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  • Revolution Bike Park Fills Test Gap with Canyon
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – Member

    travellers rest?

    Yep – you?

    Free Member

    Hmmm…just been through the exact same dilemma – client sells multiple products from many suppliers. They asked one of our designers to “just copy them from the manufacturer’s website/brochure”. Fortunately, he was bright enough to come and ask me if this was ok – no it isn’t.

    I had to revert to the client and explain that they could not ask us to commit copyright fraud on their behalf. And, that we would be the ones who would have any action taken against us. I then drafted a suitable email for them to send to their suppliers, which they grudgingly did.

    Almost every single supplier responded positively and allowed our client to use the pics however 3 out of around 50 said absolutely not and they would prosecute if we used even so much as a logo.

    Never mind how much of a pain asking might be, fighting a copyright case is a hell of a lot worse. How do I know this? One client put a pic they found on the internet on their homepage because it looked enigmatic and suited their image. We did not know and Getty Images who owned the copyright approached us with a bill for £6K and a nasty cease & desist letter from a US Attorney. We explained and the client got stiffed with the bill plus Attorney costs of another £1500.

    By all means go ahead, just keep me posted I don’t get to laugh out loud often enough.

    Free Member

    Crikey, just read this thread, inspirational stuff – big thumbs up.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… no matter how much I hate the current bunch of pocket lining fraudsters, I am disinclined to want a dictator.
    Modern dictators don’t have a glowing record – Pinochet, Chavez, Castro, Ceausescu, Kim Jong Il, Than Shwe, Mugabe… the list goes on!
    At least we can point and shout “crook” without having the offending digit/hand/arm or worse lopped off for doing so.

    Free Member

    Suggest you read the citation here:

    Not sure you would have been able to get me back into a Warrior after the first incident which IMHO is deserving enough.

    Free Member

    Yep, good for keeping touch but RTM before you start – not a strong male trait but can save some embarrassment later.

    Free Member

    Just got back, great film – loved spotting the lines & links from the series

    Free Member
    Free Member

    YGM – was chatting about you today to a spanner monkey in Decathlon a really nice guy, like all the SS crew I have met so far.

    Free Member

    My old fella flew Hurricanes, we live just over the hill from Derwent res and often pop into the museum and leave a few quid, he’s coming out tomorrow so after a dawn patrol on the bike we will have a pint together to commemorate them.

    Free Member

    riding solo round the Peaks

    Free Member

    Nope, not if you are atheist cynic with a healthy disrespect for all religions.

    Free Member

    Am regretting ever searching for bizarre taxidermy:

    Free Member

    Think you may be the third person claiming on the heart shaped water bed.
    It was previously claimed for by John Major and Edwina Curry

    Free Member

    Call me and convince me that road riding is fun, that’ll burn a few hours!!

    Good luck with the interview.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a lot of “maturing” going on!
    Played on bikes, boards and just about anything else till I was 30 – married The Midwife, bought a house and had 2 kids in 2 years and started a new business in the middle of it all – and yes a family eats time, energy and spare cash like nothing else.

    If you choose to have a family, they come first, everything else is a bonus. If they like to come on the bike – bonus, if they like to play in the sea on boards – bonus. I am very lucky my boys are 11 & 12 and love anything bike and board related, both play for the same hockey club as me so we have just built family life around these activities.

    However, you will never be as fast as your single/DINKY mates – most of whom you may find evaporate after a couple of years, unless you are really lucky you’ll always be using older kit – but I find the joy of doing stuff with the boys is more satisfying than hooning around like I used to – guess fatherhood just suits me.

    Oh, you’ll hear this a lot “they grow up really fast” – it’s true, it seems like I was bathing my first only last week, he now leaves me for dead on some long climbs – where did 12 years go?

    Free Member

    Tazzy – all arrived safe & well – just got to work out what they are and where they go! Many thank, Paul. :lol:

    Free Member

    shoefiti – Member
    Following Rogerthecats thread on how Big fat ugly men bag hotties

    What, when, where, never did!!! 8O

    Rogerthecats observation

    Not mine, didn’t, not me.

    Raddogair – ignore them, envy is a terrible thing – as the song goes “love the one you’re with”, cos if you are ugly as me it may be the only one you get!!

    Free Member

    Think I may be about to get flamed for this, but I have my nice pingy bell mounted on the end of my bar ends.

    Have also found that round here the sound of a cycle bell spooks walkers. Usually the walk in tight little bands, heads down and grumbling to one another. The ringing of a bell then startles them into their meercat like defensive position of an impenetrable wall of goretex across the bridleway.

    Free Member

    The issue is that they are one and the same – they made the rules they are exploiting.

    Free Member

    Blazin is spot on.
    Laid multi-hued slate in the kitchen 12 years ago and it looks like new – re treatment every 2/3 years with sealant keeps it looking like new. Hides a multitude of spills/stains/dirt from our 2 boys.
    Cost a small fortune but worth every penny, try to look on its impact properties as a way of getting rid of those tasteless bits of tableware bought for you by that mad aunt – oops, slipped whilst I was drying it!!
    We don’t have underfloor heating and you can only walk on it in bare feet in summer – serious frostbite in winter, so knock off the price of a decent pair of slippers!

