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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Good, then when the olds all die off round here it will be lovely and quiet with empty roads and lots of cheap houses.

    Free Member

    If you do change the chainring, I’d go for a Goldtec wibbly one – like the old Biopace rings but these work. It’s a bit voodoo, but you do notice the difference.

    Free Member

    Everything is waterlogged, there’s rain lower down and sleet on the tops, time to head into the garage and finish the full suss SS.

    Free Member

    Flashy, is your phone one of these?

    If so, just be careful when you try to switch it off!

    Free Member

    There are 2 good ones near me.
    Bike Garage @ Bamford, James is a top bloke.
    18 Bikes @ Hope, nice bunch of guys

    Free Member

    Sod the scrap, that miles bigger than my house, anyone got a boat I can borrow?

    Free Member

    Just a bit curious – what were you searching for when you found this?

    Free Member

    You’re dead a long time, someone else will tidy up.

    Free Member

    Or stick with an 80s MTB and make even the most boring trails a thrilling ride. 😀

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member

    I don’t think kids get a chance to be bored in school anymore; there’s a constant drive to get every child ‘above expected progress’.

    what utter bollocks. I bored loads of kids today!

    You are my son’s science teacher and I claim my £5.

    Free Member

    Web ‘designers’ & most pr agency personnel
    Too many teachers
    TV Presenters
    Red Top ‘journalists’
    I could go on, and on, and on.
    I’m going need to use The Great Wall of China come the revolution.

    Free Member

    You’re in great hands, they are amazing people who will do everything they can for you. Wishing you the very best of luck and a positive outcome.

    Free Member

    @Coyote – a good plan to give the elected idiots a proper mind **** would be if we all went out and elected independent or very minority candidates (excepting the truly barking loons such as BNP/UKIP/Etc)

    Free Member

    I’ve ironed my superhero costume.

    EDIT: oh it a serious question, well I didn’t put money into church coffers on several occasions this weekend and gave it to small businesses.
    After that the definition of evil begins to be very subjective, hard to mount a one person campaign against some of the world’s injustices so I support various causes by donating money, time and resources.

    Free Member

    Rob, is there nothing you wills top at to get free beer?
    I suspect there will be a spate of small, seemingly trivial things vanishing from bikes around here, bet I’d never have seen that back light again! 😉 😆

    Free Member

    Oops missed that thread -sorry!

    Free Member

    Next you’ll be saying they also moved the goalposts

    Hardly, they were sold off along with the playing fields.

    Free Member

    Vic & Bob, the Marmite of comedy.
    Better than beige crap like Miranda.

    Free Member


    Got everything else I want.

    But this to keep them all in:

    Free Member

    Cringeworthy and so bad it was brilliant.

    Free Member

    You mean sole groups?


    Free Member

    Just spoken to Mr & Mrs Biggles, they popped to Meadowhell to escape from the house for a few hours – not bad at 90 & 87
    It’s only having teenagers that I now really recognise and appreciate all that they both did for me, I’m very lucky to have had brilliant parents and to have the chance to thank them whenever I can.

    EDIT – ages wrong way around, if Mum ever found out she’d kill me!!!

    Free Member

    Enjoyed it as entertainment
    Not a fan of defective series but this has a nice twist to the plot lines.
    Good to see Moriarty back, cracking actor.

    Free Member

    Need to pay more attention to mine, a few distractions at the moment:

    Free Member

    Well, she’s as practical and stoic as ever, immediately family going to pieces and she’s in the middle of it all sorting them out. Still got a voice like Barbara from League of Gentlemen and no fuss wanted. Brain scan to come, decisions made afterwards. Practical as ever.

    Free Member

    Impotent Viagra fan is disappointed! 🙁

    Free Member

    pk13 – Member

    Judge a man by the friends he keeps . Not always correct but with friends like Brooks,little Murdoch and call me Dave .

    And the unutterably loathsome Gill.

    Annoying cyclist can, at worst cause a scratch to a car, whereas a ton of speeding steel in the hands of a twunt is a lethal weapon. Even out here in the sticks some drivers squeeze past on blind bends and brows’ of hills – seen so many near misses, sadly some are cars with bikes on the roof or hanging off the back – “physician heal thyself” springs to mind.

    Just for clarification – is it illegal to use a mobile phone whilst driving or whilst in charge of a motor vehicle? If it’s the latter then the gobshite is bang to rights, even if he is temporarily stationary. And, when did he post the tweet? Was he mobile at that point too?

    Free Member

    @cougar- been giving his a bit of thought.
    I don’t think it’s about banning smoking.
    It’s about stopping it being cool or acceptable.
    No more heroes smoking in films, tv, etc.
    Help people see the misery it really causes.

    Free Member

    +1 for mink
    Or it’s the fur collar from my Grans old overcoat.

    Will it fit in a pie dish?

    Free Member

    Top effort z1ppy, pity about the dead cow! 😉

    Planning another pie experiment one evening this week. Pics and instructions to follow.

    Free Member

    Yep, never managed any LeCarre until I could listen to them. Bill Hick biog is a good listen as was Peter Hooks book about the Hacienda.

    Free Member

    Bronze & Antler – where do you live? Deepest Lincolnshire?

    EDIT: Top craftsmanship BTW

    Free Member

    Yep, love my accountant – small refund this year.

    Free Member

    Govt gets immense revenue from tobacco sales, if they banned the sale of it other taxes would rocket. Shortfall would hit us all somehow.

    The figure of net tax income only works if you deduct the cost of all consequences of tobacco sales – related deaths, cost of all treatment / investigations. The difficulty is definitely attributing the illness / death directly to smoking.

    As I said I am not one for banning anything, quite the contrary, and the consequences are ones that you should bear. It’s that young kids seem not to be appreciate the consequences.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, was a bit angry and perplexed this morning, a ride up around Mam Tor has cleared my head.

    I was mostly annoyed because she lost her Dad to Mesothelioma (I know that has a different cause but she saw what a death from cancer looked like at first hand) then we lost another uncle from the same disease, because he worked in the same factory, each time she stated that this was the tipping point, did not want to die this way and would stop smoking, never happened.

    As a hardened libertarian I still struggle with smoking and the harm it causes. Heading off later to see her and see what needs to be done.

    Free Member

    Pointless guff, if you think they will take notice of 25k+ people signing an online petition when they ignored close to1m people demonstrating against a war then you are sadly deluded.

    If it’s just a cathartic exercise, knock yourselves out. But as has been said ^^^, if you are really bothered, get organised and use the system in place to remove him.

    Free Member

    Can’t feel any sympathy for Mark Duggan, there is only one reason to carry a gun and that is to do harm to another person, often harm that turns out to be fatal.

    The matter Binners raised re Police collusion in this, and other cases mentioned, is far more concerning for all of us.

    Carol Duggan on R4, very sensible, let’s hope everyone else is as measured and responsible.

    Free Member

    Huge thanks to everyone who has signed up, liked and followed – we have crossed the 200 supporter mark on the website, 200+ likes on Facebook and 200+ Twitter followers and the numbers are increasing, the more the better.


    Free Member

    Thanks John for your support and kind words, we will only succeed by doing two things – pushing at open doors and working collaboratively with all parties who have a shared interest.

    Working with Ride Sheffield and building upon their successful approach on the Eastern Moors wouldn’t it be great to have more trails opened up as bridleways and hanging bridleways linked together?

    Let’s not lose sight of the big picture and what can be achieved.

    Free Member

    TV just got weird – people wearing latex suits and having fun to a field full of steroid fuelled blokes beating the Shit out of one another, America, it’s a funny old place.

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 4,141 total)