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  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    Mummy, why does Daddy live with another man?

    Free Member


    The Asda are currently flogging 2 litre bottles of full fat Ribena for 2 quid if anyone’s interested in drinking something a bit easier to prepare, has no confusing jargon attached and doesn’t make you sound everso middle clarse. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t have thought you’d do much better than The Hotel Portmeirion for a location.

    And you could re-enact your* favourite scenes from The Prisoner while you’re there.


    Free Member

    I love having a van!
    Aside from comfort and not being able to open the front doors in winter (have to climb through from the back, drive round for 20 mins and then give them a good kick from the inside) it’s great!

    Never have to clean it as: it’s a van! And it’s used for ferrying bikes around in. Does have a fold-down really dogey bench seat in the back that you’d have to mental to use, so it’s the passengers’ fault if they don’t want to.

    Good way to make friends* as instantly everyone you know wants you to help them move house/take stuff to the tip.

    *Make friends/become a gopher :)

    Free Member

    There are often decent links on the money saving expert forum for free unlocks.

    Free Member

    Jeez, and you thought doing a list of wedding guests was hard!

    Could be a blessing. Imagine the layabouts you’d never have to consort with agen – and they’d have to be everso nice to you if you happened to cross paths, you know – just in case.

    Wonder if they really will give away what they think they’ll give away when they consider how much will vanish in taxes.

    Free Member

    why not just set up a company, make big profits for yourself and employ lots of people

    Would you seriously take on the crap of running a company if you got >100M for no effort?
    I could think of at least 3 things I’d rather do.

    How big would your profits need to be before you had enough?

    Free Member

    oh and allthepies I got outbid by 30%

    By my reckoning you were outbid by 43%.
    This is the site for maths pedantry, is it not?

    Free Member

    Used one for a while, lost it, didn’t notice any -ve difference.
    Useless “complementary” item IMO.

    Free Member

    For a destination Fraser Island is reet nice & has varying levels of accom. all the way down to camping

    If you really wanted to waste some money you could go to


    Free Member

    I’d say this


    Free Member

    P.S. If they do charge won’t the cost be claimable as part of the settlement?

    Free Member

    wondering what the lbs will charge for that

    My LBS only sells BMXs & ‘normal’ bikes, so when I had to get a post-RTA evaluation I went to the nearest swanky shop (Spesh only) and they kindly wrote an essay on frame mis-alignment & carbon fallibility, a part by part replacement list and a full bike equivalent price; all free of charge.

    Nice people. They may get some business out of me for their efforts sometime.

    Free Member

    Mountain Biker gets taken out by BUCK – CRAZY Footage – Only in Africa

    Lesson 1: Avoid Africa

    That’ll be £20 please.

    Free Member

    I had a suicidal sheep try something similar on the northern flanks of Snowdon – not quite as dramatic, but it could easily have had me off into a dry stone wall if my sheep avoidance technique hadn’t been so finely tuned.

    Free Member

    TuckerUK +1

    BB7s are rather good.

    Free Member

    My LBS’s are telling me I can go to a demo day, but the bike won’t come to me.

    I see.

    I’ve never test ridden any of the bikes I’ve had; my guess is you’ll love any of them as there aren’t many complete turkeys out there :)

    Free Member

    Trek – don’t supply test bikes anymore


    The claim on the demo locator on here: is that they’re updating with 2012 bikes.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Happy music with a sad topic…

    Free Member

    +1 @ Jedi.

    Fresh chillies a go-go, chilli powder just burns!

    Free Member

    Of course with Korma being a method of cooking where no water is added until the end and not the creamy slop dished out in “Indian” restaurants, a Korma could be any level of heat.

    Says pedant Rob the food snob.

    Free Member

    I know someone who went on 7 MTB trips with Freeride Spain & learnt nothing. She didn’t realise this until she went with another holiday company and became a much better rider within a few days.

    I couldn’t believe she was crying because she was so happy to have been coached over a 3 foot drop.

    She is now a repeat customer of the other company.

    There are a couple in the same area that are poss a bit more what the OP is looking for as they are a bit more descent orientated and don’t delight in never-ending climbs.

    Although you will still have to climb :)

    Free Member

    My brother bought this on 7″ ‘back in the day’.
    He was a little misguided I feel…

    Free Member

    May be a case for the use of the cunning sumproduct function here – more info required, though, best if you can supply a workbook with a sample of the data.

