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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Robz
    Free Member

    I’m 39 and got mine last week without booking…

    But I live in Scotland 😎

    Free Member

    I suffer from this and I find that whilst strengthening in the gym does help (particularly unilateral lower body exercises & plyos), time on the bike supplemented with a pretty strict hip/quad/hamstring/lower back mobility and stretching regime is what really help me.

    I had the issue when I could squat 190kg+ and I still have it now (and I barely squat regularly at all now). Its really annoying on long descents – particularly bike park style trails where there is minimal pedaling and lots of pumping/dynamic semi-squat movements required.

    Doesn’t bother me at all running or on the road bike.

    Free Member

    I’m 39 and got the Pfizer jab on Saturday evening. Other than a slightly sore arm I experienced zero side affects. My wife got it too and she was/is fine as well.

    Did a 3hr hill walk on Sunday and just ran a brisk 10km this evening – all feels good.

    Free Member

    I dunno about that but I slapped a 170mm travel Fox 38 on my 2019 Jeffsy 29 and put a 210 x 55m coil shock on the back and I love it.

    Little bit more front wheel lightness in steep technical climbs but absolutely ploughs on the downs. So stable.

    Free Member

    I’m no vegan or vegetarian but I was definitely put off eating tuna after watching Seaspiracy on Netflix.

    I know a lot of it was very one sided propaganda but I decided that I can easily live without Tuna in my life (and I really do enjoy a tuna Mayo buttie and salad nicoise).

    Free Member

    This thread has made me realise that I probably spend far too much money on pretty much every aspect of my life….

    Sod it, can’t take it with you.

    I am a bit surprised just how dismissive some people are regarding things that other people do choose to splurge on – some people just really like going on holiday, gadgets, fancy clothes and trainers, or beautiful small batch roasted Indonesian coffee. Doesn’t make them bad people or consumerist monsters. They just have different interests than you – and different personal/financial circumstances.

    Free Member

    I have sold many a bike on eBay and nobody has ever asked to come and see one in the flesh prior to purchase.

    No chance I would give out my postcode.

    Free Member

    Prince is a very specific PM methodology and the practitioner level course will only be useful if your whole organisation really uses it, and uses it properly.

    Is it project management training that you want/need, or is it more operational “how to” management, people management techniques, or strategic planning/leadership.

    I have done several CMI courses over the years and definitely found them helpful but the quality of the facilitator and often the cohort you may undertake it with is just as valuable.

    Whilst you say formal management opportunities in your current company are limited are there any opportunities to manage a project or initiative etc that would put you in a position to lead and influence others and get some experience of “management”. Your coaching experience etc will definitely stand you in good stead.

    Free Member

    76 Projects top tube mount.

    Click this link

    I have one and it is ace. Sticks on with 3m sticky adhesive back. Mine has been on for well over a year rain, shine and multiple washes and it’s not going anywhere.

    Keeps the Wahoo well protected.

    Free Member

    Go to A&E for qualified expert advice?

    Free Member

    I’d just stick a new rim on it and get it built by someone who knows what they’re doing.

    You could have walloped it months ago and bent the rim. As others have stated, someone in a shop might be able to straighten it on the stand but it won’t stay straight for long.

    I doubt it’s a manufacturing issue unless you can see something wrong with the rim not caused by impact.

    Free Member

    I have plateaued for a couple of weeks now but consciously took a few days off the food and drink tracking last weekend to celebrate my wife’s birthday so not too worried. Enjoyed some wine, crisps, cake, pizza and Indian food and feel all the better for it.

    Still did loads of exercise to offset though…

    Back to plan on Monday, weighted myself today and surprised to find myself lighter than before the food holiday. I guess the metabolism enjoyed the kick start too.

    Free Member

    Back in the 90s my bikes used to break, one way or another, virtually every time I rode them.

    Now I barely have to do anything to them beyond washing them.

    Modern bikes are great.

    Free Member

    I got some Sauchony Peregrines a month or two ago and have been using them on a mix of road, trail and forest tracks.

    Finding them really comfy, supportive and they don’t feel too heavy.

    I previously had Brooks Calderas that I didn’t get on with and ended up selling.

    Free Member

    It’s a very skilful and labour intensive job to prep and paint a frame properly. Don’t expect it to be cheap if you want it to be good.

    Free Member

    It blows my mind that he does it in those conditions clipped in. I mean I know if it goes wrong using flats you’re in trouble too but still…

    Gnarly! Both of them.

    Free Member

    How long do you realistically expect a well used jersey to last?

    With repeated use and washes a couple of years is pretty good, no?

    Free Member

    Sitting at desk for extended periods of time = tight hips, back, quads and hamstrings etc.

    Could absolutely be causing knee pain – multiple muscles cross multiple joints in that area. Cycling can just exacerbate tightness in a flexed hip position.

    My left knee aches if I don’t stay on top of mobility and stretching work – even walking and running regularly really helps.

    Stretching of Psoas, Quads, glutes etc all really help. I also have a percussive therapy gun and foam roller that I really like using on quads and I find helpful (although the jury is out on actual benefit)

    Free Member

    Thanks – I have gone at it quite hardcore on the food weighing, calorie tracking and CV exercise. Solid baseline of 2000 kcals per day with extra added depending on amount of exercise. Carbs cycled so low on non-training days. At least 5km walked even on rest days.

    There was quite a bit of Christmas bloat that just disappeared within the first couple of weeks and like I said – this approach has definitely cost me muscle mass but I don’t really mind this.

    About 15 years ago I stopped cycling and got really into weightlifting/eating and I ended up weighing 115kg – I shed a lot of that about 5 years ago dropping down to about 90 kg but still had more muscle mass than I really needed – particularly as I am really mostly into all sorts of cycling again – so I was happy to cut quite hard.

