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  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Sad loss, admired his principles and his integrity if not his political stance on any things. Sad to lose another man of conviction in such quick succession.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Maybe I need to ride the trails of the Peaks at night

    You can bugger off, I don’t fancy meeting you in the dark when I go for a quick spin!!” 😯

    Free Member

    I’d suggest that’s it’s more poignant than hilarious, a nice tip of the hat that delivers a wry smile.

    Free Member

    May not have agreed with almost anything he said but he was a man of conviction, stood firmly for what he believed in, wish there were many more in the political arena with as much backbone as him. And, 52 is too young for anyone to die.

    Free Member

    When did you two get wed?

    Free Member

    Fantastic news, my ginormous 85ltr POD experdition sac has been all over the place and abused mercilessly, and it is still performing brilliantly. 😀

    Free Member

    sleigh62 – not sure that they can legally impose such a time scale on a claim, I’d be inclined to call Citizens Advance and then move onto Trading Standards.

    Free Member

    @Podge – at some point we’ll level out at mildly ambivalent.

    Free Member

    Hi Woody – nothing landed yet.
    Have received info from Sheffield College and some independent organisation that resembles a training provider both offering subsidy and recruitment, would be good to see what you have to offer too.

    Free Member

    Hi Chris – just prepping for the meeting, we have had one meeting and there’s another one in planning. The initial meeting was very good, just need to get a second one sorted. Cheers, Paul.

    Free Member

    Also there are a number of bodies maintaining the trails DCC, NT, farmers etc and the quality and appropriateness varies massively.

    Free Member

    Where was that pic of the rut taken?

    Free Member

    My FPO is brilliant.

    Free Member

    but if in any doubt I tend to close them.

    ^^^ this – the local farmers I know have said they would prefer to have to open a gate closed in error than chase livestock all over the hills.

    Free Member

    Willber – trolling or clueless?

    Free Member

    mikey74 – Member
    proggy that feeds on ratings to justify its existence
    Doesn’t that describe every single programme ever, in the history of television?[/Quote]

    That was the point.

    Free Member

    Here’s an idea, for a proggy that feeds on ratings to justify its existence, if you don’t like it then stop watching it.

    TV troll wins!!

    Free Member

    I’m sitting in the office watching some poor sods on a mountain first aid course laying down in the woods, in the mud and pouring rain.

    We have some Wife Beater in the office fridge, Jekkyl you b’stard I may have to pop over and open one now. 😀

    Free Member

    You should see the blood spilled at one of Pook’s pootles, there was over 50 at the last one. It was like dozens of Dr Whos all crossing Ghostbusters light streams – carnage, I’m sure it punched a hole in the fabric of time and space.

    Free Member

    I still stand by the statement that no competent teacher works 18 hours a day. Anyone who believes that has never worked long hours themselves.

    This is true.
    We work on events and for some we do have 18 hour days, even the fittest and most hyper of the the team is a zombie after a week of this. It’s just not sustainable.

    With a few exceptions, from the “class of 80” at our school (thanks Facebook!) most have failed to achieve their potential because Oakwood Comp in that time was an exercise in surviving unscathed, be that by fellow pupils, teachers or the kids in the school down the road. We were all being geared up for a career in the steel industry or down the pit, “A degree son is a waste of time and money”, Mr Roberts, careers teacher, 1980.

    Free Member

    You getting bored of not seeing any wildlife whilst out riding? 😀

    Free Member

    alexandersupertramp – nope, so are you suggesting that this morning’s interview was an aberration?

    Also, am assuming the rugby point was aimed elsewhere as I have not commented or compared the two.

    Free Member

    Binners – never thought I’d see you using such class stereotypes!! 😯

    Free Member

    Blimey, I thought it was just about riding a bike.
    So much to learn, even after 24 years riding a mountain bike.
    Every day’s a school day!! 😀

    Free Member

    Like Egg Chasers perchance?
    (now that’s erudite)

    Free Member

    Sense of humour bypass chap?
    Or are you a “serious” footy fan?

    EDIT – that was for sc-xc but Binners was a bit quick.
    EDIT II – nice stealth edit there sc-xc, perhaps erudite may be a better word but not quite a direct replacement. 😀

    Free Member

    Wendyball – meh, the whole thing is FUBARed.

    The only ray of sunshine I’ve seen recently was the interview with (I think this was his name) Gus Poyet just now on R5 – nice guy, sounded brighter and more articulate than other managers and English is his second language.

    Free Member

    Ah, it’s a bit of a viscous circle, who would want to go into a job where people like the OP continually spout ill informed rubbish about you. Change has to start somewhere. School performance measures need to be looked at too, more about educating children than hitting grade targets.

    Free Member

    Blimey this is all a bit baitey!
    The sooner we realise that teaching in the most important job in society the better.
    However, it should be far easier to get rid of the useless ones much faster so they don’t damage the children in their care.
    It should be possible to pay brilliant classroom teachers what they are worth without them having to take promotions that remove them from the classroom.
    Parents (all of them) need to get involved with their kids school to understand how it works and, in some cases why little horror is failing and that they have a greater responsibility for their child’s education than their teachers.
    I ride with a few teachers, my SiL and her partner are teachers, am heavily involved I my kids school and know, as they do, that there are some superb teachers and some colossal F***tards in teaching but they are virtually impossible to shift.

    Free Member

    Greens in Didsbury – it’s very nice.

    Free Member

    Graphine nanotube frames.
    Chrome 24″ rims with Spokey Dokeys
    Ribbons on bar end plugs
    Gear sticks on the top tube
    Adult sized balance bikes

    Free Member

    May be being a bit thick here but, if people did email pics of offending F***tards would Plod do anything?

    Edit: Seems the swearfilter doesn’t pick that one up
    Also: Nice work Jamie.

    Free Member

    Ah, that sounds even more interesting.
    Would like to hear more, can you send some info if you have it to paul at vividink dot info?

    Free Member

    Derby’s a bit of a hike to Hope unless someone has family nearby.
    If you’ve got someone on that apprenticeship I’d certainly be interested.

    Free Member

    Bah! Was expecting something about bird flu.
    China is in a bit of a pickle with huge debts, chronic pollution and an ageing population because of the one child per couple ruling, sit back and wait for it to implode.

    Free Member

    @Woody21 – We’re a pr and social media agency working in the events industry – excellent English and writing skills are a must, the rest we can teach, eye for detail important. Where are you based?

    Free Member

    @aP – some companies use interns as free labour but IMO that is just plain wrong. Whichever we go for they will get a basic wage with the opportunity to move into a permanent position at the end of their time, or support to move on to a new job.

    @Yossarian – good points, thanks.

    Free Member

    Oh this is very nice:

    Have a really close look at the accommodation.

    Free Member

    Staffs oatcakes in the oven.
    Mug of Lapsang Souchong in hand.
    Post op movement nice and easy with little pain.
    2 weeks until I can turn a wheel.
    Teenage sons turned house into a cesspool since the op and immobility.
    Unable to raise an ounce of being arsed about it.
    Staff issues at work.
    It’s grey and rainy.
    And HMRC are popping in to see us.
    Life is fun. 🙂

    Free Member

    Running 34 wibbly ring and 18 cog in the Peaks – seems just a wee bit hard, once I can ride again may try 34 wibbly and 20 for some of the longer hills.
    Only ride SS year round, will have full SS on the road soon too so Podge can have a play.

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