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  • Hope Tech 4 V4 disc brake review
  • robdob
    Free Member

    Maybe some anti seize would work well then? Doesn’t every home mechanic have a tub of copper grease in their workshop? (BTW which never seems to get any emptier!).

    Free Member

    Compared to the MEGA tasty pulled pork I had in the USA a lot of it in the UK is a bit tasteless. Don’t know why, I think the Americans can do meat so much better, especially with nice BBQ/spicy/smoky sauces on them.

    Om nom nom!!

    Free Member

    I just bought a Hope BB as it was gold and that’s what I wanted to match the rest of my bike.
    Very nice quality.

    Nowt wrong with wanting matching bits!

    I don’t even ride once a week!

    Free Member

    I normally can’t stand her but that’s a real achievement, well done to her. Those pics are eye opening, she looks properly exhausted.
    Well done!

    Free Member

    Every time though, without fail, people say to me “Do you not want to drink and have a good time?” It grates me every time.

    I know! I have waaaay more fun on a night out than most people I know who drink. I might have one or two maximum but most of the time I’m not fussed and will drive instead and drink cola.

    People who have to drink to have fun tend to be the more miserable ones in my experience…..

    Free Member

    Not sure I could contemplate an evening in without at least one glass of wine.

    Does that not scare you a little? You seriously think it’s weird staying at home on a night and not drinking alcohol? 😯

    Free Member

    Move to Huddersfield. Bigger better safer

    Not today it wasn’t. Genuinely a bit scary driving on m62 back from Leeds to Hudds. Everyone at 40-50mph despite limit at 70 as wind was so strong it blew your car sideways a couple of feet every few seconds.

    Free Member

    Thanks but I need a very long steerer at 230mm + and I’d prefer new.

    Free Member

    Then the poor EA, bless them, has to try and protect those houses but doesnt really have enough money. They also probably make a few mistakes, maybe on bad advice. And then possibly don’t help themselves making more mistakes all by themselves.

    Mistakes is a bit harsh. There’s only so much you can do with the finite resources you have. Biggest problem is that people who have houses near water don’t want things in the way of the water cos it’s all pretty, or want building work going on even though it protects them “cos it’s never flooded before”. You have to consider so many variables along the channel, upstream and downstream, it’s crazy. And of course you have to prioritise schemes which protect more people, because it’s protecting life which is the priority. Not fields in most cases.

    Free Member

    Surely there’s some risk that ANY house could flood. How’s the average person supposed to assess this risk? Its beyond their abilities.
    Predictable annual flooding, yes, you could possibly say a homeowner should have know about it… but not several months of non-stop storms and heavy rain. Its incredibly unusual. This is exactly what insurance is for.

    All the flood risk areas calculated by the EA are on their website in a nice easy to understand way. No solicitor search needed and it all explained.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    To be perfectly honest mate, I know you are trying to make sure your rights are being given to you and I understand your dilemma, but you sound like a nightmare of a customer from your description. I’m not surprised the shop didnt want to do the refund.

    You would have had the chance to check it out at the shop, no advantage was made in taking it home as you couldn’t ride it then take it back.

    Free Member

    £350 and, according to the above, won’t clean a house full of carpets?
    If all you use it for is sweeping a few crumbs up in the kitchen that’s a massive expense.

    FWIW we ditched our Dyson for a £80 bagless Hoover. Way lighter (so much that you didn’t need a block and tackle to get it upstairs), cleans just as well as hasn’t broken down yet in 5 years unlike the crock of crap that was the Diesoon.

    Free Member

    New Juliana? XS one my wife rode in Moab was a 26″, rest of sizes are 650b. My wife is 4’11” and she loved it.

    Free Member

    Gold ano?

    Yes, some of it.

    These are gold plated. 😀

    Free Member

    I love mine, love it to bits.

    Still on original forks and shock, can’t see any reason to upgrade those but changed everything else.

    Most recent pic but now have a Reverb, 2×10 XT gears.

    Mine has got loads of gold ano on it which goes well with the brown. 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks very much all. 🙂

    Free Member

    If I had a little staple gun I would bob some staples in like the original construction but impact adhesive is so strong they aren’t really needed. I’m a bit of a belt and braces guy so I might try to find a way to staple into the saddle.

    Free Member

    The lumpy bits were from the hot glue gun I used to fill in the holes in the foam. I kinda made it a bit worse than it should have been but I was experimenting and it was my first time. There would probably be a better method but I just used what I had at home to hand.

    Looks worse in the pics than in real life and you won’t be able to feel it in use.

    Free Member

    Thanks very much.

    The covering is miles better quality than the original and quite thick so as long as it doesn’t come unglued it should last for many years.

    I’ll bob some dubbin on it or similar to make it supple. I may also steam it a but to tighten the leather up.

    Looking for more tatty saddles to recover now I have the bug!

    Free Member

    So the final stage starts.

    Apply the glue.

    Spread it around.

    Top stuck on reasonably well and even.

    Start to apply glue to the leather which tucks underneath and to the saddle shell.

