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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • robinbetts
    Free Member

    Complete opposite excperience at my local LBS last week. Went in to buy on of those little plastic to tools to service the bearings in your spd pedals. The chap said he didn't have any to sell, but grabbed one from the workshop and said bring it back when you're done. And gave me instructions on the best way to do the job. Awesome service, and why I'm less and less inclined to buy everything online these days. Agreed big fail be the OP's LBS!

    Free Member

    I'm not single, but live in Cardiff, and I think I've met this girl! Someone who fits the description exactly anyway!

    Free Member

    My mate has last year's spark 50 and he realy likes it. Climbs really well as you'd expect and when I've ridden it I was suprized how fun it was. I will say though, that he had the chain stay break as well (warrentied). Just put this down to bad luck, but hearing what andrewh said, maybe there's something in that.

    Free Member

    +1 for Hex

    Free Member

    Seatpost mounted rack…? Don't know how good they are, but was looking at them for my racer. Can't remember the brand, but looked like they worked best with their own panniers, and worked out quite pricy.

    Free Member

    NO NO NO NO NO! When I saw that title, I had some very disturbing flashbacks!

    We did this last summer (as part of a long loop from wastwater yha, which also featured wasdale head > sty head > seathwaite > honistor pass, then after high crag, blacksail pass and back. The carry up Red Pike is a killer (probably worsened for us given the amount we'd already done that day before it though), plus we lost the route a bit along the top (due to visibility), so that involved more carrying. There was some enjoyable riding in places but I wouldn't touch it with a 100ft pole!

    If only we'd seen that mtbbritain article before hand!

    Free Member

    As a rule I don't leave my bike out of site unless I've brought my big bad abus d-lock with me (with the car), but if I'm out on a ride and I know I'll be stopping at a cafe or something and it's a pretty safe area, I carry a 4m light weight steel cable with loops at each end (actually a length of halliard from a boat shop) that's enterprisingly hard to cut; wind that round all the frames and wheels, and through a fence or something; then finish off with a little motion sensor alarm lock.

    All very light weight and compact, and as I'm not going to be far away it's more of a deterrent and something to stop someone walking away with them, rather than to stop a determined thief. Total cost about £20. 100db motion sensor means if anyone messes with it, you're going to know about it.

    Free Member

    Anyone else open this thread expecting to read stuff about camping? Or is it just me that can't read 😉

    Free Member

    MM on the PC with a good simple rugged gps is the best bet as has already been said. Although if you want a good app for the iphone give MotionX a go. It doesn't quite use OS maps, but they're pretty close! Contours and most paths (even highlights known cycle routes). They are downloaded on demand, but they are cached so if you know you're not going to have good signal, you can pan around the area before hand on your wifi. Most importantly, it's free! Only used it a bit, but looks pretty good for what it is.

    Free Member

    I recently picked up a Northface DIAD jacket from the cotwald outlet store in betws-y-coed and I'm very happy with it. Great fit for riding and stupidly light and small packing! Waterproofing and breathability are great too. It's no gore-tex performance shell, but can't got that without the weight. I went for this over a Gore cycle specific gore-tex paclite jacket as it has a hood (gives it a bit more all round usfulness, and was very welcome under the helmet in a blizzard). RRP is a bit steep, but I was lucky and got it for £90.

    Free Member

    All this noncense about needing fast rolling tires… Go for grip, you can always get fitter!! 😉

    Free Member

    I'd always give way to descenders, unless it was a partularly challenging climb and I was nearly at the top, when I'd hope descenders would give way to let me finish.

    Wasn't quick this situation but last summer I was riding up Hard Knott pass in the Lakes and was about 10 yards from the top, having ploughed all the way up on my full sus without touching the granny ring (very pleased with myself, after passing two cars that had given up!), and a car pulls over the brow of the hill and preceeds to hover in the middle of the very narrow road as if expecting me to stop for him to pass! With my last ounces of strength I told him to get the f*ck out my way and squeezed past flailing my arm! Nothing was going to stop me reaching the top.

    Free Member

    When I did it a few years ago, we took the train from midlands down to penzants and train back from wick. Was pretty easy and has the advantage of being able to sleep. Don't do what we did though, and forget to book bike places on the return journey! Ended up having to pack up the bikes with cardboard from the local supermarket and leave them at the post office. Returned home carried out front wheels!

    Free Member

    +1 for heals down!

    Free Member

    Not impressed with the video, but the sound track is awesome!!

    Free Member

    If there is a threaded sleeve (that's what it looks like), does that need to be removed? How?


