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  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    This place is pretty amazing

    Up in the mountains, very scenic with cable car to go higher, very reasonably priced and has some good restaurants.

    Biella & Navarra are both really nice towns to stay in (same kinda area) plenty of culture etc. if you’d like to go somewhere other than the really obvious place others are suggesting :wink:

    Free Member

    Oops! Double trouble

    Free Member

    I knew when I broke mine; it was sticking out.


    I was surprised the 2nd time I did mine as it didn’t hurt *that* badly.

    Would like to voice displeasure of Tramadol too – codine is ace stuff, but leave that bad boy Tramadol well alone! Did nothing for pain relief for me and made me a bit loopy (in a bad way). One of my friends told me not to take it as it had made her Dad really depressed – totally ignored her as the codine had stopped being effective after eating buckets of it so went ahead and took it for a couple of days – 50mg dose.

    A few days later went back to the doc’s complaining that it did **** all and he upped the dose to 200mg slow release – a week later I was quite depressed, so I came off it – the depression got much worse. And stayed with me for a few shitty weeks.

    A couple of years later, waking with a king size hangover, I couldn’t find any painkillers in the house aside from the evil Tramadol so I took one and spent the next few hours walking round the house (hangover intact) talking very loudly to myself :?

    Terrible stuff IME.

    Free Member

    Had a non-union some years ago and got a plate inserted to come round to the most insane pain I’ve ever experienced – way past screaming in agony, won’t someone just shoot me type pain. (Don’t let this put you off!)

    Had to have to plate out due to it contracting when the temperature dropped and causing a bit of discomfort. This was a much better experience.

    Broke same clavical earlier this year and tried to push for an op straight away as I suspected part of the reason it was so painful the first time round was that it had been left for weeks on end (had many second opinions; eventually a physio told me it definately needed repairing). As the xray this time looked hopeful the NHS weren’t up for cutting me open and, thankfully, it’s healed ok on its own.

    In short I think it’s definately worth getting the op – bones aren’t meant to float around in bits.

    If it ever happens again I’m gonna try these guys out: apparently the treatments aren’t horrifically expensive (and work?); if it means I don’t have to spend so much time incapacitated as I did earlier this year it’ll be worth paying for.

    Free Member


    Got tickets to see him in Brum 16th Nov – should be damn fine.
    Shame it kicks out at ten though :(

    Free Member

    Nicely done. Seriously good book that.

    I thought I’d give it a go without making the stand and turned my bike upside down to make a front wheel – glad I didn’t make the stand as I didn’t enjoy the wheel building half as much as I’d expected and will be doing as little wheel building as poss in the future.

    Just got to motivate myself to build the rear one now :|

    Free Member

    English is a great and stupid language with many irregularities; dialects and accents definately serve to confound the learner even futher.

    I’d imagine many kids growing up speaking English would have trouble with the word ‘sandwich’ (which I pronounce ‘sandwige’) as they do with, say, ‘Wednesday’ so it’s normal to get confusion.

    The most ridiculous thing for me in English is the different pronounciation of words ending in ‘ough’ such as:


    I like Spanish cos it doesn’t seem to do this sort of thing at all!

    You should move down to the midlands where we all speak proper like :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Maybe you can have too much of a good thing?

    Free Member

    I had a gnarly old lady tell me “It’s lucky to buy something from a gypsy” on my first refusal of some heather.

    Your carpenter may have inadvertently got a hex put on your house – sell it quick!

    Free Member

    ^ Yeah, it rings a bell. Poss a lot easier to do mixed with booze – the overall effect is very different.

    Free Member

    People talking whilst University Challenge is on when they’re not answering questions.

    Especially annoying when they then ask “what was the question?” – making me miss the answer or next question.

    For that reason I’ve started to watch it on iplayer when there’s noone around- speaking of which I’m gonna watch Monday’s right now…

    Free Member

    People who eat with their mouth open

    Too right! I blame the parents.

    Not mad keen on mouth breathers either.

    Free Member

    Did you take acid and do a poo on the carpet in front of everyone?

