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  • 100% Brisker Hydromatic Gloves review: Proper winter gloves on a budget?
  • robdob
    Free Member

    Well that’s incurable in me, as you know. (parp)
    I thought it was a bad cold but it really is flu (preeble)
    Lost a few pounds in weight though (sqwiffle)
    And ordered some new bike bits (fribbly fweep)
    Hungry now. (pffffssssst)

    Free Member

    I think what a lot of people don’t have nowadays is a fear of debt. I can’t borrow money to buy something like a bike or TV as I couldn’t enjoy using it until it was paid for, which would just spoil the buying in the first place. Saving up month by month and investigating what you’ll buy is exciting and makes me appreciate it more when it is purchased.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I didn’t know I was going to be ill so I couldn’t prepare. Not a big film fan so don’t want to watch a DVD. Might watch Seasons again though.
    Holmes on Homes cheered me up.:-)

    Amazingly, daytime TV at the weekend is FAR worse than mid week.

    Free Member

    Come to think of it, I’ve been getting a load of calls recently from people offering me debt management, loans etc. It’s VERY HARD INDEED to convince them that, no I REALLY DO NOT have loan(s) I can’t pay or credit card(s) that I can’t pay, and that actually, all I have is a mortgage AND NOTHING ELSE. So go away and stop pestering me please!

    Yeah, we once went for a remortgage quote with the Halifax and they ask you loads of questions:
    Q How much do have on CC’s?
    A Nothing
    Q Loans?
    A Nothing
    Q Car repayments?
    A Nothing.
    Q Overdrafts?
    A Again, nothing
    Q Errr are you sure?

    Always makes me laugh, must be a sign of the times that you are expected to be in debt to some degree or other.

    Free Member

    What exactly do you mean Junkyard?

    Free Member

    The 8p bloke was saying he just could not afford the £28 charge, so just left it. Didn’t ask for a temporary overdraft or anything, just put the phone down and ignored it for 2 years.

    Free Member

    Homes under the Hammer is on now, I can calm down a bit… [phew]

    Free Member

    I’ve offered some advice in passing and I’ve never had an issue. It’s all in the way you say it. Had some good conversations with people sometimes, give them encouragement in an equal dose and you can’t go wrong.

    Free Member

    Well in Huddersfield we only had a light dusting until this morning – it’s proper coming down now. Even though I’m not well I’m going to have to move the car round to the front of the house or I might never get it out when I’m better. Snow earlier this year trapped our Toyota in the back parking space for 2 weeks!!

    Free Member

    I was due to go out on my bike twice this weekend which is amazing as I rarely get the time but I’ve been in bed with (proper) flu since Thursday. Everyones pics look so good!!

    Free Member

    Me practicing just before winning the trackstand competition at BBB 2010.
    Only good at bike stuff which involves staying still I hear you say? 😉

    Free Member

    I haven’t ordered one and just like Fred etc my opinion on the matter is IRRELEVANT.

    So why did you post at all then?


    Free Member

    Too busy to send out? What a load of rubbish. Buy 30 padded envelopes from a shop, write 30 address’s out and take to post office for 10 mins to post. As people have already paid for these and I presume he has made some money out of this then that is shocking. Not even an apology.

    Free Member

    Mmmmmmm… fat balls…. mmm

    Free Member

    Strong front buckle and leather laces for the rear.
    The fine detail and quality on this item is very impressive.
    Very comfortable to wear.
    A quality piece of clothing.
    Possible gay interest?
    Strong and durable

    Yes I can see all those points will be true but…

    A quality item and essential for every wardrobe.

    Not for mine they aren’t!!!

