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  • Singletrack World 150th Issue is coming!
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Barnsley too far?
    Used Metal Magic for the camper wheels and Corratec frame – great finish, nice folks and a keen price.

    Free Member

    but will they still fill in a “we called but you were out” slip, tiptoe up the path, gently push it through the letterbox and run away whilst I sit not more than 20ft away?

    Free Member

    Driving down to Dorset for a few days on Monday.
    May swap going down in the Camper for the Syncro. (no fellatio jokes please!)

    Free Member

    I’d go for the 3 beds, we bought a 2 bed cottage and are now having the pain of extending, should have gone for the 3 bed cottage we saw at the time.
    Everything else can be changed comparatively easily.

    Free Member

    Bloody dreadful things.
    We had them in our house in Cornwall which always felt just a bit damp and cold all year round.
    This may have been the fact it was block and render and it’s wetter than a wet thing in winter but the storage heaters were never sufficient to warm the house properly.
    We have them in the barn where our offices are located and they are equally as ineffective.
    As has been said ^^^ you have to set them and hope, if it’s colder than expected you can get a quick boost but then your heat is gone for the rest of the day or if it’s hot they keep pumping out the heat even if cranked right down.
    We ended up using supplementary heating with open fires and oil radiators which just boosted the costs to that of central heating.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    Free Member

    @Robidoo – long shot but are you the same Robidoo who used to own a Blue T3 camper with a white pop top?

    Free Member

    I bet McMoonter or Stoner would have finished it. 😀

    great to see some real ambition, hope he gets it finished.

    Free Member

    +1 Mattsccm

    Kid up the road shot me in the shoulder with his Dad’s ‘rabbit’ gun, we went for the Western approach to pellet removal, slug of his Dad’s whisky, Stanley knife in the cooker gas burner and he dug it out. They must have heard the screams in Sheffield. Still got the scar. His Dad went mental and I went to A&E where the nurse told my Mum he’d done a decent job all things considered.

    Not a fan of guns.

    Free Member

    Place these liberally around the plot, plant in between (make a map!) and the perp will still be there in the morning so you can have a stern word with them.

    Free Member

    This is the only bike I have:

    Free Member

    samuri – Member
    Do you guys actually remember who you’ve had a disagreement with?

    I suspect some folks have little notebooks to record names, keep score and as aide memoires when cross referring to posts made years ago, shouldn’t criticise really as everyone needs a hobby.

    I read lots of funny stuff, some very interesting stuff and a bit of thought provoking stuff, but plenty of threads end in the usual trench warfare so I’ve stopped joining in.

    The bike forum is only of limited interest as I ride a Frankenbike Rigid SS which is as old as the hills, so all this boingy technobabble flies straight over my head. May have to make a proper effort to learn this shit so I can join in.

    Free Member

    He must have a forearm like Popeye! 😯

    Free Member

    What would Singletrackworld have done?

    We would all have pulled over to the kerb, dismounted and lifted the bike onto the pavement to allow the ambulance sufficient room to pass. 😀

    Free Member

    Heresy, burn all the nay sayers.

    JD were a game changer, like a number of other bands they expanded the musical landscape.

    (jeezus that sounds like pretentious shite but hey, it’s true) 😀

    Free Member

    Nope you’re not alone.
    Quite a lot of my lads friends have had unrestricted games/web access for years.
    I’m sure that the parents either truly don’t know what’s in them or don’t care.

    Free Member

    How did it go?

    Free Member

    A nice version of Malcolm Tucker
    It’s better than working for a living
    Not enough

    Free Member

    Anyone want the mahoosive Mistral behind my garage?
    Will also stick it on the FB page, thanks for the tip off

    Free Member

    Brilliant – love garage builds of anything mechanical, very impressive project. 😀

    Free Member

    Great info chaps, been buying by the ‘load’ here, which is about a heaped tipper of seasoned mixed wood just about to reorder so will use the info on this thread to make a better buying decision – guesstimate there was about 2m3 for £140 – got us through last winter’s snows and is just running out now as we only use it when we needed.