    2.8kgs is a solid effort – its all relative. Well done!

    Free Member

    I imagine your just expected to be professional, smile and be polite.

    Free Member

    Just a 0.3kg loss for me this week but I did weigh in last week after a long run and had an evening off the wagon last Friday to enjoy a nice meal and my first booze/wine since Hogmanay – was definitely good for both body and mind.

    Nearly dropped 10kg since the first of Jan (with a quite a bit of muscle mass gone from zero weight lifting) but lots of fat too so still feeling super motivated to press on.

    On the plus side the lower upper body mass is definitely making running and cycling up hills much easier…

    Free Member

    Not practical for bikes in the slightest:

    With winter wheels fitted which have been unnecessary given how little use its seen since Crimbo.

    The wife’s car now gets a turn to have a roof rack fitted and get all muddy!

    Free Member

    I use Apple TV, Wahoo HRM and Tacx Turbo all connected via Bluetooth, running off WiFi and have zero drop out or connectivity issues.

    Did dither over whether to use Apple TV and TV or iPad etc but am glad I went with the Apple TV option – got a reconditioned unit from Apple very cheap.

    Free Member

    Just go to any nearby park and/or beach front and you’ll find all the crowds you want.

    I stupidly plotted a running route along my local beach promenade yesterday and it was like Bondi in the middle of summer, not the North East of a Scotland in February. I think I ran an extra couple of KMs just dodging all the people.

    I live next to a city centre park and it’s similarly hectic everyday too.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t need any adhesive backing. Just wrap it properly and nice and tightly with an appropriate amount of stretch for the type of tape.

    Free Member

    How is it even possible to delete an entire spreadsheet when all you need to do it type a number into a single cell? 😆


    I’m still off the booze, eating well with a slight deficit and running/cycling 5/6 days per week. Weight is going down steadily. Just under a kg per week. No mad hunger or cravings.

    My Fitness Pal (and my digital scales)are absolute essential tools for me. Really stops me eating for the sake of it and manage portions

    With everything going on and hectic ness of work I am amazed I haven’t cracked on the booze front yet.

    Free Member

    Yup. Good film. Underrated, old skool style adventure.

    Free Member

    As in between the piggy back and the frame? Miles away… no issues. Pro Race versions come with piggy back air shock from the factory.

    Free Member

    I’m running a Rock Shox super deluxe coil on mine. 210 x 55 gives 10mm more travel and it fits my large frame no probs. Pretty good value too at about £500.

    A coil works really well on the Jeffsy due to its progressive suspension design. Totally recommended upgrade – I much prefer the way it feels to the air shock. Much more sensitive but still doesn’t bob wildly when going uphill. I rarely use the lockout.

    Can still fit a fidlock bottle too.

    I’d post a picture but it never seems to work for me these days. So here’s a link to a pic on Pinkbike instead:

    Jeffsy with Coil pic

    Free Member

    I’ve not tried the Apple app. Just always used Strava. Will give the Apple one a go. Ta.

    Free Member

    £70 would buy you a lot of fruit and veggies every month. And fresh Food comes with the added benefit of lots of fibre and real antioxidants.

    I mean I take supplements, ZMA and omega 3 etc but they don’t cost that sort of money and just supplement what I am already getting from a regular diet.

    I would much rather just eat more green veggies – tasty and help fill you up too with low calorie density.

    Sorry didn’t answer your question.

    Free Member

    My Wahoo Tickr has been going strong for over 4 years now. Used indoor and outdoors. Mountain bike, road bike and running 4-5 times per week.

    Nae issues. Battery seems to last for ever.

    Free Member

    Down to 93kg this week so just over 5kg total lost in January. Very consistent with calories, 5 x weekly CV exercise and zero booze. Going to stay booze free for at least another month as I haven’t missed it in the slightest. Fully in the zone now…

    Free Member

    Why the need to be so absolute? I understand if it’s for ideological reasons but if not just cut back and enjoy on special occasions or simply less often.

    Meat can definitely form a key part of a healthy balanced diet.

    Replacing high quality meat with highly processed vegan substitutes does not make sense to me (from a nutritional point of view – I do understand that some people simply don’t want to eat animals)

    Free Member

    That Anquet app does the job perfectly. Cheers again and thanks all.

    Free Member

    Thanks. Will have a look!

    Free Member

    I have a Fox 38 and it’s far and away the best single crown fork I’ve ever had.

    It feels more like a 40 when riding and it totally eliminated any hand pain that I normally suffer with in Morzine, when I was there in the summer.

    It was great on the park tracks and the techy trails too.

    I am c. 95kg and really appreciate the stiffness of the 38mm construction.

    Free Member

    To me mountain bike clothing is very different from road clothing. No exposed Lycra on the MTB or roadie style jerseys off-road either.

    My Rapha shells/jackets are a bit delicate for being dragged through bushes or crashing into rocks etc.

    Free Member

    Their MTB kit is coming out in June I believe. I am a fan or their road kit so intrigued to see what they come out with.

    I think their is a definite gap in the MTB market for some Rapha styled and quality riding kit.

    Will their be RCC mountain bike kit though? That’s what the real Rapha fan boi in me wants to know! 😆

    Free Member

    Don’t ever go on Alibaba Express… its littered with stolen Instagram images

    I was sent images by a friend that had been lifted out of my instagram account that were being used by a seller to sell knock-off Giro helmets. Not just pictures of parts either – actual pictures of me and my wife riding our bikes!

    Its part of the risk of putting pics out in the public domain.

    I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

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