    Free Member

    I only watched the first 2min but I’d say firstly a bit more speed would help, you wouldn’t need to concentrate so much on balancing, and the speed would carry you through the rockier bits.
    Personally I’d ditch the SPD’s as well, flats enable you to kick a leg out to balance and just dab a little if you need to, which will help keep you moving. You can also go back and try it again without the dab as well.
    You seem to be riding in between the rocks a lot without looking ahead, maybe thinking that it has to be the easiest line, when on a couple of occasions I thought rolling over the big rock to the side may have been easier.
    I’d also say if you really want to clear some bits then maybe concentrate on a 100m section and keep practising that bit until you get it right with no stopping or dabs. It looks like there’s miles of that rocky trail, but if you keep trying a certain section and develop the skills required to clean it (which will be easier when you can remember what is coming up over a short section) then you’ll probably be able to transfer those skills further down the trail when they have become more natural to you.
    Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    Hmm, only on full price stuff though. 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ll be dead after the first jump.
    I can’t swim!!

    Free Member

    My desire to plan in a skills sess with the Jedi just grew a bit….

    Not on 22nd January you’re not. Me and Peterpoddy are off to the Land Of Jedi to become pupils again.. 😀
    Hope its worth the 8-9 hours of driving in 2 days!! 😉

    Free Member

    That’s sweet!
    Mt7 Psychosis section now with Pennywise track, loooove it.

    Other things like that to cheer me up please..

    Free Member

    I think that will help if your current radiator is poorly located, i.e. opposite the main window, where there isn’t a proper circular convection current happening. Firing the heat into the centre of the room might generate a more even heat around the room.
    If your radiator is already under the window then I don’t think it’ll make much difference, if your room is cold even with it located here you might want to balance your radiators better or maybe your need a bigger rad.

    Free Member

    Compare this to the Lyons thread yesterday.

    When is ton going to pop up and suggest he goes and lumps him?

    Huge northern tough guy or pansy South Downs artist?

    Well I like both……. FIGHT!!!! 😉

    Free Member

    They don’t just kill for fun.

    Nobody said they did, and all Sharkbait will be doing is protecting his property. Can do the time etc…. 😉

    Free Member

    wrong, a Fox will often kill every hen in the hen house. Seen it with my own eyes.

    Very true. They are not cuddly dog like animals like some think they are, they are scrawny little thugs who will kill everything in a chicken coup and take 1 bird. Doesn’t matter how many.

    Free Member

    I need to find some new bands to listen to as well.
    Just bought, and have it on constant repeat in the car, Less Than Jake’s GNV FLA which I think is superb.
    Any ideas of similar stuff?
    Unfortunately I don’t get to listen to much music, and the stuff I like is never on the radio anyway.
    I do like all sorts but I like my guitars fast and precise, drums too but nor metal.

    Listened to the Jazz hour on R2 last night on the way back home and I loved every song! Need to find out more….

    Free Member

    The Xenon arc lamps (bulbs) used in cinema projectors can rate up to 15000 watts and can explode with the force of a car bomb if dropped or damaged. Body armour has to be worn when replacing them.

    I can hear Trouties brain calculating the size of battery and run time with that bulb right now.

    Free Member

    colourway (plural colourways)
    (art) The scheme of two or more colours in which a design is available. It is often used to describe variegated or ombre (shades of one colour) print yarns, fabric, or thread. It can also be applied to apparel, to wallpaper and other interior design motifs, and to specifications for printed materials such as magazines or newspapers.

    Seems like a UK originating word I’m afraid RD.

    Free Member

    Flatland is slightly different, but the bikes more or less look the same and no one can do it anyway.

    As an ex (rubbish) flatland rider I know this to be true.

