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  • The best bike photography of the year?
  • robola
    Full Member

    My personal favourite is the cutting corners on the opposite side of the road. Relatively open sight lines and they think they can see it is clear as no oncoming car. Nearly been wiped out head on a couple of times like that.

    Full Member

    Welcome to the world of modern computer gaming.

    Full Member

    Bit worried there has been no update on this. @WorldClassAccident and broken power tool, what could possibly have gone wrong…

    Full Member

    I left mine up for a good 6 weeks while I did various jobs fitted in around work. If you have the space to store it and you are going to use it a few times a year over the long term then buying will easily pay for itself. I know it depends on individual circumstances but for a high maintenance house it is worth it.

    Full Member

    Mine arrived today too. It was still in the box, your post prompted me to open it. I’ve done zero setup, just took it out. Nowhere near the amount of movement in that blade guide assembly as yours. It is pretty solid once the blue hand tightened nut on the front is done up. Loosen it off and there is similar movement.

    Full Member

    They are pretty quick to put up/take down – an hour or 2 depending on help and site conditions.

    Word of warning about moving them on casters though. A neighbour was using one on a slope and at about 2 stories high, working on gutter. He moved it down slope and it unbalanced slightly and crashed into a cast iron down pipe. 50cm section of iron pipe hit him on the side of his head and fractured his skull, lucky he didn’t die. You need to drop them down a few levels before moving, or completely on a slope I would say.

    Full Member

    I bought one from these guys this summer –

    Cheaper than the market leader as direct from manufacturer. Good quality, very stable, already probably nearly paid for itself. Guttering repair, rendering repair, sash window maintenance, bits of minor masonry.

    I did look at 2nd hand but a lot of them are ex-builder owned and I got bored of looking and went new.

    You climb up the integrated ladder on the inside, manufacturer says not to tie on.

    Full Member

    It is amazing what information is available online now for a bit of internet sleuthing.

    There is a quite new, large house 2 doors away from me that is built on a decent sized geological fault. As it is right on a rocky coastline the fault is clearly visible at low tide, both on the ground and on satellite imagery. When it was built they thought they had it easy as it was straight onto bedrock, unfortunately the piling in fault rock had to go far deeper than they expected to hit solid material. It nearly bankrupted the person building it and when it was complete they sold it immediately. No way in the world I would have bought that site (I do have geological training though).

    Also, one of the 1st places I look is the SEPA flood map. Ruled out quite a few plots immediately using that.

    One recent one I looked at looked pretty good on face value, nice aspect, passable size. I couldn’t really work out why it had been available for so long. It was only on streetview that the overhead powerlines directly over where you would want to build became apparent.

    Full Member

    Fitting a catflap at dusk, needed some light on the job so balanced my phone against the door jamb of the open door. Went round the other side to tighten a screw and promptly shut the door…

    Typing this on new phone.

    Full Member

    I keep a constant eye out for plots as I have a similar medium/long term plan. Hardly seen anything worthwhile, I’m coming to the conclusion that it might be easier to buy a knackered place, demolish and rebuild.

    Full Member

    I got an email from my house insurance company mid afternoon today advising me to check my roof tiles, gutters and fascias were all in good order. A tad late for that don’t you think 😀

    Full Member

    I live next the harbour in a working fishing port. One of the neighbours complained to the harbour master about the noise of boats at night. I can imagine how that conversation went…

    Full Member

    It isn’t science though, it is marketing.

    Gut instinct coupled with 1st hand experience leads to my opinion that it is nonsense.

    Full Member

    Those charts are clearly nonsense.

    At 3m UHD on a 65″ is a night and day difference. Those charts say it isn’t worth it, must buy bigger. Rubbish.

    Full Member

    No such thing as bad publicity though is there? A bit of chat about the name has lodged it in my brain and if I was in the market for an ebike (I’m not) then the name wouldn’t come into my decision making at all.

    Full Member

    Being an E-bike I can’t help but read it as E-thic. Probably not what was intended

    +1, in thicest Yorkshire accent possible.

    Full Member

    Relatively small world in my speciality though, I think you could easily run out of employers…

    Full Member

    Of course there is contention on the backhaul –

    And although the fundamental technology is more reliable you are still dependent on your ISP. I moved to Sky FTTP last year and their reliability has been poor, 2 multi hour outages in the middle of the working day. A worse record than my previous copper connection.

