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  • New Reynolds 309/289 XC Series Wheels – with heritage turquoise option
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    I like this variant on Mogrom’s Hopper:

    Free Member

    Snowboarding is quicker to learn than skiing IMO.
    If you can surf you know what rails are for, edges do the same job.
    You’ll just need to get used to being fastened to the board.
    Wear something waterproof, you will be on your knees or rear a lot.

    Free Member

    Congratulations, best thing you’ll ever do.


    You will now look and feel like shit for about 6 years.
    Your clothes will look like a tramps.
    Your bikes will become antiques due to lack of cash/time.
    You will expand horizontally through lack of exercise and eating crap at ridiculous o’clock.
    Your single/childless friends will mysteriously disappear.
    You will smell of sick and nappy sacks.
    The car will cease to be an issue after they have projectile vomited a good milky feed over it a few times,keep it for 6 years and then scrap it.

    Other than that having kids is brilliant, well done to both of you. Mine are 12 and 11 and it just gets better. Sounds like trite advice but time does fly by so enjoy them as much as possible they will reward effort ten times over.

    Free Member

    Ok this should do the job.

    Free Member

    Think I’ll skip this one, could get banned for years!!

    Free Member

    Pook – Member
    Come and live in Sheffield, then you’ll have something to complain about.

    Problem solved, Sheff Council has been awarded some obscene figure such as £400M to resurface all the roads. So after the city has just about recovered from the tram and the new one way system they are going to create chaos by resurfacing.

    Free Member

    If he is Jesus he’s toughened up his attitude a bit

    Free Member

    It’s airborne so I suggest getting a nice large freezer bag – couple of litres should do it – place over head and secure with gaffer tape: safe as houses!!

    Free Member

    richc – Member
    Has anyone found anywhere online a good analysis of the BNP policies? as its seems odd that none of the political journos have started breaking it down and asking what exactly he means by certain ‘phrases’.

    You Tube – lots of interviews with Griffin adn some of his party faithful – most illuminating, Also watch the Panorama doc White Flight and you can see his recruiting ground and why he has some success.

    Free Member

    Re “the other side of the coin” above

    Love the quote from the speeding plod as to why he was doing 130 on a public road:

    In a statement read out in court, he said: “I was advised to familiarise myself with vehicles, so when there was a need to respond at speed you were aware of its performance.”

    Essentially practising, do hope that the Neurosurgeon who will be operating on my wife in a couple of weeks won’t be just “familiarising himself with the spinal chord”.

    There are places he can go to drive quickly away from the public – what an absolute knob.

    Free Member

    “Constable Sgt. Maj. Gary Griffin has defended Mr Bieze’s actions and said that Mrs Winkfein was belligerent and difficult to handle.”

    FFS, I hope he never has to manage a crowd over here – the national grid couldn’t cope with the overload!!

    Free Member

    zokes – Member
    THIS is a proper lightning….

    Nooooooo, it’s not got any of those spinney round things on the front!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    A nice new US jet – soon to be seen shooting British troops in a war zone near you!!

    Free Member

    Looking at the videos, I have a sneaky suspicion that his Mum still cuts his hair.

    Free Member

    Abstaining from politics because it is boring/irrelevant/dull/etc is an irritatingly fatuous comment. Whether you like it or not, practically every aspect of your life is, to a greater or lesser degree, effected by politics.

    Educate yourself in what the parties stand for, engage in the debate and process, and through this you can effect real change. Bleating about how unfair and wrong it all is on a cycling forum is not likely to keep out those whom you oppose.

    But whatever you do, make sure you use your vote – a lot of people have fought and died during the past few hundred years to give you that opportunity.

    Free Member

    DD nor so sure about the bodyguard tho!!

    Free Member

    Harry_the_Spider – Member
    That all seems reasonable General Spanners.
    What are you views on cat owners who allow their pets to crap on my lawn?

    I have an answer, Roger is a verb not a noun and for that precise reason!!!

    Free Member

    Well I can spot a VC for starters!

    Free Member

    I particularly like it when they start awarding themselves other countries gallantry medals:

    Free Member

    Depending upon what you want to do there are applications for just about anything.
    Weaknesses are video editing apps and some distributions can be a bit hit and miss re wireless.
    Other than that welcome to the wonderful world of free software and support (yep there are loads of Linux forums where you can get lots of help).

