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  • 6 Action Cameras To Record Your Ride
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    Ridden a couple of Harleys in the 80s and disliked everything about them, at the time I was obsessed with RDs – 250E, 400E, 350LC so the concept of having your feet in front of your hands was an anathema, as was your hands being higher than your hips.
    I’m sure they are better now but they are designed for long straight freeways where everything pootles along between 50 & 60. Look and sound great in SoCal but in Sheffield the holes in the road would shake them to bits.

    Love the Dnepr/Neval jobbie, is this the one with a driven sidecar wheel, if so I think I am torn between that and the bikes from the Mac Motorcycles workshop – I prefer this one to the Peashooter (all very 80’s Bloodrunners):

    But back to Harleys – there are so many more enjoyable bikes for much less money I cannot see why anyone would spend the dosh. Now has anyone built a single speed motorbike?

    Free Member

    Andrew, I find your arguments eloquently presented. However, as far as I understand from your position and the phrasing of your posts, that you believe that race is a false category?
    Surely this cannot be true as there are clearly physiological differences between races, not the ones fabricated by the eugenics advocates of the last century, but real ones.
    Some ignorant people choose to use these real differences to promulgate hatred based upon them but it does not make them any less real.
    Hope I got the gist of your argument correctly.

    Free Member

    Yes, they can be very painful.
    Bruised lots from competitive Judo but never broken one, however a training partner broke two of his and mine seemed to hurt for longer (that or I am is big wuss, which is highly likely). Found that those small jars of Tiger Balm were great at easing the pain.

    Free Member

    Inspired by this thread I have now fitted the headset to the “snotmobile” (thank you Joe aged 10) so now you know what colour it is.

    Quick question – can’t get the cassette off – have chain whip and cassette thingummybob how much force should I apply – would prefer not to wreck the wheel?

    Free Member

    Round LA it’s usually – me, me, me. me – LOOK AT ME!!

    Free Member

    MrsFlash has hit all the really good ones, Jorvik is a lot of money for what you get but if you don’t get to York very often worth a one off punt.
    A walk along the river in the early morning is nice too

    Free Member

    ernie – quite ironic from the man with the shrimp joke 😉

    Free Member

    The Ferrari F1 team fired their entire pit crew yesterday

    The announcement followed Ferrari’s decision to take advantage of the British government’s work for dole scheme and employ some Liverpudlian youngsters.

    The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Toxteth were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment whereas Ferrari’s existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with millions of pounds worth of high tech equipment. It was thought to be an excellent bold move by Ferrari management team as most races are won and lost in the pits, giving an advantage over every other team.

    However Ferrari got more than they bargained for! At the crew’s first practice session, not only was the scouse pit crew able to change all four wheels in under 6 seconds but, within 12 seconds, they had re-sprayed, re-badged and sold the car to the Mclaren team for 8 cases of Stella, a bag of weed and some photos of Alonso’s bird in the shower.

    Free Member

    Hack Bike – that’s the phrase – spot on.
    Is there any merit in swapping/donating bits via here – those things you’ll prob never use and could be exchanged for some thing of use – kind of free-cycling?
    Tazz sent me some bits for the SS Hack Bike which was very kind, if I have any bits someone wants they are welcome to empty my garage.

    Free Member

    Correct – genius, why didn’t I think of that.
    But it needs to be a special kind of bike – one that is unlikely to get nicked!!

    Free Member

    I live out in the sicks, it’s a very small village so we only have 4 pubs – nice to visit other village pubs too! Seriously though, want it to do more than just the pub – shop, work, local open air pool – just to get around as xherbivorex was also saying – and leave the car/van at home.

    Free Member

    Go for it, doing the same with an old Cindercone frame – now resprayed in a colour no self respecting thief would nick.

    Free Member

    Yes you do.
    But, as with all evolution of a species, some branches continue to evolve and others don’t.

    Free Member

    Interesting grip Miss Wie has on that club, wonder what yardage she gets?

    Free Member

    Mushroom omelette
    Large mug of tea
    R4 Any Answers

    Free Member

    bowglie – Member
    Sheffield City Council…they certainly know how to waste money eh?!

    They’ve gotta spend that £440m for road repairs somewhere!!!

    Free Member

    Slight diversion – Dr Alice was investigating a long standing belief in Chinese scientific circles that they descended from homo erectus in a different line to that of modern homosapiens. But, recent genetic test have proven otherwise, linking them back to the same band that Dr Alice says wandered out of Africa.

    So at some point in ancient history Mr Griffin’s ancestory would stretch back to a common group from which both he, and those whom his merry little band of confused individuals spout such bile, have descended.

    It would seem that it is just about where an arbitrary line is drawn.

    I hope he has been watching “The Battle for Middle Earth” on C4 because the way those Normans treated our good old Ango Saxon forefathers was shocking – deport all those called Norman I say!

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    There was a time in Ireland when members of the congregation who hadn’t handed in their easter dudes were read out from the pulpit

    My father is a kindly old gent but hates the RC Church for the way they behaved towards really poor Catholic families on Merseyside where he grew up.

    No matter how impoverished they were, when the priest called they were expected to have money set aside to give to him whether that left them with sufficient for food or not.
    Not very “Christian”.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    KINGTUT – Member
    I take it you are very easily amused..

    On the contrary, it has to be very low, juvenile and purile to tickle my funny bone 😀

    Free Member

    Rude Boy – thanks for the best laugh of the day, hooted out loud which caused everyone in the office minor whiplash as they looked round.

