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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Charlotte Inman
  • robgarrioch
    Full Member

    On reflection, 10,000 Days is easily my least played Tool album, nowhere near the 'journey' experience of previous albums.

    Find most Green Day albums start off great, play twice, then never again- no staying power!

    Full Member

    I'm cool with whatever day, being in the happy situation of staying 2 mins from puke hill, will prob be going out both days :-). At present, still saying Saturday, 10.30 from the scout gate (by no means binding though)

    Full Member

    Must try (Clerks director) Kevin Smiths (with thanks to last weeks Mayo / Kermode one!)

    Full Member

    If not for work I'd be all over that – a weekend ride starting from your side must be imminent…

    Full Member

    Kit – ta for photo info.
    An open-ended ride this, so will firm-up details later, but to get us started, say 10.30 from Bonaly (poss. hangover-friendly!). Feel free to suggest preferred route / starting points though.

    Full Member

    Any chance you can mail me 'singletrack descent' Kit (address in profile) – that's definitely for the album!

    Full Member

    'Tell No-One', only film I remember seeing where I could feel my heart beat rise & fall with the film (the bit in the park when his wife walks in..).
    +1 for 'The Lives of Others' too.

    Full Member

    Great set again Kit – do I detect a little influence by SFBarnes in 1 or 2..?
    The one of Dr. T / Dwayne[/url] strafing (?) through the long grass captures the mood well, I think. + can you feel the pain?[/url] .Top quality.

    Full Member

    The blue sections I've done have surprisingly good features – the red has a few potentially scary sections for a 1st timer. I'd go for the blue (can be v. fast too), then you can link up some red sections to it on the 2nd lap (get a free map from the Hub shop) or the free-ride park as will says ^^

    Full Member

    go on then, 1 more for old times sake…

    Full Member

    Could we transcribe this & send it to Monty Python – posts alternating between street lighting & annoying molluscs; does it get any better? 😆

    Full Member

    (You might have more response in a separate thread TonyL)
    Can't think of much that's not a direct copy from some other trail centre tbh – maybe some flowy mounds on the 1st 'flat' section leading to the berms… or putting some showers in 🙂 The quarry's great, good luck with it.
    & get well soon the unfortunate rider, hope your pride isn't too dented.

    Full Member

    Better to make the wave / nod, then take the moral high ground if you're not dignified with a response 😀
    I'll always wave / nod if the situation allows, good for the camaraderie y'know. Not to mention encouraging those hardy riders when I've marshalled in road events – usually a thumbs up when passing.

    Full Member

    (Is this a candidate for 'most surreal thread twist of the year'?)

    Full Member

    Nowt worse than snail-guilt is there, really brings your evening down. Poor sods.

    Full Member

    dg – will post up a separate(ish) thread later in the week, this one's gettin' too busy! Wont have quite as much time available, but enough for a useful spin (+ the g/f's getting suspicious, all this time spent with a group of panting, sweaty bikers!?)

    Full Member

    D.G.O.A.B. – could be tempted out again (what else can one do, living in Bonaly :D). If it wasn't for the hi-quality pictures, I'd say Kit deserves a turn without the extra weight of that long lens in his pack!

    Full Member

    The main link's right at the top ^^^ there m-t-b

    Full Member

    God, that looks fantastic; extend much envy to those who partook. Reckon you're in for imminent over-subscription thanks to those photos… How serious of a race is it – i.e. no holds barred/no quarter given, or have-fun-getting-round-a.quick.a.p.? I'd love to take that course on but aint a racer in any shape or form.

    Full Member

    Pitchshifters '' went straight back to the shop after 30 seconds of each track.
    (I mean, growers are always the best, but I physically couldn't listen to that – & I've got a couple of Nile albums! Had similar experience with 'Squid & The Whale' dvd…)

    Full Member

    Cheers Kit, clearly I made a mistake giving up that modelling contract!

    Full Member

    (that was about the worst timed comment I've made yet, so here it is again)

    ..but the best part about holding gates open is everyone tanking past with wide eyes / grins, as evident on the end of the descent towards Bavelaw. If it was the states there'd be a-whoopin & hollerin!

    (…drums fingers…taps forehead…Kit's photies must be due shortly..;))

    Full Member

    From a different perspective

    (hope no-one spots the slight doctoring..)