    Free Member

    1. bought a VW beetle/van that needed nothing spending on it
    2. licked either elbow
    3. met anyone from STW

    (may revise No3)

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Member
    Have to agree with you about the STW vs BM thing though. It’s a bit like watching the Chess Club have a fight with the Dungeons and Dragons Society.

    Now why does that statement remind me of this video? (naughty grown up content!)

    Free Member

    Kev & Veronica – a spin off series?

    Free Member

    WHS^^^ bought one a couple of years ago for less than 200 notes – faultless.

    Free Member

    Being facetious I could say “great more rails to trails and we can all ride them free of charge”.

    However, reading the partisan rants in this thread it is easy to get caught up with the pointy finger brigade. Reality, as always is much greyer than we like to think, no government behaves altruistically based upon collective need (Marxism is an impractical ideal) but they do serve whomsoever they see as their master at the time. Being old enough to remember an economy held to ransom by large and powerful unions (powercuts, lightening strikes, flying pickets, etc) most people wanted someone to reign them in – up pops a grocer’s daughter from Grantham.

    The phrase “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” was epitomised by some of the policies and actions of the Tories in the Thatcher years and this has been repeated by Blair.

    Irrespective of political persuasion, no party has ever had the welfare of the masses at its heart and you are deluded of you think otherwise. The current “Labour” government would be unrecognisable to its founding fathers and much of its actions abhorrent to them.

    We have no choice, we have to elect one group of muppets over another, each has its positives and each has its foibles, it’s all damage limitation and decades upon decades of neglect, under investment and closure of the railways will take the same, plus vast investment to rectify.

    I love using the train but they seem to make it harder and harder for me to do so – fares, lack of facilites, inability to carry more than one bike, etc, etc.

    Free Member

    The two who will eventually leave me for dead on Chapel Gate and I won’t be able to hate them for it…

    Free Member

    I wanna be your dog – The Stooges

    Free Member

    FFS get a back seat for the bairn and go off riding with junior, nice to be out riding , chatting to the sprog – best addition of a few kgs, gets you brownie points and it will get you fitter. When you take the kid & seat off you’ll be flying.

    Free Member

    Yep nice camera, we have one for work.
    Nice pics GeForce Junky – you do know that tyres can be used on the ground too?

    Free Member

    Hmmm… well here goes nothing!

    Shifty bikey type shot:

    Non Bikey shot half way up Tryfan:

    With the tribe on Angelsey:

    Free Member

    As the great sage Billy Connolly once said – “Wanting to become and MP should immediately bar you from becoming one.”
    Should be done like a jury – 450 regular peeps do a 24 month Parliamentary Duty, Govt pays for a temp to fill in for you, after which you go back to your normal life, you earn your normal salary paid by employer so keeping your PAYE & NI up to date.

    Right now that’s sorted, onto climate change…

    Free Member

    This one and I still have it:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Harryburgundy – thanks for the offer but it has long since lost any ID except some frame stamps on the bottom of the BB.

    However, looking through the catalogues (Cheers Skinnysteel) it is a 1992 Cindercone – jeezus I am getting old!!

    Just been in the garage rubbing the frame down – getting all sentimental rebuilding the old girl as a SS.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, lest we all get uppity and forget!!

    Free Member

    1. years have you been commuting by bike?
    About 5 years up the Hope Valley in the Peak District (rural commuting!) about 4 miles.

    2. times have you been badly injured (ie. hositalised) whilst commuting (let’s expand it to any road riding)
    Once due to my **** riding partner turning left across me and swiping away my front wheel (something which he still denies!!) Bounced on my head splitting my helmet – Severe concussion (collapsed a further 10 miles on in the Rivelin Valley Cafe) Charming SHO in A&E said “good job you were wearing a helmet or you would have been clogging up an ITU bed somewhere” cheeky little bugger, I have underwear older than him!!

    3. times have you been knocked off or otherwise shunted by a vehicle with no injuries
    One tractor and trailer forced me off the road into a hedge (lucky as most are dry stone walls round here – not as soft)
    Several near misses with cars & caravans (I cycle past a campsite, hitch up the caravan, put brain in glove box)

    Silliest major crash was with a sheep, had to chase it back and forth across the road before I managed to hit it. Wool and wheels everywhere. :lol:

    Free Member

    Wipe down the screen before it goes…

    …sorry I’ll get mi coat!!

    Free Member

    It was a little dumbed down yes, but as has been said, it is competing with some pretty dumb programming. Not in the same league as Horizon or David Attenborough’s stuff but still quite watchable.

    Free Member

    loads more routes to choose from, as said above get a book and/or a map – I live close, just don’t be seduced by the obvious routes, there are some real gems if you study the OS map.

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