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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • robdob
    Free Member

    I cannot abide with the crappy wireless speaker systems everyone has nowadays. I’ve heard some of the most expensive ones and if still rather listen to my modest seperates system.
    Don’t like sub satellite systems, ain’t no substitute for cubes.
    Don’t like “background” music. I’d be mortified as a musician if that’s how people listened to my stuff. I worked in retail for a long time with music playing all the time (including a music shop for a number of years!) so I like silence now.

    If I want to listen to music it’s nearly always a CD in the stereo played as loud as I dare!

    Free Member

    “Blocking ads as a user is exactly the same as fast forwarding through the adverts on Sky+.”

    Thats it exactly I would have thought – which is why it’s annoying that catchup TV from Channel 4 makes you watch the ads!

    Free Member

    “Our policy on freeloading”

    Unfortunately it won’t be long until everyone has installed the ability to block ads, so there won’t be any users who see the ads.

    I am sure this is an ever decreasing circle……. ads start, people don’t click on them much, more ads appear, still it’s not enough……….. more and more ads until site is unusable……people get put off site as it looks like cack…no new subscribers….more ads etc etc etc

    Can ad-blockers be detected by the website at all?

    Free Member

    I’ll measure some trousers that almost fit me later.

    The measurements on the website are at the bum and knee – my main problem is the thigh and calf. Sprinting and cycling for 30 years have made them a little wider than usual so they tend to be the problem areas, not the knees.

    Free Member

    “But I AM nervous about what anyone means by “slim fit”.
    I’m 6’4″, a perfectly acceptable* 38″ waist, but I really hope that every time I bend down, I dont cut off the blood-flow below my kneecaps, nor do I want my tackle to feel like Han Solo’s in a carbonite vacuum pack.”

    A friend of mine with similar stats had to throw away a nearly new pair of trousers recently for the same problem. First time he wore them he thought they were very tight under the knees. He said they were really uncomfortable when crouching down and he felt like they were cutting blood supply off!

    Next day he’s in a decent amount of pain from them so they go to the charity shop.

    He’s certainly not fat in any way at all, athletic build almost has a 6 pack!

    Skinny or slim fit trousers are a joke!

    Free Member

    I actually don’t, hence the problem!

    Free Member

    I have no idea what measurements I would need I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    More chuffin slim fit crap!!! I can’t get my legs into anything even approaching slim fit never mind skinny.
    I’d pay double what they are asking for some decent loose fit jeans I can actually get into. I’ve had to resort to Sainsburys jeans when I found a “relaxed fit” pair in there but even they aren’t exactly roomy.
    I know loads of guys who aren’t fat but are desperate for some proper jeans/trousers that don’t look like they nicked them off their little sister.

    Free Member

    Bubs – it wasn’t run by computers! Normal qualified estate agents just working online and no high street shop. As far as I could tell that was the only major difference.

    I don’t personally like paying the rent for a business to have a fancy expensive building in town which hardly anyone looks into.

    Free Member

    I sold my house with an online agent and even though I’m a very very picky consumer (worked in retail a long time) I honestly could not fault them – £700 for everything including the EPC, I paid for the deluxe package and that saved me £1000+.

    As far as feedback goes, the company I used logged every time they tried to get feedback, they tried 3 or 4 times for each one – you could even write it online but some people just don’t bother. I don’t think most people’s feedback is very useful anyway.

    We had 4 viewings in a crowded but slow market and sold in 2 weeks. Every service the online EA gave us was way better than high street ones and in a lot of cases many many times better.

    Free Member

    Where’s the window?

    Free Member

    Looks like it’s very similar to graffiti paint which is fantastic to use.

    Free Member

    45 miles a second?

    Slap a K&N on that and you’ll get 50 no probs.

    Free Member

    I always had a thing for the boxy Volvo’s of the 80’s and 90’s ever since riding in a friends dads Volvo 740 Turbo.

    This is the one I wanted:

    And it’s the one I bought 2 weeks ago!

    It’s absolutely awesome. Has every electrical option and works perfectly, great leather interior.

    Best of all, it has the awesome Volvo red block engine, 2.3 turbo petrol.

    And it’s rear wheel drive – even better!

