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  • New Pennine Peak Discovered, Bringing Total to Four
  • robdob
    Free Member

    Had 5 days off work 2 weeks ago with PROPER flu. Lost 11lbs in weight and only put a couple back on. Bedridden, couldn’t eat or sleep, raging temperature and cold sweats etc. Still trying to recover now. Fever subsiding now but cough is so bad. Can’t breathe properly so no bike time at all. Can’t sleep as I can’t lie down. Sick of it now and going to doctor as cough is bad and I can’t breathe properly which is quite scary.

    Free Member

    I wonder why the wheelchair bloke hasn’t lodged a complaint? It’d be the first thing I’d do if I were him.

    Free Member

    I was wondering about prices for stuff, housing Market, jobs etc.

    Free Member

    I think I’d agree with you there. Just because there’s a known problem doesn’t mean you should just accept it. It’s not as if the gearbox is a minor component of the car!!
    Can you not drive it while this issue is being sorted out?

    Free Member

    If it is the lift offer is well and truly withdrawn. 😉

    Free Member

    Hey! You were the one I couldn’t (actually wouldn’t because of the speed limit) keep up with when driving out of the Peaks! And you said you were driving slowly. :-/
    Hope it all goes well anyway. What’s the problem with your car?

    Free Member

    I clicked on this thread hoping I could help, but can’t I’m afraid. If you need a lift I might be able to help with reasonable notice given – I know you go to Outlane sometimes.

    Free Member

    Just had a quick look. How about a Giro Animas for £45?

    Free Member

    I got my E2 for £65 in a CRC sale, they are normally over £100. Try looking for last years models. I did buy one from Winstanleys once which was £60 for an E2. Have a look round on the Internet.
    Try Bell helmets, they look good and seem to be keenly priced. They don’t fit me well but a friend has had a couple and I reckon they look really good.

    Free Member

    I have a huge head. Really big. And oddly shaped too. Sized helmets do help, especially if you have a smaller head.
    Personally I love Giro helmets (I have an e2) and think they look good on anyone really. I look daft in one of those helmets that wrap around the back of your head more – all mountain style or whatever it’s called.
    I love specialized kit but their helmets look like some sort of bad joke in my opinion.

    Free Member

    So he’s been to the post office, just not with your stuff

    I really don’t know why you guys haven’t made more of a fuss about this and put more serious things into motion. I’d be fuming if it was my money he’d stolen.

    Free Member

    No experience of Cotic but as I am 5’7″ with short legs I will tell you what I’ve tried.
    I had a Planet X Kaffenbak in the small size and it had a fair bit of toe overlap, so much that I came off my bike in a busy street once. Not nice.
    My 52cm Specialized Tricross Sport has no (or so little it hasn’t been an issue) overlap even with full SKS guards. Ace bike too. Hope this helps.
    Personally I wouldn’t have a bike with toe overlap again after my experiences with the Kaffenbak. Not worth compromising with in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Pics too small!!

    Free Member

    Surely it’s just common sense to filter the s and p words?
    I quite liked it when they inserted “crikey” (or was it “cripes”?) in place of the offending word. Used to make me chuckle.

    That was quite amusing. Didn’t always work but when it did it was ace.

    EDIT – Stoner, does that mean I have to eat noodles? Yeeeeuch, but I’ll try. 🙂

    Free Member

    What would that be stoner?

    Free Member

    I assume the problem with filtering is that if you make it too strict it might start filtering stuff that doesn’t need it. I think we can be all adult enough not to swear or post certain comments etc as requested by the mods. I like the way they trust us with this.

    Free Member

    Pook, sorry you’re wrong. I haven’t said a swear word since I decided not to about 8 years ago. No need to. I might have complained and moaned but there was no swearing.

    Free Member

    The mods need to remember the forum is nothing without it’s users. We don’t have to use this forum there are others!

    YOU need to remember that it’s THEIR forum and they can do what they like. It isn’t a democracy, they want to run it in a particular way and I’m afraid you have to accept it. If you don’t like it then go elsewhere, maybe start your own forum?

    Free Member

    I really don’t understand why people need to swear on this forum. Why are you so bothered? Can you not express yourself without swearing? Grow up.

    Free Member

    DMR’s are only notchy if you don’t look after them. v8 are great as you can just pump new grease in and they feel like new.
    I’ve moved to Superstar pedals from DMR and yes they are grippy and thin but they are rather big in comparison. I clipped one pedal on the ground when riding on the ROAD, ordaining round a slight corner.

    Free Member

    It is happening because it’s their forum. If you don’t like it you can go elsewhere.
    I personally like the stricter approach and long may it continue. As I’ve said before if you feel the need to type swearwords then you should be learning some new words to express yourself properly.

