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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • rogerthecat
    Free Member

    A bit disappointing to read some of the aggressive, anti walker posts on the STW Facebook posts – they won’t win us any allies.

    Free Member

    One way to keep people on the ‘authorised’ trail!

    Free Member

    What no good guys carrying guns able to take down the terrorists?

    Free Member

    A dusting in the Valley of No Hope

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link, read the transcript a few times now and am sitting at the kitchen table in tears.

    Free Member

    What about making a long barrow, they have a suitable purpose

    Free Member

    There’s been loads of prototype linkage forks. Loved the Lawill Leaders but could never afford a set. Ran Girvins for a while, not huge travel but great ride and quite light.

    Free Member

    So much for the Northern Powerhouse of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Greater Sheffield getting to run things such as business rates and local taxes! By the time Dave and Gideon devolve the power there will be nothing left to run!

    Free Member

    Crackingly sparky game between Fiji and Uruguay, loving the feisty spirit in this world cup, only spoiled by Paloma killing a great song!!

    Free Member

    There were occasional glimmers of hope when we were running with ball in hand but any management team that thought bringing Easter on would be a positive move need to be replaced.
    Now supporting Japan for their overwhelming desire to play good rugby.

    Free Member

    philxx1975 – Member
    Which is awesome if your such a dumb ass you cant actually decide if its banging it down, has been banging it down, or Noahs ark is in attendance due to floods, that it might be stupid to go out on a bike in the peak

    It’s never stupid to go out on a bike in the Peak, there are stupid places to ride depending upon the prevailing conditions and, perhaps, a decision to made as to whether some form of jacket is in order, but otherwise it’s just the weather.

    Free Member

    Just had a beer with KoftheP and she’s ace, I live in the Peak and would not dream of getting my bike out of the garage without checking in with her first!!

    However, someone taking the time and effort to help those who can’t just stick their heads out of the window to check the weather (and it can be very different in the Hope Valley compared to Sheffield) it may just save someone driving out only to have to go home because it’s a bit too moist for them.

    Re funding, it’s fine to bang on about whose responsibility it is to maintain a trail but it they don’t have the resources, funds or personnel to do it then they may head for the cheap quick solution – planings sprinf to mind.

    KoftheP – just keep doing whay you are doing and looking sexy :wink:

    Free Member

    There’s no good riding round ‘ere lad, best you try over towards Macclesfield. It’s all rubbish in the Valley of No Hope.

    The list ^^^ is a fair list, also worth looking at Winstone Lee Tor spectacular from the top.

    Free Member

    Fat Happy here for the past 9months. Only bike I own now, still grinning, glad to hear you’ve been bitten.

    Free Member

    Jef Wachowchow – Member

    Of course, publicising the gathering of so many pricks in one place could be seen as an opportunity.

    Lace their Carling with large doses of estrogen?

    Free Member

    Great places to keep a bit of breakfast hidden away as a snack for later.

    Free Member

    To be able to start and complete each job I begin without being distracted by forum posts, facebook, twitter, texts, phone calls and a leaf falling from the tree outside!!

    Free Member

    2 teenage lads for hire, I can deliver them within the hour?

    Free Member

    “Great” “Super”

    Free Member

    Takes just a few minutes to fill in the survey and could help a lot.
    As Pook has mentioned we are objecting through DCC’s own process and channels, we also have the support of the others in the original group that objected to the work last year. It would be great to turn up the heat once more and as DCC ROW Team has asked us to let them know what we think, it would be rude not to! :-)

    Free Member

    Mine are 18 & 16 so little chance of seeing them befor 11am. May get up in a moment and have a leisurely breakfast.
    Did ride 26k with my eldest yesterday though.
    Blimey! 16 yr old is up, house must be on fire!!!

    Free Member

    The only thing it misses is sitting out back chatting to mates waiting for the waves, still fancy a go.

    Free Member

    +1 for Beaumaris and Conwy is nice, you can walk most of the walls and wander down by the river (smallest house in Britain is also there too)

    Free Member

    Ok for those not in receipt of the email update, pls find the info below:


    DCC Decision – Repairs to Chapel-en-le-Frith Byway Open to All Traffic 144

    As you are no doubt aware, DCC ROW Officer has delivered his report to the Council and they have approved the works to continue as planned. This means that the materials currently in position will remain and some form of top dressing will be applied to smooth the trail.

    It is our firmly held belief that the report has cherry picked comments from the responses of those consulted to support the argument of the DCC ROW Officer in question and ignored any dissenting voice. So much so that the feedback from the BMC has been ignored completely. We now need your help to challenge this decision.

    DCC has lent upon accessibility as an argument for this work. Accessibility is something we fully support, we are in favour of increasing access in all its various aspects, including access to ride more widely. We would be more accepting of this decision if accessibility was the primary reason for the work being instigated but it was not. The opinions of two local disabled groups has not been sought.

    This whole exercise appears to have been engineered to provide a sufficient number of responses to allow DCC ROW Officers to selectively quote from those that support its original position. This is both misleading and undemocratic. There has been no consideration of factors such as current usage, potential usage, economic impact for this work and in a time of austerity, large scale cut backs and deteriorating roads, the priorities seem to be driven more by someone’s agenda than a rational approach.

    There is currently work planned by DCC on the Roman Road that leads up the side of Win Hill to Hope Cross, and to Doctor’s Gate, the scope and scale of this work is, as yet unknown but for the Roman Road a figure of £70,000 has been allocated. There is also Hurst Clough and Bamford Clough being considered.

