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  • Must Watch! Allen Millyard talks us through the Millyard Racing 001 Downhill Bike!
  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    ^ Nothing more than a unicycle, a tutu & killer heels is needed.

    In my opinion, of course.

    But then I ride close to the speed of bullshit light and it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing if you crash then.

    Free Member

    Sometimes I doubt mboy’s commitment to sparkle motion

    Free Member

    How many bikes can you fit in one of those? ^

    Free Member

    It’s mostly fire roads up & messy MX/forestry machine tracks descents for the downs. Pretty much all FC land – nobody’s gonna bother you about riding there.

    There’s tons to explore and barring there being a hunt or rally on you’ll probly not see anyone else – which could be a bad thing! I’ve crashed whilst poking about there solo before and I was just fit to get to my car & home, any worse and I would have been in the shit.

    Free Member

    Help me choose, I’m thinking of buying either a sherry trifle or a piano.

    Neither of these make great pets, although the piano would be quite low maintenance – only needing tuning, probably, once a year.

    The trifle, on the other hand, much like an owl, has specific needs (such as a fridge), which can be expensive.

    Free Member

    This is the bike for somebody who wants the best

    The best clown bike?

    Free Member

    Where do you serious riders ride, Rob would like to know?
    Where is bad?*

    Bad meaning good of course – in a Run DMC kinda way.

    Free Member

    Like no way dude – parallel lives!

    I’m doing level 2 on Mondays & Wednesday evenings.
    Get the feeling you’re a bit ahead of me.

    You don’t also have flashbacks to when you were a small Amish girl churning butter on a rainy day do you?*

    *Made this bit up.

    Free Member

    Bad pussywillow! Norty!

    Although… what is bad – in your estimation?

    Free Member

    I had quite a time trying to resolve (I think) this very issue some years ago. I wonder what I did…

    How about using the offset as a named formula?

    Free Member

    ^ Good shout rusty, just the kind of thing I’ve been looking for.

    Free Member

    Why so many DH lids? Sure it’s a tasty descent but it ain’t that hard….. At all!

    Cos you look silly wearing goggles with a regular helmet.

    Why the googles? Cos it’s faaaaaast down from the train tracks & without them you’ll be crying so hard you won’t see the killer sheep hiding behind the big rocks waiting to pounce on you & send you flying*.

    *True story** – I have video evidence.

    **Slightly elaborated

    Anyhoo, I don’t wear a full-face for hard descents, rather for ones I’ll be going at a decent speed on and, should I crash, will be doing so quite out of control, possibly hitting my head/face/flailing limbs off the ground/trees/rocks etc.

    Free Member

    Ahhh… happy days

    Free Member

    Did you notice the article was written by Boris Yeltsin?

    Free Member

    Gadget show – program for ****ts, by ****ts.
    SImilarity to Top Gear right there.

    That thing up there ^… looks great fun! And looks…

    Free Member

    Who would you suggest in their place then?

    NDubz yo. They is a roll moddle.

    Free Member

    Paolo Nutini is apparently the best the Scots have to offer…

    Not Fish? I’d have gone with Fish.

    Free Member

    ^ Good to know.

    According to the local uplift service they only need a minimum of 4 riders for their private days – got to be a breeze to organise, that one!

    Free Member

    Not featuring or taken by me and I only know half of the people in it.

    But I like it.

    Free Member

    ^ Balls, didn’t spot that! Yep, it IS Ae – Inners would have suited me best.

    Tally got muddled up I guess. So still in the dark re: numbers of tracks.

    Free Member

    Heard back from Tally:

    We normally just do the 8 seater for private days. It’s £250 for the day and it’s up to you to fill it!
    I can look into a 16 seater and see if we could do that for you.
    As for payment it’s normally done by the person booking (ie £250 in one transaction) and can be done direct to us by bank transfer.

    Going by what he told me previously the 16 seater would cost £512. At best we seem to have 13 (maybe 14) riders at the mo, which would make an individual cost somewhere between £36 & £40.

    We may be able to pick up another couple of stragglers to bring the price down, but failing that we’re either looking at £40 each or the 8 seater and some people missing out – which clearly we don’t want as we all want to have some fun :mrgreen:

    So… confirmation on definites needed ASAP please.
    And then you also have to be prepared to pay for a part seat that might have no-one in it. Think of it as a timeshare??

    Then we come to the issue of payments 😕
    Well, I guess it won’t hurt if we did 2 payments to Tally? I’m thinking one from Vortexracing’s crew and then eveyone else through me?

    Not ideal, but I’m not about to flee the country for a couple of hundred quid.

    Don’t know the time it’ll start yet – did ask, but that’s the one Q Tally didn’t answer. I’d imagine 9:30 for 10:00 or there abouts, but he did tell me

    It it rains at Inners it is ok, some tracks muddier than others but not slow gloop!!

    which sounds promising for there being more than one track.