    It goes like a narrow boat in a trebuchet.

    Free Member

    Binners – most of them in Huddersfield multiple times!

    Maybe it’s the more country type pubs that are nicer, town ones tend to be a bit grim.

    There’s a couple of nice ones in Hudds town centre or just outside but that’d need a drive to them which kinda doesn’t make them local any more.

    Seems to be a good tea/coffee shop selection nowadays and they all seem to do a decent trade – maybe they are the new pubs?

    Free Member

    I would probably go to a pub more often if they didn’t sell soft drinks at such crazy prices. I don’t always want a beer and sometimes I am driving later. its ridiculous that most pubs sell soft drinks at the same price as a pint – £2.50+ for a pint of Coke is either profiteering or you’re being used to subsidise the alcohol prices. Maybe pubs wouldn’t be shutting if they didn’t take the mick.

    My uncle lived in Canada and if a group of friends went in a bar, the designated driver would get free soft drinks all night. Seems like a good idea.

    Free Member

    Never understood the obsession with the “local”. Smelly dark places selling you overpriced drinks you don’t need. Tried quite a lot as a student (and before and after) and could never see the attraction.

    Dont personally want to associate with people who think downing crap alcohol most nights is the only way to have a circle of friends. I seem to have more friends and do more stuff with them than my work colleagues who are regular pub goers. Really don’t see the fuss, would not bother me if more shut.

    They aren’t community centres, they are just places designed to make you stay there and drink as much as the product as possible to make more money.

    EDIT/ I’m not against alcohol either, very much like it. A friend of mine owns his own brewery and I buy a lot of his stuff. Most of his sales go to private individuals and small local restaurants.

    Free Member

    I think it’s amazing no one died – even if the car driver was only doing 30mph the cyclists were probably not far off the same speed (being top pros in the world probably means they weren’t doing a tea shop bimble!). More than likely a 60mph plus combined collision speed – I would have expected a far worse outcome.

    Sounds like they will recover, albeit maybe slowly over a long time for one or two, hope that they can get back to doing what they love soon.

    Free Member

    I am disappointed – I was thinking this thread was about a proper car, not an overpriced unreliable builders van…..

    Free Member

    “I don’t give 2 figs what anyone else does, moreover I don’t feel the need to belittle them for making their choices or think that their circumstances may be the same as mine.”


    Free Member

    Mk 2 Nissan micra – great car we miss it!
    Toyota Corolla
    Toyota Corolla
    First company car – 2010 Astra Ecoflex estate
    2nd – 2014 Focus Estate

    And just bought 2 weeks ago – dream car for me 1997 Volvo 940CD Estate – 2.3 turbo petrol. Naughty things are going to happen to it one day!

    Free Member

    “As i said before, a 32/11 gives you 20mph at 70-80 rpm. So 23-24 mph is perfectly pedallable. So why the need for 3x?”

    I like to be still cranking at 35mph hoping to go faster! Still trying to beat my personal record of 50mph off road.

    On my Spesh Pitch I have a double with 38t large ring, but 38/11 isn’t high enough, i have considered going back to a triple to get higher gears but not gone for it yet as I haven’t ridden much recently due to injury.

    Free Member

    The reason why modern rally cars look so cack is that the cars they are based on look cack. There just isn’t any character in cars anymore. I’m a car nut but the amount of times I have to find a cars badge now to figure out what make it is is embarrassing. Kia/Peugeot/ford/Renault/Vauxhall mid size cars all look the same. Most of the small cars look very similar.
    There’s just no daring styling happening anymore which makes cars stand out. There’s a odd few exceptions but they are rare.

    Free Member

    When I worked in Homebase we tried to police the disabled spots as best we could, especially if someone came in and mentioned it to us. When we got a car park warden we used to make sure they all got tickets if they didn’t show a badge (if they had just forgotten we could have the ticket cancelled).

    The best time ever was when a youngish lad parked his Ferrari in a disabled bay. No blue badge. He didn’t get a ticket BUT it was quite satisfying when a trolley came loose (the space he used was next to the trolley bay) and smacked into his car causing a nasty scrape/dent.

