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  • Diversion Diary | In The Zone
  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    How did you post that if you are benned?
    Rob does not understand, but Rob forgives you.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Cotics come with a (shit) clamp
    Mine did anyway.

    Free Member

    The ones that you want, these are the ones you want – oo, oo, oo!

    Big fan of grease me! Or copperslip, you know, whatever.

    steel – check
    black – check
    adaptable – check
    stupid design that *can be* a pain in the arse – uncheck! Hex key either side – why didn’t anyone think of it sooner?

    Free Member

    Second Betty’s – a marvellous wallet emptying place 🙂

    Free Member

    Try it and find out?

    Palms away (especially wide grip) engages your lats more than palms facing, which (mostly) works the biceps.

    Free Member

    You could try hiring one to find one you like? You’d also find out if you’re actually going to use it 🙂

    I’ve had one from Carl @:

    previously and the service was very good, reasonable price, flywheel a bit rusty from the amount of sweat it’d had poured onto it, but otherwise in good nick.

    I’ll probly have another one of him over the Winter.

    Free Member

    I saw the pot-bellied man of mystery in Brum last year; he turned up late, did half a half hearted show and then (like the audience was) pissed off.

    I hope your experience rates higher.

    Public Enemy a few weeks previously was far better.

    Free Member

    Depends if they’re really running. Most people I know who “run” are plodders; if the equvialent was a dull slow ride it could be quite far and last most of the day 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d look at anything > full time hours as overtime so 1.5 x a normal day’s pay? Or 2 x for Sundays 🙂

    You could check out a few contractor websites for average rates in your field.

    Free Member

    My experience of Rocket Rons wasn’t quite as dramatic, but it wasn’t fun.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Anyone embarrassed to ride BMX in public, what’s that all about?

    Not being able to live up to the expectation of being middle aged, riding what is generally considered to be a kids bike and having no level of competancy?

    Free Member

    Nicely-nice. Now got to man up to using a 41 tooth ring 🙂

    While we’re sharing I came across these the other day. Not delivered yet, but I’m expecting less frustration than I generally have with the standard design.

    Free Member

    not as technical down as the Ranger Path

    Aside from the very top bit that most sane people wouldn’t even bother to try dragging their bike up.

    It’s pretty good, but I wouldn’t do it again unless it’d been dry for a while.

    Free Member

    Thats why people use cars!

    I’ve heard some losers travel by bike :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    BBs are pretty easy to service. Sharp pick, cotton buds, IPA, new grease and about 20 mins of your time.

    Free Member

    I have 6 children 2 feed

    Crazy… or a mutant?

    Free Member

    If my back is more upright so closer to vertical surely I would be looking at the same point with less neck bend?

    Correct; I think he worded it badly, so what he said was the opposite of what he meant.

    Free Member

    Are your bars way lower than your saddle? This can cause neck ache as your neck would be in a position similar to sitting on a chair constantly looking at the ceiling.

    Free Member

    I’d rather eat my own faeces :mrgreen:

    In an attempt to be more refined I’m going to a Haydn/Mozart recital tonight, not sure I’ll fit in…

    Free Member

    Genuine question – what is the advantage of these products over plain water?

    Something to do with the cleaning solution breaking the surface tension of the water. And maybe something to do with -ve ionisation.

    But that’s me getting a bit out of my depth.

    Free Member

    washing up liquid will make all those bolts & nuts rusty over time

    Especially the aluminium ones 🙂

    So won’t water do that? You know, over time.

    Free Member

    Washing up liquid contains salt. Good for rusting up things

    Depends what you do with it; if you cover your bike with it neat and don’t bother washing it off it’ll promote electrolytic action between different metals, but a few drops in a bucket and then hosing down after cleaning seems unlikely to cause damage.

    Free Member

    Fenwicks by the barrel for cheap, fairy liquid for cheaperer still.

    Poundland bike cleaner does an alright job for me

    How much does that cost?