    Free Member

    No you aren’t the person to ask as you clearly have no idea! 🙂

    When BMX went underground in the 90’s a lot of bikes became very heavy generally to make them stronger, massive steel tubes, 3 piece cranks, hefty wheels and bars/forks. Hard street and ramp riding needed these stronger bikes. My friend had a Homeless Mack with G-Sport forks bars and hubs and I think it weighed between 40-45lbs.
    Over time and especially in the last 5 years or so the “freestyle” (as opposed to race) bikes have taken on lighter tubing and changes to BB and fork systems which has kept the strength but saved a load of weight, really helping with some of the huge jumps and tricks people are able to pull. No brakes seems to be the norm as well now which will save even more. There might be the odd flatland bike which is aluminium but they are generally still all steel, albeit much better ones now.
    Race bikes have always been much lighter and you will see most made of aluminium with much lighter wheels bars etc. As they are only for speed and straight smooth jumps they don’t need to be as strong – they are generally longer as well for stability (not too sure about that though)
    If you want to do anything other than straight jumps you are better getting a freestyle BMX (so called trail bikes used generally for dirt jumping will be the closest to a race bike). You can do all the tricks on a race bike but you’d have to be pretty skilled and very smooth and light on it not to damage it often.
    I’ll admit that all the bikes do tend to look similar nowadays since brakes have been removed and less people use pegs on freestyle bikes but you only have to ride one of each to appreciate the difference.

    I know this is very simplified so don’t flame me but I hope it helps.

    Your friends bike was probably still from the era of the heavier bikes at a guess.

    Remember just cos it’s heavier doesn’t mean you can’t do anything on it. My friend with the 45lb BMX could bunnyhop over 3 feet high from flat. 🙂

    Free Member

    I quite like them and if they had a lace flap I would have bought some. The colourway isn’t the best, the camo bit is a bit lame.
    They came in brown or white, brown ones have all sold out now (they looked better), obviously the White wasn’t as popular.
    Look like great summer flat pedal shoes.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but try screwing into wood with a pair of Lyrics. It just makes a mess of the adjusters.
    My current cordless drill has given up the ghost after 9 years so I had to buy a new one. It’s part of the new kitchen budget anyway and does not impact on the new forks savings plan. 😀

    Free Member

    You must be an unbelievably spectacular braindead muppet to even consider buying one. I cannot even comprehend how retarded someone must be for making such a purchase.

    I suppose it might be a good “marker” for normal people to spot the special needs folk amongst us? 😉

    Free Member

    Re the Tire fire….
    Anyone able to find it on Google Maps?! Would have assumed a 15year fire would be viewable!

    I don’t think you can see it tbh as it burns underground. I’ll try and sort out a location though.

    Free Member

    wikipedia says it only burnt for 15 years although thats impressive too.

    As far as I can find out it still smouldering. Until they are removed it’s always going to be at risk of self igniting.

    Free Member

    Landfill capacity will be zero by 2020 in the UK.
    2.5 million properties in England and Wales are at risk from flooding.
    The largest illegal tyre dump is near Knighton, Powys, holds 10 million tyres and is still burning/smouldering 21 years after it caught fire in 1989. It simply cannot be put out.

    Free Member

    I know nothing about these camper/day vans but that looks ace. A bit different from all the VWs as well! Never been a fan of peugeot but that looks pretty cool as well.

    Free Member

    Is there anything like that for a bit more cash that will do sound as well??

    Free Member

    It’s all a waste of time arguing about this. There is a general feeling amongst the lefty supporters on here against anything the Tories will do. Even if in 3 years time the country is prosperous again and no one has suffered they’ll find a way to say it’s all bad. Every time I read a rant about the current government like this it just seems to be more swearing, more name calling, more irrational blaming, more sour grapes, from people who are great at spouting on forums about how bad the new government is but wouldn’t know how to run a country if it came with an instruction book.
    It almost makes me laugh now.

    Free Member

    I wish I had known you were riding round there that day, it would have been nice to join you, looks like fun and near me too!

    I could tell you some stories about waste management in that area too.

    IGMC. 😉

    Free Member

    A very good friend of mine studied automotive design and has explained to me why certain things work and look right while others don’t. Quite interesting really as it’s often the small details that make the most difference. He once was chatting to me about the ratio of wheel size to the distance from the top of the wheelarch to the bonnet line on a Skoda Fabia. If you look at the new model the wheels are too small so the bonnet to wheelarch measurement looks massive, making it look a bit too chunky and blunt at the front. The previous model looked so much better as the bonnet was more low profile, especially the VRS which I think has slightly different front wings.

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