    Full Member

    ..but the best part about holding gates open is everyone tanking past with wide eyes / grins, as evident on the end of the descent towards Bavelaw. If it was the states there'd be a-whoopin & hollerin!

    (…drums fingers…taps forehead…Kit's photies must be due shortly.. :D)

    Full Member

    Suggest ProBikeKits own 5-lens jobs, £16 the lot + a neat 'hard' case (clear, yellow, orange, blue + smoke lenses). Quality's reasonable for the £.

    Full Member

    Streching the definition a bit, but 'Someone To Love' with Georgey Michael at the Freddy Mercury tribute is a guilty pleasure of mine

    Full Member

    Sterling work with the ride info again Andy – not quite sure where the 13k of level was, but 7.5k of climbing sounds decent enough. Helluva steep dh at 20km, end of Black hill maybe??

    BTW Paul goes by the alias PaulGillespie.

    Next on the list – some big ol' rubber queens, like what Ian's got! (& maybe some private climbing-technique lessons :wink:)

    Full Member

    Indeed, surprisingly fine weather, even the wind couldn't bring us down. Thanks to all who turned up, apologies to those who missed it. A couple of lo-quality phone photos for the collective – I'm confident Kits usual standard will put them in the shade;

    Dunno why, but this makes me think of a squadron of Lancasters, on the final run to the dams!??

    & mr 13floormonk about to catch some serious air (man)!

    A few more here[/url]

    Just off out again, so look forward to reading the post-ride comments later. Well done all.

    Full Member

    Think that makes 10 of us so far, will re-tread this thread in't morning for a final (?) count 🙂

    Full Member

    The live bonus disc with 'Chimaira' by Chimaira – Pure Hatred sounds so much better live

    Full Member

    Takes a drastic combination of circumstances before mine gets dragged out, once a year. Half an hour & it's back on the shelf. Would see more use with a dvd player or one o them computer programmes (no power, water or view in my garage!), but have realised my main reason for cycling is to be out & about, fitness coming a close 2nd.

    Full Member

    Offroading – the last (& only)time I did it, we continued on, down to the rhs of North Esk reservoir, & finally down to Carlops (more by luck than judgement). Then along the A702 to NineMileBurn & a hard climbing path back up to West Kip. Not a hugely enjoyable route, but definitely a good workout.

    Full Member

    Ah, I'm (vaguely) with you, think we'll be descending a little of that on Sunday… Remember doing xylophone st. last year, good feature!

    Full Member

    Mmm, new trailraker on the back, might be tempted to see how much resistance Allermuir puts up now!!
    Don't know YB Road by name, which part's that?

    Full Member

    I'd say definitely, for a 1st visit – a lap to familiarise, then another for more fun. I usually repeat the top 'circle' 2 or 3 times before heading back to the car park, you'd easy get a couple of hours out of it

    Full Member

    Could give it a try – presuming smooth strata is more suited to a drop barred rigid, it wont be too bad. There will be some rough patches but many line choices – personally I've no idea how a cx bike rides..?
    Sounds, from your alias, you're familiar with the Pentlands already??

    Full Member

    Apologies, minor hi-jack – my racing-snake buddy has pulled out of our Gypsy Glen (revisited) ride tomorrow, if anyone fancies hooking up for some (undoubtedly) peaty, muddy mayhem (on my birthday :-)). Space for 1 more on the roof, e.t.departure 08.30-09.00.

    Full Member

    Have you considered turning Amish?

    Full Member

    Damn – wish I'd known P Tree were touring; either I've missed the Scottish dates 🙁 or they aint playing up here 👿

    That man Wilson sure has a repertoire huh?

    Full Member

    Are you only commuting 3mls to then from work each day? Engine wont like that much in winter months.. + what weight / size of bike can you deal with, & do you want to use it for longer trips in coming years? Having traded down from a TL1000s due to knee ache / speed boredom, got an Africa Twin last year & haven't enjoyed a year as much since my first bike (+ another great forum). The 'big trailies' have superb comfort, general reliability (/legendary, in the Africa's case), touring ability etc., but are much down on power & fairly hefty. With salt going down soon, you'll be worked hard keeping corrosion at bay, which may mean a 'hack' bike if your not OCD with the cleaning.

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