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  • Crankbrothers New M13 & M20 Trailside Companion Multitools
  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    references to stone fruits/ cherries or chocolate/sweet/caramel

    IME this is all bullshit, coffee should taste like coffee.

    The beans from Hasbean are seriously overrated on here and, whilst they make a decent cup of coffee, are crap for espresso. I get the darkest oiliest beans from and can’t half tell the difference.

    Currently awaiting the arrival of this year’s crop of nom-tastic elephant beans…

    Free Member

    Go Ton!

    Free Member

    EDIT: for anyone into Excel, this is a must read

    Not anyone! Not many people get close to the level where they’d need to open that book.

    Anyone want to buy my pristene copy? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    What’s green and goes red at the flick of a switch?
    A frog in a blender.

    What do you get if you add milk?
    Frog nog!

    What happens if you drink frog nog?
    You Croak!

    Free Member

    You can’t use a spice grinder to turn the knobbles someone’s cut from a wetscream into granules to mix in with your tubeless goop to give it more binding texture, no matter how good an idea you I might think it is.

    It’ll ruin the blades and you’ll discover from the sparking that there more to these tyres than just a bit o’ rubber 😳

    But I’m yet to try it with a food processor…

    Free Member

    They sent me four pairs of the wrong pads last time I ordered some!
    Maybe I should have ordered the right ones?

    Tangfastics made it all better.

    Anyone need some brake pads*^?

    *Warning: They may, or may not, be the wrong ones**.

    **Dependant on which brakes you have.

    ^Tangfastics not included – sorry.

    Free Member

    We think its some odd Polish spelling of Casper?

    Free Member

    If you’ve only got 1 chainring won’t it be in the middle position, so inner bolt mangling irrelevant?

    Edit: I’m surprised you’re not dead already

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Similar to the OP, a few weeks ago a father was shouting to his son in my village – the name? Saxon.

    I pissed myself laughing :mrgreen: Got quite a dirty look from the father, who I’d like to think was a stalwart of NWOBHM, but probly wasn’t cos he was wearing a superb pair of **** red trousers 🙂

    Free Member

    No eyelets and depth of channel maybe but…

    second hand value

    Ride them til you kill them.

    Free Member

    have you been watching me?

    A boy’s gotta have a hobby

    Free Member

    So with that in mind your description of Ed sounds ideal

    Poss. will be covering the same things?

    I’d be interested in a comparison; I’ve been to Tony 3 times (so far) and have come a long way. One of my mates wants to go to dirtschool as part of a road trip but I’m a bit iffy, mostly cos I know he’d benefit masses from time with Tony cos I can really see the gaps in his technique and I know they’ll be covered nicely by him (he won’t listen to me :mrgreen: )

    Also, I know where I’d like to take my riding and I know Tony has got what I need 🙂


    skills to clear a 10ft gap jump

    It’s all in the mind 😉

    Free Member

    Or there used to be a DH track in Ribbesford woods.

    There’s more than one now – and by george it’s a fun day out 🙂

    Free Member

    Rob votes lessons first.

    In Rob’s experience you may find yourself “upping your game” and doing things that the full sus gives a wider margin of error should you make a wee error 🙂

    Free Member

    In before the schism!

    Free Member

    I also hate prestas and have drilled out rims in the past – I did not die.

    Currently pondering whether it’s wise to do this to some Stans rims as I have some very fetching dust caps sitting around I’d like to use.

    Just renember to file any burrs off…

    Free Member

    That’s commitment!

    Free Member

    What’s occuring with the saddle?

    Free Member


    Bad-tempered and unfriendly

    You may prefer

    Free Member

    Still not bad, I’ve seen a lot duller on here.

    You forgot your gloves though 🙂

    Free Member

    “whinge” is not a word

    Is bell-end a word? You know, cos it’s hyphenated, or is it two?

    Free Member

    Currently considering opening a hotel or service station…

    Free Member

    The best? The absolute best?
    There’s no such thing 🙂

    Unless you go to Lasan in the city centre. Contemporary Indian food isn’t what I usually go for, preferring traditional home-cooked type stuff but… OMG Lasan is goooooood!!

    Frikkity expensive though and probly not VFM, but I’m saving my pennies to go again soon.

    Otherwise 2nd Sparkbrook, used to go there a lot until my fav. place shut down. Anywhere can be good or a bit hit and miss. Jyoti in Hall Green is pretty good for Souther Indian style veggie food (and one of the fews places in Brum you can get a masala dosa).

    Free Member

    should be called the dyfi big loop by rights shouldnt it?

    Not the: “Lets have a nice fun pootle in the forest while a load of noobs hold their brakes on and skid around all over the place on the descents making you do the same cos there’s no way through and making it a bit of a terrifing experience – athon*”?

    *Also includes some climbing.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Self mod – am fool.

    Free Member

    Spinning classes or hire?

    I’ve had a spinning bike from Karl before @

    Nice guy and good service.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Clean it with Milton, you’ll soon miss the taste of plastic.

    Free Member

    I use these:

    Find it quite relaxing, so do it fairly regularly (more enjoyable than building a wheel for me). Get a decent life out of them, but I did crack one of the plastic covers the other day 😕

    Free Member

    I only ever break black spokes. So they must be weaker.

    Strengthen them up with some silver paint?

    Free Member

    Comment in the link:

    …surely the claimants would only have a case if they can prove that “It’s Not About The Bike” was actually about a bike?


    Free Member

    i don’t even want black spokes

    Easily remedied

    Rob likes helping

    Free Member

    There’s a big thread on homebrew goop on mtbr…

    Free Member

    Paint them yourself?

    Free Member

    manly van


    You’re doing it wrong 🙂

    Now that’s what I’m talking about!

    Free Member


    Tends to book up very far in advance, but you might get lucky.

    Edit: If you’re a Vegan animal lover type, it’s probly best to give it a wide berth due to the show chicken/fighting cock breeding thing they’ve got going on.

    Free Member

    That’s nothing – look at the tits on this!

    Free Member

    Too slow…

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