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  • Whistler opens camping and RV hookup park for MTBers
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Steve- hitting the sack now but will ema you in the morning.

    Free Member

    Pook, I’m sure they will. If we can get a Enough interest I can flow this through with my neighbour. A key part of this is, in my opinion, to make a strong representation from riders who live land work in the park. This is one card that Pak Horsepower use to good effect – his words not mine.

    Free Member

    Steve that sounds good, how do we capitalise on this open offer in front of us. I understand from my conversation that PDNPA also have their challenges with DCC and the conflicts over access and policing so this invitation may be good for us all. What do you suggest as a next step?

    Free Member

    As I said, the more people who want to get involved the better as long as it is representative of the wider user groups. I will contact John.

    Edit: just looked their website and it does seem they are focused on the Sheffield area, no bad thing and it would be good to have them involved but the Peaks is a very big area

    Free Member

    Sure am. That was to Pook.
    Jonny, if they want to get involved that’s great but will they work for the entire Peak? There is a clue in their name.

    Free Member

    Guess so, his only reason for asking for locals was to make it easy to get to meetings, guessing they will be in Bakewell. From my POV anyone with an interest is more than welcome. We can canvas opinion of those who don’t live close to can’t get to meeting on here and take those comments forward.

    Free Member

    Calling all Peaks Pootlers this May be of interest

    Free Member

    If he is interested in a Tiger flight, they run one out of Sheffeild Aero Club and it does the Dam Busters run over the Derwent reservoirs.

    Free Member

    Did the same search for something for Dad’s 90th 2 weeks ago.
    As an ex Hurricane pilot I thought of the tandem Spit or even a Tiger Moth (he trained in them) but all very pricey or becase a bit twitchy when they knew his age – he’s very fit for 90 BTW.
    We also had the family inclusion discussion so we are off for a weekend at Duxford on Friday.
    Some nice ideas in that thread though.

    Free Member

    Love layered hedges. The time taken to do it properly pays back in less time to manage them in subsequent years. It’s 80% dry stone walls round here but the few hedges about are seldom layered.

    Free Member

    Love Calvin & Hobbes, thanks for the link

    Free Member

    It’s actually when I’m driving that I feel most vulnerable as a cyclist.

    Interesting point and probably the reason I avoid road cycling, seen too many near misses for me to feel comfortable taking the risk.

    Free Member

    VW Westy – George
    VW Syncro – Bessie

    Bikes are bikes, occasionally called **** bitch on some rides

    Free Member

    That recumbent is brilliant. Where do I get one?

    Free Member

    I feel like the hunted quarry of a pack of four ringed murderous machines, which is why I don’t ride on the road. Should I have to ride my mountain bike between trails I wait until the coast is clear and pedal like fury. 😀

    Free Member

    Hmmm…. we have a large office that’s often cold, if we use a dozen candles do you think one of these will work?

    Free Member

    @Miketually – we do the same, always attended the village remembrance parade and service at the memorial. As an atheist I don’t participate in the religious observances or the national anthem. I always buy a poppy as my 2 grandfathers fought in WWI and my father in WWII, they lost lots of friends and I just feel it’s appropriate to remember everyone who died both those in the armed forces and civilians on both sides.

    This was an interesting move by Dan Snow:

    Free Member

    The Mistral Bermuda is still here as are 2 masts and a couple of sails. Board has a mast foot, daggerboard and retracting fin. Still free to anyone wanting to dip their toes, all you need is a boom. Anyone?

    Free Member

    @natrix – last thing I had was a veggie wrap – kind of like a poor man’s falafel wrap but will do when the need arises, also seem to recall salad boxes.

    Free Member

    Sandwich – Member
    Oh, Vienna

    Sorry, what has Rigsby’s cat got to do with this?

    Free Member

    There’s good and poor GPs and their practices.
    MrsCat deals with lots of them and some are just amazingly brilliant, a few are truly crap.

    An example of good GPs happened yesterday where three GPs attended an RTC we were also at on Sunday, just beneath Higger Tor.

    Whilst other motorists turned around and left without even asking if they could help, MrsCat, me and 3 GPs got stuck in with a roadie and two other car drivers to get the uninjured passenger out and look after the driver until the emergency responders arrived – which was quite a while.

    The GPs were great, they just got involved and organised the rest of us, they also stuck around until the casualty had been taken to the ambulance in case they could help – not a bad out of hours service.

    Free Member

    Project you are either speaking from a timewarp back in the late 70s or speaking bollocks.

    Eating out is dead easy these days, plenty of veggie options even in McDs and quite often it is the nicer option on the menu.

    Plenty of options available – been veggie for 28yrs and we are all veggie including the hulking monster teenagers in filling up the lounge at the moment.

    Andypaul99 is spot on.

    Free Member

    @AW – will dig some out for you and email them to the address sin your profile.

    Free Member

    The Woodhead Trail is a bit further over, seems remote but is a gentle ride on a good surface.
    Carsington Res is also a good circuit, a few small sharp climbs but nothing taxing.
    You could try Delamere, again some reasonably flatish routes.
    Spent a happy day around Clumber and compared to the Peaks it’s flat.
    It’s possible to link up some quite flat routes around here but it’s a map and an evenings planning, may have a couple I did post ab surgery if you’re interested.
    Or, get some rollers and a box of romcoms!!! 😯

    Free Member

    pop larkin – Member
    It’s all relative AW !

    I certainly is in the ‘Dark Peak’! 😯

    Free Member


    Free Member

    There’s a County Council imposed temporary TRO in place and when it ceases PDNPA will impose a permanent TRO. It’s open to bikes but not 4×4 or motorcycles.

    Free Member

    8/10 – only a fag paper’s width between them!

    Free Member

    I’d happily watch racing when the jockeys carry the horse round.

    Free Member

    Congrats Grandad

    Free Member

    Why are you hanging butterflies on your washing line?

    Free Member

    sparkyrhino – Member
    That would be an ecumenical matter

    THM could help, isn’t he an Ecumenist

    Free Member

    Odd Balls you say?

    Free Member

    @bikebuoy – about half an hour’s drive away on a clear road, could be a bit longer depending upon where Pookles chooses to meet.

    Free Member

    Are we still discussing RB, or have we started to debate what he said?

    @Northwind – if he has caused any of the disenfranchised to become politicised then good, but will they act.

    Free Member

    75% around Hull, latitude pretty good, longitude a bit off by about 60miles.
    S Yorks and proud,

    Free Member

    @bikebuoy – I live in PootleLand and that’s all I have been riding for nearly 3 years – it hurts a lot but it can be done.

    EDIT: and it’s rigid.

    Free Member

    Yunki – think you may just be the man for the job. 😀

    Free Member

    Binners your BP must be off the scale!! Calm down dear :D.

    Anyhoo – I was going to respond to Ormonroyd’s point re representation – spot on sir. People feel disenfranchised and that the system is broken but a revolutionary zealot ranting will not move them to action. They may be apathetic and some may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer but they do have engine of change within their grasp if only they had someone to motivate them. I fear theat RB is not the person to do this.

    The system as it stands can be changed from within simply by mobilising the vote and say FU to the big parties and electing independents, small parties, some radicals, etc – a quiet revolution using the mechanisms in place. But his would need a more convincing spokesperson than RB – Zephenia on the other hand…

    Free Member

    @whippersnapper – hardly a benchmark of aspiration! ? 😀

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