    He created hell for us for a few minutes, but as it was a shared car park with other stores (usual caveats “park at your own risk” etc) we just said “nothing we can do”. I still wish I’d said “if you hadn’t parked in the disabled spot….”

    The ensuing “discussion” was brief but it did reveal that he had only hired the car for a day or two. Oh how we chuckled – damage repair to a new Ferrari? £££££££’s!

    Free Member

    “ScottChegg – Member
    If I got an email like that yould get the bare minimum.
    Who do you work for again? They must be a shower of poop.
    “Someone’s not happy; let’s treat them worse”
    Great model for repeat business.”

    +1000. Please tell us who you work for so I can make sure I don’t ever put business your way.

    Free Member

    Doh wrong forum! Will ask for it to be moved.

    Free Member

    I think he managed the very rare trick of being very successful in the charts AND being very influential on a lot of musicians who would then be successful and/or edgy later on.

    I am never remember anyone saying a bad word against him to be honest. People might say they didn’t like his stuff but that’s as far as it went.

    Personally liked his 80’s tunes the most.

    Free Member

    I have Alivio on my Genesis TDF. Rear mech and chainset (octalink?). Was going to swap them when I got the bike due my long standing snobbery but found that they both worked just as well as the XT stuff on my MTB. The rear mech looks like an old XT one I think.
    Apart from weight I can’t see any reason to go higher!

    Free Member

    So how would you provide a better 7 day service then? Without spending more money? Any ideas?

    Free Member

    I suppose the people getting all annoyed that they can’t get a refund so they get the lower price would be perfectly ok with the retailer demanding more money from them if they put their prices up after you had bought something?

    A polite enquire might work with the generous retailers but if they say no I don’t think you have any right to be annoyed about it.

    Free Member

    Why not just include proper mounts? Utter muppets – if there is any bike that needs decent guard/rack mounts its this one.
    Another classic PlanetX/On-One load of cobblers…..

    Free Member

    B.A.nana – what normally happens is that the Env Agency will (already started actually) be assessing the extent of the flooding this time and will update the information with regards to flood warning areas and historical flood maps if required. The insurance companies might change their fees for particular houses if they have been affected, but thats up to them, not the EA. It’ll take a while to update the maps but I reckon if you’ve had a flood the renewal might be a fair bit more money….. :-(

    Free Member

    I am in temporary accommodation and currently have 8mb Shared with 3 other people. I really really really miss my Virgin basic service of 50mb. :(

    Free Member

    I didn’t know much about the dispute so read up about it and what the new pay structure will be (good explanation here ).

    I honestly don’t know why they are complaining – the current situation is ridiculously outdated compared to any other profession which needs to offer 7 day or 24 hour services.

    When I worked in retail I used to get more for a Sunday but people taken on a couple of years after me didn’t – just 1x pay (I got 1.5x ish). I could see why as most people don’t treat Sunday as special anymore (although on a personal note I wish they did)

    A decent proportion of people in work don’t get any more per hour for working on a Saturday.

    Even now in my cushy (LOLZ) public sector job I don’t get as good a deal as the doctors do at the moment.


    Free Member

    1% for the last few years (since 2009 I think) so with inflation as it has been I’ve effectively been paid less every year.
    Public sector.
    A lot of people have left my place in the last 2/3 years, but I suppose if you are a talented civil engineer or project manager or similar you wouldn’t put up with the 1% when you can get much better elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Or I could do it on Retrobike which has a huge audience and choice!

    Free Member

    The halfords ones are pretty well regarded tbh and if you get them on one of their regular deals they’re a bargain, the pro ones are great but the industrial ones are even better.

    Free Member

    “Boring cars? They’ll probably hit all time peak downforce this year and are more powerful than they have been for years. “

    That’s what ruining it recently. You can’t get anywhere near the car in front as you then can’t go round the corner fast than them to overtake.
    Bigger tyres. More power. Less aero. Win!

    Free Member

    I can’t help feeling a little pessimistic about this year in F1. Boring cars, boring drivers (apart from a handful), boring tracks. Needs a big big shakeup. I hope some of the mid teams can vie for wins this year.

    Free Member

    Big Bike Bash 2010 track stand champion. Won with a uncontested no hands one (one hand in pic).

    Awesomeness. ;)

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