing bits himself.

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