    (will be asking if I am liable for workplace injuries in another thread – should run for a few days!!)

    Free Member

    Avoiding all the obvious “pole vaulting gags!”:

    Free Member

    Jump off the bike and bite the dog first, may not work but it’ll be something to chat about to the guy in the next bed in A&E.

    Free Member

    Very good, think we should all cut and paste this into a letterhead, swap the recipient for our own local MP and get them in the post.

    Top work Kimbers.

    Free Member

    I would suggest it may be worthwhile looking at OpenSource CMS solutions like Joomla! or Drupal because they are OpenSource they are essentially free, you have no licensing issues.

    There are companies out there who will host them for you and Joomla! is pretty good, can have lots of things added in such as an image gallery. You will have to learn how to use the CMS but you don’t need to know how to code unless you really want to.

    Things that are free can be decent, but if you need assistance you are likely to have to pay something.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Spike Milligan:


    My sister Laura’s bigger than me
    And lifts me up quite easily.
    I can’t lift her, I’ve tried and tried;
    She must have something heavy inside.


    English Teeth, English Teeth!
    Shining in the sun
    A part of British heritage
    Aye, each and every one.
    English Teeth, Happy Teeth!
    Always having fun
    Clamping down on bits of fish
    And sausages half done.
    English Teeth! HEROES’ Teeth!
    Hear them click! and clack!
    Let’s sing a song of praise to them –
    Three Cheers for the Brown Grey and Black.

    Knocks Byron, Keats & Shelly into a cocked hat and just beats Roger McGough:

    Let Me Die a Youngman’s Death

    Let me die a youngman’s death
    not a clean and inbetween
    the sheets holywater death
    not a famous-last-words
    peaceful out of breath death

    When I’m 73
    and in constant good tumour
    may I be mown down at dawn
    by a bright red sports car
    on my way home
    from an allnight party

    Or when I’m 91
    with silver hair
    and sitting in a barber’s chair
    may rival gangsters
    with hamfisted tommyguns burst in
    and give me a short back and insides

    Or when I’m 104
    and banned from the Cavern
    may my mistress
    catching me in bed with her daughter
    and fearing for her son
    cut me up into little pieces
    and throw away every piece but one

    Let me die a youngman’s death
    not a free from sin tiptoe in
    candle wax and waning death
    not a curtains drawn by angels borne
    ‘what a nice way to go’ death

    Free Member

    given up with them, just wear ron hills and let the wind/sun dry them out.

    Free Member

    Up there last night – puddles & mud.
    I am about 4 miles away and it has rained a bit today but nothing really heavy

    Free Member

    Snow + canteen tea tray + Austin Allegro with towbar + 20ft of climbing rope + deserted car park = an afternoon of hilarity.

    But on an open road, have to agree with BoardinBob.

    Free Member

    Yes, and it’s all going to depend upon the ability of your new boss and how he splits his time. We were left with a lame duck leader who had to refer every decision to the US, I left to set up my own business shortly afterwards because the morale in the company fell to bits.

    Free Member

    A man to be admired, a more suitable hero figure for kids than someone like Ronaldo IMO.

    Free Member

    Flashbanding or sound deadening on the inside metal panels, inside the doors and any large expanse of metal inc footwells – you will be amazed at the difference.

    Free Member

    You are welcome to come to our next client meeting to meet the senior marketing manager who advised us that they the do not have “problems” they have “unresolved opportunities” – if anyone has any bright ideas how to solve an opportunity” I would be fascinated!!!

    Free Member

    Equally interesting will be the jobs they hold and with whom, am guessing there may be a few well represented interest groups in there.

    Free Member

    Digimap – Member

    Did he just call his wife a “proto cripple”

    yes I did, Jane’s description for her current condition – call it gallows humour she is pretty spooked by what may happen and her oddball sense of humour is getting us through this part of life’s challenge.

    Free Member

    Errr think you may find that quite a few people will spot the bandwidth stealing and object especially large companies with switched on IT depts.
    One action that is often taken is replacing the image being “borrowed” with one reading – “you are stealing my bandwidth” which may not look good on the website you are building.
    I think SFB is something of a casuist and would encourage you to err on the side of caution.

    Free Member

    Ok perhaps I was a little tetchy bearing in mind where I was heading, but I had one proto cripple in the car, I did not want a second on the bonnet.

    It was his contempt and sheer aggression that wound me up, if it was a mistake what’s up with a wave and a quick “sorry mate!”?

    Back home now with the invalid who, even with the kind offer of the saddle, is not likely to be riding for quite some time even if the big op goes well.

    Off out for a ride now to cool off.

    Free Member

    Just back from the hospital and judging by the responses, it seems the guy on the bike was right, popular consent seems to be it is ok to make someone swerve to avoid you as long as you are on a bike, will remember for future ref. I hope he accepts my apologies which I will gladly offer in person if he wants to send me an email.

    Free Member

    SockPuppet – think you have hit the nail on the head – I don’t want this muppets injury/death on my conscience. Fortunately, I saw him in time to brake and swing wide, perhaps next time he will meet someone who was not paying attention.

    Free Member

    BigDummy – Member
    That is the most creative excuse for backing out of a fight I have ever read.

    I have many more all equally creative and mostly medial related.

    Jamie – Member
    The internet. Don’t you just love it?

    Yep, if it let’s me find the idiot concerned and explain why his behaviour is going to cause an accident, but hey let’s not let that spoil some holier than thou reason for ignoring the law.

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