    A very unlikely event in my experience.

    I managed to produce a raisin sized dropping once after about 20 mins of struggling, but then I was in the normal place – without an audience.

    Free Member

    That 1st pic is terrific!

    Free Member

    I’ve ridden in the Sierra Nevada in Feb in a couple of inches of snow – it was good, but mucho better in the the other seasons.

    There’s quite a lot going down on the coast throughout Winter, much of it DH orientated, but don’t let that put you off as it’s not all crazy madness, but you will need some skills (and a full face helmet :D )

    Free Member

    ^ Absolute balls

    And no regard for red tape – especially somewhere like Spain

    Free Member

    Mark – Resident Grumpy

    I’ve cleaned up 3 posts on this thread already.. That’s my limit.. the next posts I have to ‘clean’ will be accompanied by a 2 day ban

    The marriage one remains intact though…

    Does this make me a grass?

    Free Member

    Genius – I cried a little :lol:

    Free Member

    Coaching lessons with Jedi

    I concur.

    Spending money on how to use > spending money on (bike) = Happy joy

    Also money spent getting to places (anywhere!) to ride.
    And holidays with bike – anywhere.

    And mud tyres for Winter uplifts.

    Free Member

    [/quote] I have drank cows milk recently

    I’m poor grammar intolerant :wink:

    Free Member

    Here’s mine. A bit rambling & written with me in mind to review to check on progress.

    Free Member

    I’ve only had one I couldn’t undo with my hands; took a pair of pliers to it (at the right angle) and since then it’s been loose enough for the fingers to do it.

    Free Member

    Wrap foil round outside, cut to fit, then place in inside would be pretty close.

    Free Member

    illegal law


    Free Member

    I’m gonna give it a go with a pedal tap. If it doesn’t work out I’ve only lost a fiver and with have yet another unusual tool to add to the collection.

    Free Member

    This is genius[/url]

    Don’t have a piss-pot though…

    Free Member

    I was on a road bike, on the road – where else would I ride it?

    Free Member

    It’d be worth the trip to Herts; I’ve done much longer journeys for a few hours ride.

    Depends what you want to learn.

    MTB skilss

    and speling :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Oo, oo, oo!! My favourite ever shed site – needs sound.

    Free Member

    If you want increased protection get a moto helmet

    Can of argument opened right there.

    TL stuff is overpriced to make it look better & be aspirational, no?

    Free Member

    Superb that man!

    Free Member

    Any suggestions??

    Get a second hand one from the classifieds – any one that works.
    Realise how dull it is.
    Re-sell on the classifieds.

    Consider spinning classes.

    Free Member

    ^ That may make sense to you but calling someone a name other than their actual name is bound to cause confusion.

    Anyway didn’t that mark the begining of The Apostolic Church from which Catholicism and every other Christian sect nicked some ideas and tailored them to suit their own needs?

    Free Member

    None of those fit the processor & graphics card requirements

    Don’t get too excited about the marketing bollox, the next big thing you’ll be missing out on is just around the corner.

    God knows what’s inside mine but it was £370 2 years ago and is fine for HD vids and editing lame clips of me riding round the park on my sister’s bike :twisted:

    Free Member

    I like to wear lycra & use spds when riding with certain people who have an issue with it.

    I’m quite capable of wearing baggies and using flats, but having to be seen out in public with someone who hasn’t followed their narrow minded thinking & current fashions seems to wind them up in a way that pleases me :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Anything else I should be looking at?

    I’d go for something cheaper with a bigger discount:

    Maybe your new expensive purchase will last 6 years again, but if you get one now for half the price and another in 3/4 years you’ll keep up with the technology more easily for the same cost and won’t feel so bad about, say, dropping it in the bath 2 days after the warranty expires :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    The whole “carpenter” thing is a translation error, apparently. Used euphemistically for “wise person”.

    euphemistically or sarcastically?

    What kind of wise person takes his pregnant wife on hols during festival time without booking a hotel before he sets off?

    Free Member

    ^ upon whom?

    Free Member

    Free Member



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