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  • Stolen | It’s More Than Just A Bike
  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    I’ve got a Merlin one – does nicely

    Whatever you go for I’d recommend getting a cardboard bike box (free from good LBS) and cutting it to fit in the bag for extra rigidity.

    Free Member

    For a Nomad I’d go for a coil shock. I have a CCDB on a 06 Enduro and the +ve difference over the DHX air that it replaced was remarkable. Almost worth the money!

    Free Member

    Also South Leics – have been invited to join Welland Valley CC offroad Sunday jaunts, but never made it due to other rides planned. Currently out of action due to bust collarbone, but when I’m back in the saddle I’ll be up for some meet-up rides – can’t be a billy no mates for ever :) Everyone I know lives MILES from me!

    No shame in road riding – there’s some great scenery/pretty villages round here!

    Up for anything from farm track bimbles to silly, silly, oh-my-god-who’s-idea-was-this never ending pushes up for pure descending pleasure type rides.
    And the odd trail centre :wink:

    Free Member

    Go from 2:40

    Free Member

    May come in handy – ta.

    The use of apostrophes on their homepage is questionable though…

    Anyone need to employ a pedant?

    Free Member

    I got some of these recently – weirdly the most comfy shoes I’ve ever worn (of any kind).

    Free Member

    I’ve seen a 4 x 4 in Leicester no doubt owned by a Sikh gentleman very proud of his manhood with the reg. JJ 5INCH

    Free Member

    Philip Larkin – This Be The Verse

    They **** you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

    But they were **** up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

    Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.

    Swear filter obv. doesn’t do culture?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    or satirists

    Free Member

    Came across this earlier today; thought it was great:

    Free Member

    I’ve got my doubts about gravity

    You’re in good company[/url]

    Free Member

    Other posts have said M&S house insurance is good for covering bikes, but I’m yet to investigate it.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t recommend a cheap one.
    I like the Salsa ones cos they’ve got a nice long lever.

    Free Member

    Aaahh! Cheers LGB.

    Never had an eggless cake before – is nice – yom-yom!

    Free Member

    If it helps at all the split links on KMC 10sp road chains are removable.

    Free Member

    I thought it a bit weird the trail was there as you go past a no cycling sign on the way from the main car park. Online info about these tracks is scant & I’m pretty sure they’re 100% illegal.

    At least they haven’t dug chunks out of them; someone has put in a lot of effort and they’re nice runs.

    Free Member

    Great mis-interpretation of my stance on this by some, and also some really good support and handy advice given – cheers guys.

    Didn’t wake up til 3:30 today (!!) so will be following this up next week.

    Can’t believe no one is baking me a cake! Not even a cheese scone offered :(

    Free Member

    Cheers BB, have just found that site while looking through past posts – will give them a shout.

    Free Member

    Just spoken to a nice chappie @ Websters Cycles in Leicester (roadie specialists)who says there’s no way he knows of checking the integrity of a carbon frame (mine has C rear triangle, which definately took a whack). He also said there’s no assesment he can make that I can’t.

    I think he’ll be quite happy to do an assesment for insurance though.

    Free Member

    Generally go down a size for a DH bike over trail etc. Smaller size makes more chuckable, but some proper fast riders prefer not so small for greater stability from longer wheelbase.

    Free Member

    Genuinely didn’t mean to troll when starting this, but appreciate some of what I’ve written since has been a bit provoking. Am surprised TJ has contributed as much as he has due to obviously being a bit sick of this subject but think he’s been nicely behaved and don’t see any point going on about this anymore so I’m gonna see if I can get any more response on the thread I started earlier :-)

    Free Member

    mrmo – Member
    You can draw a conclusion from your experience, but without evidence of the result without wearing a helmet you have no way of KNOWING!!!!! what good the helmet did. It may of helped but then again it may not really have made any difference, you can’t know for certain.

    You mean I don’t know what would have happened when I smacked my head on the HARD tarmac had I not been wearing a helmet? Seriously? From prior experience I know it would have at least hurt, it did not hurt – there is no head type brusing; QED helmet wearing (in this case) prevented CERTAIN injury.

    Counter argument, would you have been in the position you placed yourself in if you had not been wearing a helmet? I wouldn’t ride off-road without a helmet, so wearing a helmet makes a crash more likely.

    No, no I wouldn’t. Why not? Just in case I get hit by a car. What you’re doing there is attempting to apply causation from correlation – this is generally not accepted as good logic.

    Free Member

    Sorry but i fell off my bike and the helmet helped is crap unless you can actually show evidence that the helmet helped.