    Free Member

    Take breaks every hour. 5mins after 1st hour, 10mins after 2nd. That means walking away from the PC not surfing the net!
    There are guidelines I think about what sort of breaks you have to avoid strain.

    Free Member

    Hora, I think it was one of the most disturbing posts I have ever read!!!! I think you got off a bit lightly. 😉
    You’re a very naughty boy!!!

    Free Member

    He’s more of a hairy man-beast. Growl. 😉

    Free Member

    I have to say Donaldsons vets in Huddersfield are excellent. Always had first class service, listened to is and our concerns about our elderly cat being affected by injections. Costs aren’t cheap but seem reasonable and not £50 for a check up ever. New buildings (even a dog swimming pool/trainer type thing!!!) and when I checked the price of the drugs against online pharmacies they were within a pound or so, certainly not enough of a difference to go elsewhere. I think they do an excellent job and wouldn’t go anywhere else.

    Free Member

    It does not say anywhere that the film cannot be used as evidence. They decided not to prosecute as they didn’t have enough evidence, which is completely different.
    I am sure that bloke will be able to film something soon enough that will go to court if this thing happens often enough. Asking him to repeat the abuse won’t have helped as it may be argued that he made him do the outburst. I’m sure he’ll get someone charged one day.

    Free Member

    Brrrrrrrrrrr that is a bit cold. Anyone around to cuddle up to?

    Free Member

    Never let being selfish, inconsiderate and a complete know-it-all retard get in the way of having a unjustified rant, eh?

    Sorry I forgot you the centre of the universe.

    Free Member

    Never seen a 29er in the flesh either
    Are you taking the mickey? 4-5 local riders round here have them, mayber more.

    Never seen anyone on a 29er round here either (W Yorks/Peaks/Calderdale)

    Anyone thought about another aspect of the 29er thing? I think they will catch on more with the taller riders but at 5’7″ in height I think 26″ is best for me.

    Free Member

    I’m off for a session with Jedi in January with PeterPoddy.
    I’m hoping to be that much in the air too!!!!

    Free Member

    Because I had the cash and wanted to pay by cash, it is still legal tender what difference should it make

    Just because it’s legal tender doesn’t mean they have to accept it from you. They don’t have to sell you anything if they don’t want to.
    Who pays for stuff more that £20-30 by any other means than card nowadays anyway? Next thing you’ll be saying is that you wanted to give them a cheque instead. 😉

    Free Member

    TBH WCA I often find myself in photos like that with no recollection of the incident pictured. I think I might just look stupid permanently which would explain a lot. 😀

    Free Member

    Looks like my kind of ride. Flat smooth and lots of standing around having a laugh.

    WCA you look really special in that picture. 😉

    Free Member

    A good friend of mine used to have a Fabia VRS. He’s an excellent driver and he said it was an ace car but if there was any snow it was beyond useless. Powerful diesel engine (his had 170bhp, 300+ftlb) in a lightweight car with very low profile wide tyres. Zero grip.

    Free Member

    Love mine. It’s my only MTB and I wouldn’t swap it for anything.

    Free Member

    I think Mr Burt may be getting a letter from a solicitor soon. Unfortunatley he deserves it in this case.

    Free Member

    Glad you are ok. I knew someone in my village who’s friend was killed on a motorway. He was driving an old 7 series and a scrap lorry gearbox dropped off a truck in front. Don’t know the details of the crash that ensued but he was killed instantly.
    I never hang around the back of scrap lorries as you just don’t know what might happen.

    Free Member

    The bloke who put our system in actually teaches plumbing after many years in the field. He did an excellent install for us, so professional and neat. Our condensate pipe is internal, and drips into a plastic cup type thing which goes straight to sewer. Nothing outside at all.
    Mind you, he also plumbed it in so all you have to do to drain the entire system is connect one flexible pipe and turn a lever and the entire system drains to the sewer. No buckets or hoses or anything.

    The boilers are designed well, it’s just the muppets that fit some of them that are the real problem. 🙂

    Free Member

    Having gone through loads of phases in my life I’d have to choose 2.
    For relaxation and just overall amazingness I can’t be without Dire Straits and Alchemy Live would be my number one desert island disc.
    However I just love American punk music and Less Than Jake are far and above my favourite band, just seen them live and they were amazing.
    Good Charlotte? Are you kidding? 😉

    Free Member

    Sheeesh. Calm down dude!!

    Governments ripped you off all your life? Oh dear. That must be terrible.

    cos I have very bad credit

    Aaaaaaaaaahhhh. None of that your fault then? 😉

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