    Free Member

    I work in the dirty world of PR and would venture that Griffin would be rightly pleased with his day’s work:
    Legally elected Euro MP, makes speech, attacked by violent protestors and denied his right to speak to his supporters. Victimised he is in a position that will galvanise his supporters, secure waiverers and divide his opponents.
    You only need to read this thread to see how people with the same goal are at each others throats over the incident, rather than marshalling their ranks to oppose the BNP in a rational, legal and democratic manner.
    Crude but effective tactics.

    Free Member

    Oh and this mad bloke – freefall from the edge of space.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A big bus – a 4×4 VW T3 Syncro Caravelle powered by a Subaru 2.2 motor.
    Seats 8, 4 bike son the back and 4 on the roof.
    Or 8 boards on the roof and kit in the boot.
    Back seat fold to a double bed and the inside reconfigures with 5 seats round a table.

    Free Member

    Does the drop in hours allow you to pick up something temporary to fill in – bar/shop/etc?

    Would err on the side of pragmatism – some money, even reduced is better than dole and you can at least look round for other jobs when in work much more easily than when unemployed.

    Free Member

    Just show them this and ask if they want to try it without a helmet!!

    Free Member

    Like Deja vu all over again!
    Wasn’t this one covered some weeks ago when someone got pushed off whilst riding on a footpath?

    Free Member

    Just called him to check and Squin spot on, he reckons on double the fees for a term’s budget.

    Free Member

    Close friend has 2 boys at a local private school – fees about 1200 per kid per term so that seems on a par.
    Some of the on costs have made him wince a bit – mainly trips and after school activities, he found that trips and kit were premium priced and there was a lot of peer (kids, parents & staff) pressure to participate.
    I am sure that if you ask they will provide a full list of additional costs and options.

    Free Member

    Only as the absolute last resort.
    I think the quote goes something like – “Better to be judged by 12 people than carried by 6”

    Free Member

    Sorry robbo1234biking – should have been alpin, just used to RudeBoy trolling like this!! 😆

    Free Member

    Ernie – don’t think most were suggesting ignoring or dismissing the BNP as the Nazis were dismissed in the 30s. Most of the comments seem to advocate allowing them to speak openly and then challenging them by discrediting their arguments.

    The earlier post about tolerating pedophilia is spurious as pedophilia is illegal, being a member of or supporting the BNP is not.

    Free Member

    Recruiting a lynch mob RB?
    You are a sad loss to the judiciary.

    Free Member

    heck, that was 20 mins of hysterical laughter – top link, thanks.

    Free Member

    Best/most fun – Audi Quattro Turbo Gene Hunt Special just one huge smile.
    Worst – US PT Cruiser Convertible wallowy, slow, skittish truly awful.

    Free Member

    So far I am mostly in agreement with G.

    I have never held with the nonsense regarding the “oxygen of publicity” – the more people who are exposed to both sides of a debate the better informed they will be to make a decision – it may not be the one you want, but at least you then understand their position.

    Eloquent, public destruction of wholly loathsome and misguided ideals will force them back into to holes from which they sprang. Making them appear martyrs will only increase their appeal.

    Free Member

    The difference is slight, immoral rather than improper.
    A persons’ morals may allow them to bleed everything out of a system that they can, without their behaviour becoming improper.
    Where your own particular moral line is drawn is somewhat subjective.
    FWIW the complete lack of concern they have for how they may be viewed by the public over this behaviour is far more telling especially when you take this moral position to other aspects of government over which they have control.
    Bunch of nutters, one and all.

    Free Member

    sofatester – Member
    Or why not ban exercise completely, more people would die of obesity related diseases then they would defiantly be less strain on the NHS!

    Brilliant! We could then render them down and use the tallow to fuel the few remaining power stations that will be required for those thin people who are left. We could start by intoducing free Fish & Chips and Big Macs for BNP supporters – solve several problems in one go.

    Free Member

    Dumped the girlfiend at the time, not taken the grad placement job and buggered off round the world after Uni.
    Generally, not done what parents, friends and family “expected” and pressured me to do, life is too short and the world is too interesting.
    Will be advising my 2 kids accordingly.

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