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  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Come back when you’ve listened to Kind of Blue by Miles Davis.

    Completely pretentious bollocks – had that rubbish forced into my ears as a kid, tantamount to child abuse IMO. It’s music for the effete, bring on John Thomson.

    Free Member

    Jazz isn’t music, it’s just a series of notes randomly played on a variety of instruments and appreciated by people too afraid to shout that the King has no clothes.

    Free Member

    Prog rock and anything either side of it – any tune that requires you to take annual leave to listen to it has lost the point.

    Also, Morrisey, the music is fine, Jonny Marr is ace but that self absorbed Manc moany **** needs to get a blow job or some Prozac.

    Free Member

    matt_outandabout – Member


    Smartypants :P

    Free Member

    Judging by the stream of cars coming back down on Sunday you must be able to get quite a way up for them all to park. Access to Fairholmes from the A57 & Sheff is fine.

    Free Member

    @pook – not suitable for the delicate eyes of STW forumites, my post was redacted! 8O

    I’ll email you the pic.

    Free Member

    He posted the pic himself, just not realised there was a reflection, almost feel sorry for him, no, no I don’t, not one tiny little bit.

    Free Member

    FunkyDunc – Member

    None. Having a child made me realise just how bad humans are for this planet ie how we just squander its resources

    What did you do with the one you had?

    Free Member

    How many kids should you have?

    Two, if I have fewer than two there’ll be hell to pay when MrsCat gets home!!

    Free Member

    Lots of fly tipping appearing here in the Peak. Stanage, Dirtlow Rake, random bin liners and a string of tyres between Fox House & Owler Bar. Mostly builders waste – kitchens, commercial fridges, bathrooms – lovely way to treat a national park.

    Free Member

    Blinkin flip! Posting him on my kids wall of proper heroes.

    Free Member

    Justin you’re just bitter and twisted. I got an appendix removed by a crowd sourced surgeon. Ok he removed my spleen by mistake, but at least it gave him the chance to have a go. :)

    Free Member

    From the 70s!!!

    Free Member

    Unfair – Austria are fielding musicians!

    Free Member

    Ok, I know we shipped most our Crims over there but even my basic knowledge of tectonic plates and their movement puts Oz in Europe

    Free Member

    Never thought I’d miss Lordy

    Free Member

    Genuinely surprised that 2015 is worse that 2014. If I vote UKIP do we stop showing this?

    Free Member

    Tuck yer shirt in lad!

    Free Member

    Immeasurably faster, so I now ride a SS fatbike to bring me back down to ‘painfully slow’

    Free Member

    Farmers Blonde

    Free Member

    Bit wet on Hope Brinks earlier in the week, lots of pooling water but rest of ‘wet’ loop should be ok,

    Free Member

    @nickjb – is my chimney pot shape more important to the preservation than the removal of massive amounts of the landscape itself? Is is it a bigger issue than incongruous buildings being erected (yes I said erected) that are at odd completely with those around them. I could go on, and on, and on with examples showing decisions that are incongruous with the Parks own rationale for existing. It’s poorly run, badly managed and dances to a tune other than a democratic one. Re your comment about non residents having a heavy influence – the Peak has been in a state of flux since man settled the hill forts. It’s a dynamic landscape understood by those who live in it, how does someone who lives elsewhere understand the economic and social drivers that keep the fabric of the park intact? They don’t and it shows in the decisions they make.

    Free Member

    No there wouldn’t really be. Luckily there are loads of restrictions, not least the restriction on building and development.

    Ha Ha Ha Ha. Bollocks. The total inconsistency is laughable, the PDNPA is pretty toothless in anything other than making it hard for people who live here to do anything as they have some notional idea of preserving the landscape in some mythical period of time that never existed. But because the major landowners, mineral extractors and county council have all the power, they exercise what little power they do posses to mess with ordinary people just trying to have a life. (Also amazing how many people in positions of influence over the Peak live elsewhere)

    Edit: Oh and if they can’t stop 4x4s driving on restricted byways, trying to stop residents getting in and out without paying should be something to behold. So no, not a good idea.

    Free Member

    Rich Tea for me please, I brought a few pitchforks and torches, just in case.

    Free Member

    Would its removal ease the passage of TTIP?

    Free Member

    Or Jan Hammer

    Free Member

    This gets used a lot:

    Free Member

    MrsCat is a lifelong NHS worker and fanatically loyal to it but in the past 3 years she has become more disillusioned, the nextt round of cuts may just tip her over the edge.

    Free Member

    …and pick a socialist!

    Free Member

    But everyone would know that their vote would count, and that’s a bit more inclusive

    Free Member

    Staggered, I really don’t get the Lib Dem collapse they seem like a good lot and NC always sensible when interviewed. Is it some paper I don’t read that done a great job for the Tories, anti immigration, anti Europe ?? Just don’t get it.

    The price paid for not telling the public what they were doing to moderate the actions last government.

    Free Member

    If UKIP have the support they should have the representation, I’d rather have them up front and accountable.

    Free Member

    c.9million of the 25m+ who bothered to vote.
    A few more than “some”

    Which ignores the wishes of the 16million who didn’t want a Tory government. FPTP is a Groundhog Day car wreck system.

    Free Member

    +1 whatnobeer – good luck to anyone not 100% fit and able or financially stable – it’s going to be a very grim 5 years for many.

    Free Member

    Woken up to the election news, fair taken the shine off the day.
    I don’t think this country is going to be a very nice place live for some time to come.

    Free Member

    Given up, now watching C4 – marginally funnier.

    Free Member

    Great band, sadly a sexy thing no longer.

    Free Member

    Weird place.
    Last time I was there we popped to Birkenhead on the ferry.
    Cue Gerry & the boys so the Tannoy ad a family tipped the ashes of a relly off the back.
    Quality stuff.
    If my eldest gets the grades I may be seeing more of Liverpool, could be worse he could have applied to Oxford

    Free Member

    I’d heard of May, I was at school with him and he worked on car mags before TG.
    Hammond was mostly in radio before TG.

    It could work if they gave it a fresh format to suit the participants, bring back bikes (Steve Berry was great back when the show was actually about cars!).

    Free Member

    I thought Dean Martin was dead?

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