    If you would like to help us to challenge this decision, we have just one more opportunity. We can follow DCC’s own procedures to complain about the decision. To do this you need to either write to DCC personally, explaining that you are dissatisfied with the process that has led to this decision. State your reasons, please keep them rational and to the point and we may yet have a chance to reverse this decision.

    This is a link to the process for complaints, a bit turgid but worth reading.

    This is the link to the complaints form:

    Address to which you can write:

    Derbyshire County Council
    County Hall
    DE4 3AG

    You will need to put this into your own words and reference either the letter or email as RE: Council Decision – Repairs to Chapel-en-le-Frith Byway Open to All Traffic 144

    Key points being:
    the report was selective and misleading
    the process behind the report was not undertaken fairly
    the decision has been made without full understanding of public opinion
    one campaigning group, mountain bikers, has been unfairly and purposefully singled out as the only dissenting voice which is untrue

    Any help you can give would be hugely appreciated, we are not prepared to be treated unfairly and misrepresented. You have offered fantastic support at the start of this campaign, if you can summon the energy to help once more it would be great.

    Thanks, PDMTB Committee.

    Free Member

    Have you had previous updates?

    Free Member

    PDMTB is now pursuing this through DCC’s own complaints process, if you are a signed up member (register on th website) you should have received an update, if not, pop over to the site and register and we will send you the info required. There is a post on the FB page as an example of what one member has done.

    A few people seem to have backed off from this issue, but if we do that then DCC can effectively do whatever they want and we will all lose in the long run – there is still the Roman Road, Bamford Clough and Hurst Clough under consideration for work (Roman Rd has a £70k budget approved but they have not specced the work yet – yeah, go figure that one!)

    We could really do with the same level of support that everyone here threw behind the first effort to get the work stopped. Any help appreciated:

    Peak District MTB

    Free Member

    I moved to the Peak over 20 years ago precisely to ride from the door. Picked the village and house to provide as many options as possible – it gives equal access to both dark and white peak. Working locally means I can head out when everyone else has gone home – empty trails in the evening sun – bliss.

    Free Member

    They are villifying MTBers because we protested. We tried to engage with PW over the Long Causeway, he lied to us at our meeting with him and some of the statements he made during that meeting make chilling reading in retrospect for anyone who likes the idea of wild and remote places reached by tracks and bridleways. We put a full and detailed report on the PDMTB website of our meeting – it’s worth a re read.

    I am left wondering what is the point of a National Park? It seemingly preserves nothing, has no power other than to tell me that I cannot put up a shed in my garden, meanwhile DCC are able to do as they will.

    Roman Rd is next on the list and the first rumour was road planings. We have to keep fighting, forming alliances where they work for us and making sure that the woefully poor lies and propaganda put out by DCC ROW officers is shown for what it reall is.

    A mass trespass will do nothing but alienate MTB riders from other user groups, times have changed, the mass trespass was a protest of it’s time. We have other tools at our disposal and I suspect an ability to generate national support. The only thing we need to overcome is apathy.

    Free Member

    Travelling in Vietnam at the moment and struggling to come to terms with what shouty red faced people did to the Vietnamese and their country. They have been the most charming, hospitable people I have met over years of travelling. Remembrance is about recognising the horror of what happens to everyone involved when it is the option chosen by a nation’s leaders. If you really want to see glorification I think the US does a particularly nauseating line in revisionist history and celebration of war.
    I’m happy to remember my two grandfathers who fought in WWI and my dad who flew Hurricanes in the last war. I think Yunki’s last post is spot on.

    Free Member

    Oh the list of unrequited obsession is a long one, but it’s a +1 for Suzi Quattro who kicked it all off for the famous ones. Junior school crush was Kim Rowbotham – athlete extraordinaire and now a friend on FB

    Free Member

    Bought mine cheaply as a test, it’s my only bike now. Slowly upgrading bits. Drop bars made climbing steep stuff much easier. Racked it up for bike packing now and as soon as I’m back in the uk it’s going to get some solid use.

    Free Member

    Stanage Pole / causeway / plantation are all legal and nice – just watch out for the DCC wheel traps on Long Causeway

    Free Member

    Stanage Pole / causeway / plantation are all legal and nice – just watch out for the DCC wheel traps on Long Causeway

    Free Member

    I have 2 boys 18 and 16.
    Junky is bang on the money.
    I’m typing this from my campervan after spending the day at Sherwood pines riding with the 16yr old. They are my best mates. Cannot imagine how empty the house will be when they go to Uni.
    We are always skint, never really bothered about owning stuff, doing things with the boys and MrsCat is all I really need.

    Free Member

    It’s one of my happy summer CDs in the camper – reminds me of happy days pooling round in my old beetle.

    Free Member

    @hilldodger – could be true but a quick look at the bikes strapped to the Audi roofs around here there’s still plenty of people chasing the latest trends and tech.

    Free Member

    Real 51
    Ubble 38
    0.8% of dying in the next 5 years.
    Looks like it may be worth changing the car after all.

    Free Member

    Cooking for the boys then off up Hope Brinks on my own for an evening’s Pootle with all my mates. :D

    Free Member

    If we survive the current stress of GCSEs and A-Levels we may make it to 25, just served 20 years so far, now counting down to debilitating illness, decrepitude and death. Congratulations BTW :D

    Free Member

    @Cinnamongirl – that was the first on my list of music up against the metaphorical wall.

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