    Free Member

    Up Llanberis really hurt my calves, espesh the insanely steep bit after the 2nd little tunnel.

    I *could* ride up a decent chunk of Llanberis in reality but the bike I’d be doing it on isn’t the monster I’d want to be descending on :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I’m going for chorizio tonight. Can’t be the sweet spansish sausage.

    If anyone cares, chorizo often contains milk.

    Free Member

    Or carry/push up Rangers :)

    Not to everyone’s taste but I prefer it to pushing up Llanberis* as it’s not painfully steep (but does take longer/is a bit awkward/knackering) and gives you a good opportunity to scope out what you’ll be doing on the way down.

    *You may actually be riding up! I couldn’t :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Once one celeb’s death by hanging themselves accidentally for “I love not breathing, it gives me a boner” type kicks has been splashed all over the red-tops another one doing the same just isn’t news.

    I guess.

    Free Member

    Maybe there is a law against being an arsehole after all?

    Free Member

    Also had non-riding friends getting excited about it.

    Maybe it’ll inspire them to discover the joys of chucking themselves down mountains too?

    Free Member

    Lazy get!,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1680&bih=965&wrapid=tljp1315904049067045&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=11448227510591606751&sa=X&ei=OhpvTu2mNsu68gOf_LmICg&sqi=2&ved=0CFQQ8gIwAw#

    I’ve got some; bought years ago thinking it would be a good idea – it wasn’t; must have used them all of 3 times :)
    Not gonna try to flog them to you though cos I may well be hiring a spinning bike over winter & they could come in useful so I won’t have to change pedals every time my GF wants to have a play.

    Free Member

    I used to have 36 talas forks on my 06 enduro & religiously changed the travel for climbs & descents cos I could – even though I think it pedalled better at full travel, just the front end was a little harder to control while climbing.

    I now have fixed 160mm domains and don’t miss being able to change them, although I’ll admit steep or rocky climbs are a bit tough :)

    Free Member

    You’re on holiday riding some tracks, its a fairly relaxed affair

    Not necessarily :) I’m betting he’ll be going as fast as he can push it on 556.

    Free Member

    I’d go for a much cheaper bike bag lined with a free box from LBS, like I already have done :)

    Also some tyres and a few plates of ribs.

    Free Member

    Overstated? Is that predictive for interested? :)

    Is here:

    Along with many others.

    If I know someone’s gonna read it, have I forced myself into a position where I have to update it, or suffer the mental torture of knowing I’m not connecting with my audience???

    Free Member

    Corby place is here:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1366&bih=625&wrapid=tlif131547584582610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=fineshades+wood&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=fineshades+wood&ei=ipFoTt-FKZO78gOogpncCw&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CBYQtgM

    It’s split into 2; Fineshade & Wakerley Woods.

    Fineshade Woods has a family trail that’s good for a warm up with some “skills” loops on it; most of which are likely to be beneath the level of most people on here & not particularly well thought out, but the last 2 or 3 are quite good fun and got some giggles from me.

    It also has some really nice XC type paths, but they’re for walkers only, so avoid on sunny weekend days.

    Wakerley Woods is a bit more like it really :) Decent XC type trail that will sadly suffer quite badly from being ridden in the wet. It has a couple of really nice (but short) swoopy bits and some challenging climby sections. Not bad for the small amount of money that’s been spent on it.

    Also some half decent random offshoots & illicit trails exist to bulk out the official trail – and some really shit jumps that should be avoided at all costs :)

    Poss not worth driving more than 1 hr to get to, but if local then better than nothing.

    Free Member

    Might actually use that blog to structure my progression – if only I can get over the thought in my mind that blogs are for attention seekers :mrgreen:

    Have just written a list of points to work on – it’s amazing how yesterday seems like a distant memory, but all the important stuff has sunk in v. well. Now to apply it and make it all second nature…

    Free Member

    i’ll be all romantic and tell her i’d like her to try riding over another man’s wood this weekend

    Best laugh I’ve had all morning!*

    @Jedi Certainly did matey, guess you didn’t see my reply? Must have tapped my head when I hit the ground yesterday cos my neck doesn’t work quite right today! Mind you I’ve landed on the top of my head a few times in the past so it’s familiar territory :)

    Just pondering whether go score some God points doing community based voluntary work or reinforce yesterday’s sesh with some swoopy corners at the mini trail centre that’s sprung up just north of Corby…

    *Note to self: Grow up. Sometime.

    Free Member

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