    Free Member

    Blimey, this is hard work.
    The horsey folks are in favour of sanitised trails, I don’t think anyone suggested that they wanted MTBs banning. Sanitised trails = boring riding, which may encourage people to use footpaths more, which may cause more conflict with other ROW users and landowners.
    The local landowners & farmers round here would be very happy to see access limited for just about everyone, they make running anything outdoor a challenge in itself.
    There are a few threads/posts/comments online where other ROW users seem to be setting their stall out against MTBs as well as 4x4s and trail bikes. I will go and dig them out shortly.

    Free Member

    Re Cut Gate – this is the route they are proposing, the site is all flash based so could not pull the image through and the map is pretty poor, but unmistakably Cut Gate:

    Kinder Loop

    Free Member

    Can see your point BWD but if you have never encountered any hostility from walkers then you are doing very well. We’re a pretty considerate bunch compared to many we meet riding round here and we still get grief on occasions, not because of how we ride but because we exist in their universe!

    Opening up some, if not all, footpaths would ease the situation rather than exacerbate it because it would spread the load. There will always be the honeypots but a wider spread would be good.

    Free Member

    The kerbstones on Brough Lane are entertainingly placed around a couple of bends, the surface and the width does encourage one (well one that I ride with) to slide the back wheel out a bit.

    Free Member

    @BWD – will dig some out when I’m home later, we used them for the fell race discussions.

    Ride Sheffield – do they cover the entire Peak Park?
    PMBA – who?

    I am inclined to agree it should be the CTC as this is not the only National Park and it won’t be the only one facing these issues. And, there are more routes outside national parks that need some form of voice. Do they have the stomach for a “bitch fight”? 😀

    Free Member

    Try James at the Bike Garage in Bamford, if he doesn’t have one he’ll know who does:

    Free Member

    @antigee – it would be the most sensible idea, however, that’s going to be one bitch of a fight to get any agreement on. I used to part of the group that runs the Wolf’s Pit Fell race and just to allow additional access for one day a year took months of negotiations, cajoling and ‘persuasion’ to keep the race going over private land.

    Agree that the starting point should be the FC and STW (the water lot not the riders).

    @BWD – there’s quite a bit on the internet on various forums if you try google,

    A good piece from the BMC

    A bit on teh CTC forums

    But more important than who’s trying to get whom banned, is that thee does not seem to be a visible and coherent voice for mountain biking.

    Free Member

    Hora – go ride Chapel Gate or Brough lane and tell me that they are better for having been sanitised.

    Admittedly they are a hell of a lot faster to ride (if you can bunnyhop kerbstones and drainage channels) but if the likes of Peak Horsepower do get their way there are a lot of stables around here who are looking forward to much more group trekking on sanitised loops.

    The two groups have conflicting requirements, they want trails that are easy for horses not the challenging routes that we may like to ride.

    Riding cheeky footpaths round here is just another stick with which they can beat us in the great access debate that seems to be brewing.

    Free Member

    As a local Peak rider I too have been shouting about this for some time and received a mostly apathetic response. Where is our organised lobbying group? We have a good economic case to retain access as riders coming into the park bring money and create jobs. But Peak Horsepower have well connected and influential allies. If they succeed we will have only our own indolence to blame.

    Free Member

    Great idea in theory and I would love to do it.
    However, we cannot exist without two cars.
    We both need one for work and our location/family circumstances dictate we have them.
    Huge admiration for those who can do it.

    Free Member

    Oops , bloody tablet!

    Free Member

    We need a site like Retrobikes for boards, old school sailing nostalgia.
    I have an old board that would be perfect for learning on but at 20yrs old no one even wantsit for free.
    Try Freecycle, good luck.

    Free Member

    Six sets in the family, all working perfectly, oldest 3 yrs in Nov, none cost more than £23.

    Free Member

    Left, it is on my 87 Westy and was told by the plod that’s where it should be “or else mate!” so that’s where it is.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If this wind keeps up it will be very interesting riding.
    Mablethorpe is horrible as is Clethorpees – Sutton is ok, bit past it best but ok.
    If you can find Anderby Creek there’s a nice cafe and the walk on the beach is fab, spent many summer weeks there.

    Free Member

    If only…

    Free Member

    IMO disease control & modern medicine – penicillin, vaccines, antibiotics, anaesthetics.

    Or, Marmite.

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