    Full Member

    I think a lot of this is tech sector. Workload can be very patchy, with huge peaks and troughs. 80% of the time I think I could do this comfortably. The other 20% when the pressure is on, no way. Just hope the 2 20%s never happen at the same time, not a risk I would like to take.

    Full Member

    Yep, my 2nd job is reading internet forums. The pay is awful.

    Full Member

    I accidentally ticked that little box on a thread, no matter how many times I went back to switch it off I still got the emails and it was still ticked when I went back in.

    Full Member

    Well I like drinking decent coffee and grind my own beans. Spending £500 on a coffee grinder is utterly ridiculous. Buy the still mind bogglingly expensive £200 one and give the rest to charity.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    My 60 reg CRV does a considerably better mpg than a petrol ford focus owned by the girlfriend

    But a Honda Civic built on the same platform with the same engine does approx 20 more miles/gallon. (I own a CRV)

    Full Member

    10 Downing Street, atrocity magnet.

    Full Member

    Falastin book by Sami Tamimi also great if you like Ottolenghi.

    Full Member

    £60/hr to feed a cat, I’m in the wrong job.

    Full Member

    That depends how much other interest the seller has though.

    I sold a 100+ year old house a few years ago, and had 4 offers within 48 hours. One of the offers was conditional on a snag list. Immediate rejection. The buyer we went with was also very close to us pulling the plug at one point due to a litany of nonsense/indemnity spam.

    Full Member

    Rab hazmat suit for surviving the post-apocalyptic wasteland, anyone?

    How long should we reasonably expect the zips to last?

    Full Member

    I’m sure they are more economical in a warm, dry house. They don’t use brute force heating to dry stuff. They are just crap in anything other than perfect conditions. We do most of our drying on a rack in a small room with a dehumidifier underneath. Works a treat and is surprisingly quick.

    Full Member

    Heat pump dryers don’t work very well in cold environments. Had one in an unheated boot room in a damp Yorkshire farmhouse, it took bl00dy hours to dry anything.

    Full Member

    It all comes down to the structure of the membrane’s protection against contamination

    That was my understanding too. I hear Gore have strict construction standards that manufacturers have to follow. It sounds like the makers of eVent didn’t have the same standards or the standards they had were not up to scratch. It has virtually disappeared now so read into that what you will.

    Full Member

    What’s up with eVent?

    I think there have been durability issues. Just stuff I have picked up on other forums when looking at new gear that has backed up personal experience. Possibly related to construction method and the membrane not being adequately protected.

    Full Member

    Out of interest OP what waterproof membrane does it have, is it eVent? That stuff should have been subject to an industry wide recall.

    Full Member

    I worked in bank branches for a number of years, I have some experience of what I speak.

    Me too, now in cushy back office job posting on a cycling forum during the working day. ;) Maybe this is why banks are so slow, who on here is in Nationwide mortgage department and can work this case?

    Full Member

    There are many companies making waterproof clothing that are not aimed at mountain sports though. Lightweight shells have a very specific use case for me, bad conditions in remote locations where getting wet could be life threatening. I want it light so it is easy to carry. I take a hit on durability for these features.

    I also own cheap insulated waterproofs, that aren’t very breathable and are heavy. Fine for a dog walk or going to the shops.

    Maybe people get caught up in marketing a bit and buy things that aren’t really appropriate for the intended use.

    Full Member

    A relative bought us a Dualit 4 slot, looks like the 125 quid one on John Lewis. I have to say it is hugely disappointing, especially now I have just seen how much it was. Cheap plastic handles, uneven toasting, prone to burning if a 2nd go is required. Cheap rubbish trading off the name imo.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure cast iron pans are a reasonable comparison. I’ve got bits of stone on my house that aren’t as old as my inherited pans that have worn out quicker.

    Full Member

    I agree the marketing is misleading, but you have to be realistic in expectations. I’ve had loads of waterproofs, and they all wear out eventually. I include delamination after 8 years as wear and tear tbh. I wouldn’t put money into a repair on that as I would expect it to start leaking at some point in the not too distant future.

    Full Member

    It doesn’t look perfect to me, plenty of delamination starting to show. I would say it looks well used.

    8 years of good use seems a reasonable enough lifetime to me for what is essentially a fancy plastic sheet.

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