    Why can’t life be simple? 🙂

    Free Member

    SUMIFS is a handy addition to 2010


    New in 07

    Rob needs to leave the glowing screen alone for a while :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Opera in Verona could be a winner; I’m thinking of doing it sometime even though I friggin hate Opera 🙂 It’s largely entry level stuff and a performance in the arena would be quite an experience, I reckon.

    Red wine! Really, really spoilt for choice round there esp. Amarone – but it does cost.

    Maybe a visit to Seriously impressive place, but maybe a bit far out for you.

    Avoid Juiliette’s Balcony!

    Free Member

    ^ :mrgreen:

    It’s either this or arguing with TJ.

    Or getting on with what I’m sposed to be doing…

    Free Member

    ^ New in 07 (I’m still stuck in 05 🙂 ) Sumifs does the job nicely, but isn’t as flexible as Sumproduct (which can be used for really unexpected things).

    The database functions can also be used for such type things, but I never bothered to learn them.

    Free Member

    No its not Its neither dangerous or a sport. (unless you race)

    Incorrect pedant is incorrect.

    And his sentence structure is just awful :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Personally I’m hoping Ton turns up on his electric bike 😀

    Ok, so now I’m back from Wookie hunting I can’t wait to get stuck into another trip! Only got Tally’s answerphone, so can’t throw questions at him that way – have emailed him as follows:

    Hi Tally,

    Looking forward loads to this… just a few queries.

    Is pricing the same as Inners?

    Are available seats the same as Inners? Think 16 seater will be on, but we may be a couple of bodies short.

    Regarding payments; is it possible for us to pay through your website as if booking a normal weekend date or would I have to sort it out?

    What time will it kick off?

    If it pisses it down does it turn to goop?

    Are electric bikes acceptable? Did I really leave this in?!?*


    If anyone’s got anything else to add, lets hear it.

    Will email to dist list as previous – we need to confirm numbers.

    Anyone else who wants to join the party, get in touch.

    *Awaits shoeing from Ton :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I’ve just stuck a 2.35 High Roller on an EX729 – it looks a bit odd 😀

    Free Member

    haha! Comedian!

    I’m seriously! Some people even appreciate that you view them as potentially competant and start to delve into the mysteries themselves.

    Give a man a fish etc.

    Anyhoo… try putting “Ozgrid” in your search text – most of the answers are in there somewhere.

    Free Member

    slim and efficient using all the standard, documented, functions available.

    Non sequitur :mrgreen:

    If you’re using Sumproduct you’ve got a client who can’t follow what you’re doing anyway 🙂 Bits of code can make it all so much smoother and, even, easier for the client to follow & even edit, rather than formulae that rely on helper cells etc. Not least because you can add notes to the code.

    There’s sooooo much you can do in VBA to make your models slick that you can’t use the front end for – go on, do it! You know you want to!

    Free Member

    Sumproduct function is truly the wonder of Excel, back in the good old days when people wanted to pay me with twiddling about with it I used to use it all the time.

    This is the place to learn it: Bob is pretty much recognised as the world expert when it comes to Sumproduct.

    I hate VBA. I really only ever work in functions (which is what that ^ up there is) unless I need to run a macro.

    UDFs are so handy sometimes (& powerful!); VBA can make things so much tidier.

    Free Member

    kaesae – Member

    I love all of those videos / short films, they show you all the techniques for free

    Too right!
    Now I’m fully prepared to throw myself off a cliff and I’ll be fine cos I watched The Claw do it first!

    Free Member

    ^ no need; it’s


    Free Member

    It can’t have been based on a boardgame, there wasn’t any sumbarines in the film.

    The clue is in the name – it was under the water!!

    Not according to the quizmaster of a pub quiz I entered some years ago.

    Q: Name an underground weapon.

    Our answer: landmine.
    Answer on card: submarine

    Argument ensued, I lost because… it was the answer on the card.
    I hate morons :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    ^ only if you were looking through a hole in the wall

    Free Member

    Or “put this one to bed”, whilst pointing at the person in the room most likely to be a virgin.

    Edit: Unless that’s yourself.

    Free Member

    Whats goodbye in Australian? G’Bye mate?

    hooroo cobber


    Free Member

    Ones that fit your helmet/face. Quite a lot of goggs sit on the bridge of my nose, which is distracting and can make it run 😕

    Never Oakleys unless you actually like seeing through steamed up plastic.

    I’ve know people who don’t even own Oakleys recommend them! Probly cos they’re “the brand” to have?

    I was recommended double glazed ski goggles to combat misting and bought a pair of these:

    They happen to fit my face nicely & don’t mist easily (but it can be acheived). The strap has a clip so you don’t have to slide them up your helmet to get them off – meaning they don’t push loads of crap into your eyes when you slide them down again.

    Free Member

    Nice. Next time see if you can get monkey and spanking past him.

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