    If I don’t provide photos it probly didn’t even happen – much like the holocaust?

    Wish I was capable of drawing a conclusion from my experience :(

    Free Member

    McHamish – Member
    I stumped my toe while wearing a helmet…it didn’t protect me one bit.

    Imagine what could have happened if you weren’t wearing it!

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    I always wear one now.

    Even in the bath?

    That is some serious contingency planning.
    Altough you could easily slip.

    Free Member

    Cheers Project.

    Medical advice? What medical person told you stay on the sofa with broken collar bone, you seem to have misunderstood the term rest.

    He was a bit of a shit doctor TBH, didn’t notice op scars from last incident ( in exactly the same place) and forgot to offer pain medication to go home with and was generally scatty. Also didn’t look much like the picture on his ID badge 8O

    Recover loses for the bike ok maybe the collar bone too but any more than that to me is milking it.

    More than what?? How much is a bust clavicle worth? To me its a hell of a lot as I pretty much live to ride (evidenced by not spending much time here :-) ) and was really excited about lighter evenings etc. after slogging through mud & cold in the winter.

    have you seen the why are my insurance premiums so high …this is why.

    Pemiums are high because of accidents? You don’t say. Or is it my fault because I got run over? Don’t really understand your point. Or use of language.

    Free Member

    I hear you guys – am genuinely genuine about my intentions and don’t think I should get a ma$$ive payout, but certainly wouldn’t mind something…

    Have been wondering if there is any kinda of national compensation scheme instead of trying to ruin the driver’s life with stress and potential payouts – but have had no joy looking online so far.

    Free Member

    Chocolate hob-nobs for me, but I guess I’ll have to watch what I cram down my throoat now I’m a couch potato.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    In my experience a collar bone wouldn’t confide you to the settee never mind stop me getting to an interview.

    Well that’s your experience. My previous collar bone breaking experience was genuinely bad and I’m not moving for a while – mostly due to medical advice. Thanks for the constructive advice though.

    Free Member

    Any idea what it entails? Its a half carbon jobby and although anything I can see at a quick glance looks superficial (and minor) I’m wondering how the tell whats going on inside without an x-ray machine.

    Free Member

    My 1st cousin twice removed (I think? – gran’s cousin) had high tea with Haile Selassie.

    Jah Rastafari!

    Free Member

    although the pain has totally gone i find it realy uncomfortable and kinda itchy !!! Does it get any better or do you just get used to it ??

    Luck of the draw I think – had mine out cos it hurt (poss contracted slightly) with large temperature drops; gradual temp drops didn’t affect it.
    6 years on and I can’t wear a seatbelt properly, get weird tingly itchy feeling or distant numbness with anything touching it.

    Free Member

    Anyone know why the deuce Barbie Haribo aren’t avaliable in GB?
    I discovered them in Spain and reckon they’re the best. Felt a bit stoopid buying them though…
    (image won’t show dagnamit!)

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Buzzy’s Pollinator >10 years old and still going strong.

    Free Member

    Conservative MP and editor of The Spectator Boris Johnson was criticised last year after commenting in the magazine that Liverpudlians were “hooked on grief”.

    Well its cheaper than smack and doesn’t fund organised crime

    Free Member

    I also once shared a lift to the top of the BT Tower with Chuck D from Public Enemy.

    Daaamn! I wish I was you!

    Free Member

    My parents’ cottage in the valleys has a plaque on the door saying in Welsh something to the effect that Rhydderch Jones was born there.

    Who? And why can’t I find out anything about him in English?
    Translating that page gives a clue, but is a bit scrambled.

    Also the cottage was used for location filming by the BBC in the making of Swallows, about WWII evacuee children. It was dull. They stuck up horrific wall-paper, my brother’s bike appeard in one shot (set a good few decades before the bike existed) and put us up in a nice hotel along with our cat and her four kittens.

    Free Member

    Jeez – scary how many people on here have tried some serious drugs :-O

    Really? Without wishing to be rude I find that slightly naive.

    When you ‘get bashed’ regularly you’re with other people doing the same thing so it’s all normal and it seems everyone else does it all the time. Then as you go through life you realise the opposite is true and most people weren’t off their tits 3 – 4 nights a week :)

    I guess the opposite is the case from the perspective of those who didn’t – nobody they hung out with got mashed so that was normal.

    Saying that though I find it incredible how ‘straight’ a lot of people have lived their lives. Not necessarily a bad thing!

    Free Member

    I_Ache is clearly not a fukdik.

    He is also spot-on about the shock sizes.

    All hail I_Ache!

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