    I am now quite high by this point from the glue fumes and really enjoying myself! 😉

    Stick the bits underneath and hold with bulldog clips.

    All done!!! Well pleased with it as my first try. Could probably get it perfect next time.

    This side not quite so good but still pleased with it.

    Top looks good – slightly lumpy bits are where I repaired the foam but they look worse in photos than in real life.

    Underneath looks good. One slight bit where I trimmed leather a bit short but you can’t see it from the top and it shouldn’t be a problem.

    Thanks all!

    Free Member

    BTW this is the next step in customising my perfect bike – 2009 Pitch Pro.

    Now had Reverb on it and 2×10 drivetrain. Just added a Hope gold BB and brown grips. Keep adding gold ano to it which looks fab against the brown frame!

    Free Member

    It’d be nice but maybe not comfortable!

    Free Member

    Another interested observer with a tatty bel-air here.
    Are you going to use one piece to cover it or try and use three for a more ‘fitted’ look.

    I would love it in several pieces but I am afraid stitching leather together is waaaaay beyond my abilities!

    Free Member

    Interested in why you decided to remove the original cover?
    Would it not have been easier to recover over the old one, and then there’s less risk of damaging the foam?

    It’s ok to do that if the original cover is smooth and in one piece but on multi piece and embroidered covers all the ridges will show through the new leather making it look lumpy and ugly. Might be tricky fixing the new leather down on top of the original cover anyway.

    Wasn’t hard removing old cover anyway and I want to do a proper job!

    Free Member

    Filled in some of the holes with hot glue. Made a crappy job to start with so had to keep redoing it to get it right. Keep testing the leather on top to make sure repairs don’t show.

    Halfway through….

    Rear section had a bit come off.

    Easily repaired.

    Rough edges will be sanded smooth.

    Free Member

    Pushing him in the chest?

    I would need a stepladder to do that to Ton – I’ve met him – so I think this IS deranged behaviour!

    Free Member

    I will have a lot of spare leather left over!

    Didn’t know how much I needed and didn’t have the saddle with me and it seems I have enough to do 8 saddles. :facepalm:

    Free Member

    No option on this forum for any sort of notification, unlike every single other website I go on.

    I have no idea why STW use a Duplo style forum when everyone else has a perfectly functioning Lego Technic version.

    I’ll probably get a ban just for saying that… :rollseyes:

    Free Member

    I think that may be the point, unless you know you’re going to win the sprint don’t go for it!

    Free Member

    Hiring a car with a big engine then won’t pay for the fuel? Be a man and get up before dawn, drive until dark again.

    Free Member

    As is ok as far as description goes but you could do with some more detailed close up pics of the hubs and more of rims.

    I don’t think the tyres are helping the sale at all, makes the wheels look a bit weird.

    Don’t forget you still have over a day to go and yet you have a few bids already, should go for a lot more in the end.

    Free Member

    Just cancelled Netflix before the free trial finished. Didn’t think it was worth the money to pay for it, not really any films we wanted to watch. Not for us.

    Free Member

    I have some cheap Gale speakers from Richer Sounds from a few years back. Not as good as my old Mission 731’s so I am looking for some new ones. Really want some large Castle stand mounts.

    None of this sub satellite crap. Big sound needs big speakers!

    Free Member

    I’ve ridden all sorts of bikes with various length forks on and it’s always worth a try. Only bikes I ever couldn’t sort the handling out was an original inbred with 130mm forks on (it was designed for 80mm up to 100). Great downhill but very floppy uphill. I had an Azonic Ds2 with 130 forks on which is a bit long again but it was so much fun to ride and a shorter stem helped a bit. I don’t think 20mm will make it unridable.

    Free Member

    You might find that the handling is a bit more sharp, maybe twitchy, but you might not be bothered by that. If they have been bought 2nd hand and you can’t take them back then just give them a try!

    Free Member

    The Police (and other relevant authorities who hold warrants etc) are bound by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) but if a member of the public shot a video which may hold vital evidence they wouldn’t necessarily be held up by the same standards as they aren’t expected to. It would depend if you were purposely going out to collect evidence though,so it might be a grey area. If a video was key in determining if a person was guilty or not and there was no evidence to suggests it had been tampered with or edited in such a way as to show bias I would think that if someone could present it as an exhibit in a statement then it would probably be allowed.

    Free Member

    That looks really good.

    Free Member

    You get the same opinions on Retrobike – people wondering why other people hanker after low to mid range old bikes – in this case cars.
    It’s not always about the power or handling or looks or rarity. Sometimes it’s because your dad had one and everytime you sit in it it makes you feel great and bring back good memories. Those feelings are strong enough to make people spend many times the value of a car making it look and drive like new.
    Other people just love working on cars, solving problems, finding parts, barely matters what car it is, normally it’s just what they can afford.

    Free Member

    Gaz – very interested but no email in your profile. Mail me some pics and a price?

    BTW peterpoddy is my brother and I think you know him well – fixes your bike? 😉

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