    Free Member

    I've tried the cloth-wrapped screwdriver, no luck. What I don't understand is the thread that the bolts screw into, goes from the outer edge of the mounting plates right into the centre of the shock, suggesting that there is something bridging between the frame and the shock that's stopping it coming out. But if that's the case, how did it get in?

    Free Member

    Ok, getting a bit late now, but the forks are done! Thanks for the tips again. They did just need a bit more of a tap!

    Next question thought… the rear shock… I've unscrewed the bolts but it won't come out. Should it just lift out of the frame, or am I missing something again? Orange website is very vague an seems to refer mainly to an older design.

    Thanks again!

    (Orange 5 2009 by the way)

    Free Member

    Ok… on side is freed, but the other (side with the rebound) is not budging. How hard should this "tap" be? Don't want to break anything!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tip, can't find that vid though on the mojo site. Can only see one for the rear shock. Got a url?

    Free Member

    I'm going to shamelessly piggy back this thread, as I'm trying to make a similar choice. Always considered my self an XC rider (riding an orange 5). Local track is also Cwmcarn and with all the dry trails last week I decided to give the DH run a few goes. Don't currently have any padding/armour, or a full facer. It seems more ridable than I was expecting it to, but should I really by wearing mire protection on stuff like this. Also heading to the lakes in a few weeks, but will be favouring lateral rocky descents over trail centres.

    Free Member

    On a serious note though, spare tube, levers and pump (all useless by themselves). Always thought a repair kit was good enough until I got 5 snake bites in one go (10 holes) and ran out of patches!

    Free Member

    …and me (far to slow today) 😉

    Free Member

    Great tips so far guys. Thanks!

    Any comments on the Helvellyn routes? They're by biggest concern 😕

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the comments. Just sent an email to Endura, see want they say (not much I'm expecting).

    Anyone actually used gore tex gloves in persistant rain and had them stay dry?

    Free Member

    Do the liners really help if they're soaked through and it's getting near freezing? You're probably right though that they're worth trying first. One problem is though that the gloves i've got at the moment seem to gave an built in liner that is separate from the outer, and means when they are wet through, they're a nightmare to get back on! I only see adding an extra liner as more of a problem.

    Free Member

    If i'm on a cold winter ride and my hands are sweaty, I'd be very happy!

    I suppose that's the question then. Could I find after buying gore tex groves, that I still get wet hands? I appreciate that no glove can keep you 100% warm, but surely you can get 100% waterproof (without resorting to washing up gloves!)

    Free Member

    Thread Hijack (sorry):
    Has anyone used the new Memory Map iPhone app? Is it any good? And do you really have to spend £20 on the paid app to use the maps you already own on your PC??

    Free Member

    Used to all my climbing out of the saddle, when I had a hard tail. But since I've switched to a long travel full sus i'm sat down most of the time. I think it's definatly had a neg affected on my leg strength.

    Free Member

    I don't know what the **** that is/was, but it's so wrong!

    Free Member

    First time I saw an alpaca was in a field in Scotland, not far from John O'Groats, on last day of end2end. Did't have a clue what it was, thought I was going mad!

    Free Member

    Given the location of this forum, I'm suprized no one has mentioned the obvious… Find a place for your bike(s)!

    Free Member

    Can't see anything sus about it…

    Free Member

    All bikes are equal. But some are more equal than others.

    Free Member

    Dorset cerial is better than jordans, and I'm sure there's no added sugar. Generally it's "added" sugar you want to worry about, as any cerial that has fruit in it is going to contain sugar. If it's natural I wouldn't worry.

    Free Member

    Awesome, thanks again

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feed back guys, think they're the answers I wanted to hear! I wouldn't say my shoes are particalaly stiff, but i've done c2c and lejog in the past with them (mtb with road tires) and never felt any pressure points. SPDs it is.

    Any benefit from getting anything other than the basic ones? Weight difference is negligable, and never had issues with the basic ones i've got.

    Free Member

    Word of warning if you're going to try lower pressures after always running higher. Take at least one spare tube and some patches, you could be in for some pinch flats. Tire pressures are so relative, and dependent on your weight, riding style, location and the tires them selves. Just because one person can run x tire at 25psi and have no problems doesn't mean everyone can. As I said, just a warning.

    Free Member

    No I drove! 😀

    Did Cwmcarn early with a mate, but he had to get back home. After I'd dropped him off, and I was warm again in the car, the thought of more snow in the sunshine was too appealing, so I whizzed up in the car.

    Free Member

    I now understand… It's all because years started in 1 AD not 0 AD, so "technically", yes, it's not the next decade yet, and "technically", yes, everyone was a year early for there millennium celebrations!

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