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  • Singletrack Issue 127 | Making it up in the Lake District
  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    @ miketually’s link – what is “Kök & Tvätt” meaning?
    Or do I have to buy it to find out?

    Free Member


    Partly due to having owned a few and partly because a couple of people have told me they’d NEVER buy one – these people happen to be complete fukdiks and anything they say isn’t worth listening too :)

    Free Member

    Whatever Currys have got for £350 – £400 will cover your needs e.g.

    or you could get the same thing for the same price from PC World and suffer their shocking customer service.

    Free Member

    How about Nant yr Arian? Nice riding, plenty of waling paths, great scenery and the kite feeding is well worth viewing up close.

    Free Member

    Based on this:Bike thief racism the thief MUST have been a white American teenager.

    Free Member


    Apparently they taste a lot better than they smell – I wouldn’t really know as the moment it hit my tounge I sprogged :)

    Also Tequila – got hammered on it once, had a great time (I’m told), since then the smell of it makes me feel nauseous and the taste brings on ralphing in seconds.

    Free Member

    This one takes a while to get going

    Free Member

    Don’t spose you need Look Keo cleats? I bought some red ones by accident/ignorance.

    Free Member

    Lemmings – always finish it with a massive grin and probly a semi :)

    About the last 3 seconds of the Mark of Zorro where it feels like you’re flying are also a fave.

    Free Member

    hmm yes do you think we can start the Sith backlash from here? I used to be a Jedi, but the bad guys have so much more fun…


    Adventure? Excitment? Rob craves these things.

    Free Member

    This currently has pride of place in my toilet (humour) library:

    Free Member

    The whole point of the film was the girly sexy scene.


    I thought it was brilliant – the whole film that is, but the psychotic lesbianess added a whole other fantastic level.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… indenting removed itself – oh well

    Free Member

    Here you go mrmo. Includes the option to add in other markers – NB these are case sensitive.

    Sub Remove_Unwanted_Rows()

    Dim Cell As Object
    Dim LastCell As Object
    Dim DelRange As Range
    Dim RowArray As Range

    Set LastCell = Range(“H1048576”)
    Set DelRange = Range(LastCell.End(xlUp), LastCell.End(xlUp).End(xlUp))

    For Each Cell In DelRange
    Select Case Cell.Value
    Case Is = “wibble” ‘, “wubble”, “wobble”
    If RowArray Is Nothing Then
    Set RowArray = Cell.EntireRow
    Set RowArray = Union(RowArray, Cell.EntireRow)
    End If
    End Select
    Next Cell
    End Sub

    Free Member

    Give me a mo…

    Free Member

    900,000 rows is a pretty unmanageable amount, but if you really want to do it in Excel the best way is a VBA procedure that creates an array of all the rows to be deleted and removes them all at the same time – much more efficient than individually.

    Just so happens I’ve got a script written I can modify if you let me know some details e.g. what the marker is & where it appears.

    Free Member

    IME the off road wasn’t great – next time I go I’ll deffo take my racer.

    Free Member

    No idea, but if you don’t have a shock/are definately gonna replace it I’d seriously consider sticking a coil on – those bikes are great descenders and a coil would make a noticable difference.

    See here for info:

    There are links to info on air shocks for the Slayer in this thread & probably other info elsewhere on the mtbr forum.

    Free Member

    I read a paper on streching a few years back that concluded that 23 years worth of streching would save but one injury.

    I don’t know what I think about any of it.

    Free Member

    2) Look for Keralan recipes/don’t order fish curry in a “normal” curry house as it’ll likely be minging.

    If you’re around the E Mids area try one of these places:

    Free Member

    I finally cleaned the werewolf ‘drop’ at Cannock – it was like totally sick duuuude!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You could go for a bit of this:

    Sub HideSpecifiedArrows()
    ‘hides arrows in specified columns
    Dim c As Range
    Dim i As Integer
    i = Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For Each c In Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, i))
    Select Case c.Column
    Case 1, 3, 4
    c.AutoFilter Field:=c.Column, _
    Case Else
    c.AutoFilter Field:=c.Column, _
    End Select

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    But that might over complicate things??

    Free Member

    why hide behind tags and not just say it in a post?

    So… I can’t be identified if I write in a tag? Is this true?

    Free Member

    This has been useful to me in the past:

    Free Member

    I’ll be there on a particularly overbuilt Spesh Enduro, being a sobbing mess on the climbs and a danger to others on the descents :)

    Mud tyres a no-no I’d have thought as the vast majority won’t be muddy; high rollers for me, but they pick up that clayey mud in those parts like a right bugger.

    Free Member

    Cold porridge anyone?
    Just make double for breakfast and take half with you.

    Sounds grim I know, but I’m getting so into it I’m starting to prefer it to hot and regularly eat it for elevenses when I’m not riding – it’s about that time mmmm…

    Free Member

    Drayton Manor wristband from 3 years ago

    Free Member

    I have a 2 inch long scratch from my new cat’s rather sharp looking claws.

    Ahh, pussy-puss-puss!

    Free Member

    Marvellous info!
    (Crank Bros fanboy)

    Free Member

    I’d get the raas out of Tokyo asap and head to Nikk?.
    As fun as Tokyo is its just another big dirty city; bigger and dirtier than most!

    I wouldn’t bother trying to find anywhere specific to eat if you get recommendations as the addressing system is incomprehensible and it tends to take forever to figure out where you’re supposed to be.

    Sumo tournaments only happen 6 times a year in Tokyo so you’d be lucky to catch one – if you do, turn up early to get yourself into the cheap seats.

    Free Member

    These are very goo value – full of goo in fact:
    Bar phat

    Free Member

    1) Not necessarily (unless you need to have great components)

    2) Get shop to do fitting

    3) Use flats (+ whatever else you’ve got) to begin to see if you like it/can be arsed.

    3.1) Do you not already have a helmet?

    4) Learn to love the climbs!

    Free Member

    My contribution:

    Takes about 3 mins to get going, but it’s just rude enuff to make it worthwhile.

    Free Member

    Aren’t there 10 types of people in the world – those who understand quaternary, those who don’t, those who mistake it for binary and those who find this sort of thing amusing?

    Nope, there are 2 kinds of people in the world; those who think there are 2 kinds of people in the world and those who don’t :lol:

    Free Member

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can count binary and those who can’t

    Very good

    It gets better (depending on POV)…

    There 10 kinds of people in the world – those who can count ternary, those who can’t and those who mistake it for binary

    hilarious stuff :)

    Free Member

    Immature no?
    The demand was for shite jokes after all – something more erudite/geeky…

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can count binary and those who can’t.

    Free Member

    Pile up

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just realised you said you’ve got QR front wheel. You’ll need a new hub (20mm) for 36s or Lyriks.

    Other things (yes I have nothing to do until this afternoon’s ride :))

    You use the high shock mount?!? Only person I have ever known do this, these bikes descend so well that I’ve only ever known them set up for doing so – slack with big forks and hefty wheels. Serious overkill for trail centres, but stunning for things like rocky, rocky Lake District descents.

    I’ve always found being able to reduce fork length very handy for climbing, but the bike just doesn’t pedal quite as well. Not really sure why but having them at 160mm feels better for pedalling, but can cause issues with keeping the front wheel down if on steep climbs.

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