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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • robowns
    Free Member

    I had £100 of DOGE for a purely speculative gamble. It went down to about £40 immediately so I just ignored it – checked my wallet randomly the other day and it had balooned to £400 for no concievable reason; decided that return was good enough to cash out.

    The energy point made by Richard above is what I think will ultimately kill Bitcoin; so much focus from all investors globally on emissions these days that I just can’t see that surviving in the long term (given any coin could easily replace it as it’s not generally an accepted medium for transfer).

    Well covered in this post but Crypto is a pure gamble, anyone who says otherwise is generally trying to justify their own exposure to themselves IMO. My opinion only, YMMV, many have a different one clearly and they are welcome to it.

    I’ve got a number of equity and ETF investments; you could argue that they are more tangible given potential access to actual cashflows, but it’s become quite evident over the past few years that performance and DPS bears almost no relevance to equity valuation. In short, all a gamble, just a broader upside/downside fan which investors should take into account.

    Free Member

    Looks good Stu and solid progress Rocketdog – I’m paying someone to do similar in my garden as we speak, feeling very inadequate all of a sudden.

    Free Member

    I watched it and thought it was such BS. So much confirmation bias.

    Yes I get that industrialised fishing is impactful (throwing dead fish back because of quotas is horrendous and hate whaling with a passion), but there weren’t any thoughts on the alternative.

    Let’s say you convince the entire audience to stop eating fish, then what? They all need to eat something else. Even if that something else is tofu, it means more deforestation. What’s better?

    Sure it will convince a lot of people. Not sure if that’s good or bad.

    Free Member

    I’m not a veggie and if you’d have asked me 5 years ago id’ve never even considered reducing my consumption.

    I do actively reduce now – nothing to do with the environmental impact, doesn’t bother me at all – more so for ethical.

    Free Member

    Di was at least a shock – not that it affected me – but Philip? He was nearly 100, hardly a surprise is it.

    I’d heard on fairly good authority he died a few weeks back, would make sense as to why there are loads of programmes ready.

    Free Member

    I’ve found him one. With £1200 off. Good brand. Ex-display.
    He’s prevaricating.
    I’m flexing the credit card.

    Lucky lad! Hope you find something suitable – three years of birthdays and christmases atleast.

    Free Member

    Love how all of these labels have got so specific now – “no way could you ride Tier 4 gravel on 30c slicks”.

    You’d be amazed at what you can ride on everything (including 100mm XC race bikes on DH tracks). The only thing separating everything is how fun is it – and that’s up to you.

    Free Member

    Go. Now.

    If you need any help that a stranger on a forum may be able the provide then just send me a message here or email robowns at Hotmail dot com. Expect what I can do is limited but if I can support in anyway then I am very keen to (I live in East London so my own accommodation is out, but happy to fund some if needed).

    Free Member

    We have left the last chance saloon, so quit winging and enjoy what’s left.

    How long you reckon, days or weeks?

    Free Member

    One 100 mile ride and it needs a charge? That’s awful, would be on charge all the time.

    Free Member

    Trek are Vauxhall. Perfectly good bikes but I just don’t like them. Image problem – somehow a bit boring, a bit stale, a bit cardigan

    I hear you, but I do think Whyte are much worse. Nothing inspiring about them at all – there is the odd Trek that looks decent.

    Free Member

    Meh not a fan

    Free Member

    My last MTB was a 29er, faster, but much much less fun to ride. Wouldn’t rush for another.

    Free Member

    I personally wouldn’t take environment impact into account in any way in my decision to have a pet. I’ve got a cat, would not give the environment impact one single thought. Very far down my list.

    Free Member

    Japanese petrol as above, I’d steer well clear of a Fiat personally.

    Free Member

    Something needs done about climate change or life will be difficult in 30 years, might affect me if I’m still about, probably a massive issue for the grandchildren I don’t have. Carry on, someone will have sorted it by then.

    Nailed it.

    Free Member

    Axeing some staff I can understand, the normal flex of the costbase that every business goes through. Moving the rest to zero hours is ruthless and unnecessary.