    Free Member

    thepodge – Member
    Rob, as someone with a concentric bb frame on my main bike, I’m curious why you would rule one out.

    Received wisdom (claims posted on various forums) dictates pedalability of concentric bb to be gash.

    I have no first hand knowledge of such matters and, while I’m not really one to blindly believe every/anything I read, I am willing to accept that other peoples’ posts relating their experiences may have some truth to them.

    So… here’s where you tell me your bike pedals just great and I choose whether to believe you :mrgreen:

    P.S. This may not have been the reason for ruling out all concentric bb frames – the Kona Bass on CRC would have been mine as it was a nice price, but there was something else putting me off it, that I don’t renember – aside from the colour 🙂

    Free Member

    Bought a mythic rampant frame today after much umming and ahing about similar frames – ruled out many similar(ish) ones due to them having having concentric BB pivots.

    Did have a BFe, but was thinking I could do with something pretty much the same but with a bit of rear travel as safety net (ambition not matched by ability), then broke the BFe, so that forced my hand.

    Wasn’t keen on the price, but it is nice and shiny 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s great for road riding, but that’s more a mode of transport/form of exercise in my mind than a way to have fun.

    Free Member

    Anything you’d eat at any other time of the day.

    This morning I had a pâté sandwich and a banana; clearly not iDave compatible, bit that’s not my point.

    Free Member

    If I was patriotic I’d be riled by this:

    They’re all over our village and I just don’t see the need; they could have just left the “real” ones up that were still there from the jubilee.

    Free Member

    Full marks for stealthiness!

    Free Member

    Rob needs friends 🙂

    Emailer in profile, but your’s isn’t…

    Free Member

    Odd numbers suck. Anything divisible by 4 kicks ass.
    Prime or other “special” numbers are exempt from sucking.

    Mild compulsion to do anything with right hand that I do with left (and vice versa) e.g. sratching right side of head with right hand is soon mirrored by scratching left side of head with left hand – do this a lot, but doesn’t wind me up if I don’t “comply”.

    Worst case has been scalding right hand with hot water (accident) and immediately doing same with left (on purpose) to even things up. Had serious word with myself after!

    Always count number of paces when walking on varying surfaces e.g. tarmac changes to concrete – will always step on to new surface with right foot where poss (time steps to make it happen), if stepping on with left it feels wrong, in either case I always step off with the other foot than I stepped on with = the world is at peace 🙂

    I’ve met plenty of people who do similar.

    I’d have every spare known to man, rear mechs, shifters, bearing kits, bearing drifts, cable and outer sets, brake fluid the lot.

    Nothing odd there. Unless you take 2 of everything 🙂

    Free Member

    The Beast of Hope Cross?

    Not easy to do fast but there’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more challenging descents to be had – espesh at DH venues.

    I ride a lot around coed-y-brenin and landegla

    Broaden your horizons – that stuff’s a piece of piss

    Free Member

    8/10 the attempt at some kind of punctuation cost you dear.

    You may prefer pinkbike.

    Free Member

    **** ‘ell – what’d you do to it?!

    Bike/tree interface error :mrgreen:

    Is toe overlap an issue on that, Rob, or do you just get used to pedalling to suit?

    If you’re pedalling & turning the handlebars at the same time you’re doing it wrong. As you can tell from the above, doing it wrong is my field of expertise…

    Free Member

    Every Fireroad/singletrack climb, they were faster; fine we let them through; afterall it’s a group ride but I wouldn’t want to hold someone up. However when we got to any descents, where we were quicker- did they let me though ? He’ll no they didnt. Was sat on someone’s back wheel for most every fun bit.

    Never enter the Dyfi Enduro :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with a BFe?
    The last one I saw had about an 85 degree head angle!

    You talking about this bad boy?
    I’m telling you the short wheelbase makes it proper flickable :mrgreen:

    Disclaimer: This was not JRA! They are proper strong frames; I’m just proper stupid :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I’m all about the ketchup me!

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