    Free Member

    I see what you’re saying. But I’m not a charity. And if I was I’d probably find a worthier cause than bike shops <ducks for cover>.

    Fair play, great response, seems every thread on here these days has someone trying to shame someone else.

    Free Member

    Oh and to talk about service, when I say last 3 MTBs I mean frames as I just move components over generally. They let me build the last one up in their workshop whilst they served customers.

    Free Member

    I treat it as my LBS, excellent guys, bought my last 3 MTBs from them (all pre-Covid).

    Fully trustworthy, any delay will be outside of their control.

    Free Member

    I’d be surprised if it was much over 6k.

    Not overly relevant but I’ve a mint condition ‘14 m135 with all the goodies (8spd DSG, upgraded speakers, entertainment yada yada) and can’t see that being worth more than 10k now.

    Unless the market for estates is red hot and I’m off the mark, which is of course possible.

    Free Member

    Having had a couple of poor months Nov to Dec (ended up in a habit of drinking 3-4 times a week as a response to covid boredom), in Jan I did just over 400km to get the Strava badge (I have Zwift but don’t record indoor miles, too easy at 25mph and removes incentive to get out), which is by far the furthest I’ve been in Jan.

    Always a question grounded in perspective this one. If you’re smashing 2000 miles a month then 500 a month seems rough, but for me that would be a big big month.

    Hope everyone’s enjoying what they’re doing regardless of miles covered.

    Free Member

    Glad to hear that you have great support already salad and that my offer was taken in the spirit it was given; which was with respect and admiration for someone so selfless.

    Massive respect for what you’re doing, keep at it and I’m sure there will be better days ahead.

    Free Member

    Excellent news – keep pushing, just not too hard!

    Free Member

    Is this your job or do you do it as a volunteer? My gf does something similar through AgeUK and massive respect to you (both).

    Don’t know what your personal circumstances are but if things are tight and you want a nice night in, I would very very happily fund it. This country is run – unfortunately – on people like you.

    Shout if the above is something you’d be interested in.

    Edit – I can read your a carer but is this part of your responsibility I mean.

    Free Member

    110% over five years.

    If you could guarantee me that over the next 5 years I’d put my money in now. It’s basically just avoided the big tech boom, which is what you wanted anyway isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I can’t think of one good Nick Cage film. I include the above in that consideration.

    Edit – I’ve overlooked The Rock, apologies.

    Free Member

    Creating content for YouTube is his job. You guys really need a hobby.

    Free Member

    @TJ you pay hardly any tax, you best not be using the public services that the rest of us pay for.

    Free Member

    Why is he even the same room?

    Testing the waters I expect – if they’re going to be forced into living in separate rooms forever what is the point in keeping the dog?

    Free Member

    Classic recommend what you have – Zipp Service Course CX for me, better in every way than the Roubaix I had previously.

    Free Member

    Tubeless off-road tubes on for me – done the last 3k miles with only one puncture so not convinced of the benefit. Also not convinced on the lower pressure argument, I run 30c at 65psi (LB carbon wheels) with a tube without issue (I’m 85kg); don’t see why I’d go lower.

    Free Member

    @glenh you don’t do enough to help people, I’ve decided knowing no facts, shame on you.

    Free Member

    Site seems to say no Labour MPs, so I call misinformation.

    Free Member

    10-36 Force cassette?

    Free Member

    Can’t believe the strong opinions people have on whether other people, who they don’t know, decide to wear make up or not.

    Free Member

    Bike looks good mate, nicest Sonder I’ve seen.

    Free Member

    Faster payment limit is £250k, given that, your tax bill doesn’t sound fun.

    Free Member

    Fair Sola, you’re right it’s horses for courses. For me, even though cost isn’t prohibitive (mid 30s no kids), I hate having more than one bike. Then I have to choose what I want to ride, maintain them, multiple sets of shoes all of that faff. CBA with it and can’t see me owning more than one again.

    Free Member

    Agree with the above, the second set really has to be at the grippier end (WTB Raddlers in 44 and 40c in my case) to be worth it.

    YMMV, I don’t race at all and rarely group ride.

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